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Avoiding Temptation: Forbidden Series #6

Page 5

by Lorraine, Tracy

  I have no words, so when I open my mouth, the only thing that comes out is a needy moan.

  “Jesus. You have any idea how badly I need you right now?” My chest heaves as excitement explodes in my belly.

  Those few words should be enough to make me step away, to put the space between us that there should be, but in reality, they do the opposite. With his scent surrounding me and the effects of the alcohol controlling my body, I want everything he has to offer.

  “Joe,” I moan, turning my head so my nose runs along the skin of his neck. I breathe in his woodsy scent, and it only makes my need for him stronger.

  He looks down at me. The moment our eyes connect, I think he’s going to take everything he wants, and a slither of terror runs through me.

  But he doesn’t.

  He doesn’t drop his head. His lips don’t find mine. His hand, however…that does move. The rough skin of his palm scratches up the smooth skin of my stomach until his fingers slip inside the fabric of my top.

  He reaches my ribs, and I swear I stop breathing. My breasts swell with the need to be touched, my nipples pebble against the heavy fabric hanging over them, and heat floods my core in anticipation.

  Time stands still as his hand continues to move. The second his thumb brushes against the underside of my breast, I suck in a huge breath.

  “Oh god,” I moan, pressing back harder into him as I almost lose the use of my legs.

  His hand cups my breast, and I swear I nearly fall apart from that alone. He pinches my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and my eyes flutter shut so I can focus on the sensation racing through my body.

  My chest heaves, my heart races, and my head spins. He’s barely touching me, but I’m falling apart at the seams.

  “You think I can give you that screaming orgasm from this alone?”

  My response is a whimper.

  His hips keep moving against my arse, his cock now impossibly hard against me. My core clenches with need to feel him inside me.

  “I bet you taste so sweet. If we were anywhere else, I’d rip that fabric from your body and find out. Would you want that?”


  He palms my breast again. Even the mention of where we are right now doesn’t concern me. I’m too lost to him and the sensations he’s erupting in my body.

  “I’d lick and suck until you were begging for more.” His voice is barely a whisper, but the deep, rumbling timbre has heat blooming low in my stomach.

  His other hand teases at the waistband of my jeans.

  “You think anyone would notice if I were to find out how wet you are for me right now?”


  “Are you ready for me, Miss Smith?” He pinches each nipple harder, pulling them harshly, the action sending lightning bolts to my core. A ball of something explosive grows within me to the point that I feel like I’m about to break apart. My temperature spikes, my heart pounds, and then it happens. Lights flash behind my eyes, and something explodes within me. Wave after wave of pleasure so intense hits me again and again, threatening to buckle my knees.

  “Holy fuck.” His deep, gravelly voice has aftershocks shooting off around my body.

  Dropping his hand from my top, he spins me in his arms. I keep my eyes locked on his shoulder as his arms wrap around my waist. I’m too embarrassed by what just happened to risk looking up into his eyes.

  If he says anything, I don’t hear it, but his fingers press under my chin and I’m powerless but to allow him to tip my head back.

  The desire in his eyes has my breath catching in my throat. His tongue sneaks out and captures my attention as it runs along his bottom lip. My mouth waters as he leans in. I expect his lips to press to mine, but he surprises me once again when he moves to whisper in my ear. “I’m pretty sure that was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”

  He’s clearly got a lot more experience in this stuff than me, so I highly doubt his words are true. If he had the balls to do what he just did to me while surrounded by hundreds of people, then I’ve no doubt he’s done much, much worse. The thought has disappointment cooling the fire that’s still burning within me.

  I know for a fact that it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m not a virgin by any means, but when I think back to my previous encounters, the term ‘lie back and think of England’ comes to mind.

  My cheeks heat as I think about my first orgasm being delivered in the middle of a night club.

  “You’re beautiful when you blush.” Unable to hold his eyes, I look over his shoulder. The sincerity pouring from them is a little much to take. “You want to get out of here?”

  “Sure.” I think that’s probably for the best. Somehow, I manage to keep that last thought to myself.

  Joe threads his fingers through mine and, after stopping to collect our coats and my bags, we head out into the night.

  “What time is it?”

  “Almost four.”

  “Four in the morning?” I ask, disbelief filling my voice.

  “Yeah. How do you feel, having almost done your full all-nighter?”

  “Weirdly not tired.”

  “Good, because we haven't finished yet.”


  “No. You might want to change your shoes, though. We’re going for a night time tour of the city.”

  The moment he mentions my shoes, all feeling comes back to my feet, and they throb.

  Joe holds onto my elbow as I pull the sandals off and slip on my much more comfortable flats. Then we set off.

  I’ve no idea if he has a destination in mind, but I don’t really care. I’d follow him to the end of the earth right now if it meant I continued feeling the way I am.

  Not once do I look over my shoulder to see if we’re being followed, and not a second passes in which I think about my past. It’s exactly where it belongs when I’m with Joe: in the past.

  By the time he pulls me into a twenty-four hour shop and off licence, we’ve walked miles and the alcohol that was running through my system has long since disappeared—that is, until he purchases a bottle of tequila.

  “You’re joking, right? We’re not drinking that now?”

  “Hair of the dog. It’ll help set you up for the day.”

  The thought of a full day at work has realisation setting in. “Fuck.”

  “Exactly. But I’ve got plenty of experience when it comes to partying all night. So are you with me?” He twists the top off the second we emerge from the electric lights of the small shop and takes a swig. He winces as it burns but happily hands it over.

  “To going crazy and pulling all nighters,” I say with a laugh and lift it to my lips. “Ugh,” I complain once I’ve swallowed it, discovering that there’s a reason I’ve never had this before.

  “To unexpected all nighters with beautiful strangers.”

  When he offers me the bottle again, I stupidly take another shot. It almost immediately makes my head spin.

  “Right, we need breakfast to soak this up.”

  “So we’re not going home to bed, then?”

  He turns his heated stare on me and I instantly regret the question. “There would only be one reason we’d end up in bed tonight, babe, and it wouldn’t be for sleeping.” My lips form an O, my heart pounding rapidly. If he could get me off as easily as he did in the club when we were both fully dressed, I can only imagine how skilled he might be once naked. “But you said no one-night-stand, so breakfast it is.”

  With the half-empty bottle of tequila in one hand and mine in the other, we set off once again.

  He directs us to a kebab shop and takes the liberty of ordering for both of us. I’m grateful, because I’d have no clue what to order anyway. I’m a kebab virgin, although I’m not drunk enough to admit that one out loud.

  Chapter Eight

  Joe drops me off at my building just before sunrise with a sweet kiss on the cheek and a sexy smile.

  He was the perfect gentleman, aside from those few
moments in the club, and as I climb the stairs to my tiny flat, I can’t wipe the smile off my face. Who knew that bad boy who turned up to his first lesson looking so unsure of himself would help me cross a few things off my to do list with such style?

  “Shit,” I gasp when I see the clock on the oven as I let myself in. I’ve only got an hour until I need to teach my first class of the day.

  I peel my new clothes from my body and step into my shower, needing to wash the scent of last night’s alcohol and nightclub from my body. If I’m intending to go to work still slightly intoxicated, at least I can make an effort to smell fresh.

  Seeing as I’ve still not been to the bloody laundrette, I’m stuck with the only thing left in my wardrobe: a baby pink twinset and a grey a-line skirt. I can’t help laughing as I pull it on, thinking about what Joe’s opinion would be. He’d probably want to rip it from my body if he were to catch me wearing it. Those thoughts have memories of his hands on me last night consuming me as I blow dry my hair and apply my makeup.

  I stop off and pick up a large cappuccino with a double shot of coffee in the coffee shop where everything started last night. I can’t help wishing that we could do it all over again. It was by far the best night of my life and totally worth the exhaustion that’s starting to take over my body right about now.

  * * *

  My first class of the day has just settled into its first task when my phone vibrates against my desk. Risking a glance at it, my lips twitch into a smile when I see his ridiculous email address.

  To: Quinn Smith

  From: Tatstwatsandarseholes

  Subject: I can show you the world...

  Dear Miss Smith

  I hope you enjoyed your magic carpet ride and aren’t feeling the effects too badly this morning.

  If you ask me, it could easily be turned into an epic love story.

  I’m ready to analyse the next chapter if you are.


  Mr. Kingsman

  My phone trembles in my hand. I shouldn’t be doing this, and I really shouldn’t be this excited about it.

  I’m still staring at it when a shadow falls over me. “Shit,” I squeak, shoving my phone deep into my bag when I find Eddie at the other side of my desk, also looking down at my phone.

  “Morning,” I sing happily, hoping to cover up the blush on my cheeks and the fact I only drank some tequila a couple of hours ago.

  “Is…everything okay?” His brows are drawn together as he assesses me.

  “Y-yeah, of course. This class is great.”

  “I was asking about you. You look like you didn’t get any sleep last night.” My heart immediately thunders against my chest. Fuck, does he know?

  My hands tremble as he continues to stare at me.

  “I’ve…uh…just got a lot on my mind.”

  “Everything’s okay though, with all that? You’d tell me if you needed something, right?”

  “Of course. Everything’s fine. I’ve not heard anything.”

  My words must be sincere enough, because after a couple of seconds Eddie nods and turns to leave.

  I push my bag under my desk and attempt to ignore my phone’s existence.

  Trying to think about anything but him as well as keeping myself awake, I do a lap of my classroom and check in on each student. This class is a little more of what I’m used to, seeing as the majority are still teenagers. That being said, they’re still a million miles from the private school kids of my past.

  “How are you doing, Jodi?” I ask, dropping down to my haunches and checking on one of the quieter members of the group. There’s something so familiar about her. She reminds me of a younger me. There’s a sadness in her eyes that only comes with the overbearing nature of my past.

  “I’m good, Miss, thank you.” Her words are as quiet as a mouse.

  “You can call me Quinn, sweetie. If you need anything, please just ask. I’m here to help.” I can’t help but offer my support, although I’m sure how much I really mean it goes straight over her head.

  Thoughts of my past along with memories of last night fill my mind for the rest of the morning.

  I grab myself a panini from the coffee shop around the corner for lunch, and by the time my belly is full it’s all I can do to keep my eyes open in the quiet of our little staff room. Pushing my diary and laptop aside, I lay my head on my arms just for a few moments to relax.

  I awake to the sound of someone clearing their throat.

  Lifting my head, I instantly meet the concerned eyes of Eddie, who’s down on his haunches looking at me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I promise.” I smile weakly, my sleep-fogged brain making any kind of movement hard right now.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you went out last night. Have you made some new friends?”

  “No,” I lie smoothly. “I had a glass of wine too many with dinner,” I admit, realising that he’s close enough to possibly smell last night on me.

  “Be sensible. I know life’s different for you now, but please don’t go too wild.”

  He eyes me as I panic. My palms sweat as I think about what could possibly happen to me if he were to find out what I did last night and with whom.

  “I won’t. I just needed a little help to relax.” It’s not a lie. It’s exactly what last night was.

  “Just remember, I’m here for you.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  The second he leaves the room, my head finds the desk again—only this time it’s not to sleep, it’s out of frustration for what I’m doing.

  The last thing I needed when I stepped out of the building to finally head home later that afternoon was an almighty downpour.

  I watch as Londoners run past the front doors to the college building, using anything they’ve got in their hands to protect themselves from the torrential water. A couple of people shelter in the doorway, but I don’t have time for this. My need to be at home and in my pyjamas tops my need to stay dry right now.

  A shiver runs down my spine as the cold hits me, but it still doesn’t deter me. A warm shower will fix everything.

  I’m rushing towards the tube station when a white van comes to a screeching halt right in front of me.

  I freeze in terror. My heart races and my head spins as memories hit me.

  I can’t go back.

  My chest heaves as I try to drag in some much-needed oxygen and pull myself together. If they’ve come for me, I need to prepare for what happens next.

  I’m busy mentally building the walls back up that had started to crumble last night when the passenger window opens.

  “You fucking getting in or not?”

  It takes me a couple of seconds to figure out who it is. The voice is so familiar, and the deep timbre to it has tingles erupting within me, but the sight is anything but what I’m used to.

  He’s dirty—disgusting actually—but he’s never looked better.

  My muscles still refuse to move as I stare at his messy hair flopping down onto his forehead, the dark smears covering his face from a long, hard day at work, and the dirty, ripped white t-shirt stretched across this wide chest.

  I’m in trouble.

  “Do I need to come and put you inside myself?” Although the prospect of that happening has fire racing through my veins, I manage to force my legs to work and take a step towards him.

  “No, it’s okay,” I whisper, but with the sound of the rain hitting the pavement and the hustle and bustle of London in the background, there’s no way he hears me.

  “Hey,” he says when I drop down onto his passenger seat and wipe the rain from my face.

  “Hey.” I risk a look up at him, and my breath catches in my throat. “Whoa,” I breathe. If I thought he looked good from a distance, it’s nothing compared to him close-up with his scent filling my nose.

  “What?” he asks with a chuckle. “Dirty workmen your thing?”

  “Apparently so.” The words aren
’t meant to be said aloud, but it’s too late now. His eyes darken and drop down to my lips for a beat. My cheeks heat and my thighs clench.

  “And here I was thinking women wanted knights in shining armour.”

  “Nah, a dirty guy in a work van is good for me.” I slam my lips shut, praying that I can put an end to the things that seem to be falling from my mouth.

  Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye as I buckle up, I find a sexy smirk playing on his lips. Damn him for knowing how sexy he is.

  My eyes slowly travel up his exposed arm, taking in all his ink and wondering what the story behind each one is as he pulls away and back into the Friday night rush hour traffic.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks, focusing on where he’s going and ignoring my attention.

  Hot. “I’m okay. I had a little cat nap in the office this afternoon. You?”

  “Much better now I’ve seen you.”

  I chuckle. “You always this smooth?”

  “Always,” he confirms. “So no nightmare students to deal with today?”

  “Nope. I’ve only got one. He’s in my Thursday night class. Sits at the back with a smirk on his face and feet up on the desk like he owns the place.”

  “Sounds like a nightmare.”

  “You’ve no idea. He drives me crazy.”

  I don’t need to look over to know that he’s smiling. I can feel the amusement coming off him in waves. It’s almost as strong as the desire coursing through my veins.

  Silence fills the small cab of his van until the tension and crackling chemistry between us almost hits breaking point.

  I really need to stay away from this man.

  “So...was last night everything you hoped it would be?”

  I want to tell him that it was that and so much more, but I also don’t want him to know just how much it meant to me. I’ve already shown too much of myself to him. “Yeah, it was good.”


  “Yeah, it was fun.”

  “Fun. Huh?”

  “What’s that meant to mean?”


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