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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 76

by Tia Siren

  I was panting by the time Kevin was done, and I wanted him take my hand. He brought it to his lips for a kiss just as Kyle dipped his nose to my neck, and I sighed in contentment as Kyle pressed his lips to my pulse point. I was shivering underneath my clothing as I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened, and then I heard it.

  Kyle’s beautiful voice in my ear.

  “Besame, besame mucho.”

  I sighed at the beautiful tone of his voice. Silky. Smooth. Robust. Like dark chocolate being poured into the caverns of my body.

  “Como si fuera esta noche la última vez.”

  I was swept so heartily into his world that I didn’t realize the food had been set in front of us. I sighed as Kyle pressed a small kiss to my ear, and I allowed his beautiful vibrato to sweep me away into another world.

  Damn the people around us who saw.

  “Besame, besame mucho,” Kyle sang. “Que tengo miedo a perderte, perderte después.”

  Then I felt something warm sit in front of my lips. I fluttered my eyes open, moist from the beautiful tones that had just assaulted my body, and found myself face to face with a small bite from my plate. Kevin was holding it to my lips as he studied my entire body, and before he could ask, I wrapped my lips around the fork. The duck melted onto my tongue as I moaned, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. Kyle helped me sit up as my body fell limp in his arms, and suddenly I was transported to another realm, a realm where only the three of us existed.

  “The two of you missed your callings,” I said breathlessly.

  “Not at all. I love what I do. Gynecology is important for women, and I enjoy taking care of them. In a purely professional capacity that is. Women don’t enjoy going to the gynecologist because of the things they might find. There’s this massive gap in women’s health where they aren’t educated on their own bodies. They feel it’s somehow taboo or unattractive, but what they don’t understand is that the knowledge is empowering. I want to help bridge that gap in their healthcare,” Kyle said.

  “And oncology isn’t for the faint of heart,” Kevin said. “Every time I walk into my office, I am always guaranteed to do two things—bury a patient and accept a new one. People don’t understand how unhealthy our lifestyles are until they find themselves at a point where they are coming to me for help. That’s why I established my own clinic. I wanted to fuse treatment options with a healthy lifestyle and create as close to a home atmosphere as they could get. I still believe it’s why my practice has the highest turnaround rate of survivors in the nation.”

  “Kevin, that’s incredible. And Kyle, you’re so right about women’s healthcare. I experienced a bit of it with Courtney when she got sick last year. The antibiotics sent her into a frenzy that threw off her entire body, and she was so weirded out about going to a gynecologist,” I said.

  “I make my own pamphlets to give to my patients. If she feels uncomfortable at the gynecologist, send her my way. Sometimes it’s just the uncertainty of it that spooks women,” Kyle said.

  “And I hope to never see the two of you in my office,” Kevin said, “but if something were to ever happen—to you or her—my office would be readily available for you to come see me. Immediately.”

  I felt warmed by the two of them. Their desire to educate and heal was something that turned me on greatly. I could feel my nipples straining against my bra as my clit began to swell. If the talents they had already shown me this evening weren’t enough, their caring natures topped a cake I desperately wanted to sink my teeth into.

  Finally, we turned our attention to the food. Kyle’s stomach began to growl, pulling a small chuckle from me. Surprisingly, we ate in relative silence. The food was incredible and the house white wine was absolutely luscious. I ended up having three glasses before I felt the need to stop myself, and that was when Kevin asked for to-go boxes for each of us.

  “I thought that was my move,” Kyle said.

  “You didn’t make the move soon enough. I’m ready to get out of here,” Kevin said.

  “Well, what about Lexi? Maybe she’s not finished,” Kyle said.

  “We could always have it as a snack at your place later,” I said, winking. “After all, we might need the refueling of energy after the late-night festivities.”

  “Oh, I love the sound of that,” Kevin said.

  Chapter 14

  We pulled up to Kyle’s house and I couldn’t believe my eyes. His hand had held mine the entire car ride back, but the moment I slipped out of his car, he tried to pull me back. He wasn’t ready to give me up, wasn’t ready to share his time with me yet. But I knew I couldn’t get my hands on him unless we left the car.

  Plus, I wanted to see his house in all its splendor.

  There were windows everywhere, floor-to-ceiling windows in just about every room I could see. The modern accents on the outside of the house boasted of the wealth he had. Kyle slipped his arm around me, and I could feel Kevin walk up and stand by my other side.

  “He’s even got a hot tub,” Kevin said, smirking.

  “Holy fuck. This place is huge,” I said. “How many rooms do you have in this thing?”

  “Ten total. Six of them are bedrooms, one is an office, one is the kitchen-living area, one is an entertainment room, and the other is a secret,” Kyle said.

  “A secret, huh? Do I get to be privy to this secret?” I asked.

  “Only if you’re a good girl,” he said.

  His eyes looked down at me and suddenly darkened. The bright baby blues I’d come to adore now had a storm brewing behind them, and suddenly I wanted to explore every bit of him. I felt myself panting, taking deeper breaths as I tried to control my urges, and that was when Kevin scooped me up into his arms and began carrying me toward the house.

  “I think we could all use another drink. What do you say?” he asked.

  He carried me all the way into the beautiful home before walking down a long hallway. It led to the big kitchen and living room area, where he tossed me down on the couch. I could hear Kyle rummaging around in the kitchen before a cork was popped, and I heard the luscious sound of wine being poured into glasses. I gawked at the view of Kyle’s backyard as a glass of wine was placed in my hand, and I couldn’t help but rise and walk toward the window.

  “Your backyard is beautiful,” I said.

  “Thank you. It’s where I go to seek solace from the day,” Kyle said.

  There were beautiful flowers everywhere and a rock waterfall that fell into a natural-looking pool. It almost looked like a pond save for the clear water that filled it. There was a rock opening that had steam pouring from it and was no doubt where the hot tub was located, and there was even a swim-up bar that was fully stocked with goods and locked behind a glass encasement.

  “Holy fuck, this place is incredible,” I said.

  “You’re welcome anytime you’d like to be here. I have a top-notch security system as well, so if you no longer feel safe at your apartment, please feel free to come here. You can come and go as you please and use whatever facilities you like.”

  “And I’ll come stay, too, just to make sure you’re okay while Kyle isn’t here,” Kevin said.

  “Don’t you two work the same hours?” I asked.

  “We have backup; we can alternate,” Kevin said.

  “Tell me, Kyle,” I said, as I turned around, “would you say you’re an expert on the female form?”

  I sipped my wine as I stared him down, and for the first time, I saw his confidence falter. Kevin looked over at him and smiled, but I watched as the two of them closed themselves off. I was no longer getting the flirtatious men who had been back at Cafe Pinot.

  It seemed I was now getting men who weren’t sure where to go from here.

  “Medically speaking, yes,” Kyle said.

  “I suppose you do a lot of ‘fingering’ in the process. You know, to fully check and make sure your patients are all right,” I said.

  Kevin snickered as he shook his head while Kyl
e began to flush up to his neck. It was adorable, the way they were now so uncomfortable. It seemed the big game they talked was nothing more than blowing smoke.

  And I loved every second of it.

  “Yes. Part of a pelvic exam is the insertion of fingers and the pressing down on the uterus,” Kyle said.

  “Well, Doctor, I think I may just need an emergency pelvic exam,” I said.

  Kevin threw his head back and laughed as Kyle sank deeper into the couch. I could feel the blood rushing through my ears, but I knew the two of them would take some convincing. Whether it was because I’d dated another set of twins earlier or whether they’d never had a threesome, I wasn’t sure. But I could tell by the stiffening of their pants that they wanted this just as much as I did.

  So, I took matters into my own hands.

  I threw back the rest of my wine before I set my glass on the coffee table. I stood in front of them, my hands playing with the hem of my shirt. Kevin’s laughter soon ceased and Kyle’s eyes grew wide. I slowly slipped the fabric over my head.

  The cool air of his home hit my skin, causing my hair to stand on end as I let my shirt flutter to the floor. My crimson-red bra pushed up my tits, making them round and enticing, and the twins licked their lips. They were curling their hands into the couch as they looked over at one another, but I could still see a glimmer of doubt in their eyes.

  I undid the button of my jeans as I toed out of my heels. I shimmied them down my body, revealing my matching lacy underwear. I kicked them to the side, standing there as my soaked panties glistened for them, but still they didn’t move.

  I was beginning to feel self-conscious again until Kevin finally piped up.

  “It’s not you. Don’t think that for one second,” Kevin said.

  “The two of you talked a very big game tonight,” I said as I twirled myself for them. “Was it all just that—talk?”

  “Not really,” Kyle said.

  “Then what’s wrong?” I asked as I eyed them both. “What’s holding you back?”

  They looked at one another before they slowly rose to their feet. Simultaneously, they pulled their shirts from their pants and pulled them over their heads. Their warm skin was pulled taut over their long, lanky runners bodies, but their veins pulsed with a strength that raged the cocks in their pants. They were not quite as thick as the Castle brothers but were long and strong, and my body shivered at how they could fill me if they just gave into what they wanted.

  “We just don’t usually do this part on the first date,” Kyle admitted.

  Holy hell, what gentlemen they were. Kevin walked over and took my hand as Kyle started back down the hallway, and I was led in silence up a flight of stairs. We made our way to what I assumed was Kyle’s room, and the moment Kevin shut the door, I pushed Kyle onto the bed. I took a step back, watching his cock throb against his pants, and slowly allowed my fingertips to unhook my bra, letting it slide to the floor.

  Kevin groaned as he got onto the bed with Kyle and I began to sway my hips. I gyrated for them, rolling my body and wiggling my ass as they unzipped their pants. They pulled out their cocks, groaning at the release as I slowly slid my panties down my legs. The material was soaked and my juices began to drip down my legs, and for a split second my body shivered. I could feel their eyes on me as I looked back and saw them stroking their long, beautiful dicks.

  The sight was glorious, and I wanted to join in on the fun.

  I pulled up a chair that was in the corner before I sat in front of them. I hiked a leg over it, my folds parting for them as they licked their lips. Their massive hands stroked their cocks as my fingertips found my swollen clit and slowly I began to circle it. I was so sensitive and so wet that I was already bucking into my hand as my head rolled back in pleasure. I could hear Kyle and Kevin groaning, their hands working their cocks faster and faster as my strokes sped up.

  “You like this sight?” I asked.

  “You’re beautiful,” Kyle said.

  “I want to slurp you up,” Kevin said.

  Their words set me on fire as I worked my fingers faster and faster. I panted, feeling myself climb closer and closer to my release, and as I fell over the edge, I could feel my juices dripping out onto Kyle’s chair.

  “That’s it. Come for us. Holy fuck, you look so beautiful,” Kyle said.

  I heard one of them slide from the bed as my body stopped shaking with my orgasm. I huffed for air, wanting desperately to feel one of them. I opened my eyes and Kevin was standing in front of me naked as his cock leaked from its head. I put my feet on the floor and grabbed his hips, scooting him closer to me before I wrapped my lips around his cock.

  “Holy shit, Lexi. Yes,” Kevin said, groaning.

  I took him all the way to the back of my throat as he wrapped his hands in my hair. I felt a pair of hands descend on my shoulders, massaging me as Kevin fucked my face. I moaned at Kyle’s touches as my throat closed around Kevin’s cock, but before I knew it they were switching places. I took Kyle’s cock between my lips as Kevin continued to massage my shoulders, and the sounds that fell from his lips set me on fire.

  “Yes, Lexi. Holy shit, you’re so warm. Fuck. Fuck. I don’t want to come here. You can’t do this for long.”

  Kyle was a talker for sure, and I adored it. I smiled around his cock as I looked up at him, and I found his wanton blue eyes staring back down at me. His auburn hair glowed in the moonlight flooding through his massive windows, and part of me wondered if someone could see us.

  I tingled at the thought just before Kyle removed his cock from my throat.

  I watched him drop to his knees as his eyes devoured my pussy. I sank down into the chair and spread my legs for him before crooking them over his shoulders as he kissed my dripping pussy lips. I tilted my head back and beckoned for Kevin. His cock danced across my lips before I parted them for him, and just as he hit the back of my throat again, Kyle dove into the depths of my folds.

  “Holy shit, you taste wonderful,” Kyle murmured. I moaned around Kevin’s cock as his legs flexed. Kyle’s tongue flicked my clit, sucking and slurping as my body began to dance. I rolled my hips into his face as Kevin’s hand wrapped around my head, holding me down onto his cock as my throat closed with each lick Kyle took of my pussy.

  “Fuck, you feel so good,” Kevin groaned.

  “You should taste her,” Kyle murmured.

  I bucked salaciously into Kyle’s lips as I began to moan. I could feel my orgasm building inside me again. I wanted to come all over that beautiful face while Kevin came down my throat. I wanted all of our sensations to collide as I saw Kyle stroking his beautiful cock, and suddenly I felt my body fall again as my legs locked around Kyle’s head.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Kyle, fuck. Oh, shit. Just like that. Don’t stop licking. Please. Don’t stop.”

  “Oh, she begs,” Kevin said as he removed his dick from my throat. “Do that again.”

  “Please. Don’t stop, Kyle. Oh, fuck. Again. It’s. Don’t. Again. Close. Again.”

  Kyle pressed his tongue deep into my pussy, and a second orgasm drowned my body. My legs grew taut and my back arched. Kevin dipped down and pulled one of my nipples between his lips as I cried out into the room. My hand flew to his hair, curling tightly into it as Kyle’s hands slowly unwound my legs from his face. My body collapsed onto the chair, covered in sweat, and Kevin gathered me in his arms again.

  He lowered me onto the bed, and then they sandwiched their bodies against mine. I was panting as Kevin smiled at me, brushing my sweaty hair from my face as Kyle pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses onto my shoulders.

  “You’re not giving up on us yet, are you?” Kevin asked.

  “Not even a little bit,” I said.

  “Good, because we’ve got a treat for you,” he said, grinning.

  Chapter 15

  Suddenly, I heard something pop. Kevin reached down and lifted my leg, hooking it around his as his cock head found my swollen entrance. I leaned in and kissed him,
feeling his warmth cascade around my body as something squirted behind me. Then I felt a very cold sensation cascade down my ass crack.

  “Do we need anything before we get started?” Kevin asked.

  “No. Pill,” I said breathlessly.

  “Wonderful,” Kevin said.

  I jumped, gasping as he slowly slid into my pussy. My gasped turned into a groan as his long cock filled me to the brim. By the time he bottomed out, I was panting and whimpering, but then I felt Kyle’s fingertips dance around my tight little asshole.

  “Are you all right?” Kyle asked.

  “I—yes. I’m all right. I just—what are you doing?” I asked.

  “We want to take you at the same time,” Kevin said. “But only if you’re willing.”

  I shivered at the thought as my eyes fluttered closed. The idea of them both filling me to the brim was enough to make my pussy flutter. Kevin groaned and closed his eyes, his body shaking as he gathered himself.

  “Be careful with how you wield that warmth of yours,” Kevin said. “I’ll blow before we can get Kyle in back there.”

  “Just relax,” Kyle whispered. He pressed kisses to my shoulder as he slipped his finger in, and I clamped up as he slipped in another. I moaned at the sensation as Kevin gave me a little buck, his cock relaxing my body as Kyle scissored his fingers to open me up.

  “Holy shit, you’re so beautiful, Lexi,” Kyle said.

  “Me? You should see the two of you. I can’t believe all of this was underneath those clothes you two had on tonight,” I said.

  “What do you like the most?” Kevin asked as Kyle removed his fingers.

  “Your shoulders. They’re so strong. I loved it when you picked me up, cradled me like you did,” I said.


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