Nicest Kids in Town
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Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, 155
Harvard University, 76, 97
Haverford College, 76
Head Start, 98
Hearts, the, 47
Henderson, Doug “Jocko,” 128–29, 133, 140, 186
Hidden Persuaders (Packard), 144
Higginbotham, Leon, 114–15
high school enrollment: national, 78; Philadelphia, by curriculum track, 95; Philadelphia, by race, 93–94
High Time (TV program), 160
Hochschild, Jennifer, 206–7
Holly, Buddy, 148
Hollywood, 138, 199, 210
Home of the Brave (film), 58
Homefront (TV program), 201
Hope, Bob, 37
Hopkins, Linda, 152
Horn, Bob: as original host of Bandstand, 37–47, 60, 128, 133, 137, 140, 142; drunk driving arrest, 47, 137
Horne, Gerald, 208
Horowitz, Lewis, 80, 108–9, 111
HoSang, Daniel Martinez, 21
housing discrimination: federal policies in support of, 12, 15, 24–25, 87; real estate industry and, 12, 15, 19, 24–25, 88; white homeowners’ associations in support of. See Angora Civic Association
How Is Your Social IQ? (TV program), 65
Howard Theater, 150
Hoyer, Louis, 81–82
Huff, Leon, 155
Hughes, Langston, 75
Hulbert, Maurice “Hot Rod,” 154
Hull, David, 160
Hurst, Ed, 37, 134
Hutton, Hugh, 105
“I Know Where I’ve Been” (song), 216
“I Love You for Sentimental Reasons” (song), 162
I Spy (TV program), 189
“I’ll Be Around” (song), 155
I’ll Fly Away (TV program), 201
Ianni, Francis, 174
“If You Don’t Know Me by Now” (song), 155
Igo, Sarah, 166
Imagine 2014, 124
“imagined communities,” 158
Imperial Roller Skating Rink, 29, 130
In de pen dence Hall, 149
intercultural education, 4; in school curriculum, 70–77, 81–86, 99–100, 108–12, 191; television and, 50–54, 57, 64, 66
interracial marriage, opposition to, 34, 192
IQ scores and tests, 79, 92, 96
Irons, Peter, 103 Ischie, Reverend William, 92
Isenberg, Alison, 34
Italian-American neighborhoods, 21, 39–40, 43
Italian-American teenagers, 6, 27, 38–39, 158, 160, 173–78
Jack and Jill, 182
Jackson, Hal, 146–47
Jackson, John, 47, 145, 189
Jackson, Reverend Jesse, 188
James Brown and the Famous Flames, 148
James, Caryn, 198
Jerry Lee Lewis, 169
Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), 51, 80, 86
Jim Crow, 80, 108, 110–11, 184, 193
Joe’s Snack Bar, 28
Johnny Rockets, 195–96
Johnson, Lyndon, 24
Johnson, Victoria, 225
Jones, Buster, 188
Jones, Granville, 81
Joni James, 38
Julia (TV program), 189
juvenile delinquency, 119, 132, 138–39, 149–50
Kakutani, Michiko, 199
Kearney, Margaret, 64
Kefauver, Estes, 58
Kelley, Elijah, 213
Kennedy, John F., 58, 115, 197–98
Kent, Herb, 128
Keppel, Frederick, 75
Keyes v. School District No. 1, 114
Kilpatrick, William, 73
King, Bob, 136
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., 5, 25, 126, 128, 154, 197
King Rec ords, 143
Kite, Florence, 76
Kliebard, Herbert, 80
Klineberg, Otto, 76
Koehler, George, 37
Ku Klux Klan, 19, 129, 152, 192
Kun, Josh, 158
Lake, Ricki, 210
Lassiter, Matthew, 69, 121
Laurent, Lawrence, 142
“law and order,” 208
Leave It to Beaver (TV program), 6, 173
Lee, Brenda, 148
Lee, Peggy, 37
Lengies, Vanessa, 201
Levenstein, Lisa, 225
Levittown (PA), 34
Lewis Committee, 122
Lewis, J. D., 136
Lewis, Jerry, 198
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 148
liberalism. See Fellowship Commission
Liberty Bell, 149
Life magazine, 97, 138, 144
life adjustment education, 80. See also curriculum, tracking of students
Life of Riley (TV program), 173
Life with Luigi (TV program), 6, 173
Lincoln High School, 91
Lion, Margo, 210
Lipsitz, George, 69, 209, 225
Lishman, Robert, 144
Listen to the Lambs (Otis), 209
Lit, Hyman Aaron “Hy,” 140
“Little Darling” (song), 39
Little Richard, 47, 134, 148
Little Rock: Central High School integration crisis in, 4, 7, 71, 101–6, 180, 183, 190
“liveness”: television and, 60–62, 167, 198, 208, 213
Loesch, William, 91
Logan, Floyd, 3, 4, 67, 70–71, 73, 77–96, 99, 100–7, 111–15, 121, 123–24. See also Educational Equality League
Logan, Rayford, 75
Look magazine, 97, 138
Los Angeles, 17, 72, 85, 106, 128, 132, 143, 187, 188
Los Angeles Sentinel (newspaper), 184
Louisiana, 138
“Love Train” (song), 155
Loving v. Virginia, 34
Lymon, Frankie. See Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers
Lynne, Michael, 211
Mabley, Jackie “Moms,” 153
Macek, Steve, 208
MacIver, R. M., 76
“Main Street,” 33–34, 66
Maira, Sunaina, 199
Major Adams— Trailmaster (TV program), 148
Major Max Power, 39
Malcolm X, 116, 205
Mammarella, Tony, 38, 137, 140, 146, 180, 187, 189
maps: used to promote American Bandstand, 159–166; used to promote “WFIL–adelphia” and Delaware Valley, 31–35
Markus, Hazel Rose, 200
Marsden, James, 211
Martha and the Vandellas, 153, 201
Mary land, 2, 11, 31, 34, 192
Mason, Mary, 154
“massive re sis tance,” 69, 84, 86, 103, 121
Mastbaum High School, 78
Mastbaum Theater, 130
Mayer, Ken, 103–4
Mayor’s Citizens Advisory Committee on Civil Rights, 121
McCarthy, Anna, 13, 51, 58, 225
McCarthy, Joseph, 58
McClean, Phil, 160
McDougal, Weldon, 27, 43, 47, 131–32, 182
McGovern, Charles, 65
McGraw-Hill, 97
McKee, Guian, 89, 225–26
Meade Elementary School, 118
memory: American Bandstand and, 1, 2, 7–9, 149, 180–94, 206, 224–25; history of civil rights and, 8, 193, 223–24
Memphis, 128, 154
Meron, Neil, 212–13, 218
Messina, Anita, 175
Met Theater, 130
Miami, 17
Michener, James, 58
Middle States Association of School and Colleges, 79
Milliken v. Bradley, 89, 123
Milt Grant Show (TV program), 160–61, 192, 220
Mineo, Sal, 176
Minneapolis (MN), 143, 164
Miracles, the, 148
Mississippi, 69, 224
Mississippi Burning (film), 219–20
Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, 126
“Mississippi Goddam” (song), 223–24
Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, 204
The Mitch Thomas Show (TV program), 5, 127, 133–37,
155, 170–73, 185
Molittieri, Pat, 168
Montague Magnifi cent, 128
Montgomery County (PA), 44
Montgomery, George, 26, 81–82
Moondog radio show, 41
Moonglows, the, 132, 134
Moore, Cecil B., 113–23, 151–54
Morgan State University, 210
Morrow, Edward R., 58
mortgage redlining. See housing discrimination
Motown, 148, 155
Moya, Paula, 200
music: Philadelphia as a “breakout city” for, 39, 143; radio, concerts, record hops and, 126–32, 149–56; on television, 35–49, 132–49, 157–79
“musicking,” 176–177
Muslim-Americans, 199
Mutual Broadcasting System, 41
Mutz, Diana, 159
Myrdal, Gunner, 4, 70, 74–76
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 38, 182; Legal Defense and Education Fund, 5, 85, 127, 149, 153–54
NAACP, Philadelphia branch, 4, 71, 77–78, 80–82, 84, 101, 106, 112–21, 151–54; youth council of, 29
Nashville (TN), 103, 153–54
The Nat King Cole Show (TV program), 136. See also Nat King Cole
National Conference of Christians and Jews, 78
National Defense Education Act (NDEA), 97
National Education Association, 109
national youth culture. See youth culture
NBC-Radio, 41
NBC-TV, 52, 136, 140–41, 149, 164
Nelson, Ozzie and Harriet, 198
New Deal: federal housing policies following, 12, 15, 24–25, 87; relationship of consumership and citizenship following, 65–67
“New Girl in Town” (song), 213–14, 218
New Jersey, 2, 11, 31, 91
New Line Cinema, 211
New Orleans (LA), 6, 157, 163
New Rochelle (NY), 114
New York (NY): black newspapers in, 182, 184; civil rights activism in, 153; educational activism in, 68, 85; music in, 40–41, 46, 128–29, 132, 142–43, 146–47, 150, 160; postwar history of, 191, 226; school board in, 72; television industry in, 141, 160
New York Age (newspaper), 184
New York Post (newspaper), 184, 191
New York Times (newspaper), 73, 138, 142, 190, 198–99
New York University, 98
newspaper own ership of TV licenses, 36
Newsweek magazine, 97, 138
“The Nicest Kids in Town” (song), 211–12
Nichols, Nichelle, 189
Nixon, Richard, 58
North Alabama Citizens Council, 138
North Philadelphia, 14, 45, 79, 88, 92, 116, 118, 120, 130, 149–50, 153, 182, 204–05
Northeast High School, 87–92, 94, 96, 116
Northeast Philadelphia, 88–92, 96
nostalgia, 187–94, 195–222
O’Connell, Helen, 38
O’Jays, the, 155
Oakes, Jeannie, 89, 96
Oakland (CA), 24, 147, 191
Obermayer, Leon, 86
The Object Is (TV program), 148
Oliver Beene (TV program), 198
Olney High School, 91
Opals, the, 132
Open the Door Richard (TV program), 136
Operation Fix-up, 79–80
Operation PUSH, 188
Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC), 153
Orfi eld, Gary, 84, 115
Orioles, the, 132
Otis, Johnny, 128, 184, 193, 209
Overbrook Improvement Co., 19, 21–22
Oxford, “Jumpin” George, 147
Packard, Vance, 144
Paley Center for Media in New York, 186
Palmer, Walter, 26, 44, 182
Parents’ and Taxpayers’ Association of Philadelphia, 119
Parks, Taylor, 217
Pascoe, Peggy, 192
“payola,” 144–48, 184
Peatross, Jimmy, 170–71
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court, 124
Pennsylvania Equal Rights Council, 24
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, 124
Penny, Marjorie, 54
Pfeiffer, Michelle, 214
Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations. See Commission on Human Relations
Philadelphia Council of Churches, 78
Philadelphia Daily News (newspaper), 18
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin (newspaper), 73, 80, 95–96, 102–4, 109–11
Philadelphia High School for Girls, 78
Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), 11, 12, 31–36, 42, 80, 102–6, 139, 142. See also Walter Annenberg; Triangle Publications, Inc.
Philadelphia International Rec ords, 155
Philadelphia Larks, the, 131, 182
Philadelphia Phillies, 191
Philadelphia Real Estate Board, 15
Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, 80
Philadelphia riots, 205–6
Philadelphia School Board. See school board
“Philadelphia Sound,” 155
Philadelphia Tribune (newspaper), 4, 22, 26, 45, 47, 71, 80, 83, 102, 106, 107, 112, 117–18, 121, 123, 129–30, 132–35, 150, 152–54, 168, 170, 183–86
Phillips, Anne, 114
Pickett, Clarence, 64
Pink Flamingoes (film), 210
Pitts, George, 142
Pittsburgh (PA), 72, 138, 160
Pittsburgh Courier (newspaper), 142
Platters, the, 138
Poindexter, Robert, 118
population of Philadelphia: change by neighborhood, 17; change by race 14–16; racial demographics of suburban population, 44
post-racial, 200, 221–22. See also color-blindness
Presley, Elvis, 42, 47, 148
Prince, Jonathan, 197, 201, 205–6, 208
property values, 12–13, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, 48
Pruter, Robert, 132
“public sphere,” 66
Puerto Rican teenagers, 122, 175, 185
Quadagno, Jill, 25
Queen Latifah, 212–14, 216
Quiz Kids (radio program), 56
R Is for Rhythm (TV program), 65
race: educational opportunity and, 67–100, 101–25; historical memory and, 180–194, 195–222, 223–24; housing and, 2, 11, 12, 15, 17–25, 31, 48, 87–88; intercultural education and, 50–67, 70–77, 81–86, 99–100, 108–12, 191; media repre sen ta tions of, 43–49, 50–67, 132–37, 157–79, 180–94, 195–222; youth culture and, 26–31, 43–49, 57–67, 132–37, 157–79, 180–94
Race, Clark, 142, 160
radio, 3, 5, 9, 10–11, 14, 34–42, 46, 52–53, 56, 58, 62, 137–38, 146, 167, 190, 223; decentralization of, 40–41, 140, 143; importance of, to African American communities and civil rights, 126–37, 149–56
Rainy, Ma, 172
Raleigh (NC), 136
Ramsey, Guthrie, 131
Randolph, A. Philip, 75
RCA, 41
Re-Vels, the, 131, 133, 148
Reading (PA), 43
Reagan, Ronald, 24
real estate agents, 12, 15, 19, 24–25, 88. See also housing discrimination
Rebel without a Cause (film), 139
Red Tops, the, 46
Regal Theater, 150
Reid, Ira, 76
Republicans, 21, 24, 72
Research Conference on Education and Cultural Deprivation, 98
restrictive covenants, 12, 15, 17. See also housing discrimination
Rhodes, E. Washington, 107
rhythm and blues (R&B): 27, 38–48, 128–33, 144, 148, 155, 171–72, 177, 184, 188, 191, 209, 212, 214
Rice-A-Roni, 159, 166
Richard Allen Community Centre, 131
Riessman, Frank, 98–99
“rights,” assertions of by white homeowners, 3, 12–13, 18–21, 24–25, 48
Rizzo, Frank, 123
Roamers, the, 130
Robinson, Jackie, 58
Robinson, Keith, 205
Robinson, Smo
ky, 148
rock and roll, 1, 5–6, 38, 40, 46–48, 125–56, 158, 177, 181, 192–95, 204, 220, 226
Rock around the Clock (film), 139
“Rock around the Clock” (song), 139
Rock, Rock, Rock! (film), 139
Rockwell, David, 198
Rolling Stone magazine, 188
Ronald Jones and the Classmates, 132
Roo se velt, Eleanor, 58
Rosemary Clooney, 39
Rossi, Kenny, 168, 174
Royal Theater, 150
“Runaround” (song), 42
Rydell, Bobby, 147
San Francisco (CA), 6, 17, 72, 153, 157, 162
Satellites, the, 132
Satter, Beryl, 15
Saturday Eve ning Post, 145
Saul, Walter Biddle, 83, 118
Schermer, George, 18, 72
Schipper, Henry, 188
school board, 3–4, 30, 50–51, 53, 62, 68–100, 101–25; official policy barring racial discrimination, 107; selection of, 72
School District of Philadelphia v. Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, 123
school segregation, 3–4, 25, 30, 48, 67, 68–100, 101–125, 192, 226. See also housing discrimination
school zoning policies, 69, 77, 80–83, 100, 115, 191. See also de facto segregation
Schorr, Daniel, 103
Schrum, Kelly, 225
Schueller, Malini Johar, 199
Scranton, William, 154
See It Now (TV program), 58
“See See Rider Blues” (song), 172
segregation. See de facto segregation; de jure segregation; housing discrimination
Self, Robert, 9, 24, 225
Selma (AL), 153
Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, 138–39
September 11, 2001, 8, 197
Seven-Up, 159, 166
Seventeen magazine, 12, 143. See also Walter Annenberg; Triangle Publications, Inc.
Seventeen Canteen (TV program), 151
Seymour, Robin, 160
“Sh-Boom” (song), 39, 46
Shake, Rattle, and Rock! (film), 139
Shankman, Adam, 214, 217–18
Shanley, J.P., 142
Shepard, Dr. Marshall, 82
Shirelles, the, 148, 153
Shorter, Charles, 106
Silhouettes, the, 167
Simone, Nina, 223–24
Sinatra, Frank, 145
Six Flags amusement parks, 195–96
Slums and Suburbs (Conant), 96–97
Small, Christopher, 176
Smalls, Tommy, 146
Smith, Joe, 147
Smith, Ray, 170–85
Snow, Brittany, 201, 212
Snyder, Daniel, 195
social scientists. See intercultural education
Society of Friends, 76
Song of Philadelphia (film), 149
Soul Train (TV program), 5, 7, 136, 181, 187–88, 193