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Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3)

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by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2016 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-034-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Dirty Fuckers MC, 3

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2016


  Suzy knew she should ask Pixie to stop, but she couldn’t say the words. What would be wrong with getting rid of her virginity once and for all? Pixie wasn’t the kind of guy to care that it was her first time, nor would he want her to commit to him. This wasn’t any kind of declaration or yearning for love.

  Pixie, a member of the Dirty Fuckers MC, hadn’t left her alone, nor had he taken no for an answer.

  “Why me?” she asked, holding her hand up as he made to grab her.

  “Why not you?” He reached down, gripping her ass, and moaning as he did. “Fuck, I love your ass. I love your body. I’ve never been a guy to love bigger women, but you’re damn fine.”

  His touch didn’t repulse her. Suzy wasn’t rushing to get away from him, nor did she want him to leave.

  What’s the harm?

  Why keep fighting?

  “This doesn’t mean anything?”

  “It doesn’t have to mean a damn thing.” He sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her close. Her bra-covered tits crashed against his naked chest, and she whimpered.

  Gripping his shoulders, she pulled him close to her, shoving his jacket off, and tearing at the shirt covering his chest. She didn’t want anything else between them, and right now, he was wearing too many clothes.

  “Where’s your room?” he asked.

  She pointed behind her, and gasped as he lifted her up.

  There’s no point in telling him about my little virgin problem. He won’t notice.

  Suzy giggled as he dropped her to the bed. He stepped away, his hands going to the belt of his jeans.

  “Take your clothes off, baby. I want you completely naked when I fuck you.”

  She pushed her jogger pants down her thighs as Pixie revealed his dick. For a second she could only stare. He was huge. It wasn’t normal. Maybe she needed glasses, and it was just a trick of the light.

  “Um, is that normal, or do you have a cover over it or something?”

  He chuckled. “I can tell you, you’ve never had a man as big as me.”

  I’ve never had a man at all.

  It couldn’t be that bad.

  Women did it all the time.

  Sometimes it hurt, and other times it didn’t.

  Flicking the catch at the back of her bra, she peeled it down her arms, and finally stood before him naked. Licking her dry lips, she smiled at him.

  “I’m here.”

  He stepped up to her, wrapped his arms around her back, and drew her close. “I’ve spent so many hours thinking about what I’d do to you once I got you here.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m going to do every single dirty thing I can in the time I’m here.”

  She pressed her thighs together, feeling the heat blooming within her pussy. It was wrong of her, but she wanted him. Damn, did she want him. Months of denying herself, and she couldn’t wait another second.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, which he’d been growing out lately, she pulled him down toward her. Claiming his lips, she moaned as he plundered her mouth with his tongue, deepening the kiss.

  “This first time is not going to be slow. I’ve wanted you too damn long, and I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to last.” He pushed her to the bed, and she tucked some hair behind her ears as she watched him grab a condom.

  It was really going to happen.

  Even as she was excited about having sex for the first time, there was also a little fear.

  Taking a deep breath, she moved back on the bed until she was lying against the pillows.

  Pixie climbed onto the bed, spreading her thighs. He didn’t come up over her. He paused at her pussy, and she looked down in time to see him open the lips of her sex, and then swipe his tongue from her clit down.

  She cried out, the pleasure going from zero to a million within a tiny second. All it had taken was the touch of his tongue, and she loved it. He didn’t stop there. He sucked, licked, and flicked at her clit, each new touch sending her hurtling even further into pleasure. She had touched herself. There was no chance in hell of her staying a virgin without touching herself. She hadn’t used dildos or vibrators as she had wanted that first time to mean something.

  Right that second, she truly believed waiting for that special someone was overrated.

  Pixie was showing how many women he’d been with, and also how good he’d gotten at pleasuring women.

  “You taste so fucking good, baby,” he said against her pussy.

  “Please, Pixie.” She didn’t have a clue what she was asking him for.

  The fire burning inside her needed putting out, and the only person who could do that was the man between her thighs.

  “Fuck, I want to feel you come all around my dick.”

  He moved from between her thighs, and then she felt the hard press of his dick against her entrance.

  “You’ve got a condom on, right? I’m not protected.” She’d always been regular with her periods, so she’d never felt the need to go on the pill. Also, no boyfriend, no sex, no risk of pregnancy or STDs, or STIs. No wonder she’d stayed a virgin for so long.

  Having sex was a walking, talking disaster.

  “I’ve got my dick bagged. Don’t worry. I don’t want any brats running around. That’s not the way I roll.”

  “You know you’re an asshole, right?”

  “I never said I wasn’t.”

  He kissed her, silencing any more of her protests, which only served to annoy her even more.

  “You can’t kiss me to keep me quiet!”

  “But it works so well.”

  He claimed her lips once again, and this time, the tip of his cock pressed to her entrance, and kept on going.

  Suzy tensed up as the pressure became almost unbearable. Within a second, the pain was white-hot between her thighs, making her tears well. Instead of pushing him away, she gripped him tighter, trying not to show how painful it was. She never expected the searing pain, or the panic that suddenly consumed her.

  “You’re so fucking tight.” He growled the words against her throat.

  Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, her entire body tensed up.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes, and then she heard him, and realized that Pixie hadn’t moved at all.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, pushing hair out of her face.

  “Nothing.” It was so much easier to lie than to tell the truth.

  “You don’t think I can’t feel the change in you. You’re all tense, and it’s not in a good way.”

  “It’s fine. Just, you know … finish.”

  He frowned, staring down at her. She hated how he kept looking at her, almost as if he was seeing something that she really didn’t want him to see.

  “Suzy, babe, are you a virgin?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not.”<
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  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then look me in the eyes and say you’re not.”

  She looked up at him, and for some strange reason couldn’t bring herself to say the words.

  “You’re a virgin?”

  “Yes.” The word escaped her on a whisper.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “And have you laughing at me?”

  “I’m not laughing.”

  She glared at him. “Fine! Why aren’t you laughing?”

  “I don’t think this is funny. I’m an asshole, Suzy, but I want you to want this.”

  “I do.” She gave a little wiggle, biting her lip, expecting pain. Nothing happened. “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “It hurts for women, but if the guy you’re with knows this, he knows to take it slow, and to make sure she has time to get accustomed to his dick inside her.”

  “I’m completely confused with the tenses you’ve just used.”

  “Me too. Anyway, you should have told me. I could have made this a lot better for you.”


  “Simple, I could have at least distracted you with an orgasm.”


  “Yeah, oh.” He stroked her cheek, and then fanned her hair out onto the pillow.

  “Can you still make it good for me?” she asked.

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Give me complete and total submission to do what I want to you, every time we’re together, and I’ll make it good for you.”

  “Pixie, it’s only going to be this one time.”

  “Or any time the need takes us.”

  She rolled her eyes. There was no way they were going to be going for a second time. This was a one-time deal. She didn’t need her friends thinking she was weak. None of them liked Pixie. She didn’t like him half the time. He was an arrogant ass.


  “Good girl.”

  He pulled away from her but not out of her.

  She stared up as he ran his gaze all over her body. His hands went to her breasts, cupping them.

  “I really do love your big tits. So full, round, and begging to be fucked.” He pressed them together and gave a little moan. “My cock would fit perfectly here.” He ran his fingers through the valley of her tits before stroking her nipples. She arched up, gasping as pleasure rushed through her body, going straight to her clit. “I feel how much you like that. Your tits are sensitive.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Some women don’t have much in the way of sensation when it comes to their tits. I’d say it’s a good thing.”

  “Don’t talk about other women!”

  “Feeling a little jealous?”

  “How would you feel if I talked about other men?”

  “Babe, we both know you haven’t been with other men.”

  “Doesn’t stop me from finding them attractive, and right now, any guy is looking better.”

  He winced. “Oh, you sting me.”

  She cried out as he pinched her nipple then leaned down, sucking the bud into his mouth. Gripping the bed sheet beneath her, she cried out, shocked by how instant the arousal was.

  “You’ve got no idea how many tricks I’ve got up my sleeve. I can have you panting, and begging for it for days.”

  “It sounds to me you’re all about the talk, Pixie. Why don’t you prove it?”

  He sat back once again, and a second later she felt his thumb against her clit. “I’ll prove it, all right. First I want you to come all over my cock, and then I’ll fuck you until the only name you remember is mine.”

  She wrapped her legs around his back, moaning as he teased her clit. He didn’t release her, not until she screamed his name as her first orgasm at a man’s hand rushed through her. It was stronger, better, and more intense than any she’d found herself. She also loved the feel of his rock hard cock inside her.

  Pixie moved back over her, grabbed her hands, and locking them either side of her head. “Now the real fun can begin.”

  He pulled out of her so only the tip of his cock was inside, the slammed every inch of him within her.

  She screamed his name as he rode her body hard, forcing her to take every single inch, and then more, drawing a second orgasm out of her as he rode to the first.

  When it was over, she was shocked by how quickly he disappeared.

  Suzy lay on the bed, feeling a little torn.

  Glancing over at the clock, she saw that within fifteen minutes he’d completely shattered her world, leaving her open and exposed. Tears filled her eyes. She was expecting him to leave, but instead he came back to bed with a cloth.

  “I noticed a little blood on my dick when I played with your pussy.” He wiped the cloth between her thighs, and she stared at him, somewhat touched by his caring act. Out of all of the men at the Dirty Fuckers MC, Pixie was the most selfish bastard she had ever met.

  Licking her dry lips, she swallowed the lump and forced herself to stare at him.

  “I’m not a total asshole, Suzy.”

  He wiped her clean, and even though she was mortified, she didn’t push him away. Her heart was racing as he helped her.

  “One night, right?” she asked, making sure she didn’t read too much into it.

  “One night.”

  This she could handle without getting her heart broken. Pixie was the kind of guy to break women’s hearts. She didn’t want to have to deal with that kind of pain.

  She hoped she never would.


  “Oh, God, yes, yes,” Suzy said, moaning.

  “Not God, baby. It’s me.” Pixie slammed back inside her, making her scream his name once again. She couldn’t deny him, nor did she want to. Right now they were in her workplace, in the backroom at the desk where Pixie was fucking her so damn good. One time had turned into two, then three, and now she found it impossible to fight off her need for him.

  “Touch your pussy, Suzy. Make yourself come just like I know you can.”

  Reaching between them, she stroked over her clit, gasping with each press of his cock inside her. His body pushing her finger against her clit was such a delicious friction.

  Suddenly, he pulled out, and Suzy watched as he shoved her hands aside, taking her clit into his mouth, sucking on the bud.

  “What are you doing?” she cried out.

  He flicked her clit, sliding down to plunge inside her. Pixie was an inventive lover, and he hadn’t grown tired of her. It had been a couple of months since he’d taken her virginity, and instead of them separating, they always found their way back to each other.

  “I’m never going to get tired of your pussy. So fucking perfect, and never been touched by another man.” He licked inside her several times. “So tasty.”

  Heat filled her face as he continued to lick and suck at her clit. Pixie always went down on her. It was like he couldn’t get enough.

  Gripping the edge of the desk, she watched as he teased her clit, staring up at her.

  “Come for me, Suzy.”

  She let out a cry as he sucked her clit, hurtling her into an explosive orgasm that took her breath away.

  “That’s it, baby, give it to me.” His thumb stroked over her clit, prolonging her orgasm.

  Within seconds, he thrust inside her, and she whimpered at the sudden invasion.

  “I love feeling you come,” he said, slamming all the way within her.

  He started to fuck her so that the desk began to move, which only stopped when he hit the wall.

  “I love fucking you,” he said.

  She loved it when he did. There hadn’t been anyone else, and she wasn’t interested in finding anyone else either. The only person she craved was standing between her thighs, fucking her.

  Pixie cupped her waist, his fingers digging into her hips as he spilled his arousal in the condom. She wouldn’t allow him to go bareback as she didn’t want to get on the pil
l. None of her friends knew she was having sex with Pixie, and so far she’d been able to keep it silent.

  They didn’t go on dates. He came by the apartment when Chloe was out. Seeing as Grace had moved in with Drake, it was only the two of them now.

  She was panting along with him as reality set in.

  Closing the shop was not good, and with their secret relationship it was starting to become a regular occurrence.

  “You need to go,” she said, still holding onto the desk as he rested between her thighs.

  “Ah, so you’ve had your fun, and now it’s time to kick the boyfriend out.”

  “You’re not a boyfriend, Pixie. Don’t worry, I’d never mistake you for something like that. I shouldn’t be closing the shop. We need all the sales we can get.” She had been told that the shop was currently under threat, and might in fact close. Competition in the mall was fierce, and they just couldn’t keep up.

  Suzy didn’t do anything other than sell, and help customers when she could.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  She winced as he pulled out of her. Suzy didn’t want him remove the condom, or tie it up. “Is the shop in trouble?”

  “I don’t know. We can’t keep having sex here.”

  “We could just go back to your place.”

  She shook her head.

  Pixie sighed. “You do know our friends are going to know about us.”

  Shoving her skirt back into place, she bent down to grab her panties, and found them torn. “Seriously, why can’t you wait for me to remove them?”

  “I don’t like you wearing panties. They get in my way.”

  “You’re costing me a fortune replacing them.”

  “Don’t replace them. I’ll only keep tearing them off you.”

  “Yeah, and when you move on I won’t have any panties left.”

  There was a pause.

  “What makes you think I’m going to move on?”

  “Isn’t that what you do? Get bored, and move on to the next woman that you want.”

  “I’m not that cold-hearted. Besides, I’ve never cheated on a woman. I’ve never screwed a woman over.”


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