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Taste Me

Page 8

by Cali Caliente

“If you want to feel me inside, you’d better stop the awesome job you’re doing down there.” But he didn’t mean it. He wished she would continue until he shot his wad all over her.

  She wiped her lips. “Kiss me?”

  How could he not? He covered her mouth with his in a hungry kiss and played with her tongue, making him hunger for more. Breaking away, he positioned her facing the wall, where only the far showerhead hit their backs. He pushed gently on her shoulders, and she bent over with ease like a dancer. He lifted her bottom, spread her lovely thighs, and slipped two fingers inside.

  “Oh…” She splayed her fingers on the wall for support.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Oh…yes…” Her voice was raspy with need.

  He found her nub and caressed it, but she wiggled so much he couldn’t keep his fingers within her. He slipped his cock inside in one careful thrust. Pulling her hips toward him, he thrust in and out at a steady pace. She moaned and whimpered, and he held her against him, pulsing deep inside, hoping he touched her core. She trembled in his hands. He lifted her and held her backward in his arms, his throbbing shaft about to explode inside her.

  She cried out with her orgasm, and he joined her, their satisfaction a mutual delight. He held her there, not wanting to let her go, though his arms ached. When he lifted her higher to release himself, his cock slipped out with a soft pop. But he didn’t want to let her go yet. He lowered her to her feet and spun her around in his arms to hold her close.

  She sighed and whispered, “Thank you.”

  He chuckled and nuzzled her sweet neck. “Why do you keep thanking me for something we both enjoy?”

  She met his gaze with tears forming in her eyes. “Because this is the most amazing sex I’ve ever experienced.”

  He kissed her forehead, each cheek, and her pouty lips. “I agree. You have spoiled me, mia bella. I will never be the same.”

  She laid her face against his chest. “Me either.”

  Bryce listened as her breathing calmed and became a steady song in his ears. The steamy water washed them clean of the juices that remained from their lovemaking. He closed his eyes and held her. Peace filled him, and he relaxed in contentment. He promised himself he would take care of her always. She was that special.

  Touché, little brother. I’ve already won. I’m in love, and so is she. Soon, she’ll say the words I long to hear, and I will return them in Italian.


  The sound of rain falling, pitter-patting on the metal roof above, and the gentle kiss of shower droplets caressing her skin awakened Aurora’s passion. She was falling in love. His heartbeat sang in her ear, and she longed to remain this way forever. But tomorrow was another day. She had to get up early and make it to the office before her editor. Stan would blow his top if she was late again.

  She grabbed the soap bar on a rope and ran it over his body, idolizing all the muscles and firm lines that made his male physique so different from hers. With great care, she washed the most important part of him. The part that linked them together in a way nothing else could. He grinned as he took the soap from her and returned the favor, taking care to wash her between the legs and rinse the soapsuds away. Surprise rushed through her when he bent to kiss her there, one more time. He knew exactly what she wanted and delivered it with tenderness. Bryce was magical.

  “I don’t want to leave.” And she meant it. “But we both have to work today.”

  He dried her with the fluffy towel, wrapped it around his hips, and pulled her into his arms again. “Now that I know who you are, Aurora Daring, I’m not worried. We will always be able to find each other.”

  Why did that sound so right?

  She glanced over at the moon-shaped clock on the wall. “Is that the real time?”

  He looked at the clock too. “I’m afraid it is.”

  Three o’clock in the morning? “Where did time go?”

  His sideways smile slipped into place. The devil knew he was charming. “The important thing is how we spent that time.”

  “You’re right. But I’m going to be dog-tired tomorrow.” She slipped into her panties and yanked her silky dress over her head. Slipping on her shoes, she grabbed her purse and turned to face him again. “My boss has been on my back lately about my columns not being enticing enough.”

  “Aurora, there is nothing that isn’t enticing about you. Do you write for a newspaper?”

  “Yes. I have a daily column.” Which she’d been ignoring the past two days.

  “I look forward to reading it sometime.”

  “You will when I get that article written.” She stood on tip-toe to kiss his cheek, but he captured her lips instead with a deep sensual kiss. Touching her lips, she smiled. “Until we meet again, then?”

  “Until then,” he agreed.

  Aurora walked out the bathroom door, took the stairs far too fast, and hurried outside to her parked car. Was she crazy? She was acting like a school girl again. And it had been far too long since high school and chasing boys she had a crush on. Was that all this was, a mad crush? She grabbed her keys from the visor and started the engine.

  A glance across the empty parking lot showed his outline, standing in the warehouse doorway. With the light illuminating him from behind, he was more like a ghost or a phantom lover of her sexual fantasies than a real man. Whatever he was, he made it awfully hard to drive away.


  The Daily Sun newspaper laid on the ground next to the front door when Bryce opened the market for business. He tucked it under his arm and walked inside, flipping on lights in the different departments. Soon, he would have skylights put in to use the sun’s energy instead of the local power company’s. They needed more money coming in before he added any more improvements. Skylights would lower the electric bill and make the business even more green. His customers would like that. He’d already received several nice compliments about the attractiveness of their displays and the quality of the fresh produce.

  His heart was in the sky right now. Business was booming. His produce was growing plentiful and so far, insect free. And he’d experienced the most amazing past few days with his secret lover, Aurora Daring. Her name was bellissimo. She’d even told him where she worked. He ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He entered his office and tossed the newspaper aside, and it hit him.

  Oh, God, I did it.

  Dropping into his chair, he grabbed the newspaper and opened the pages to the classified. He scrolled down the page until he came to the personals. Holy smokes! What had he been thinking? He hadn’t known where she was at the time, and he’d wanted to find her, so he took out the ad. He’d had no clue they would run into each other again. Each time their encounters had ended with mind-blowing sex. Fate had brought them together. Now, his stupidity might tear them apart. He ran his finger down the ads. There it was. It might as well have been written in bold letters the way it jumped out and grabbed his attention.

  Partner wanted: for pleasure, fun, and who knows? Inquire if you are a sexy blonde female—lacy pink panties optional.

  Bryce swallowed hard, twice. He might have just ruined what they had. The magic would be gone. She would hate him, and he deserved it. At best, she would disappear, and he would never experience her brand of loving again. His heart sank to the lowest of lows. How the hell was he going to fix this mess?

  If Aurora read it, she would know who wrote it. The embarrassment alone would make her shy away from contacting him. Wait. He’d used the store’s phone number for a contact. If no calls came in, the ad wasn’t a success. Maybe no one would notice it at all. There couldn’t be that many blondes who wore lacy pink panties. He sighed and relaxed. It would be okay. No one would read the ad or take it seriously. And if they did, he could always blame Brent.


  “This box arrived for you. It’s marked urgent. After you check it out, I need to see you in my office. Don’t be long.” Stan walked away and tapped the top of Carla’s desk in passi
ng. He always picked on her since she was a plain Jane type. Or maybe he had the hots for her?

  That silly thought made her giggle. Yet she’d seen the way Stan watched Carla when she wasn’t aware. He also knew he intimidated Carla, but maybe she liked him, and that’s why she acted that way. Shy people had the weirdest ways of communicating.

  She glanced down at the small, square cardboard box. No markings, only postage and her name atop the street address of the newspaper. She picked at the tape, but it was the darned super-reinforced kind, and it wouldn’t budge. Searching for her paper opener, she found it and slit the seams. The flap opened, and she read the note nestled within. For you, until we can make love and perhaps use this to enhance our hot sexual experience.

  “What the heck?” Aurora’s face flushed with heat, and she clamped her thighs together.

  Carla walked over. “What is it, Rora?”

  She slammed the flaps shut so Carla couldn’t read the note. “Just a few supplies I ordered. It can wait.” She scooted back her chair and feigned lack of interest in the box. “I’d better see what Stan wants before he has a tizzy.”

  But she couldn’t get her thoughts off the note. Was he totally crazy? Sending things to her work to get her attention. Well, he had it now. She straightened her blouse and knocked on the open glass door of Stan’s office.

  “Come in and close the door, Aurora.”

  She hated it when he asked her to do that. It either meant she was about to get a scolding for something she’d written or he was going to ask a favor. She hated when he asked her for favors. Last time, she had to endure the most awful junk food and write something nice about Stan’s ex-wife’s restaurant. He’d worked out a deal for free advertising and less alimony.

  “I need to send you out of town.”

  She dropped into the chair in front of his desk. “Okay. Give me the details.”

  “I want you to follow my niece up to Fort Lee, New Jersey. Some baking contest she entered.” He chuckled and leaned back with a big grin on his face.

  But she didn’t think he was funny at all. “Oh, darn. You know, my car has been having trouble lately. I need to get it into the garage. Sorry, I can’t do it. Maybe someone else can go?”

  “We can rent a car.”

  “Stan, please. Send someone else.” She stood with her hands in praying position. “Maybe Carla would like to learn the ropes? I know she wants to be a reporter. I can help her write it up when she gets back. Great idea, right?”

  “No.” He walked over and opened the door.

  She passed under his arm and hurried toward her desk. “Thanks, Stan. I knew I could count on you.”

  Nothing she said would discourage him. He followed her over to her messy desk. “Listen to me, Aurora. This will be a memorable experience for you.”

  “What if I don’t want to go, Stan?” Aurora slumped into her desk chair and frowned up at her boss. She fiddled with a pencil and tossed a scrap of paper in the trash. “You’re paying me back for calling in sick yesterday. I was really exhausted and needed rest.” And time to think about the steamy wet sex she had in the wee hours of the morning with the most incredible man to ever exist—

  Stan harrumphed and crossed his hands over his round belly. “I’m not asking, I’m telling. I don’t have anyone else to send, so you are going. And that’s final.”

  “You’re mean. Pure mean.” Why else would he send her up to New Jersey to cover a local teenager in a baking contest? His darned niece of all things. “I hope you don’t want me to stay there for more than a day. It’s not that bad a drive, four hours tops. I can come home afterward, right?”

  “The event lasts for three days.” He placed both plump hands on her desktop and almost glared at her. “You are staying for the entire weekend. Friday through Monday. I don’t want to hear another word. Make sure you have your company credit card, or you’re responsible for the hotel bill.”

  She resigned herself to the assignment. Any other time she would love an assignment like this one. The chance to get away and experience new things, new foods, and new ideas. But her body wanted to be here. Close to the one man who made her feel alive and beautiful and sexy in the most delightful way.

  Oh, geez! The box.

  She slipped the small box into the desk’s bottom drawer and slammed it shut. What did Bryce send to enhance their sexual connection? She couldn’t fathom anything making it better. How could she leave town at a time like this? He’d be here, and she’d be there. No way.

  “Damn, damn, and triple damn. It’s not fair.”

  “What’s not fair?”

  Her chair came to an abrupt halt. She swallowed hard and looked up to see Bryce dressed in an impeccable gray suit, white shirt, and silver tie. With his espresso-colored hair combed neatly away from the face she adored, she could see his dark umber eyes sparkle with amusement. He was breathtaking, and her legs actually quivered.

  “I thought I’d stop in and thank your boss in person for sending you over the other day.” He sat on the edge of her desk, looking like he belonged there. Sort of like a hood ornament on a fancy car, making it seem as though she were richer for his presence. “He told me you’re on assignment this weekend. You’re in luck. I happen to be off the entire weekend.”

  She stared at him with suspicion sneaking into her thoughts. “So?”

  “So why don’t we make a little getaway out of it. You can work during the day. I won’t bother you, I promise. At night, we’ll have each other’s company. It’s not far over the George Washington Bridge to Manhattan, you know. I can show you the sights, among other things.” He winked at her, and she glanced away. His Italian charm got to her, and the devil reveled in it.

  “I can’t ask you to go with me. I’m working. Stan will never allow it.”

  He raised his arm and motioned for Stan to come over. “Stan suggested it. He said you need a break, maybe a little romance too. You need to lighten up. Words from your boss’ mouth.” He slapped Stan on the back like they were old friends. “Right, Stan?”

  “I’d feel safer sending you with an escort, and Mr. Love’s offer comes at the perfect time. I agreed since you know each other so well.” He winked at her and grinned.

  “We do?”

  “Ah, carina, let’s not hide our engagement from your boss now.”

  Oh, my God, he was at it again. “No, Stan, you see—”

  “It’s all settled then. Have a nice trip, you two. I’ll expect a lot of work out of you on Tuesday, Aurora. You can thank me later.” Stan waved his hand in the air in his typical dismissive style and strode back into his office.

  “What are you doing? Are you crazy?” She kept her voice down, but she couldn’t believe this guy. He was back in the Clark Kent mode. The one who wanted to tie her down with marriage when all they’d shared so far was hot sex.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about the things you said the other night.” He leaned forward, his cologne intoxicating her senses. “I love that you like my—”

  Holy crap!

  She remembered their conversation over dinner when she’d shocked him with her open talk about their sexual encounters—and his cock. Her hand flew to his lips and captured what he was about to say, before he could utter it and embarrass her further. “We aren’t talking about this subject right now. Is that clear? I won’t go anywhere with you, if you speak another word about it.”

  He ran his fingers across his lips like a zipper and captured her hand for a kiss. This time he kissed her open palm, but she tugged it away. “I am going home to pack. Shall I pick you up at noon? Don’t forget the box.”

  This couldn’t be happening. Had everyone gone bonkers? Maybe they had. She caught his sexy smile and thought, why not? She accepted her fate. She had two hours to pack and be ready for her job duties, and whatever else he had in mind.

  Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Once alone in a hotel room, they could play out their sexual fantasies to their hearts’ delight with w
hatever it was he’d sent her in the box. But only if he could be the super hero lover again. Maybe she should suggest he pack a pair of jeans and a nice form-fitting T-shirt?


  If something could go wrong, it had gone wrong today. Brutus decided it was a great time to run away. The damn dog chased the neighbor’s chickens and got tangled in some briars behind their barn. That’s how Bryce found him, whining for release. He returned to the ranch after a several hundred dollar visit to the veterinary clinic and got Brutus settled in his outdoor pen, fed, and watered. He changed his clothes and jumped into his truck. The passenger rear tire was flat. Changing the tire wouldn’t have been a chore, if he had a spare. He’d forgotten to get the spare replaced the last time he had a flat. Time to break down and replace the damn tires.

  He called one of the market employees to come out and drive him into town. As soon as he got to the office, he made a quick call to the garage guy who fixed his tires last time. He offered to pay him extra to run out to the farm and put a new set of tires on his truck. He hung up the phone and noticed the note pinned to his door. It was from his brother.

  Gone—on another mini-vacation.

  Hell, he could use one of those. If he thought the business could spare them both at the same time. Today would be an ideal day to escape. And he knew exactly who he’d ask to go with him. He remembered her green eyes and the way her blonde hair brushed over his bare skin, making him hot and bothered in a heartbeat. He tugged at the neck of his shirt and recalled the last time he’d seen her, the day before yesterday.

  Their lovemaking was something to dream about, for sure. She met every need he had and then some. She also made him want to try everything with her, every position, every erotic sensation they could stir up. To be with her day in and day out, and spend lots of long nights pleasuring each other—he shook off the fantasy and wondered where she was today. He thought for sure she might stop by the market. Hell, maybe she already had. Late getting in today, he’d lost most of the morning. He glanced across at the desk clock.

  Noon. Damn.

  He picked up his cellphone and called Brent. It rang for a long time before his brother picked up. “Hey, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving today?”


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