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Avoiding Temptation: Forbidden Series #6

Page 4

by Lorraine, Tracy

  “I’m not sure about this,” I say to the curtain.

  “Show me,” he demands.

  “Fuck.” I stare at myself in the mirror, and it’s like there’s a different woman looking back at me. Gone is the boring, nondescript woman I’m used to, and in her place is a stylish, young lady who has the city at her feet.

  I run my fingers through my bobbed hair in an attempt to give it some volume and blow out a deep breath.

  My hand shakes as I lift it to pull the curtain back. The second it’s in my hand, I shut my eyes and just go for it.

  “Fuuuuuck,” Joe groans, and my eyes pop open in horror. Only, the expression on his face doesn’t show that of disapproval like I was expecting. It’s full of heat, and the sight of it has desire pooling between my legs.

  “I feel naked,” I admit, covering my bare stomach with my hands.

  “Trust me, you’re anything but naked right now.”

  “I’ve never shown this much skin,” I whisper, more to myself than him. I know it’s crazy, seeing as I’m wearing a full-length pair of jeans, but still. It’s the top that makes me feel so exposed.

  Lifting his arm, he signals for me to spin around for him.

  Sucking in as much confidence as I can muster, I close my eyes and begin turning.


  “What?” I look over my shoulder when his warmth hits my bare skin.

  “This,” he says, snapping my bra strap, “needs to go.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Trust me.” Before I even have time to consider if I do or not, the fabric around my ribs loosens and he’s pulling the straps down my arms.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Pushing you out of your comfort zone and making you live.”

  “Why the hell did I admit that to you?” I mutter, taking over the job of removing my bra. The second I pull it out from under the tiny sequined top, I really feel naked. The fabric tickles against the sensitive skin of my breasts, and the cool air surrounds them. My nipples pucker, but thankfully the sequins cover it. Showing him just how much this is affecting me is the last thing I want.

  “Because you know I’m the one to do it. And if it was a one-night-stand you were too scared to admit to wanting, you shouldn’t have any problems looking like you do right now.” One of his hands brushes up my exposed spine, and his breath tickles across my neck.

  I shudder, and there’s no way in hell he doesn’t notice.

  “What the hell?”

  He steps back, giving me a little space to breathe, but then he pulls the back of the jeans away from me and tugs at the tag. “Do you have any regard for people’s personal space?”

  He rolls his eyes and reaches out again, I assume for the tag on the top, but knowing it’s currently pressed against my right breast, I turn away from him and pull it off myself.

  “You planning on ruining all my fun?”

  “You ask that like you’re not having the time of your life right now.”

  The smile that curls at his lips makes my breath catch.

  “What size feet are you?”

  “Five, why?”

  He glances down at the cute ballet shoes I wore to work today and quirks an eyebrow.

  “Fine. But I’m keeping them. I only bought them a few days ago.”

  “Fine. Sort your shit out, and I’ll meet you at the entrance.”

  He takes off with the clothing tags, and I panic. “You’re not paying for those.” He doesn’t bother to turn around and respond. Instead, he lifts his hand over his shoulder and flips me off.

  I fume, my fists clenching. Why did the guy who caught my eye have to be so infuriating?

  I fold all my old clothes into a shopping bag that’s at the bottom of my handbag and slip my feet into my comfortable flats. I dread to think what he’s going to find for me.

  When I emerge, the shop is deserted. I start to panic that I’ve been locked in until I take a few more steps and find my partner in crime standing to the side of the doors with a pair of black strappy sandals swinging from his fingers and a woman’s leather jacket draped over his arm.

  “There’s no way I can walk in those.”

  As if he knows just how competitive I am, he drops his gaze to my feet before he says, “I bet you can. Loser buys dinner.”

  “Jesus,” I mutter, holding my hand out.

  He offers his support once I’ve got the first shoe on my foot and start wobbling about as I attempt the second one. The moment his fingers wrap around mine, sparks fly up my arm. My eyes search his out, and, when I find them, he’s staring right back at me.

  “I don’t want a one-night-stand,” I blurt out, probably sounding like a total moron.

  “That’s good, because I wasn’t offering one.”


  My eyes search his. From the way he was looking at me earlier and the way he touched me, I was convinced that was where he hoped this was heading.

  “I’m not the type of man to do that kind of thing.” He reaches out and tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. The move is so soft and gentle, the total opposite to what I’d expect from looking at him.

  “I don’t believe that for a second. I saw you—” I cut myself off when I realise I’m about to admit to watching him the other night.

  “You saw me what? Have you been stalking me, Miss Smith?”

  “What? No. It’s just...Eddie took me to The Avenue last week and you were...enjoying yourself.”

  “Ah, I see,” he says sadly. Dropping my hand, he turns to leave.

  “Wait.” Without thinking, I slide my hand back into his when I catch up with him. “You just looked like you were having fun. I was...jealous.”

  “Jealous? Wasn’t Mr. Boring keeping you entertained?”

  “He took me to the VIP section. It’s not really my kind of thing. I’d have been much happier down with you.”

  “That’s because I’m such a good dancer.”

  “I saw. Everyone seemed to love you.”

  “I know how to show them a good time.”

  “So what are you waiting for? I want a good time.”

  Chapter Six

  Our first stop isn’t the craziest of locations. I was kind of hoping he’d dive right in with the wild night he had planned. That said, takeout Chinese sitting in the middle of Leicester Square is pretty awesome.

  “Oh my god, this is so good,” I moan around a mouthful of sticky chicken. Aside from going out for dinner with Eddie, my diet has been pretty limited since I moved here, so this tastes incredible. “You’ve got to try some. Here.” I hold out my fork for him, and, after a slight hesitation, he opens his mouth. I realise my mistake almost immediately. His full lips wrap around my fork, and I can’t take my eyes away from them as he chews and then swipes his tongue across the bottom one to lick up some stray sauce.

  “Keep looking at me like that and I’ll get the wrong idea about what you want from me tonight.”

  His words cause desire to fill my veins, but as much as I’m enjoying his company, I know I can’t allow anything to happen. He’s my student. What I’m doing with him now is forbidden, let alone if I was to take it any further.

  “So how come you’ve gone back to school?” I ask, trying to steer our conversation back to safe ground.

  “I fucked it up first time around. Believe it or not, I was a bit of a nightmare teenager.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second,” I say with a laugh. He’s got the bad boy image now—I can only imagine what he was like as a kid.

  “I didn’t care back then. My only focus was pissing my parents off as much as possible. But now, I want more.”

  “Good for you. There are so many people who just put up with what life dealt them. Not everyone has the guts to admit they might have screwed up and do something to better themselves.”

  “I’ve got balls, don’t you worry about that.” He winks, and I can’t help but laugh. This guy does something to
me, something I’ve never experienced before, but the world seems that little bit better when he’s by my side. It’s crazy. Unbelievable. But true.

  “So what’s the plan then?”

  “Oh god, you’re one of those, aren’t you?”

  “One of those?” My brows draw together as I wait for him to explain.

  “Control freak. I’ve got a couple of friends like you.”


  “Well, switch it off. Tonight, you follow my lead and do as you’re told.”

  “Okay, lead the way.”

  He takes us back to the tube, thankfully, remembering the slow pace I need with these damn shoes on. I guess I could take them off now I won the bet and he had to pay for dinner, but I quite like them. They give me confidence that I'm not used to by standing a little taller, and that’s something I need seeing as I’m walking around practically topless.

  He takes me to a comedy club on the outskirts of Camden Town and, unlike Eddie, when he goes to the bar he orders us two pints.

  I know it’s not really anything in the grand scheme of things, but sitting there drinking a pint when a lady doing such a thing was so frowned upon where I came from, I feel like I can take on the world.

  “What are you smiling at?” Joe asks when there’s a break in comedians.

  “Nothing. Everything.”

  “Okay. Care to explain?”

  Shaking my head, I take another sip of my beer. “I just really needed this.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He lifts his drink and takes a sip. He winks at me over the rim, telling me that he knows he’s giving me an out from having to explain anything.

  I’ve opened up more to him than I have anyone ever—and that’s saying something, because he doesn’t really know anything. Eddie knows the most about my life, but that’s only because he experienced some of it first hand, one thing I never forget every time he looks at me.

  The next comedian up on stage is a woman, and after only two minutes I’ve got tears streaming down my face. She’s by far the funniest person I’ve ever heard, and the more I laugh the more I forget about the skeletons in my closet and just enjoy my new life.

  “You’re beautiful when you smile,” Joe says, leaning over and whispering in my ear.

  I’d felt him staring at me as I laughed at her dry, witty jokes, but I wasn’t able to pull my eyes away.

  “Even with the tears?”

  “Even with them, babe.”

  “Uh…” Warmth spreads through my body, desire that I’d managed to dampen down erupting as I turn and take in his soft eyes and smile.

  “Ready to move on?”

  Hand in hand, we walk towards the centre of Camden Town. Joe drags me into the first place that has music pounding out of the doors.

  “Drink?” he asks, although I can barely hear him over the live music coming from the stage at the other end of the bar.

  “Um…” I grab the menu, but it’s plucked from my hand.

  “I’ll choose. Go grab that seat.” Unlike when Eddie ordered for me, frustration doesn't bubble up within me. Weirdly, I trust Joe to get something I’m going to like, not just something he thinks will impress me.

  I hover as the couple vacating the table leave, grateful not to have to stand up in these shoes for much longer.

  “What’s this?” I take a sip of the drink.

  “Slippery nipple.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I almost spray him with the creamy liquid.

  “It’s a cocktail called a slippery nipple. You made out earlier that you’d lived a sheltered life, so I assumed you’d not had one before. The drink, I mean,” he adds when my cheeks flame.

  Why is it that the second he says that, the only thing I can see is him sucking my—no. Totally inappropriate.

  As if he knows exactly where my head’s at, his eyes drop to my chest. “Although, I could certainly arrange for the other kind, if you fancy it.”

  A bolt of lust hits me so hard I think I’d be on the floor if I wasn’t already sitting. My lips part as my breathing increases. A wicked smile twitches at his lips as his eyes bounce between mine and my lips. I really should do something to stop this. My thoughts vanish when he reaches across the table and tangles our fingers together.

  Thankfully, the music starts again, cutting off any more inappropriate comments that might be on the tip of his tongue. I can tell by the darkness of his eyes and the twitching muscle in his neck that he’s thinking of plenty.

  Turning my focus away from him, I look at the band up on stage and try to ignore the need sitting heavy in my stomach. He, however, doesn’t turn away from me throughout their entire set.

  Needing a little space to breathe, I excuse myself to the bathroom. The music is still loud as I do my business, but even though I wanted some space, the second I’m away from him, I find myself looking over my shoulder once again before rushing back to the safety of his side.

  I find two fresh drinks waiting for me at the table when I retake my seat.

  “Should I ask?”

  He chuckles as he goes back to the bar to grab his beer, but instead of taking his seat, he comes up behind me and whispers, “The clear one with the olive is a martini—dirty, of course. And the other, that’s something else I think you might be in need of.”


  “A screaming orgasm.” My breath catches as his nose—or lips, I’m not really sure—runs around the shell of my ear. My wanton moan only serves to prove to both of us that that could possibly be exactly what I need.

  It doesn't mean you’re going to allow it to happen, a little voice screams inside my head. I just about manage to hear her over the blood racing in my ears as I wonder just how good he’d be at giving me a real one of those and not just the cocktail.

  He’s gone as fast as he appeared, and by the time I look up he’s sitting in his seat, sipping on his beer like those few seconds didn’t happen.

  “What?” he asks when he places his glass down and finds me staring at him with my mouth still agape.


  “Good, drink up. I’ve got plans.”


  “Didn’t you tell me that you wanted to stay up all night and experience London?”

  “I guess.”

  “Well, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t make that happen?”

  Friend. Friend. The word feels wrong, but the reality is that even being friends is against the rules. And I know for a fact that wanting more, like what he just whispered in my ear, would smash all the rules to smithereens.

  Chapter Seven

  I have no clue what the time is, and quite frankly I don’t care. That could be due to the amount of alcohol I’ve put away tonight, or it could be the company, I’ve no idea. But as we dance together in the basement of a club that I can’t for the life of me remember the name of, I realise that I feel more alive than I have done in...forever. And it’s not just this place that does that, it’s him. He makes me feel like the woman I’ve always wanted to be. He makes me feel whole, and I’ve only just met him.

  “Stop thinking,” he whispers in my ear, his hands finding my hips and pulling me back into his body.

  He’s been fairly well behaved since he whispered naughty things about screaming orgasms in my ear at the bar. I must admit that I expected him to pull me to him the moment he dragged me onto the dancefloor. I’d witnessed him dancing before, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to experience what it would be like to move my hips in time with his like the girls that night.

  “Sorry, just trying to process everything.”

  “Well, stop. The only thing you should be doing right now is feeling. Feel the music. Feel your body moving in time to the beat, and feel the tension that’s pulling your shoulders tight wash away.”

  “O-okay,” I stutter as his groin rolls against my arse. A tremble races through me, and my body follows his lead.

  “Better,” he whispers when I relax against him.
“Just go with the flow.”

  Something about those words make me tense again. I’ve gone with the flow my entire life—that’s how I ended up stuck where I was. But I soon realise that this is different. Joe’s version of going with the flow doesn’t involve some of the things my previous life did. His version is about letting go and having fun. Exactly what I told him I wanted.

  His fingers dig into my hips a little more, forcing me to shut down my thoughts and just move.

  I press back into him, our bodies lining up perfectly. His movements are perfectly in sync with the music. The bass pounds so loud that the floor beneath me vibrates, and it only adds to the tingles that are already surging around my body at being so close to him.

  Resting my head back against his shoulder, my eyes fall shut and I soak up the moment. There’s every possibility that I might not get this chance again. I could be found and dragged back to face the music at any moment. It’s a fact that I can never forget as I constantly look over my shoulder, waiting for an unwanted familiar face.

  I’ve no idea how much time passes or how many songs play while we stand in the exact same position, moving against each other. My aching feet seem to vanish along with the hundreds of people around us. The only thing I notice is that the more I rub my arse against Joe, the harder his cock presses into me. The knowledge that I’m the one doing that fills me with so much delight I can barely wipe the smile off my face. I’m not sure I’ve ever really turned anyone on before. I can say with absolute certainty that I’ve never experienced the tension that’s sizzling between us right now.

  My pulse thunders through my veins and the unmistakable throb between my legs intensifies. I’ve no doubt the man behind me could help me experience things I’ve been missing out on, but as incredible as this feels right now, I still can’t forget the reasons why it shouldn’t be happening.

  A growl rumbles up his throat before his breath tickles my ear. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were doing that on purpose. I didn’t think you wanted that tonight, Miss Smith.”


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