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Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3)

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “You bad girl,” Paul said.

  Caleb was sitting at the table with them, and as yet hadn’t spoken.

  “Are you okay?”

  She’d noticed trouble was brewing between Caleb and Kitty, but she’d tried to keep her nose out of it. Sometimes people really didn’t want others interfering.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t sound fine.”

  “You can talk to us,” Paul said. All playfulness was gone from his voice. When Teri turned back to Leo and Paul, she saw they looked serious. “We’re here, and we’re ready to hear whatever you have to say.”

  “It’s stupid.”

  “It’s not stupid to you though,” Teri said, reaching out to cover his hand with her own. “We’re here if you need it.”

  “We told you about our shit with Stacey,” Leo said. “We won’t judge.”

  Leo and Paul came as a package deal in everything. There was no room for choice or manipulation. You took one, you took the both. It was as simple as that. On the same day that James met Cora, Leo and Paul had met Cora’s friend Stacey. Everything had been going great, until it was brought to light that Stacey just wanted some fun and fucking rather than an actual commitment. It had broken Teri’s heart to see her friends in pain. The Dirty Fuckers MC were her friends, and she cared about them dearly. They were a bunch of horny, sex maniac men, but she loved them. She really did. They meant everything to her. Seeing them settle down and actually be happy was a dream come true to her.

  So far, no woman had been willing to take the Leo and Paul sandwich unless it was just for a one-night stand. One day Teri hoped someone would be willing. Until then, she would have to wait, and hold out hope.

  “What is it with Kitty? I don’t get it. I love her, and she knows I’ll do anything for her, but not doing everything is killing me. Life is not supposed to be this way.”

  “Sweetie,” she said. “Have you talked to Kitty?”

  “No. You know it’s hard to talk to her on a good day.” Caleb shook his head. “I can’t even be angry with her. That’s what sucks the most. I want to be so angry at her, but I can’t.” Caleb ran erratic fingers through his hair. “Maybe I’m asking too much.”

  “These things take time.”

  “How much time? Look at fucking Pixie. The guy was a total asshole, and yet he’s away with the woman he loves. We’ve seen him,” Caleb said.

  “We can’t tell you what to do about Kitty,” Leo said. “We can say you’re not alone. Look at us two. We want that woman, Caleb. I know I do. It’s fun in the beginning having the random partners, fucking whichever pussy anyone wants, but now. I don’t want it. I want something else. I want to go home to a woman that will love the two of us, and not be waiting for the next man fantasy to come along.”

  “We’ll get there as well. I know we will,” Paul said. “We’ve just got to believe that it is possible.”

  “See, Caleb, we’re all together.” Teri got to her feet, and gripped Caleb’s shoulders. She kissed his cheek. “Why don’t you go and ask Kitty out on a date? No club members, an actual date. I’ll find a place, and then we can take it from there.”

  Caleb hesitated, and then got to his feet. He kissed her cheek, and she watched him go.

  “You’re going to help him, but what about us? Do you have a special someone trapped somewhere wanting us?” Paul asked.

  She chuckled. “Give me time, and I will attempt to work my magic.”

  Winking at the two men, she made her way into the kitchen, and stared at the number on the notice board.

  There was only one time she had lied to the Dirty Fuckers MC. In the beginning before she knew they were good guys she hadn’t told them about her sister. Her sister who was ten years younger than she was, the sweetest girl in the world, and who at the age of twenty-four wanted to connect again.

  Teri didn’t know what her sister looked like now, but she also didn’t want to lose the one person from her family she had left. Letting out a breath, she grabbed the phone, and dialed the number.

  “Skylar, hi, it’s me. I was wondering if you’d still like to come and live with me for a few months.”

  She heard her sister’s squeal, and of course she would. Skylar had over two months’ rent still paid up, but after that, she’d be there.

  Teri hung up the phone, and stared out at Leo and Paul.

  Maybe, just maybe, she could help them find love soon.

  Chapter Eleven

  One month later

  Pixie rubbed Suzy’s back, and he was trying not to freak out himself. This was the third morning in a row that she had rushed to the toilet. She complained about her breasts feeling a little sore, and she seemed to be off certain foods.

  Getting back from their vacation, he’d gotten rid of all of the tampered with condoms, replacing them with new ones. He’d prayed and hoped that nothing would happen. However, holding her red hair back from her face, it was starting to be clear that he’d already royally screwed up.

  “Do you think I should call James, tell him?” She leaned back, using some tissue to wipe her mouth. “I’m really confused. Yesterday, I felt fine after some water and toast. God, I hate this.”

  “How about you stay home, and rest, okay?”

  She wiped the sweat from her brow. “What about James?”

  “I’ll go and let him know. I’ll be back, and take care of you.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Of course.” He really needed to talk to his brother. He was freaking out, like in a big way right now. He didn’t know what to do or what to say.

  She was the love of his life, and with several stupid acts he could risk everything.

  “You’re so good to me.”

  Kissing her temple, he cursed himself every single name he knew, and then some.

  “It’s fine. You know me. I can do this.”

  You’re a fucking asshole, loser, and a complete waste of fucking space.

  After she brushed her teeth, and she took a shower, he helped her into bed, getting some toast and water for her.

  “Here we go, Doctor Pixie to the rescue.”

  She smiled, and he rested the tray onto her lap.

  Grabbing her cell, the e-reader, and the television remote, he handed them all to her, and promised to be back soon.

  “Pixie,” she said, making him turn. “I know we don’t usually talk about our feelings, but I wanted to tell you. I love you.”

  “You love me?”

  “Don’t freak out okay. It’s nothing something you need to worry about. I won’t come stalking you or anything.”

  He moved back to the bed, and cupped her cheek. “Babe, I’ve been in love with you for a long fucking time, and that’s never going to change.”

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, Pixie hoped it was going to be enough for her when she found out the truth, even if she had to find out the truth.

  Chloe had already left the apartment a few hours before. She worked early for Teri now. Grace took odd hours with baby Joseph. The only reason she worked was because it gave the chance for the club to spoil the little guy.

  In the past month a lot had happened. He’d pretty much moved in with Suzy. Richard and Chloe were still doing whatever the hell it was that they were doing. Dane wasn’t voted out. None of them wanted to give him a reason to disappear. Ryan was making it difficult, but Lucy made sure that Ryan spent time with his dad.

  Teri said she had a surprise for everyone coming next month, which was weird. Usually Teri’s surprises included food, or some event she wanted to go to. Everyone was curious about her little surprise. Right now, Pixie had a feeling he’d put a surprise into Suzy’s stomach.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  Entering the diner, he saw several of the guys were eating breakfast, but none of them were his brother. “Where’s James?”

  “At home.” Damon spoke up.

  “The clubhouse?” he asked.

  “No. He lives with Cora, remember.�
� Damon frowned. “Are you in trouble or something?”

  “No. I just really need to see my brother.”

  Leaving the diner, Pixie climbed on his bike and made his way toward Cora’s house. It was a Saturday so Cora wouldn’t be at school. Fuck, fuck, he really needed to talk to James.

  Riding toward Cora’s house, he went over everything he was going to say. The moment Cora opened the door, everything disappeared.

  “Pixie, what’s up?”

  “I really need to speak with James.”

  “He’s in the kitchen.”

  Entering the room, James’s smile disappeared. “What did you do?”

  “You know that just by looking at him?” Cora asked.

  “He’s my brother. I know when he’s fucked up, when he needs help, or when he’s smug about something. Right now, my brother has his ‘fucked up, help me’ face.” James took a sip of his coffee. “Spill.”

  “It really needs to be in private.”

  Cora snorted.

  “Whatever you’ve got to say has to be said in front of her. She may be able to help whatever you’ve done.”

  “Actually if it’s cheating, murder, or anything else, count me out.”

  “Why the fuck would you say cheating?” Pixie asked.

  “You’re a guy supposedly going steady with a friend. I’ve also had every single member tell me how you can’t even go steady with anyone.”

  “I would never cheat on Suzy. I fucking love her.”

  Cora grinned, clapped her hands, and held her hand out. “Pay up.”

  Pixie watched as James pulled out a hundred dollars and handed them to Cora. “What the fuck? You’re betting on me now?”

  “Damon called to let us know you were on your way here, which is why we had time to get changed, and to debate what Pixie would need from us this morning,” Cora said.

  “She took a bet, saying that you were going to tell us you were in love with Suzy. I said not.”

  “Look, whatever. The love I feel for Suzy is not why I’m here.”

  “Give me back my money,” James said, smirking.

  “I said he’d say the words. Not that it was going to be the reason he was here,” Cora said. “You lost, fair and square.”

  James laughed, turning back to him. “What’s wrong, brother?”

  Pixie took a seat. “You can’t tell Suzy,” he said, looking at Cora.

  “Fine, fine.”

  “How do I start? I’ll just go with it. Suzy doesn’t take birth control pills. She doesn’t like them, and has never needed them. I told her I’d take care of the protection. Anyway, one day I completely forgot, and I had sex without the condom. I don’t think she realized it, but I did.”

  “Did you pull out?”


  “Did you realize after the event?” James asked, suddenly looking serious.

  “I realized during, but I suddenly realized that if I finished inside, I might find another way to keep her.”

  “Why don’t you tell Suzy the mistake you made?”

  Pixie’s nerves were completely shattered. “To make sure I got her pregnant I then proceeded to take a needle, and pierce every single condom I owned within its packet.”

  Cora gasped, and his shame continued.

  “Without her knowing. I’ve been making love to Suzy, and the condoms have all been compromised.”

  James didn’t say anything. “Go on. I know you, Pixie, you’re not finished.”

  “Um, when I truly saw what the fuck I was doing, and how much of a stupid idiot I was being, I replaced them all. Just tossed them out, and got new.”


  “Three days in a row, Suzy has been vomiting, her tits are tender, and her stomach revolts against certain food. Before you ask, I’ve already done an internet search, and yeah, all other signs point to the fact she’s pregnant. I’ve got a test at the club, which I bought at the same time.” He finished. “What do I do?”

  Silence fell around the kitchen. He stared at his brother, and then at Cora. They both simply looked at him.

  “You’re my big brother. You’re supposed to help me out here. Tell me what to do, how to make it better?”

  James didn’t say a word for several moments, simply staring at him. “I warned you that your actions would soon have consequences, Pixie. I can’t help you with this one. This is all on you.”

  Pixie’s stomach clenched. “I’ve got to tell her the truth.”

  “Yes. You have.”

  He dropped his head. Tears were so close to the surface, but he didn’t let them come out.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “What for?”

  “For letting you down. I didn’t think of anything other than finally having a reason to keep Suzy to myself.”

  “She may not be angry,” James said.

  “She will be. I only hope I have what it takes to win her back.” Pixie stood up, and let out a breath. “I finally see what you and Drake do. When you find that woman, you really will do stupid shit to keep them.”


  Suzy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She didn’t want to believe it, but Pixie was telling the truth. He held a pregnancy test, and told her the truth of how he intended to manipulate her into keeping her.


  The sickness.

  The soreness.

  The lack of appetite. She didn’t want to believe it, yet she knew it was true.

  Storming toward him, she took the test out of his hands, and went to the bathroom. She wanted to know the answer before she kicked him out. He’d purposefully set about making her pregnant, and now she was going to have deal with it.

  Reading through the instructions, she followed them exactly.

  “Baby, I’m not going to go anywhere.” Pixie’s voice called through the door, and she didn’t want to hear him right now. She was so angry.

  “You broke the condoms on purpose, or you just forgot them.”

  “I wanted you. I didn’t think about anything else but you.”

  “You think this is supposed to be romantic?” she asked.

  “I love you, I want you. No one else. I wasn’t really thinking about anything else.”

  “A baby is a living breathing person, Pixie. It’s not something you put in a box or push to one side thinking ‘oops, I made a mistake’.” Opening the bathroom door, she glared at him. “I had a right to make a decision on children.”

  “You love me.”

  “And that is what makes this hurt so much. I love you, Pixie, and instead of trusting in me, in us, you set about making sure I didn’t have a choice.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She squeezed her hands into fists, and growled. “I don’t want to hear it. There I’ve said it. Your sorry, your apologies is not going to make everything better. It’s only going to make everything worse.”

  The alarm went off, and she went to the sink where she’d put the test. Her entire world spun on its axis, and turned right over.


  She was pregnant with Pixie’s child.

  “Get out!”


  “Get out. Get out.”

  “We need to talk about this.”

  “Right now I want to kill you. I don’t want to talk about this. I want you to get out. I want you to leave.” She threw the test at him, and she was surprised that he caught it. “Get out. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “Suzy, I love you.”

  She paused. “Then you should have thought about that before you decided to take our future into your own hands.”

  Pushing him out of the apartment, she slammed the door closed, and then slid down it. What the hell was she going to do? Her hands were shaking with the rage at what he’d done. She hadn’t been lying this morning when she told him she loved him. She did love him, loved him so much.

  Tears spilled from her eyes, rushing down her cheeks, and spilling into her lap.
  She loved him so completely, and yet he hadn’t had any faith in her, in this.

  Time passed, and she finally got onto the sofa. Fluffy came to curl up against her. He’d stayed well away from their fighting. Chloe finally arrived, and once she removed her jacket, she was there, on the sofa.

  “I’ve heard,” Chloe said.

  “I bet everyone heard. They heard what an idiot I’ve been.”

  “No. Pixie, he told everyone what he did. The club, they’re disappointed in him. He wanted them to know that he’d fucked up, and that he was going to do whatever it took to make things right.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Suzy said.


  “I don’t know.”

  “What are you thinking?” Chloe asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m thinking. I don’t know what I feel. I’m torn about everything.” Pixie had taken her choice out of getting pregnant, and she didn’t know what to do or to even think about that. She loved him, and he said that he loved her.

  “Do you want me to kick his ass?”

  Suzy laughed. “No. I’ll kick it when I think the time is right.”

  “So you’re going to see him again.”

  “I’m not going to stop seeing him, Chloe. He’s the father of my child. That was weird.”

  “Totally. Wow, you’re going to have a baby. Pixie’s baby. I never thought I’d see the day that he’d settle down, and yet he’s going to do it with you.”

  “Do you really think he loves me, or do you think he was just saying that because he knew what he’d done?” Suzy nibbled her lip, hoping her fears weren’t right.

  “He loves you, Suzy. I’ve seen a change in him, and it wasn’t overnight either. I’ve noticed it for the past year, even before that. He wanted you, and he’s worked hard to try and get you. How do you feel?”

  “Even as it hurts right now with what he’s done, I miss him.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “What do I do about my job?”

  “I don’t know. James won’t take sides. I bet he’s really pissed right now at his brother.”


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