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Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

“Lewis is a good man. He loves Mom.”

  “You want me to divorce your mother?”

  “Why not? You left without a word. You could have been dead, and it would be no different from a divorce.” Ryan shrugged. “You know, I was angry with you for leaving, and now I’m angry at you for being back.” He shook his head. “I used to think you were the shit.”


  “No, Mom, I won’t be silent anymore. I’ve hurt people who didn’t need to be hurt. I pushed my anger everywhere else but at the person it needed to be directed at.” Ryan stared Dane in the eyes. “I hate you. I don’t want you in my life, and I wish you were dead.”

  With that, Ryan left the kitchen.

  “I think we need to talk about this some more,” Dane said.

  “You need to go,” Lucy said.

  Nodding, he didn’t see a reason to argue. Getting to his feet, he made his way toward the door. When he made to kiss Lucy’s cheek, she jerked away from him. “No.”

  Everything was falling apart. Dane had never expected this to happen. He’d always assumed that Lucy and his life would be waiting for him. Who would want a woman with three kids?

  He was an asshole.

  Dane had lost the woman he once loved, and there was no chance of him ever winning her back.


  The following day Chloe woke up from her coma. She was still sick, and being intravenously fed the medication, but she was awake. The doctor wouldn’t let her go for a couple more days, maybe even up to a week.

  “Do you have any idea how much you scared me?” Suzy asked.

  “You’re just worried in case you had to pay the rest of the rent.”

  Suzy chuckled. “Yeah, totally, that was my main concern. How would I pay the rent?” She rolled her eyes. Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around her friend, holding her close. “I love you, you know that.”

  “I know that.”

  “You scared the hell out of us,” Pixie said.

  They had already brought Chloe up to speed, letting her know about their relationship.

  “Richard’s outside,” Suzy said.

  “He is?”

  “Yeah, he was here.” Suzy reached out, pushing some hair off her face. “You put me down as the next of kin.”

  “I know. It made sense to me. I was living in the apartment with you. Why wouldn’t you be my next of kin?”

  “It was kind of weird having to make decisions for you. I just wanted to force you to wake up to tell me what to do. We’ll have to have a talk about that.”

  “We’re getting serious, Suzy. Relationship standard.”

  “Don’t talk to me about relationships. I’m entering uncharted territory. I’m frightened.”

  Chloe laughed. “You’ll do great.”

  “Do you want to talk to Richard?” Suzy asked.

  She sighed. “I must have scared him half to death, face-planting the floor.”

  “You tripped over a chair. You’re going to have some bruising on your body.”

  Chloe sighed. “I’ve had worse.”

  “You’ve asked for worse,” Suzy said, smirking.

  “You’re good for the soul, did you know that?”

  “I should put that on all future friendship applications. Benefit of befriending Suzy, she’s an awesome friend.”

  “And an awesome girlfriend,” Pixie said.

  “Am I going to be grossed out by you two?” Chloe asked. “Do I need to go apartment hunting?”

  “No,” they both said in unison.

  “No apartment hunting,” Suzy said. “Pixie may be staying over sometimes.”

  Chloe nodded. “I’m getting tired. I hate to push you out, but I need—”

  “You need rest. Don’t say any more.” Suzy jumped up out of her seat. “We’re not going away until you’re back home, and well.”

  “I’ll hurry,” Chloe said.

  “No, no need to hurry, take your time.”

  Chloe watched them leave, and made herself sit up. She was still so tired, and her body ached all over.

  “You’re not going to invite me in?” Richard asked.

  She looked toward the door, seeing him carrying a large bouquet of roses. “Wow, they’re huge.”

  “I want you to get well soon.”

  “They’re beautiful.” Chloe saw they already had a vase and water. “You prepare for everything, don’t you?”

  “Of course. Only a fool does things by halves.”

  She didn’t know why she was so nervous around him. It was Richard, a man she had slept with. A man she loved, and yet, she couldn’t shake the nerves that filled her when he was near.

  “You didn’t have to stay at the hospital. I know how busy you are.”

  “I’ll never be too busy for you, Chloe.”

  He stood at the base of her bed, his hands gripping the railing. The suit he wore did nothing to hide the thick muscles of his arms.

  She licked her lips.

  “What is it?” he asked.


  “I didn’t even realize you were sick.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t realize I was sick.”

  “I’m supposed to know.”

  She shook her head. “You’re not God, Richard.”

  “I’m the man who is supposed to care for you.”

  Chloe leaned back, feeling exhausted. “I’m fine, and soon I’ll be well.”

  He moved, taking a seat on the bed. “What is going on with us, Chloe?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “When we were at the club, we connected. You were so attuned to me, and I knew what you were thinking, feeling, all of it. What’s going on?”

  She licked her dry lips. “When I’m with you, I don’t feel like I belong.”

  “Of course you do.”

  She smiled. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Richard went to say something, and then stopped. A nurse came in and started to check on her vitals.

  “We’ll talk another time,” he said.

  He didn’t leave the room though. Richard took a seat, and Chloe lay down. Tired, she fell to sleep.


  When Suzy wasn’t visiting Chloe at the hospital, or working for James, Pixie had her all to himself. He loved not having to hide his feelings for her. The club still had a lot of business to deal with, like making a decision about Dane. Was he going to remain part of the club, or were they going to get rid of him? Pixie wanted him gone. He’d seen the damage the man had done to his family.

  The Dirty Fuckers MC was a club, a brotherhood of pleasure, but Dane had walked away. He caused pain not only to the club, but to a woman and children.

  James wasn’t in the right mood to discuss Dane. With Chloe in the hospital, regular business deals, his brother was swamped. Suzy helped though. She took a huge weight off his shoulders by dealing with all of the paperwork.

  “Do you even own a place of your own?” Suzy asked.

  He’d entered James’s office at five, and lured her out with the promise of food and sex. Food being the first point, sex being the latter.

  There was a scene occurring in the private room between some close friends of the club. Eric Wiseman was a friend, along with his wife, Tory. They had high-powered jobs, each one a CEO of a company. Both of them came to the club from the city for some down time, and with it, a chance to play.

  Eric was a Dom and Tory a submissive. The club was open to them, to play, to scene, and to have the security that their identities would remain a secret.

  After feeding Suzy, Pixie took her hand, and led her toward the private playroom. He’d wanted for her to see Caleb in action. Now she would have to watch Eric. Pixie wasn’t a Dom. He wouldn’t dare use any of the equipment on a woman, but he liked to watch. He hoped Suzy found the same enjoyment from watching as he did.

  “We’re here again,” she said, whispering the words to him.

  “We’re here, and you’ve got nothing to fear.” He press
ed a kiss to her lips.

  “They’re not Caleb and Kitty.”

  “I know. This is another couple.”

  “Do you want to do this? You and me?”

  “No. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I just like to watch.”

  “Oh. A little voyeur inside you.”

  “Always.” He pulled her against him, and they settled back to watch the show.

  Suzy had seen stuff on the internet, but it was never this personal. It was almost next to impossible in this day and age to miss something like this. Everywhere she turned, everything was sex oriented.

  The guy, Eric, wasn’t as big as Pixie. He was a businessman, that she saw easily enough. In front of Eric was a woman. She was small, slender to the point that her hip bones showed. Glancing up at Pixie, Suzy wondered if that was what he liked. Did he hate her curves?

  Don’t be stupid.

  Pixie hadn’t given her any sign that he didn’t love her body. In fact, every chance he got, he showed that he adored her and her curves.

  Settling back against him, she watched as the man ran his fingers across the woman’s shoulders into her hair. Eric whispered something, and the woman turned, presenting him with her back.

  Suzy watched as he held her hair, and began to plait the long blonde tresses down her back. He finished it off with a band that feel at the base of her ass.

  “I’ll never know how he learned to do that,” Pixie said, whispering.

  They couldn’t hear what was being said, but Suzy didn’t need to hear. She saw the love, the contentment, and also the trust between the couple. Tory turned back toward Eric, and the kiss between them was explosive.

  Pixie took her hand, and she smiled. She loved it when they touched. Locking her fingers with his, she released a breath, smiling as she stared at the couple.

  “What do you need?” Eric asked.

  “I need to be punished, Sir. I was late every single day last week, and you had told me not to be.”

  “You want me to punish you?”

  “I need it.”

  “Do you trust me?”


  Eric pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Let’s begin.”

  She watched transfixed as Tory sank to the floor. Her knees were spread, and even though she was naked, Tory didn’t try to cover up. Her hands rested with her palms up. Her head slightly bent, and from seeing submissive artwork on the net, Suzy knew it was the ultimate submissive pose.

  Eric stood back and nodded. “Very good, my beauty. Seeing you like this, I know you belong totally to me.”

  “Eric is very possessive. He won’t let anyone else touch Tory. It’s difficult for him to let her go to work, knowing men will be drooling over her,” Pixie said.

  “Do you drool over her?”

  “No. I admire their relationship. You can’t deny they have something going on.”

  She couldn’t deny it. Suzy couldn’t look away. It was seeing a view of two people, a couple, that she truly believed she’d never get to see.

  Eric requested Tory’s hand, and he helped the woman to stand.

  Suzy waited as he pulled her in close, slamming his lips against hers. All the time, Suzy felt Pixie right beside her. The emotions she watched pass between the Dom and his submissive were not the same, and yet they were for how she felt about Pixie. Eric ran his hands over Tory’s body, stroking each part of her. Tory didn’t fight. She accepted every touch, every pinch, and slap.

  When it came time to the main punishment, Suzy saw how desperate Tory was. The other woman was practically giddy with excitement. If that hadn’t been confirmed with her bouncing body, then it was confirmed with her pussy.

  Even though Suzy was uncomfortable with seeing another woman’s arousal, she couldn’t help but see why Tory was so turned on. It wasn’t just about the punishment either. Tory clearly loved and respected Eric.

  Suzy watched as Eric started slowly, using his hands. He’d slap Tory’s ass, lightly, then hard. The moment he struck her hard, he’d soothe out the pain, running his fingers across the marks. Tory’s ass was a lovely shade of pink before he moved up to a whip. Suzy tensed up, but as Eric struck, Tory moaned.

  The scene built as Eric struck Tory. She begged and pleaded for more. Throughout it all, Eric stroked her body, constantly checking if she was okay. If Tory was showing any signs of the scene going too far, he’d calm down, resorting to his hand rather than an actual piece of equipment.

  When the spanking was done, he’d tease her with toys, moving her body, strapping her down as he brought her to a sweat with everything he did her. Once the punishment was over, Suzy watched as Eric finally claimed his woman.

  To Suzy, it no longer felt dirty. If anything, it was a privilege to watch this couple, and to see something that she would like as well. She didn’t want to be tied up or spanked, or dominated in such a way. No, what she wanted was the same feelings that Tory had for Eric. The connection, the love, and above all the respect and trust. That was what a relationship was about, and that was what Suzy hoped to have one day with Pixie.

  Eric picked Tory up in his arms, and Pixie urged Suzy out of the booth, and they left the couple to finish what they needed.

  “Wow,” she said when they were in private. “I see why it’s so magical to watch.”

  “It really is. Eric and Tory, that was quite tame to some of the stuff I’ve seen them do. I don’t want to do it. I just like watching.”

  She smiled. “You don’t have to worry.” Moving toward him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I like this.”


  “Being able to touch you without fear of someone else coming in, and having to let go.”

  “You could always touch me, baby. That was never in question.”

  She released a sigh. “You’re too good for me, Pixie.” He looked away, and she frowned at the troubled look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Forget it.”

  “You can tell me.”

  “I know. It’s nothing.”

  She decided to let it go. The last thing she wanted to do was spoil a night because he was worried about something. It was probably Chloe, or maybe something to do with the club. She didn’t know.

  He’d tell her when he was ready.


  James stared down at some of Suzy’s notes. Hiring that woman had actually been a godsend. She knew how to organize paperwork, and even though it was still going to take some time, she’d done a huge chunk of it already.

  There was even a chance he wouldn’t have to hire someone for a week to come and deal with his taxes. His world was good. Cora was meeting him at the diner, and they were going to share a meal there before heading home.

  With the worry for Chloe, James had not been able to be with his woman. However, it had highlighted some concerns, and he wanted to talk to Cora about them.

  When someone cleared his throat, James looked up.

  Dane stood in his office doorway, holding some paperwork.

  “What’s the matter?” James asked.

  “I spoke with Lucy a few days ago.”

  “I figured you would. I didn’t realize that I’d not dealt with you until it was too late. Those the divorce papers?”

  “Yes. She wants nothing from me. The house, it was in her name anyway at the bank. I just deposited the money into the account to pay for it.”

  “Which you stopped doing when you went away for your own reasons.”

  Dane dropped his head. “I fucked up, and I’m finally seeing how much.”

  “I take it Lucy won’t retract the divorce?”

  “No. She wants the divorce, and she wants absolutely nothing to do with me. Neither does my own son. Ryan sure has grown.”

  “Like I said, you hurt him. You hurt everyone by leaving. We all tried to find you.”

  “I have a knack for not being found.”

  James shrugged. “Again, that was your doing, not ours. We tried to find
you. Not just for the club, or for Lucy, but for your kids. They don’t trust you now.”

  “No. They trust this Lewis guy. I was in the diner when Lucy, the kids, and this mystery guy turned up. I was so fucking angry, so jealous. He had no right touching my woman, and then it was like a switch went off inside my head. When I was screwing all those fucking road bunnies, I didn’t give a thought to Lucy, or my life, or anything else.”

  “Do you want to give a shit now?”

  “I don’t want to leave town. I don’t want to leave the club. I’ve signed the divorce papers, and I will do everything I have to do. I want to make this right.” Dane handed over the papers, and James saw the signature.

  “We’re going to need to take a vote.”

  Dane held his hand up. “I understand. I let everyone down.” He sighed. “Even if you vote me out, I’m not leaving. I’ll earn my patch again if I have to. I fucked up once. I’m not going to fuck up again.”

  During dinner with Cora, James told her about the meeting.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to kick his ass out.”

  “Is that as a club prez, or is that because he left his wife and kids?” Cora asked, stealing a fry from his plate.

  “I think it’s a mixture of both. He was a good guy. Fought like a fucking fiend, like the depths of hell was chasing him. Up until this moment I’d say he was loyal as fuck.”


  “I don’t know.” James ran a hand over his face. “I really don’t know what to do with him. The club needs to vote on it.”

  “I heard Leo and Paul saying that they couldn’t trust him anymore. They wouldn’t be surprised if he ran or something.”

  “See, and that is why I don’t know what’s going to happen.” James sighed. “We’re not a conventional club, Cora. We don’t run drugs, guns, or shit.”

  “You fuck, I get it. The Dirty Fuckers MC and all.” She smiled. “I happen to know that their prez is one hot piece in the sack.”

  James chuckled. “You bet your hot ass I am. There’s something else I want to talk to you about.”

  “This sounds serious.”

  “I know we’re not married, and neither of us need a piece of paper to know that we’re married in real life.”

  She covered his hand. “This is about Chloe, isn’t it?”



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