Taste Me
Page 7
“Do you like it, mia bella?” He whispered against her ear, his breath tickling the fine hairs along her neck. He shoved her hair aside and suckled her skin. She moaned and ground her hips against him.
“Yes,” came out more like a hiss. She cupped his buttocks in her hands, kneading the firm flesh and wanting to touch all of him.
He mumbled something unintelligible in response. Lifting her, he held her in place with her back against the wall, her legs wrapped around him, and her pussy hovering over the tip of his dripping erection. “Do you want him?”
She nodded, too breathless to speak. She hung onto his shoulders and prepared for the ride. He lowered her, his tip teasing her clitoris, and she whimpered. He lifted her upward again, repeating this movement, over and over. Each time sliding her down a little lower. She was wet and wild and ready. She wanted all of him. Now.
“Please…” Her pleading mew hit home.
He settled her onto his slick cock, pumping into her by raising and lowering her bottom with his strong hands. Aching and throbbing, the need for release came quickly. She bit into his shoulder to avoid crying out in ecstasy. Tingling and shivering, she climbed the peak and slid into the warm sizzling sensations of orgasm, enjoying those tiny electric shocks deep inside.
Bryce lowered her to the floor, panting against her cheek. She stood on weak legs, and he wrapped her in his arms and held her there. “I love what you do to me.”
She sighed into his chest. “Ditto.”
“Your cheeks are bright pink. You look well loved.” He kissed each cheek and smiled. “Are you satisfied, Aurora?”
She nodded yes. But what a ridiculous question. She didn’t know what satisfied was until she met him. “We need to get dressed. What if someone comes?”
“A chef never leaves his kitchen during the dinner preparation. We are safe. I know you are here to dine, and I will send you back to your cozy booth to satisfy your hunger for food, now that I have satisfied your hunger for sex.” He winked and led her over to the bar. After grabbing a clean cloth from under the sink, he wet it and bent to clean their love juices from her. He handed her a second towel to dry off.
As she stepped into her clothes, she watched Bryce clean himself and dress. Blue shirt, gray slacks, and that million-dollar smile. Her hero. “This was a pleasant surprise. Thank you.”
“You thank me for having sex with you? It is I who should be thanking you. You have cast a spell over me, Aurora.”
“And you over me.”
How could she fall for someone when all they’d shared so far was the best sex ever? But sex wasn’t enough to make a relationship survive. She didn’t know much about him, but she would find out—everything. He was hers to enjoy this evening, and tomorrow she would dig into his past and find all she needed to know about her mystery man. That is, if she could avoid him long enough to get anything done.
She smiled and relished the influence he had upon her. Sex had never been that important. Then she found Bryce in the farmers’ market. Now, she couldn’t wait for their next encounter.
Could too much sex be bad for you?
She didn’t care. If she died in his arms from an earthshattering orgasm, she couldn’t think of a better way to go.
Bryce entered the kitchen and paused a few feet away from his uncle. He knew from following this man around over the years it wasn’t only unsafe, it was an unwise thing to do. Chefs were in their own world, and they didn’t need little boys tagging along beneath their feet and hanging on their every word. Since this large and generous man had raised him and his brother from childhood, he was the only parent they had. They not only loved him, they respected him. He’d guided their paths through life, and he’d never done wrong by them. They could count on him for his support and guidance in everything.
“Ah, what is it you want now? I told you I will take care of dinner soon. I must take care of my guests first, then we will eat like men.” His uncle moved about with the talent of a dancer from one sous-chef to the next, passing out directions of what he wanted done. And if they disobeyed, bellows like the wind would sound throughout the restaurant.
“I came to tell you I’m leaving, Uncle. There’s a small emergency that needs my attention. Text me a list of your produce needs, and I’ll have them delivered first thing in the morning.”
“Ah, I thought it was you, Bryce. The one with a little bit of me in his soul. You have talent with the ladies, yes? I won’t tell anyone what you did tonight. Promise me next time, not in my restaurant and not in my office.” He winked and chuckled. “Unless you ask first, of course. Is she the emergency?”
“No. But it was nice to run into her here.”
“Yes, I understand that. Who is this girl?”
“Just someone I met.” Who might be the one. “Honestly, I’m beat and tomorrow is another early day. I don’t have the luxury of living in town like Brent.”
Uncle Antonio nudged the sous-chef at his side and requested a veal parmigiana to go, knowing it was Bryce’s favorite. When he handed him the steaming box, he wrapped his big arms around Bryce’s shoulders and kissed both his cheeks.
“Buon appetito, my nephew.”
Bryce left the restaurant with a smile in his heart and the satisfaction of knowing he’d just made love to the woman he was going to marry. Not once, but three times in less than two days. There was something special about her. She was the right woman for him. The only one. And his feelings had nothing to do with the challenge he’d accepted from his brother. But Brent would be pissed to discover he’d lost. Again.
Aurora slipped back into her seat in the alcove. A waiter carried in two plates of heavenly smelling food and set them down. Before he’d finished pouring red wine in their glasses, Bryce arrived. He appeared upset about something.
“Is everything okay?”
He cleared his throat and shooed the waiter away. “I thought I might introduce you to my brother tonight, but I just found out he left. He is my partner at work. Together we own the farmers’ market where we first met.”
“I’m sorry I missed meeting him. I’m sure there will be another time.” She unfolded her napkin and set her silverware to the side. She was starving. What was it about having sex that left one so hungry they could devour a cow?
“I might run out of time.” He reached across the table, and a serious expression crossed his face. He clasped her hand in his. “Are you sure you won’t marry me?”
Aurora recalled their hot lovemaking and smiled. If only she felt right about accepting a proposal from a man she’d not only just met but knew his body better than his life. Impossible. She glanced at the exotic blue drink in front of her. “Thank you for another one of these moonlight drinks. They’re delicious.”
“Yes, but—”
She took a sip, anything to stall responding to the question she didn’t want to answer—not yet anyway. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”
He smiled and shrugged away his offer. “I ordered for both of us. I thought you might enjoy my uncle’s spinach and wild mushroom flank steak with baked ziti. The rolls are garlic parmesan. A personal favorite of mine.”
Good. She’d gotten him off the delicate subject of marriage. Why did he think she would even consider such a thing this soon? Hot sex wasn’t enough to base a marriage on. It was barely enough to base a relationship on. Yet this is what she’d done with this man. They were lovers, having an affair of the body. He satisfied her, and she satisfied him. Sex was good, it was immensely fulfilling, and she craved it.
Sex with Bryce was like a dream, a sexual fantasy that took her to heights she’d never imagined existed. She wanted to be with him, but there had to be more than great sex. She wanted to know what made him tick.
“I’d like to know more about you, Bryce. Besides having the best cock I’ve ever met, what else do you have to offer me?”
Bryce choked on his bite of food and gasped for air. He took a long guzzle of wine and coughed.
“How do you know about my…my cock?”
She laughed. He was so playful and funny. “My pussy told me.”
His face flushed beet red. “Are you serious?”
She laughed out loud. “I’m only teasing, Bryce. I want to get to know the man I might say yes to, that’s all.”
He undid a button on his shirt and yanked at the opening. “I thought we were going to be friends first?”
“Didn’t you just propose to me—again?” She giggled. This was fun. He acted as though they’d never done anything except share a kiss. “Besides, I love what you do for my body.”
He dropped his fork onto his plate, took another drink of wine, and filled his glass again. He finished the second glass and pushed his chair away from the table. “I need to visit the men’s room. Be right back.”
Aurora enjoyed her delicious meal and her Moonlight Margarita. When she finished, she glanced around the walls at the murals painted there. All depicted old Italy. Rolling green hills, vineyards, and the canals of Naples, all so romantic. She wanted to visit Italy someday. She glanced down at her cellphone.
Where on earth was Bryce?
Chef Antonio peeked into the private room. “I have to apologize for my nephew. He had an emergency and had to leave early. Did you enjoy your meal? I’m sorry I couldn’t come and dine with you. I promise to do so next time. Dinner is on me tonight, remember.”
Aurora was disappointed Bryce had left without saying goodbye. Yet, in some ways, she was relieved. His back and forth personality was hard to keep up with sometimes. “Thank you so much, Antonio. The meal was delicious. I promise to call beforehand the next time I can come, and we can dine together.”
“That will be my pleasure.” Antonio kissed her hand and patted her cheek like she was a child. “Buona notte, Miss Daring.”
The drive home from Antonio’s took Aurora right by Love’s Farmer’s Market. There were lights on in the building, tempting her to stop and make sure Bryce was okay. It was odd the way he just up and disappeared after their dinner, even if it was an unexpected meeting. But she couldn’t complain. He’d given her great sex before dinner, and Antonio had delivered a wonderful Italian meal. She was satisfied on all levels, except her curiosity. She drove down the road two more blocks and turned the car around. She couldn’t resist.
A white pickup truck sat in the parking lot at the side of the building. No other vehicles. Maybe that’s what he drove? Yet she swore he’d mentioned a fancy sports car at Dani’s house. She got out and walked over to the front doors. Locked, as they should be. Instinct told her to check the back door. The one he’d slipped them through the first time they met. The day it was pouring down rain and he showed her how to orgasm, over and over again.
Her hunch was right—the back door was unlocked. She stepped inside and paused for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the dim interior. She loved the smell of fresh sawdust and grain bags stored in the area. While she wandered around, she looked for a tell-tale sign of his presence. She found the stack of sunflower bags and stopped to run her fingers over the smooth surface.
Ah, fond memories.
She spun around and smiled, feeling a slight bit guilty for stalking him. But was she?
Who cared? The responding smile on his face said he was happy to see her.
His chest was bare, exposed by his unbuttoned shirt. Moisture beaded on his chest and forehead. He was the most mouthwatering thing she’d seen all night, and she’d left Antonio’s before dessert.
“What are you doing here?” He was so close his warmth brushed her bare arms. He smelled of soap, sweat, and a faint whiff of aftershave—the one she remembered from earlier.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay. You left so suddenly.”
“I’m fine, as you can see. Just a problem with the thermostat on the refrigeration unit. Did you enjoy your meal?” He stepped closer and wiped his hands on the rag he held.
“I did. It was wonderful.” And he was even more wonderful. She couldn’t wait for him to touch her, to kiss her senseless one more time.
“And dessert? Did you choose something tasty?”
She licked her lips, slow and deliberate. “I did, but I feel unsatisfied.”
“And so you came to see me?” He tossed the rag aside.
Bryce pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth to within inches of hers. “Tell me who you really are, mia bella.”
Aurora giggled at his playfulness and knew she’d made the right decision to stop. She placed her hands on his bristled jaw and pulled him even closer to whisper next to his ear, “Your fantasy lover.”
Chapter Four
A loud alarm sounded throughout the building. Bryce, a bit reluctant, released Aurora. “I’m sorry. It’s this damn unit. I can’t seem to fix it. I called the installers. They can’t come out until tomorrow morning, so I was transferring the produce to the other walk-in. I should finish before you distract me any further.”
She covered her ears, and they walked toward the refrigeration units. “Can I help?”
“Not in your pretty dress.” He cast her a sideways glance. Her smile warmed his heart as he switched off the alarm. “Now, I can hear you better.”
“I can help, Bryce. Let me have your shirt.”
He shrugged out of his brother’s dress shirt, but before he could hand it to her, she lifted her dress and pulled it over her head. Her rosy nipples perked in the cold air. She was beautiful wearing nothing but her panties. “You are amazing.”
She tugged the shirt from his fingertips and slipped it on, buttoning it halfway down. The shirt nearly covered her thighs, and she was sexy as all get-out. She laid her dress across a nearby box and rolled up the shirtsleeves. “Let’s do this.”
He chuckled and led her inside the walk-in unit. He’d been about halfway through unloading the many boxed flats of fruit when he heard her in the warehouse. No, he hadn’t really heard her. He’d sensed her presence. She’d gotten that close to him. He knew when she was near, like he had at Antonio’s, and loved that she stopped by to check on him. He handed her a short stack of red raspberry boxes, not too heavy for her to carry. She smiled up at him, and he couldn’t resist a quick taste of her.
“Thank you for your help.” He touched his lips to hers, nothing too lingering for fear he’d want more.
“You’re welcome.”
She walked into the unit next door carrying her berries, and he followed with three boxes of lettuce. “Start a stack anywhere. On those shelves is fine. Not too high. We don’t want to damage the fruit.”
With her help, they finished up in minutes as opposed to the hour or more it would have taken him alone. She worked at his side, never once complaining of the cold. The way his bare chest burned from the low temperature inside the walk-ins, her delicate skin must be chilled too. He closed the door on the good cooling unit and switched off the power to the failing one.
“It’s a good thing you have two walk-ins.” She rubbed her arms and shivered. “You would have lost a lot of produce.”
“We wanted two units for this very reason. If one goes out, there is always a backup. When using both units filled to half their capacity, we keep the coolers at warmer temps to conserve energy and still keep everything fresh.” He gathered her into his embrace and held her close. “You’re freezing. Come on. Grab your dress.”
Bryce took her hand and led her toward the stairs, turning off lights as they went. Once again, he was glad for the extra funds they’d put out to install a fully functional bathroom with a shower by the offices upstairs. That way he could shower, if he got too dirty working in the warehouse, and not have to return to the farm to clean up. Like he had earlier tonight when he borrowed his brother’s clothes before they met at the restaurant.
“Oh, my gosh, this is nice.” She walked into the large gray bathroom that featured double sinks, a mirrored wall, and a tiled walk-in shower with t
wo stainless shower heads opposite each other. Wood bench seats crouched on each end. The deep shower didn’t need a curtain, so they hadn’t hung one.
Of course, he never expected to have a guest in these showers, but he wasn’t about to let her freeze. “I’ll get the water warm. There are clean towels in the cupboard over there.”
She held up a bar of men’s soap on a rope. “Is this all you have?”
“Yes. Is it too harsh for your skin?” He’d remember to grab a woman’s soap the next time he visited a regular store.
“No. I love this smell. It reminds me of you. I’ll be fine.”
Her soft-spoken words warmed his heart. He took the two towels from her and placed them on the counter. Then he removed his slacks and underwear, and she followed suit by removing her panties and his shirt. Correction, the shirt he’d borrowed from Brent to go out to dinner. What a great decision that had been.
“Come here.” He took her hand and led her under the warm water’s spray. Tugging her closer, he let the water sluice over them, warming them and arousing him in its erotic dance across his skin.
“Bryce,” she whispered against his shoulder as they slow-danced under the water.
He gazed down into her incredible eyes. He could never resist this woman. She was music to his soul, and the most enchanting woman he’d ever known. He lowered his lips to hers. “Aurora…your name is as pretty as you are.”
She sighed and rubbed herself against him, her breasts brushed his chest and invited him to touch her. He fondled her breast and gently massaged it, and she moaned and raked her fingers across his back. She slipped her hand between them and grasped his erection, already hard from the nearness of her.
Without encouragement, she dropped to her knees and licked the tip. He held onto her shoulders, not only to brace himself but to encourage her ministrations. Around and around her dainty tongue teased and tortured. He released a moan from somewhere deep inside. Her mouth covered him, and she suckled his head. God, he didn’t know how long he could hold on. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her up to face him.