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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 77

by Tia Siren

  “What about me?” Kyle asked as he pressed the tip of his cock to my asshole. “What do you like about me?”

  “Besides that beautiful voice of yours?” I gasped as his cock penetrated my asshole. “Your abs. I just want to trace them with my tongue.”

  “Told you I had the better set,” Kyle said.

  He slid in a bit and I clamped back up. Kevin thrust and Kyle peppered my shoulder with kisses, and soon I relaxed and Kyle pushed in a bit more. I could feel the lube dripping down my ass crack while my juices coated Kevin’s cock, and by the time Kyle bottomed out in my asshole, I felt my skin crackling with electricity.

  “What do you two like about me?” I asked breathlessly.

  Just then, they both slowly slid out before they slammed back in. I tossed my head back, groaning as Kevin’s hand palmed one of my tits. They pulled back and thrust again, our skin slapping together as Kyle’s lips nipped at my neck. I was trembling in their arms as we lay on our sides, my body slowly descending into an avenue of debauchery I’d never experienced before. I had almost forgotten about my question before Kyle’s lips appeared at my ear, nipping at my earlobe as the hairs on my body stood on end.

  “Everything,” Kyle whispered.

  I reached my hand back and twirled it through his hair as he slowly picked up his pace. I lay there, assaulted by their cocks as Kevin pounded my pussy. My ass jiggled every time Kyle sank his dick into me, and I could feel my juices dripping down Kevin’s balls. The wet spot on the bed grew underneath me, and all I could do was hang on for dear life as my body began to jolt.

  My legs shook as Kevin lapped at my tits. He kissed them, sucked them, bit them and marked them. I whimpered and groaned, not knowing which way to move as they alternated strokes now, Kevin pulling out just as Kyle slammed back in. Kyle’s lips sucked at my shoulders, turning his kisses to ravenous marks as I felt his cock throb in my asshole. Kevin’s cock began to grow, and suddenly their thrusts grew animalistic. My body heaved and jolted between their chiseled, solid forms, and for a moment I thought I was going to pass out from pleasure.

  I couldn't catch my breath, and the electricity coursing through my veins vibrated my entire body. Kevin kept hitting that beautiful spot against my clit while Kyle spread me and filled me in ways I’d never experienced before. Sweat began to drip down my tits, and Kevin lapped it up with his tongue. Soon I could feel Kyle’s sweat covering my back as my body began to build to its end.

  “Oh shit. Just like that. Clamp down on the cock, Lexi. Do it for me,” Kevin said.

  “Your ass feels so good. Fuck, I adore this about you. You suck me down so good. Come for me. Come for us. Pull the cum right out of my cock with your sweet ass, Lexi,” Kyle said.

  Their words were too much, and it sent me ricocheting over the edge. My body pulled taut as my legs contracted. My toes curled and my hands flew to their heads of auburn hair. My pussy pulled Kevin deeper into me as I felt his cock twitch, and my ass threatened to spit Kyle out as it clamped down on his cock. They both shoved themselves deep into me, their teeth sinking into my skin as I wailed out into the room. I didn’t even have the energy to say their names, just to call out, like a desperate plea for release.


  My entire body was shaking and humming for them as they grunted through their releases. The windows were fogging up as their cocks filled the inside of my body with their sweet cum. I finally collapsed, my body spent as they pressed themselves close to me. I could feel their hot juices dripping from the orifices of my body.

  They both wrapped their arms around me, and all of a sudden I felt safe again. They slowly pulled their dicks from my body before they entangled their legs with mine. I buried my face into the crook of Kevin’s neck as I pushed my ass into Kyle’s body. He molded around me as Kevin pulled me closer, and that was when I realized what part of their bodies I adored the most.

  I loved the length of their legs.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” Kevin asked.

  “What wonderfully long legs you two have,” I said.

  “You like them?” Kyle asked as he kissed my shoulder.

  “I do. For some reason they just seem to wrap me up and make me feel safe,” I said.

  “You’ll always be safe here. But I’m glad our bodies can make you feel that way, too,” Kevin said.

  Just then, a cell phone rang out. Judging by the tone of Kyle’s sigh against my skin, it was his. He rolled away from me, exposing my back to the harshness of the cold in his room, and I shivered as Kevin pulled me closer.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “No,” he said as he got up. “That was the hospital. One of my patients is in labor.”

  “Wait, I didn’t know you were an ob-gyn as well,” I said as I turned over.

  “I am. I don’t do it often, but some women become so comfortable with me that they ask, and I’m always happy to help. Pregnant women and what comes after giving birth is single-handedly the greatest gap in women’s healthcare to date. I love being there when they hold their child for the first time, but I especially enjoy sitting down and educating them on everything that will happen over the coming months. They have enough to deal with when it comes to navigating motherhood. The last thing they need is to worry about not understanding what their body is going through.”

  I smiled the entire time he was talking, but I had to admit I was a bit disappointed. His chivalry in his job made me smile, but the bed would feel empty without him.

  “Keep an eye on her while I’m gone, all right?” Kyle said to Kevin. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Will do. Promise,” Kevin said, grinning.

  We both watched him leave the room as Kevin’s hands trailed up and down my stomach. I lay down on my back, watching his fingertips dance along my skin. It tickled, and I giggled, earning a smile from him as we heard the door open and shut downstairs.

  Then Kevin’s little talent reared its head again, and I shook my head at him.

  “I know you’ll miss him, but he’ll be back soon.”

  Chapter 16

  “So,” I said as I turned back to Kevin, “do you ever get called in to work like that?”

  “If there’s an emergency or a new patient, yes. Kyle doesn’t usually get called out like this, but when he’s taking care of a mother during her pregnancy, it’s more frequent,” he said.

  “What types of emergencies do you encounter in your field?” I asked.

  “Mostly reactions to medications. They can treat the reaction, but they can’t change the treatment option unless I’m there to do an evaluation and sign off on it. Sometimes I’ll have a child I’m treating that’s staying there, and they get spooked. The nurses call me when that happens and I always try to get into the office and talk with them,” he said.

  “Do you treat many children?”

  “More than I care to admit.”

  A hint of sadness rolled over his eyes. Leaning forward, I kissed his cheek and felt him melt into me. Kyle’s willingness to become soft was easy to tap into. It took a few kisses in the right spots and a bit of ranting about how he enjoys caring for women. With Kevin, however, this was the first time I was seeing his vulnerability.

  And it had to do with children.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said.

  “It’s why I fuse treatment options with a healthy lifestyle. When I help them recuperate, I want to send them along with values that will carry them through. I’ve always believed that most cancer is caused by things we are exposed to in the environment that we shouldn't be, so any steps we can take to reduce what we’re exposed to will help—especially in people who have already been diagnosed and treated.”

  I was simply in awe of their passion and intelligence. Their jobs alone made them sexy, but the way their minds worked had me salivating. It wasn’t for the money or esteem, though they had plenty of both. It wasn’t for the glory or the recognition, though I was sure they had plenty of that as well.
br />   It was because they genuinely wanted to help people, and that revelation made me melt even further for them both.

  “You can go to sleep if you’d like. I can see how worn out you are,” he said.

  “You’re just so comfortable,” I said.

  “And so is this bed.”

  He pressed a kiss to my forehead as my eyes fluttered shut. I didn’t open them again until the morning, when I felt Kevin’s arm threaded around my body. I shoved my leg between his, and he clamped down on it. Warmth cascaded up my back, causing me to shiver as I reached out for Kyle. I wanted him to be there, to have done his job and come back to me. But my hands descended on the cool cotton sheets, and it caused me to slowly peel my eyes open.

  “Still not back?” Kevin asked groggily.

  “Don’t think so.”

  “Would you like some breakfast?” he asked.

  “Only if I can cook it with you,” I said as I turned around in his arms.

  “Under one condition,” Kevin said.

  “And what’s that?”

  “You gotta wear my shirt while doing it.”

  I giggled into him before he helped me sit up. I crawled over him and felt his rock-hard cock against my thigh, but my stomach was growling in hunger. I slid off the bed and rummaged around for his shirt, finding the blue button-down he’d had on last night for dinner. I slipped my arms into it before I rolled up the sleeves, but just as I went to button it up, I felt a pair of arms slink around my waist.

  “Your legs are amazing,” he said.

  “I understand the feeling,” I said, giggling.

  He slipped around me as his eyes studied my body. He was taking me in as the morning sunlight cascaded through Kyle’s windows. His fingertips started from the bottom, grazing against my pussy as I gasped a bit in surprise. That wicked grin of his spread across his cheeks as he started to button up my shirt, but he left the three top buttons undone before he bent down and pressed a kiss to my chest.

  “Your body’s too beautiful to cover up too much. What would you like for breakfast?”

  “Do you have eggs?” I asked.


  “And ham? Or bacon?”

  “We’ve got both,” he said.

  “What about cheese and tomatoes?” I asked.

  “You’re thinking omelets?”

  “And buttered toast,” I said.

  “Mmmm, that sounds delightful. Can I eat it off your body?”

  “Only if you promise to clean up the mess really good,” I said, grinning.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

  His hands held me at the small of my back before his lips descended onto mine. I felt my body shiver, my legs carrying me closer to him as his hands pressed me further into his body. My fingers danced down his chest, tracing the light divots of his unassuming muscles, and I couldn’t help but press kisses down his neck before I playfully bit into his shoulder.

  “You’re gonna open a can of worms that can’t be closed if you’re not careful,” he warned.

  “Then let’s get to cooking,” I said.

  We made our way into the kitchen, and Kevin started pulling stuff from the fridge. I struck up the skillet and found some olive oil to put in the pan, and then I got to cracking eggs. Kevin stood beside me as he started toasting the bread in the toaster they had. Then a question slowly peeled from between his lips.

  “Who did you enjoy better last night?” he asked.

  “Honestly? I enjoyed you both the same,” I said.

  “Oh, come on, it’s just us. I’m curious.”

  “No, really. I’m serious. I couldn’t choose between the two of you if I tried. You’re both so handsome and dexterous with your movements. You both filled me in ways I’d never felt before. The two of you have hearts the size of the sun and are filled with such respect for your clients and have such passion for educating people. I’m not just being nice. I honestly can’t pick,” I said.

  “Eh, I don’t believe you for a second,” he said, grinning.

  “Well, that’s just something you’ll have to accept.”

  “Everyone’s always got a favorite. Mothers have favorite children, even though they never admit it. I’m sure there’s one of us you preferred over the other,” he said.

  “Kevin, look at me.”

  I slid the first finished omelet onto a plate before I set the pan down. I turned to him and hooked my eyes on his gaze, and he began to study me, take me in, use that hidden talent to see if he could determine the answer for himself.

  But the more he studied, the more his confident smirk fell into absolute shock.

  “Look at me when I say this,” I said.

  His eyes trailed back up my body before his baby blues connected with mine. He swallowed hard as the toast popped out of the toaster, but it didn’t even catch his attention. I grabbed his hand and held it within mine.

  “There would never be a way I could choose between the two of you.”

  Utter shock rolled behind his eyes before he turned to get the toast. He started buttering it in silence as I prepared the pan to make the second omelet, and part of me wondered why that was such a shock to him. Had they been in this situation before? Had he been the rejected brother? I could see how women would flock to Kyle. He was sensitive and very intent on taking care of and educating the women around him, but Kevin had a soft side to him as well.

  You just had to spend some time with him and ask the right questions in order to see it.

  “I know you can see I’m not lying, but even if there’s still a shred of doubt, you’re just gonna have to deal with it. I’m not changing my mind, and it’s something you’ll just have to accept. I want you both, and that’s that.”

  I looked over at him as the eggs cooked in the pan, and I could see a smile pulling at his cheeks. Not a snarky grin or a devilish smirk, but a genuine smile that was threatening to burst forth underneath those serious, intense eyes of his.

  “I think I can do that,” he said.

  Chapter 17

  Just as Kevin and I were sitting down to have breakfast, the front door finally opened. I squealed and got up from the table before I went barreling down the hallway. Kyle looked absolutely exhausted, but he had a massive smile on his face when I started running at him. I jumped into his arms, and he held me close, pressing a kiss deep into the crook of my neck.

  “Everything go okay?” I asked.

  “Wonderfully. Another happy mother healing just like she should,” he said.

  “Good. Now come and sit. We made breakfast. Ham, bacon, cheese, and tomato omelets with coffee and buttered toast.”

  “Oh, I could get used to this,” he said, grinning.

  I took his hand and led him to the table before I went to grab his plate out of the microwave. The brothers were talking lowly behind me, no doubt about the conversation Kevin and I had had earlier. I grabbed a coffee mug for Kyle and set it all down in front of him, then backtracked to get him some silverware.

  But he grabbed my hand before I could turn around and smiled up at me.

  “Thank you for breakfast,” he said.

  “Hey, I made the toast,” Kevin said.

  “Thank you both for breakfast,” Kyle corrected.

  “You’re welcome,” I said, and I kissed the top of his head. I went to get him some silverware and then finally sat down to eat with them. Kyle regaled us with how things went at ‘the office,’ and then Kevin started going on about wanting to scoot in on a Sunday to make sure his patient files were up to date. I listened to them talking back and forth, watching them as they talked about their work like it was nothing. They were saving lives and changing the perspective of entire families on the subject of their health, and they talked about it as if they were organizing a game of pickup basketball.

  “You all right, Lexi?” Kyle asked.

  “Yeah. You guys just talk about saving lives as if you’re about to run out and buy toilet paper at the gas station.”
r />   “You buy toilet paper at the gas station?” Kevin asked.

  “I buy toilet paper wherever it’s cheapest,” I said. “I’m not loaded like you guys are.”

  “Yeah, but at least buy the good toilet paper,” Kevin said.

  “When everything is upheaving in your life, you can always rest assured that your beautiful little ass with feel soft and clean after using that stuff,” Kyle said.

  “You two are insane,” I said, giggling. “It’s just toilet paper.”

  “It’s not ‘just toilet paper’ like it’s not ‘just off-white,’” Kevin said.

  I feigned shock and pressed my hand to my chest. “How dare you think something is just ‘off-white.’ There’s eggshell and champagne. There’s cream and ivory. There’s Navajo white and vanilla. All of those are different shades!”

  “See?” Kyle said, chuckling. “Exactly.”

  “You insult me,” I said.

  “Allow us to apologize,” Kevin said. I could feel his fingertips dancing up my leg, but I had to pull it back. My phone had died last night and Courtney would start getting worried if I didn’t get back to the apartment soon.

  And I knew the boys wouldn’t enjoy that realization.

  “As much as I would love an apology, I’ve gotta get back home,” I said.

  “Are you sure?” Kyle asked.

  “You know you’re more than welcome to stay here,” Kevin said.

  “I know, I know. But my phone died, and while I’m on vacation, I’m still technically on call,” I said.

  “I can sympathize,” Kyle said. “Why the change in status at work?”

  “You remember how I was walking out of that back office just as you two were asking for me up front at the resort?” I said.

  “Yeah,” Kevin said.

  “Well, my general manager was informing me that Jeremy’s termination papers were being filed at work. That means the work he was supposed to do falls back onto my shoulders if something goes wrong,” I said.

  “Good. I’m glad he lost his fucking job. He deserves to lose a lot more in my opinion,” Kevin said.

  “Why don’t you pack a bag and stay here? You can’t possibly feel safe at your apartment,” Kyle said.


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