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Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3)

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by Sam Crescent

  Tucking her hair back into a ponytail, she was together enough to deal with him. Pixie was a strange man, one she’d truly thought she’d known. The more time she spent with him, the harder it was to put him into a category.

  “I heard what you did to Cora. She told me how you, um, you arranged for your brother to be there to screw her as you don’t like dealing with females who get attached to you.”

  He let out a string of curses. “Look, I’m a fucking asshole.”

  She held her hands up. “I think we’re clear on that fact you can be one, yes.”

  Pixie closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her. “Even when I was chasing women, I didn’t offer them anything, or make promises. I’m not that kind of guy.”

  She stared at his chest as her heart started to beat faster.

  He’s a player.

  Licking her lips, she smiled. “There’re no worries here, Pixie. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

  “What’s going on inside that head of yours?” he asked.

  “Not a lot, but I’ve got to go to work if I want to keep a job.”

  He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip. “When can I see you again?”

  “This was only supposed to be a one-time deal.”

  “So now it’s a ten-time deal.”

  “I don’t know.” Pulling out of his arms, she took a step away. “I’ve got to work.”


  Pixie pushed Suzy down onto his bed within the clubhouse. Everyone else was around or in their room celebrating, and he wanted his woman all to himself.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “A little bit.”

  He pulled the cuffs from each corner of his bed, letting her see. “Enough to let me have you at my mercy?”

  She licked her lips, and he noticed she did that whenever she was a little nervous. “You won’t hurt me?”


  “Then yes, I trust you.”

  He sighed. It would do for now. Over the years he’d built himself up a reputation, and now he had to deal with the consequences.

  Suzy was different from all of the women he’d fucked. For starters, he actually wanted her to like him. Never had he felt that experience before. He hated it when she always expected the worst, but again, it was what he deserved.

  Securing one wrist, and then the other, he grabbed her scarf, and placed it over her eyes.

  “Um, I didn’t agree to this.”

  “Trust me.” He pressed a kiss against the corner of her lips. Staring down at her freely, Pixie didn’t hide his feelings from her. The way she made him feel, the passion, the need—all of it he allowed to show.

  He had no doubt that if he even told her what he felt for her, she’d run. Suzy was scared, and she wouldn’t even be seen with him in any other way than potential frenemies.

  She licked her lips, and he stroked his hands down over her breasts, circling her nipples and moving down her body. Opening her thighs, he slid a finger between her wet pussy lips, teasing her clit. She let out a gasp.

  “You’re always wet for me.”

  “Pixie,” she said, moaning.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you.”

  “You’ll get all of me.”

  Grabbing the condom, he tore into the packet, and slid the latex over his dick. He wasn’t in the mood for taking his time today. At any time, they could be called out by either of their friends, and he wasn’t willing to risk getting caught. Not today.

  Placing his dick at her entrance, he slammed all the way inside, going to the hilt. They both cried out, and Pixie leaned over her, claiming her lips. He didn’t remove the blindfold. Just this once, he wanted to own every part of her without holding anything back.

  “This was never going to be a one-time deal.” He understood that now more than ever.

  “You’ll grow bored soon.”

  He wouldn’t argue with her. She’d see in time that he wasn’t joking around. Slamming deep within her, Pixie claimed and owned her in equal measure. It was the way it was always going to be between them, and he didn’t see a reason for it to stop now.

  Soon they would be found out by their friends. Pixie only hoped that when that happened, she would have enough feelings for him not to call it a day.

  Chapter One

  Ten months later

  Suzy had the worst luck in the world. Her job at the clothing store had come to an end as the company had gone under, and now she was heading home to trawl her way through the local newspaper.

  This was not what she wanted to have to deal with right now. She had no job, and Greater Falls didn’t have many of those. After being handed her last week’s pay, she’d walked around the mall hoping to find something to quickly transfer to. There was nothing. She either had no qualifications, or too many.

  Entering her apartment, she smiled as Fluffy rushed toward her. The little Pomeranian was no longer a puppy, but he was so adorably small.

  “Hey, little guy.” She bent down, picking him up. “Did you miss me today?”

  “Of course he did.”

  Suzy gasped, and turned to find Pixie coming out of her room. “What the hell? What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to meet you from work.”

  “You know Chloe lives here as well, right? That Grace also has a key to check on Fluffy.”

  “Yeah, yeah I know. I also know that Chloe is spending the weekend with Richard, and Grace is busy with her and Drake’s baby. So I thought I’d come and check on your dog.”

  She let out a breath. “How did you even get in?”

  He held up a set of keys.

  “I didn’t give them to you.”

  “No, you didn’t, but I may have taken Grace’s set, gotten them copied, and put the original key back before she knew.”

  She shook her head, not wanting to deal with this right now. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “Why are you home?” he asked.

  “You’re in my apartment, and you’re asking me why I’m here?”

  “It’s the middle of the day. You don’t usually get home ‘til late.”

  “Yeah, well, I may have to actually have to move or something.”

  “Move where?”

  “Out of Greater Falls,” she said.

  “This is a joke, right?”

  “Nope. No joke. I wish it was. The shop closed down today. Ceased trading, and it was completely done.” Even as she spoke, tears filled her eyes. Turning her back on him, she pressed her fingers against the bridge of her nose, begging for the tears to go.

  He gripped his shoulders. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I don’t have a job. This place is paid up for two months, that’s it, and then I’m out of here. Crap, I better warn Chloe, but I don’t want to worry her. She’s taking it steady with Richard.”

  “Even though they’re away together?”

  “I don’t judge. She’s my friend.”

  He rubbed her shoulders. “We’ll think of something.”

  Pulling out of his arms, she turned toward him, finally feeling like she could handle him. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll always figure something out.”

  She walked past him, heading toward her room. She put Fluffy down on the sofa on her way past.

  “You don’t have to do this alone.”

  “It’s fine, Pixie. Honestly, getting a job is hard, but I tend to be good at whatever I do.” Even with her size she’d been able to sell clothes to anyone. Sure, she’d had some really shitty customers who’d told her to lose some weight, and a few managers who thought her weight was a problem.

  Running fingers through her hair, she stared at her room.

  She truly was at a loss.

  “This is what you mentioned a few months back, right?”

  “Yeah. The shop has been struggling for months. I was hoping it was just a little slump. You know how the news talks abou
t the markets, and confidence, and stuff. No such luck for me. I’m officially unemployed.”

  She pulled her shirt over her head, and grabbed a plain old red shirt that hung from her frame.

  “I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to enjoy a quickie with you if that’s what you were hoping for.” She turned to face him, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. He leaned against her wardrobe, holding the pair of jeans she wanted. They were her comfy, doing-work jeans. “Thanks.”

  “I’m not just around for a quickie, Suzy. Besides, I was here to help Fluffy. I didn’t know your job was going to be ending today.”

  “What were you doing in my room?” she asked. She wasn’t accusing him of anything. Many nights she’d gone to bed to find him already in her apartment. She should probably be scared at how easy it was for him to get in and out of her room.

  “I got you a little surprise, but I figure we’ll use it another time.”

  “Okay.” She wriggled out of her skirt and tugged her jeans up. “Do you know if Teri’s hiring?”

  “I don’t think so. Grace is working for her.”

  She nodded. It would be too much luck for her to actually get a job with someone she wanted to work for. Teri worked for the Dirty Fuckers MC, but the truth was the woman owned the diner.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll think of something.”

  Once she was dressed, she grabbed Fluffy and gave him a quick cuddle.

  “Why don’t you work for me?”

  “Doing what?”

  “I don’t know. Screwing me.”

  “I’m not a whore, Pixie, but I appreciate you thinking of it.” She smiled at him, knowing deep down that he was only trying to help.

  There were rare moments during their time together that Pixie really did show another side to his personality. It was a side she truly believed she could fall in love with.

  He stroked her cheek. “I’m here whenever you need me.”

  Following him out of her apartment, she snagged her jacket, and headed downstairs, wondering how he’d gotten to her apartment.

  “Did you come by car or bike?” she asked.

  “I walked.”

  “Wow, you walked all the way from the clubhouse?”

  “Pretty much. I was stopping in to see James and Cora anyway.”

  Wrapping herself up, she felt the bitter chill of fall air. “It’s not going to be long until winter is upon us, and snow.”

  “You can’t be moving in winter.”

  “I’ll do what I have to do.”

  “When can I see you again?”

  “You come to my room every single night.”

  “I want a weekend.”

  She frowned. In the past ten months neither of them had moved their relationship from quick sex. Suzy had been too afraid of getting laughed at.

  “I don’t know, Pixie. This was supposed to be a one-time deal, remember.”

  “I remember everything, Suzy. We went past one time, one night, and we’re in the hundreds, easily.”

  Staring up and down the street, she frowned. “I really don’t know if we should do the whole weekend thing.”

  “You’re always putting me off.”

  “And you’re always trying to put me into a girlfriend category. You don’t need to do that with me. I’m a sure thing.”

  When he made to touch her, Suzy didn’t want to step back. Their relationship was based on sex, nothing else. Someone could see them at any moment, and yet, she couldn’t care about anything but him.

  “I’ll be by tonight.”

  “We’ll have the whole place to ourselves,” she said.

  “It’s why I’ve got that little surprise. I’ll bring dinner. Don’t worry about cooking.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she watched as he walked away.

  Her lips felt swollen from his lips.

  Get over it. He’ll move on soon. Don’t let your heart get involved.

  She walked in the opposite direction for town. She stopped at the grocery store, picking up the local newspapers, and of course some of the city ones.

  Pulling out her cell phone, she sent a text to Chloe, letting her know what had happened. She didn’t expect to hear from the other woman yet.

  Suzy walked around town, checking signs in windows just to see if something was there. She had grown up in Greater Falls, and it was where she’d imagined she’d stay.

  Then she thought about Pixie. The club had been in Greater Falls for nearly seven years. She’d been finishing up the last year of high school when they arrived, and she’d avoided them. Until one day, two or three of them—she couldn’t remember how many—had come to where she worked. The men had been with a couple of women, and Pixie had been there. It was her first time of seeing him, and it hadn’t been her last. He’d always come into the shop, trying to talk to her, draw her into a conversation.

  There were moments when he seemed determined to say the most disgusting and vulgar thing.

  She would listen, and judge him, and then he’d leave.

  Those times where Pixie showed up, she started to love, and to enjoy. His somewhat sexist comments, she started to find funny. He was a unique guy that took some getting used to, but when she finally did, he was actually nice.

  Pushing her complicated feelings and thoughts about Pixie aside, she focused on the paper in hand. She needed to find a job, so, heading to the park, she took a seat, and started to look through the advertisements.

  It didn’t look good.


  Pixie made his way back toward the diner, which wasn’t far from the clubhouse. If he was going to find anyone to help give Suzy a job, it was going to be his brother and the club. They could find something for her to do, and he hadn’t been kidding about paying her to screw him. Well, it wouldn’t be like treating her like a whore. That wasn’t what he meant. Men, husbands, boyfriends, they took care of their women and sex was involved. That was what he meant by doing it that way. She’d have to stay with him, and he’d officially get a key into her life. Everything he’d done so far had been in secret.

  Entering the diner, the scent of the food made his mouth water, and he saw several of his club brothers sitting at a bunch of tables. Also, he saw Teri sitting between Leo and Paul, laughing.

  This was his family, and also James was there, his real brother.

  “Where you been?” Damon asked, making everyone turn toward him.

  “Busy. Teri, I wanted to talk to you about something.” He grabbed a chair, spun it around, and straddled the seat.

  “Oh, I’m feeling all special now.” Teri gave a wiggle and leaned forward, focusing on him.

  “It’s simple. Suzy needs a job, and I’m hoping you have one for her.”

  “Why does she need a job? Did you lose her the one she has by being yourself?” Teri asked.

  “No. From what I can tell the business was having trouble, and they’ve gone under. Today they handed Suzy in her last pay, and that was it.”

  “Wow, she never said anything,” Cora said. “Neither did Grace and Chloe.”

  “I like her,” Kitty said. “She’s such a sweet woman, and I doubt she’d worry anyone.”

  “They live with her though,” Teri said.

  “I know, but Chloe’s away, and she’s been struggling with her relationship with Richard. Then Grace has given birth to Joseph, and lives with Drake.” Kitty shrugged. “Suzy wouldn’t try to worry her friends.”

  “Shit, I’m really sorry, but I don’t have any openings,” Teri said.

  “What about Grace’s job? She’s on maternity leave, right?”

  “I’ve already replaced her for the time being, Pixie. Suzy should have come to me immediately.”

  “Fuck.” He turned to his brother. “What about at the club?”

  “She isn’t part of the club, Pixie. You know I can’t have her there.”

  “Ugh, just say she’s mine, okay. She’s my woman, and she can be at the club, serving some beers, or cleaning.”
  He saw his brother staring at him. James folded his arms, and kept on staring. Pixie hated it. His brother always saw shit he shouldn’t.

  “What’s going on, Pixie? No bullshit.”

  “Fine. Suzy is a friend of the club women, and I want to help her.”

  “And if we don’t?”

  Pixie gritted his teeth, and he was ready to punch his own brother. “Then Suzy will have no choice but to head to the city, and she’s already talked about leaving, and going there.” He didn’t like the pain that pierced him because of her leaving. It was simple to him. She wasn’t ever going to leave, never ever. He didn’t care how childish he sounded, it wasn’t going to happen.

  “How did you know all of this?” James asked.

  “I was at her apartment. You know me. Still trying to get into her pants, and I thought being nice to her dog, she’d be more than willing to screw me.” It wasn’t a complete lie.

  James smirked. “Right.”

  “What are you going to do?” Cora asked.

  “Well, if I don’t help, Pixie will throw one of his universally famous tantrums.”

  “He’s a baby, we all get it.”

  “Yeah, but we have to live with him, and believe me when I say that he will find a way of making my life a misery.” James ran fingers through his hair.

  Cora and James were partners in life. They were the first couple to settle down within the club. They were different because Cora didn’t want to get married. It didn’t mean they weren’t in love. His brother and sister-in-law didn’t need the world to know they were together.

  They were strong.

  James got up, and Pixie followed him out of the diner.

  “What’s really going on? And don’t even think of getting smart with me. I’m not in the mood. You’re acting like a girl, and what’s worse, you’re acting like an asshole, and you know I’m not in the mood to deal with your tantrums.”

  Pixie pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his jacket, and took one out, lighting it up. He offered one to James, who shook his head.

  “Cora doesn’t like my breath if I’m smoking, and she won’t kiss me.”

  Pixie didn’t question him.

  Since being with Suzy he understood everything about accommodating what their women wanted. The thought of her not kissing him would stop him from smoking as well.


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