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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 28

by Tia Siren

She shook her head. “Sorry’s not going to cut it. Thanks for ruining my night.”

  She turned around and stormed off, leaving the club. I followed her as closely as I dared, taking off my mask at the door before I got into my car. I followed Alexa back home. She drove fast. She was angry. I’d rather have her angry at me than have her losing her virginity to some stranger who really didn’t give a shit about her. If she wanted the BDSM scene, she had to be more careful. There were really sick people out there.

  When she stopped at home and stomped to her front door, I could relax. She was home safe, thank God. I didn’t have to worry about her for tonight. But my reasons to worry about her had just doubled. If it wasn’t that she was the sister of a gang member who had just been killed, or that she was living next door to a Maverick, it was the threat that Alexa was going to find someone to lose her virginity to in a very kinky way when I feared she didn’t know what she was doing.

  When Dalton had asked me to watch out for her, I’d had no idea how hard it would be.

  I drove home, locked my door, and peeled off my clothes. I got into bed naked, and the sheets were soft on my skin. My cock was still hard, and I palmed my flesh, stroking my hand up and down.

  God, Alexa had looked amazing tonight. Leather, a collar, and heels really did spectacular things for her. And she wanted to be a sub. I had no idea where that had come from, especially with her being a virgin. I had the feeling I was the only one who knew.

  I jacked myself off while thinking about her. I imagined peeling that dress off her body and pinning her down on the bed, face down, so that my body rubbed against her, my cock against her ass. I would pull her arms back so her tits pushed into the mattress, and I’d find her entrance with my cock.

  Slowly, I would work myself into her until I was buried to the hilt before I started fucking her. She would make muffled sounds with her face half pushed into the mattress, helpless, mine, and I would pound into her harder and harder until she cried out in an orgasm.

  I jacked my hand faster and faster, hammering down on my dick. The orgasm built, my balls tightened, and I was in Alexa again in my mind’s eye, fucking her hard. She cried out again as my dick slammed into her, buried as deep as I could go, and I started jerking and spasming, emptying myself inside her.

  Hot come squirted out of my dick and onto my stomach and hand. I groaned, pushing myself to the edge, coming to the thought of fucking Alexa.

  When the orgasm subsided and I could breathe again, I looked down at the mess I’d made. I got up and walked to the bathroom, my cock empty and getting soft again.

  I had just come at the idea of dominating Alexa. I was a dirty, dirty man.

  But it would take a dirty man to make a dirty woman out of her, and that was exactly what she wanted.

  Chapter 8


  I woke up to the shrill, incessant ringing of my phone and groped for it on the nightstand.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Oh, honey,” my mom said. “Were you still sleeping?”

  “It’s fine, Mom. Don’t worry. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, dear, I’m fine. I just wanted to know if you want to come over for coffee today? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  I lay back on the pillows and smiled. “I’d love to.”

  “Great. I’ll see you in a bit then. Love you.”

  “Love you,” I said and hung up. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. The phone call had yanked me out of a deep sleep, and adrenaline pumped through my system.

  I got out of bed and got into the shower, singing as I washed my hair. When I got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and started blow-drying my hair. My ringtone sliced through the sound of my hairdryer, which I switched off.

  “Luke?” I asked when I answered.

  “Yeah. I’m outside your door. I don’t think you can hear me knocking.”

  “Oh my God,” I said and hung up. I opened the door, and Luke stood in front of me, grinning. His eyes slid down my body, and I realized I was still just in my towel. I clutched at my chest.

  “Sorry,” I said. “Come in. I’m just getting dressed.”

  Luke followed me in, and I left him in the living room. I pulled on jeans and a blouse and slid into cork wedges.

  “You can come to the bedroom,” I said. “I’m getting ready to go to my mom’s.”

  Luke came into the room, looking at me as if he wasn’t sure I would be dressed. He sat down on my bed.

  “How was your night last night?” he asked.

  I stood in front of the mirror, pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

  “It was okay,” I said. “Chilled.”

  Luke nodded. I wasn’t going to tell him where I’d been, and I wasn’t going to tell him what had happened with that asshole and the drink he’d poured on me. Some men were such pigs, and Luke would only get mad that he hadn’t been there to look after me—especially considering I’d been at a BDSM club and one of the guys had been masked.

  Yeah, better not to mention it at all.

  “How about you?” I asked Luke, glancing at him in the mirror before starting to apply makeup. “What did you do?”

  He shrugged. “Stayed in, too.”

  I applied base with a sponge. “Why are you here?” I asked. “I mean, I don’t mind it of course, but I thought you said you would just call?”

  Luke shook his head, grinning at me. “Mom invited me for coffee, too. I thought I’d pick you up on the way and drive you there myself.”

  I turned around. “Thanks, Luke. That’s awesome of you.”

  He shrugged, but he still grinned.

  When I was done, we headed out to his car. I sat in his passenger seat again. I liked being in his car with him. How many times had Dalton been in this same seat? Too many to count, I was sure.

  “Have you found out anything about Dalton’s murder?” I asked.

  Luke glanced at me. “Yeah. I spoke to Sam. Do you know him?”

  “I think I met him once. I don’t really remember his face.”

  “Okay, well, I spoke to him. He couldn’t tell me much without risking my safety, but it was something along the lines of Dalton making a deal with the wrong people.”

  Alexa narrowed her eyes at me. “He couldn’t tell you without putting you in danger? God, Luke, that sounds terrible.”

  Luke nodded. “If the world Dalton was in wasn’t as bad as it sounds, he would still be here.”

  Luke’s words hit me like punches, but he was right. I knew he was.

  “Is that all?” I asked.

  “No. He sent a part of a conversation to my phone. He didn’t want to tell me in person. It was between the president and the VP, something about not letting any of the other members of the Samurai find out because it would be really bad.”

  I shook my head. “What does it mean?”

  “I don’t know exactly. What I do know is that whatever it is, Dalton must have known something about it, and they’re so serious about keeping it quiet that they killed him for it.”

  When he said “killed,” it felt like he stabbed a knife into my chest. I struggled to breathe around it.

  “Are you okay?” Luke asked.

  I nodded. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want to show him. If he thought it would upset me too much, he’d stop telling me things, and I couldn’t deal with that. I needed to know.

  We stopped in front of my mom’s place, and Luke and I walked up to the front door.

  “Oh, my darlings,” my mom said, opening the door as we approached. She hugged both of us together, holding on longer than usual. “I missed you so much.” She put her hand on my cheek, and in her eyes, I could still see the sorrow.

  We walked into the living room, and Luke went with her to fetch the tray with coffee and cups from the kitchen. She poured it for us out of the silver coffee pot she’d inherited from her mom and handed us each a cup.

  “So, tell me how you’ve been,” she said to me.

I started telling her. I was doing better. I was getting on with life, even if it was still hard. I missed Dalton.

  When I said that, she turned her face to the window and closed her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Mom,” I said.

  She shook her head. When she spoke, her voice was thin. “Never be sorry for missing him or speaking about him. We’re not going to push this away. He deserves to be spoken about, to be remembered out loud. We’re not going to forget about him because it hurts too much.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to swallow the lump that had risen in my throat.

  “Instead,” she said, “when are you going to start dating? It’s time for you to get serious about settling down!”

  Luke glanced at me, and I was suddenly blushing. My cheeks flushed and I felt lightheaded.

  “I don’t know, Mom. Dating hasn’t exactly been a priority lately.” Not the way having sex was. In a BDSM club. With someone I barely knew. No, I wasn’t about to add that to my story. My mom would have a mini heart attack and then tell Luke to stop me from doing it.

  And I wasn’t going to let anyone tell me who to be.

  I felt Luke’s eyes on me, and when I looked at him, I couldn’t read his expression.

  We drank coffee and kept the conversation light and cheerful. By the time we were ready to leave, my mom was in a good mood, and I was in a good place, too.

  She hugged me at the door, holding on to me.

  “I love you, honey,” she said. “Don’t forget that. I don’t think I told your brother enough. I regret that.”

  She looked like she was going to cry again when she let me go.

  “He knew, Mom,” I said.

  Luke nodded next to me. “He did. He knew that you loved him very much. This family is the definition of love.”

  My mom covered her mouth with her hand and turned away. I put my hand on her shoulder.

  “I think I’m going to go lie down,” she said and walked into the house without looking back. When we were in the car driving back home, I looked at Luke.

  “We have to find out who did this. We can’t let it slide. Look at her.”

  Luke nodded. “I’ll figure it out, okay? Don’t worry. But don’t get involved, Alexa.”

  He was using my full name. This was serious.

  “I want to help.” Dalton was my brother. I wanted to do something.

  “Help me by staying out of trouble and as far away from danger as you can get. If you do that for me, I don’t have to worry about keeping you safe, too.”

  I looked out the window. Would Luke classify going to Blush as being safe? I didn’t want to know.

  We drove in silence for a while.

  “Are you going back to work tomorrow?” Luke asked.

  I nodded. I was a Key Accounts Manager at CadFin. My boss had given me two weeks off after Dalton died.

  “I have to get back into the swing of things. Life goes on. If I don’t go on with it, it will leave me behind.”

  “You’re right,” he said. “Are you going to be okay?”

  I nodded. “I think so. It will be good to have a distraction at least, something to focus on. It’s hard not to think about everything all the time when I have nothing to do with my mind.”

  Luke nodded. “I hear you. This has been hard on everyone. I didn’t get nearly as much time off with my job. Dalton was like a brother to me, but because we’re not actually related, I had to put in some personal leave.”

  I hadn’t thought about that. Luke and Dalton had been brothers for all intents and purposes, but that wasn’t important enough in the business world. And Luke was a franchise insurance broker. It wasn’t an easy game to play.

  When Luke pulled up in front of my building, I looked at my door. I was going to spend the night alone again. It never used to bother me before, but lately…

  “Is it okay if I spend the night again?” Luke asked. “I don’t always like to be alone.”

  He looked shy about admitting that to me. I smiled.

  “I was just about to ask,” I said to make his embarrassment better. “But let me get out the blowup mattress for you. The couch is way too small, and I have real blankets, too.”

  Luke grinned at me. “You noticed that, huh?”

  “The leg blanket will do in a pinch, but something tells me you need a little more at night.”

  Something slid behind Luke’s eyes, and I couldn’t tell what it was. But it was gone as quickly as it came, and he was his usual self, grinning at me. He parked, and we walked to the apartment together.

  Chapter 9


  “Can I take you to work today?” I asked when she answered the phone.

  Alexa was back at work this week and I was worried about how she would cope after she’d been off for two weeks. She’d told me that she was glad to have a distraction, but I still wasn’t a hundred percent certain she was dealing with everything okay.

  Unless she was looking for a dom to take her virginity of course. Then she seemed fine. Unless this was something she was doing because she was acting out, too.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “Isn’t it out of your way?”

  It was a little but not too much.

  “It’s not a problem,” I said. “Let me drive you.”

  “Okay,” Alexa agreed. “I usually leave my place at seven.”

  I glanced at the clock. It was a quarter to seven and I was still in my towel after my shower.

  “I’ll be there,” I said and hung up. I had to get ready in no time at all and still drive to her place.

  Somehow, I made it. I stopped in front of her apartment building at seven on the dot. Alexa opened her front door just as I pulled in, and she waved at me. She locked up behind her and came to the car.

  “Excited to be back at work?” I asked when I pulled into the road.

  “I’m looking forward to getting back to a normal routine,” Alexa said. “I wouldn’t say I’m excited about my work, though.”

  I chuckled. “I hear you.”

  I put my blinker on, and we joined a long line of morning traffic just after I turned. I sighed and looked in the rearview mirror, watching the cars pile up behind me as well.

  “Do you sit in this every morning?” I asked. My office wasn’t on the main routes, so I barely ever dealt with traffic like this.

  Alexa shrugged. “I get stuff to do in the car, like listen to audio courses or something. You know, productive stuff. I can’t remember what I was working on before Dalton…” She stopped mid-sentence and swallowed hard.

  Dalton’s death was still very fresh. They said time healed all wounds, but no one ever told you exactly how much time you would need to feel normal again.

  Or if feeling normal again was something that would happen at all.

  When we finally parked in front of her office building, I was frustrated and annoyed. Traffic had wasted so much of my time.

  “Thanks for the lift, Luke,” Alexa said, leaning over to give me half a hug. “It was great.”

  “I’ll see you later,” I said. “I’ll pick you up after.”

  Alexa was opening the door, and she stopped with one leg halfway out. She turned to me.

  “Oh, don’t worry about it,” she said. “I’m going out with some friends, so I’ll make my own way home.”

  “Oh,” I said, my interest piquing. “Where are you going?”

  She swallowed, and her eyes flicked to the road.

  “Um, it’s a girls’ night out kind of thing, you know?”

  “Where though?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “We’re still deciding on that, I think.”

  I nodded. I wasn’t going to push it; that would sound creepy. But I had an idea where she was going if she didn’t want to tell me where it was, and there was no way it was going to be a girls’ thing. I was willing to bet that if I asked her friend Ariel, she wouldn’t even know what I was talking about.

  Alexa was on my mind the rest of the day, and I str
uggled to concentrate at work. During lunch, I went to a menswear store and bought a black collared shirt that would fit into the scene when I went back to Blush.

  When the day finally ended, I got in my car and drove back to Alexa’s office building. I caught her just as she walked out and watched her flag a cab. I followed the cab less carefully than when I followed her—I doubted the driver would give a shit if someone was following them—and parked a little down the way from her apartment building when Alexa got out of the cab, unlocked her door, and went inside.

  She was going to Blush again. I knew it. A small part of me had hoped she would abandon that idea, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

  I was going to follow her again and make sure she was okay. I’d promised Dalton I would look after her, and that wasn’t only in terms of someone coming after her. I wanted to make sure she was all right in every aspect of her life. So if she was going to a kinky sex club, it was my duty to keep an eye on her there, too. Even in her personal life, I had to know she was safe.

  When she opened the door again, a different woman walked out from the one I knew. She wore all red tonight, a dress that flared out a little around her ass and thighs so that a light breeze would scoop it up. It made me wonder if she wore panties underneath it. She would be so damn easy to take in that dress.

  Her hair was half up, half down, pulled out of her face and hanging over her shoulders. I wanted to grab her by it.

  I pushed the thought away. As sexy as I found her, that wasn’t the reason I was following her. I couldn’t let my dirty mind get in the way of keeping her safe.

  She got into her car, and I got ready to follow her. Just as she pulled out, the roar of motorbikes drew my attention, and I turned my head to see three of them pulling out of the underground parking lot of the next building. They were all Mavericks; they were wearing the same leathers I’d asked Sam about.

  Shit. I didn’t have a good feeling about this.

  Alexa drove away, and I had to focus on her to follow her. I would worry about the bikers later. Right now Alexa was going to a sex club to lose her virginity to a stranger, and that was a much more pressing issue.

  She drove to Blush and found a parking spot. I parked, too, and followed her inside. This time I wore my work pants, and I swapped out my work shirt for the black collared shirt.


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