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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 27

by Tia Siren

  The way he’d looked at me when I’d just been wearing my robe… If he hadn’t been my brother’s best friend and we hadn’t grown up together, I would have said there had been a hell of a lot of lust in that stare. But he was male, and men always stared when they saw a half-naked woman. It didn’t mean anything about what he might feel toward me.

  So I agreed to go with him.

  The atmosphere was relaxed in his car. The radio blared popular music in the background, and Luke seemed to be in a good mood. We both felt better than we had just after Dalton’s death. That was for sure.

  I still ached for my brother of course. There was a Dalton-shaped hole in my life now that he was gone, and I still had to learn how to carry on with my life without my brother, almost like people who lost a limb had to find their balance all over again.

  But it wasn’t wrong to smile from time to time, and Luke made me smile.

  Luke was looking hot today, too. He’d gone home and changed, and he wore another pair of jeans that made his ass look fantastic and a T-shirt that clung to him like it’s life depended on it. It was so tight I would have to peel it off him to undress him, I was sure. I was willing to do the work if that was what it came down to.

  Luke’s hair was still messy—he hadn’t really made much of an effort with it—and it looked hot and stylish. He was the kind of guy that had swagger, that looked fantastic without even trying.

  His car was a big black SUV, big and strong the way Luke was. It suited him perfectly without suggesting he was trying to make up for something. Sitting next to Luke in his car was something else. The leather seats heated up, he told me, and the console had enough controls to pass for a spacecraft. When he drove the car, it purred softly, and we glided through the streets in style.

  Was this what Luke was like? Was everything about him this classy?

  “So, what are we doing first?” I asked.

  “I need to go pick up a suit that I had tailor-made and then pick up bike parts,” he said.

  “A suit?”

  He nodded. “I don’t have a standard body, so I have them tailored to fit me.”

  That I could believe. Luke most definitely did not have a standard body. If extra-large and extra-broad were a size, that would have been Luke.

  “And what bike?” I asked.

  Luke glanced sideways at me. “Dalton’s bike. He left the key to the garage with me the last time I saw him. He was working on it when he died.”

  When Luke said the word “died,” it felt like my insides shriveled up, but I pushed the feelings away, forcing myself not to look as distraught as I suddenly felt.

  “Can I see it?” I asked.

  Luke nodded.

  The bike had been Dalton’s everything. It had started with a crappy old bike that he’d bought at a scrap auction. He’d spent years building up the bike, turning it from the piece of shit it was into something that actually ran and wasn’t too bad to look at.

  When he sold that bike, he had enough to put down a deposit on the bike he’d been riding ever since, and he’d been paying it down until it was rightfully his own.

  That had been only a few months ago. The thought struck me that Dalton had only been able to enjoy the bike as his own for a short while before his life had ended. I was suddenly incredibly sad.

  “He was happy, Lexi,” Luke said. I looked at him. Dalton had always called me Lexi. “He had a good life, a family that loved him. It sucks that he’s gone, but he was happy.”

  I nodded. Luke was right. Dalton hadn’t had a horrible life, and even his death had been clean.

  Luke parked in front of the men’s tailor, and I walked in with him to pick up his suit. The shop assistant brought out the dry-cleaning bag the suit was still in and unzipped it to show Luke. The suit was a shimmery dark blue—there had to be silk in the weave—and it looked expensive.

  “That’s great. Thank you, Roland,” Luke said. I followed him to the register where he paid for the suit. I didn’t look at the price even though I wanted to. One point for me.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to look at the bike?” Luke asked.

  I took a deep breath and shook my head. “To be honest, no. Earlier I thought I wanted nothing more, but I’m having a good day. I don’t want to ruin that. I haven’t had many of those lately.”

  Luke nodded. “On to the next stop then.”

  We hopped into his car again. I turned my face away from Luke and looked out the passenger window. Los Angeles slowly slid by as Luke made turns, weaving through the city.

  I tried to distract myself and think of things other than my deceased brother, like the club I’d found online. When I’d considered finding someone to lose my virginity to, I’d started searching around online. I wanted someone to dominate me. I knew that it wasn’t for everyone, and there were days I thought I might be crazy for wanting to lose my virginity that way, but I couldn’t change how I felt.

  So I searched for the dom/sub scene in LA and came across a club where there was no obligation but I could take part if I wanted to. I wanted to check it out later and see what it was all about.

  Thinking about potential sex and what that could mean for me made me feel better. It distracted me from Dalton and everything that had been happening. I had to wear something sexier than usual, something black. I had no idea what to expect, but I wanted to find out.

  I’d wanted to have my virginity taken away like this for a long time. It was the main reason it hadn’t happened yet; no one who had opted for doing the dirty with me had been demanding or forceful enough. I wanted someone to hold me down, to pin me to the wall, to have their way with me. I would even do restraints if it wasn’t too intense.

  I’d been cuffed by someone once, a long time ago, and that had turned me on more than anything I’d done before. It had just been a joke then and nothing had come of it, but that was when I’d realized what I really wanted.

  So I wasn’t like other women. I had a kink. I wanted to be dominated from the start. I knew it was dirty, but I had the idea that I liked it dirty. I wanted more than just the straightforward vanilla shit that was out there.

  Luke and I spent the rest of the day together. I went with him everywhere he needed to go, and I got to know a side of him I hadn’t seen before. Luke was a responsible adult. I wasn’t sure when that had happened. I’d known him as the reckless teenager who came to visit my brother so often that he was part of the furniture. I guessed it must have happened the same time it had happened for Dalton, but because we’d both moved out and gotten lives and jobs of our own, I hadn’t noticed it.

  It was refreshing to see a man who could take care of himself. Although apparently he had no idea how to cook if the number of microwave meals he bought was anything to go by. When the sun was low on the horizon, we were finally done, and I felt oddly refreshed. Luke stopped in front of my apartment.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Less hungover, more cheerful,” I said and chuckled. “Thank you.”

  Luke nodded. “Anytime. Would you like me to stay over again tonight?”

  His blue eyes were sincere when he asked. I shook my head.

  “Not tonight, Luke. Thank you for offering, but I’d rather just be alone. There’s still a lot I need to work through.”

  Luke nodded. “Of course. I’ll call you tomorrow and check up on you, okay?”

  I nodded and leaned over the gearshift to give him a hug.

  “Talk later,” I said and got out of his SUV. He waited until I had my front door open before he left. A real gentleman.

  I felt a little bad that I’d lied to him. I wasn’t going to stay in and be alone tonight. I wanted to head out to Blush, the club that was supposed to be a place where you could set your fantasies free. I doubted Luke would condone anything like that. He was trying to look out for me, and a BDSM club was the last place you’d suggest a mourning little sister go.

  I walked to my bedroom and opened my closet. I decided on
a patent leather black dress—something a lot more risqué than I usually wore. I’d bought it for a themed party a few years ago. I paired it with big black heels and a red coat.

  I spent time doing my hair and makeup. I curled the ends of my hair and pulled it back. My makeup was darker than usual, and when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself.

  Tonight might be the night. Tonight I could very well lose my virginity if the mood was right and I met the right guy. I wasn’t going to jump into anything stupid, but if the timing was right and the person made me feel right, I wasn’t going to hold back, either.

  I checked my handbag for everything I needed and left the house.

  Chapter 7


  I didn’t believe she wanted to be alone. It wasn’t that she didn’t deserve to be alone—God knew I needed my alone time, too, to digest Dalton’s death, the unknown way it had happened still haunting me. But Alexa didn’t look like she was struggling. She’d been having a good day. She’d said so herself.

  Call it a hunch, call it paranoia caused by me losing my best friend, call it possessiveness over a woman that wasn’t mine. Whatever it was, I stuck around.

  I wanted to see what she up to, see if she was going out again. I wasn’t being a stalker, I reminded myself. I was just watching out for her. She couldn’t exactly handle her alcohol, and she had a Maverick living practically next door. I needed to know where she was.

  After an hour, I started to feel like an idiot. Maybe she was just spending time alone, watching Friends reruns and eating ice cream. Wasn’t that how women dealt with things? I was making a fool of myself thinking there was more to everything than there seemed.

  I reached for the ignition, ready to leave, when her door opened. I froze. I’d parked far enough away that she wouldn’t spot me, so I couldn’t see her very well, either, but it was definitely her door.

  When she walked toward her car, I barely recognized her. Her dark hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. She wore a choker-like necklace that reminded me a hell of a lot of a collar and what had to be black leather. The dress hugged her curves, and it made her look dangerous. And fuckable.

  Holy shit.

  She walked on monster-high heels to her car and got in. Slowly, she backed out and headed down the road.

  I had to see where she was going. I started the car and waited three counts before pulling into the road after her. I made sure to keep my distance, staying a car or two behind her whenever I could. She made her way across LA toward the industrial area.

  I didn’t know of anywhere else in this area that could attract her or warrant that attire except Blush.

  But Alexa wouldn’t go to Blush, would she?

  When she parked the car and got out, I did the same. I watched her as she walked into the club.

  Well fuck.

  I searched in the back of my car for a different T-shirt. I found a black one and swapped out my shirts. I didn’t want her to recognize me by my clothes.

  I got out of the car and walked to the entrance. When I was searched for weapons, they offered me a mask, and this time I took it.

  The mask was black and covered most of my face. It wasn’t the best to see out of—my peripherals were fucked and I wouldn’t see anyone if they tried to attack me from behind—but I wasn’t here to fight, and no one would know it was me. Not this time.

  I walked into the club. It was far busier than when I’d last been here. Everywhere, couples and trios were going at it, from oral sex to restraints to full on fucking. I was hard almost immediately. I wasn’t here for sex—I was worried about Alexa being here—but no man could resist getting aroused with this much visual stimulation.

  Two men and a woman were busy with each other right in the middle of the floor. She was on her knees, raised on a platform. One of the men had her by the hair with his cock in her mouth. The other gripped her hips, pumping into her from behind. Her arms were tied behind her back, but nothing about her told me she was doing something she didn’t want to do.

  Another couple were in the middle of play against a post a bit farther in. The woman had her hands tied up above her head, and she was wearing a blindfold. The man in front of her drew a feather over her body, and she shuddered and convulsed like she was already orgasming. Maybe she was.

  I spotted Alexa at the bar and watched her from a distance. Her eyes were glued to the couple against the post, her lips slightly parted, her expression a mixture of shock and awe. She was so engrossed, I could stare at her without her noticing. And holy shit, there was a lot to stare at.

  She looked like sex on a stick. Her leather dress pushed up her breasts like a corset, and her waist looked tiny. Her ass was delicious, and those heels did wonders for legs that were already perfect. And with her hair back and that collar-like necklace…

  Some of the women in restraints were pulled so that they put all their most intimate secrets on display. I didn’t want to do that with Alexa. I wanted to take her to one of the private rooms and have my way with her. I was all for the others doing it in public, fucking and sucking and licking, but I didn’t want that for myself. If I was going to do this to anyone, I wanted a private room.

  Alexa ordered a shot. She was nervous. Alcohol was a way to calm her nerves if she was careful about how much she drank. She exchanged words with the bartender, another woman, and turned her face back to the games that were taking place in the room. I wondered what she was thinking and why she was here. Surely she wasn’t planning on being a dominant. She was too gentle for that. And if she was a submissive—new on the scene by the looks of it—then I knew exactly what I was going to do with her.

  I wasn’t the only one staring at her. It didn’t take long before she attracted attention and a man approached her. He leaned on the bar in front of her and smiled. There was no fucking way this guy was getting in there without me screening him.

  I walked to the bar and stood behind her. She was turned away from me, talking to Mr. Not-good-enough, so she didn’t notice me.

  “What’s a beautiful lady like you doing in a filthy place like this?” he asked her.

  Seriously? Adding in a few new adjectives didn’t stop it from being the most pathetic line in the world.

  “Can’t you guess?” Alexa asked. Her reply was surprisingly arrogant and seductive all at the same time.

  “Any preferences?” he asked. He meant with the different plays in the room.

  Alexa looked around, taking it all in.

  “I’m quite new to the scene,” she admitted.

  “How new?” he asked.

  “Well, I’m still a virgin.”

  The guy choked on his drink. If I’d been drinking something, I’d have done the same. Alexa was a virgin? Unless she was making this shit up to generate interest…but she wasn’t the type to lie. I saw her in a new light. Everything about her, her innocence and purity, was real. And it was a hell of a turn-on.

  My cock was suddenly rock hard in my pants, and my body was on fire. I wanted her. I wanted to take her and claim her. There was something amazingly hot about a woman who hadn't been with another man before. And it was Alexa, the woman who had been my fuel for masturbation for a while now.

  “So you want to lose your virginity the dirty way?” he asked. It sounded a little like an insult. If he didn’t watch his mouth with her, he’d regret it.

  “Everyone has a kink, don’t they?” she said. “Besides, I want something special.”

  I wasn’t at all happy about this man wanting to take her. I was jealous. She was mine. I could understand that he wanted her. No man in his right mind would pass her up, especially not if she was a virgin. But the fact that she might want him, too, made my blood boil.

  “Well why don’t you and I go to a private room?” the man asked. “It will give us some privacy, and we can do this exactly the way you want.”

  “I just got here,” she said. “I think I’ll get comfortable first.”

  “Don’t be
like this, baby. I can make you comfortable.”

  She didn’t say no to him right way. I wasn’t sure if that meant she was thinking about it or not. I didn’t wait to find out. A half-empty drink sat on the bar, and I pulled it closer, tipping it into Alexa’s lap.

  “What the hell?” Alexa cried and jumped up.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said.

  Alexa stood with her hands up, breathing hard. The alcohol ran in rivulets off her dress and onto her bare legs. I wanted to lick it off her and not stop until I reached her pussy.

  “I’ve got you,” the guy said. “How about we get to that room? Then you can get out of this thing.”

  “Back off, buddy,” I said, shoving the guy out of the way. There was no way he was going to get Alexa naked. Not tonight or any other night.

  “What’s your problem, big man?” the guy asked, getting all up in my face. I gave him props for courage. I was intimidating on a good day. Today was not a good day.

  “Who do you think you are?” Alexa asked. I ignored her.

  “Do you really want to do this?” I asked him. He was half a head shorter than I was, and he didn’t have nearly as much muscle. I didn’t train just to look good. I could use these muscles when I wanted to, like to break this guy’s jaw for instance.

  “Get your own woman,” he said. Maybe he wasn’t courageous. Maybe he was just stupid.

  “Do you want to take this outside?” I asked. “I’m more than happy to.”

  I stepped closer to him so that we were face to face. It was as if he only realized my size now that I was all up in his grill. He swallowed and stepped away.

  “Fine, asshole. It’s not that hard to find a woman around here. I’ll get another one.”

  He turned around and stormed away. I turned my attention back to Alexa.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” she asked. She had a sassy mouth on her. It made me want to fuck it.

  “I’m sorry, miss,” I said.


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