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Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “I was thinking the same thing. If anything was to happen to me, I’d like to know you’re safe,” she said, surprising him.

  “About me being safe?”

  “Hello, the house is all in my name. I pay the mortgage, babe. I want that house to go to you, and to our kids when we have them.”

  “You see us having kids?” James asked.

  “Don’t you? I know we’re not in a rush, but I want to be a mother one day. I won’t be the conventional mother, standing at the stove, making her own medicine, and telling kids how to make the best apple pie.”

  James burst out laughing. No, their kids wouldn’t have that, but they’d have Cora. Her loyalty and heart were worth a lot more than that.

  “Marriage in a way protects that. It protects us, and it will protect you. It’ll mean you’ve got what I own, and so do our children.” Cora grabbed his hand. “Are you afraid yet?”

  “Not a chance. I’m just trying to wonder who won what today? Neither of us wanted a big lavish wedding or shit.”

  “Then let’s not. Let’s just go down to the town hall with a license, and get married. That’s it.”

  “Is that what you want?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I have you. I don’t care about anything else. We’re doing this to secure our futures for each other. Also, if you ever, and I mean ever, leave me, and cheat on me the way Dane did Lucy, I will hunt you down, cut your dick off, and make you wish you’d never looked in another woman’s direction. Clear?”

  “God, I love you, woman.”

  Chapter Ten

  One week later

  Suzy rolled over and smiled as Pixie lay still asleep. Chloe had returned home two days ago, and yesterday they’d spent most of the day traveling. He’d booked them at this beautiful beach resort, in a secluded bay near the ocean. They didn’t get the chance to admire the beauty around them as it had been dark when they landed.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said, reaching out to stroke her cheek.

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  “I was. I love that smile on your pretty face.” He ran his thumb across her lip.

  She bit his thumb, and giggled as he released a moan. Moving over him, she straddled his waist. “Are you ready to go out today?”

  He gripped her hips, and moved her so that his cock was right next to her pussy.

  “Baby, I can think of much more thrilling ways to spend the first morning.”

  “Me too.” She pulled her nightshirt off over her head and then moved over him. He took one of her nipples into his mouth, and sucked the bud deep inside, making her moan.

  Holding the foil packet like it was victory, she held it up for him to see. “Ready?”

  “Yes. I’m ready.” Suddenly he hesitated.

  “What is it? Do you want me to get off?”

  “No. No, it’s fine.” He took the condom from her and tore into the packet. She moved out of the way, watching as he rolled the latex down his cock.

  Taking hold of his hands, she followed his direction, and lowered herself onto his cock. They both moaned as he sank deep inside her. Closing her eyes, she squeezed her pussy, feeling him jerk deep within her. “You don’t know how much I love it when you fucking do that.”

  Lifting up, she slammed herself back down on his cock, taking him deeper inside.

  Pixie let go of her hands, grabbing her hips, and took control, showing her how hard he wanted it, and how deep he wanted to go. She loved every second of his control as he took charge.

  When she didn’t think she could stand anymore, he rolled her over, and they ended up on the floor with him still inside her. Pixie reared back, grabbed her ass, and slammed all the way inside her, going as deep as he could possibly go. Suzy stared up into his eyes, and just knew without a shadow of a doubt that this man belonged to her, and she did with him.

  They were meant to be together.

  Over the past year Pixie had worked his way into her heart, and there was no way of letting him go, not now, not ever. He’d showed her a different side of himself, and she loved it.

  Riding his cock, she reached between them, and fingered her pussy, seeing it drive him over the edge. They came together, screaming each other’s name as bliss completely took over. Afterward, he collapsed over her, and she ran her hands down his shoulders, the tattoos standing out against his skin.

  “You’re so utterly beautiful,” he said.

  “I don’t want this to end.”

  “Me neither.”

  “How about some sunbathing?” she asked.

  “You read my mind.”

  After a quick shower together, Suzy dressed into a bathing suit with a sarong wrapped around her hips. Pixie wore a pair of shorts, nothing else. She pushed her sunglasses up into her hair, and waited as he put a call through to James. They hadn’t gotten the time last night to let the club know they had arrived safely.

  Holding hands, they made their way toward the beach. He carried some towels, and when they found a good spot, he placed them on the sand.

  Sitting beside him, she noticed the beach was filling up with people.

  “I’ve got some lotion. Turn around, let me do your back,” he said.

  “I have to say I’m surprised we went away alone together. I thought we’d end up in some hotel in a city.” She gasped as the cool lotion touched her skin.

  “Is that because of the club?”

  “Partly. You don’t really do much without each other. Isn’t it for protection or something?”

  “If I was going to another area where a club is predominantly known I’d have needed to ask permission, and then I wouldn’t have stayed in that location. Some clubs are real fucking assholes when it comes to marking their territory. I’m sure they’ve pissed over everything if they could.”

  She burst out laughing. “I take it you don’t like some clubs.”

  “Not like, but I’d never want to be on vacation near them. Some clubs I’ve heard about fucking attract trouble.”

  “Like who?”

  “The Skulls being one. They’re a club, a fucking dangerous one, out near Fort Wills. Believe it or not, they’re closely linked to Ned Walker as well.”

  “Ned Walker? Who is he?”

  “Like a fighting legend. He’s got balls of steel, and even being as old as he is, I wouldn’t go up against him. Fucker has friends in high places. I imagine the day someone takes him out, they’re going to have a shitload of problems on their hands.”

  She couldn’t help the shiver of fear. “Are you in danger?”

  “Not really. Dirty Fuckers don’t meddle in the kind of business some clubs do. The most dangerous thing we ever did was fight. All of us, and of course we’ve picked up a few strays along the way.” He shrugged. “Like you, my darling.”

  “You consider me a stray.”

  “Well, you’re helping to tame this monster right here.”

  He turned her around, and then started to massage the cream into her chest. “Stop that. We’re on a beach with kids. You can have your little private session when we get back.”

  “Damn, and here I was hoping for some rough fucking with the sand.”

  “So you can be washing sand out of all of those hard-to-reach places?” she asked.

  “Totally. It’ll remind me all the time of our precious fuck session.”

  Rolling her eyes, she rested her head on his shoulder. She really did enjoy being with him. Pulling away, she took the lotion from his hand, and urged him to move so she could do his back as well.

  Squirting some of the cool lotion on his back, she ran her hands over the impressive expanse of hard, inked muscles. She noticed several women admiring her man, and she did her best to ignore them. They were not going to spoil her trip, or her fun.

  Running her hands all over his back, at the same time he rubbed it into his chest. Once they were done, he lay back. “I intend to burn to a crisp.”

  She smiled, rolling onto her stomach, and grabbing her book.
  “Read to me.”

  Starting at the top of the page, she read the book to him, waiting for him to make a comment. Yes, she liked erotic fiction. She found it far more enjoyable than anything else.

  “I have to say I’m scandalized. You’re reading a naughty book on the beach.” He rolled over, and leaned in close. “You can read about anal, but you can’t have it done?”

  “It’s different.”


  “I’m reading about it here, not actually doing it.” They weren’t close to anyone so she didn’t mind talking about it with him.

  “I have to say I’m a little disappointed.”

  She smiled. “You’re disappointed with everything.”

  “Actually, baby, I’m not. I love your perfect pussy, and your precious mouth. I’ve taken all of your virgin parts, so let me have this virgin part as well.” He placed a hand on her ass, and she rolled her ass.

  “What virgin part do I have?” she asked.

  “First of all, you have me, and the fact I’m not with anyone else. That, in itself, is a virgin of something. They can call oil fucking virgin and extra-virgin, I can call our relationship a virgin.”

  She laughed, shaking her head.

  “The way I feel about you. It’s new to me.”

  “How do you feel?” she asked.

  “Like I’m on top of the world when I’m with you. When I’m with you, I want to know what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling. Your hopes, your dreams, your desires. I want to live every single one of your fantasies out, and they don’t even have to be about sex either.”

  “They don’t?”

  “No. You want to go out to a posh restaurant, spend thousands on a meal Teri can do better, I’d do it for you.”

  She touched his cheek. “I don’t need anything but you.”

  “So, the virgin ass thing.”

  “I’ll think about it.” She leaned over and kissed her.

  Suddenly a shadow fell over them, and they pulled apart to look up at two women. Suzy saw their slender bodies in the revealing bikinis. They were with a bunch of other women, and a few men. They’d been watching Pixie with hunger in their eyes since the moment they got there.

  “Can I help you?” Pixie asked.

  “Yes, would your sister mind if we borrow you for a little while? We’re going to play some volleyball, and the guys need a big strapping man like you.”

  One of the women cocked her hip and stared hungrily at him.

  “Sorry, ladies. I’m with my woman, and she’s not my sister. Find some other poor sap to abuse. I’m happy with the woman I’ve got.” Suzy didn’t get to say anything as Pixie took possession of her lips, and let them know the last thing she was, was his sister. “Cheeky bitches, thinking you were my sister. Not that I have a sister, but I can promise you I never want to fuck James’s ass.”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re really bad, you know that.”

  “I try.”


  The week went by too fast for Pixie. They divided their time between the beach, walking around the island, and spending time alone in bed. He loved having her all to himself, and he also gave her a ban on clothes. Pixie loved seeing her naked, and knowing no one was going to interrupt them.

  At the beginning of the week, he’d been so pissed with those girls at the beach. Calling Suzy his sister, he’d seen her instant withdrawal, and it only served to piss him off. How dare they treat her like that? He’d soon showed them, and he wouldn’t be without her by his side.

  Every single day his feelings grew deeper, and to Pixie he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he loved her. He loved her more than anything in the world, and late one night, he had to call James. He didn’t care about the time.

  The only person he wanted to talk to was his brother. James was thrilled but also asked what Suzy thought of his feelings.

  He’d been stumped.

  This week had been about trying to get her to fall in love with him, and obviously to see how his feelings were. There was no doubt for him. Suzy was the one woman he’d been waiting for.

  And you’re already lying to her.

  Staring down at the sleeping face, he pushed some hair out of her face. He’d done a really bad thing. An awful thing, and just thinking about it, made him feel a little sick.

  She didn’t know what he’d done, and when he looked at the drawer beside their bed, he saw the evidence in the condoms he’d bought from home. The condoms he’d pierced so that he had a reason to protect her.

  You’re a fucking idiot.

  Damn, fuck, damn.

  She trusted him, and he saw that.

  The trust would be destroyed if she ever found out.

  Now he was torn between telling her the truth, and also ruining whatever chance they had.


  Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” she said, opening her eyes, and smiling at him.


  “You kept saying the word fuck.”

  “I said that out loud?”

  She nodded, humming. “Yes.”

  “It’s nothing. I was just thinking about you, and of course that’s what I think at the same time.”

  “I love it when you make me smile, and you make me smile all the time, Pixie.” She rolled over, cupping his cheek. Lifting up, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re so patient with me, and I love our vacation.”

  “We’re heading home soon.”

  “Yes, we are.” She rolled away from him again, and grabbed something out of a drawer. “I noticed you packed this.” She held up the kit he’d wanted to use on her in the apartment.

  His cock went from flaccid to rock hard within a second.

  “Would you still like to use it?”

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  Taking the kit from her hand, he cupped her cheeks, and kissed her lips. He loved this woman. He loved her kind heart, her adventurous nature even when she was scared, and every other part in between.

  “I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted,” she said.

  He deepened the kiss, trying to show her with actions rather than words exactly how he felt about her. Sliding his hand down her naked body, he cupped her breast, fingering the nipple before moving to the next. She arched up against him. He didn’t break the kiss, continuing to tease her body.

  Moving between her spread legs, he found her pussy slick and her clit swollen. He moaned as did she when he slid a finger deep within her. Her pussy tightened around his finger as he pumped it inside her.

  “Please, Pixie,” she said, pulling away long enough to beg him.

  “You want to come?”

  “Yes, God yes.”

  He pulled his fingers out of her pussy, trailing them back to her anus. He moved her onto her stomach, and helped her to her knees.

  “I want you to trust me.”


  Using the lube from her pussy, he circled his fingers against her anus, preparing her ass for the fake cock’s invasion. Opening the kit with one hand, he pulled the tube of lubrication out, and using his teeth, undid the cap. Squirting a generous amount onto his fingers, he pushed one digit inside her, going past the tight ring of muscles. In and out he worked his finger until he was able to press in a second.

  She didn’t fight him, and he was satisfied. He pulled his fingers from her ass and grabbed the fake cock from the kit. Applying more lube, he took his time inserting the cock into her ass. Each whimper, her stopped, and stroked her body, bringing her arousal higher. Only when he was satisfied that she was ready, did he push the cock a little deeper inside her.

  “How does it feel?” he asked.

  “It’s … weird.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I don’t know. Can we not talk about it?”

  He pressed a kiss to the base of her back. “If you really can’t stand it, just tell me, and I’ll stop.”

; If a woman didn’t want to do anything, he’d leave and find another. This was another reason why he knew Suzy was the one. He had no intention of leaving her, or forcing her. Pixie was content to be whatever she needed him to be. He wanted her, nothing else.

  Taking his time, he filled her ass with the fake cock, making sure she was able to take it, and happy for it to stay there.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. It feels kind of nice now.”

  He gripped the base of his cock and pressed inside her tight cunt. With the cock in her ass, her cunt seemed even tighter.

  “Oh, fuck,” she said.

  Holding onto her hips, he pushed his cock in deep, moaning as her cunt repeatedly squeezed around him in little waves and pulses. Closing his eyes, he moaned at the pleasure.

  “Touch yourself.”

  Her hand moved, and he rode her pussy as she brought herself to orgasm. Pixie wasn’t in a rush, so each stroke of his cock was long and slow. He took his time, drawing her to a second and third orgasm.

  Only when he was sure she was ready did he remove the fake cock from her ass, and push himself inside her gaping hole.

  When he did, she screamed his name, not in pain, but in absolute pleasure.

  “I’m in your ass, baby. I own every single part of you, and I’m never going to let you go.”

  She whimpered, submitting to him. He rode her ass, never going too hard or too fast. Her ass had never been used before, and he intended to make her love every second of it.

  Making love to her ass, he turned her head, and claimed her lips as he did, owning her. There was no other woman for him. One day he’d have to warn her about the condoms, but that day was not today. He didn’t have to worry about her walking away.

  With every passing day he was sure of her love for him, and he intended to keep it that way.


  Teri sat in the diner, rolling her head from side to side as the last of the customers left for the day. Her staff had already gone, and she was so tired.

  “Do you think you’re getting old?” Leo asked.

  “Fuck off. I’m not old.” She’d been up since five that very morning, and glancing over at the clock she saw it was past one in the morning. “Tomorrow I’m not opening. It has been a long couple of weeks, and I’m not going to open until I’m ready.” She left the table to grab a piece of paper and make a note, warning anyone coming that the diner was closed until at least three for dinner.


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