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Tasting Pleasure

Page 5

by Anarie Brady

  Still without speaking, Spiro parked the car, came around to the passenger door, opened it and offered his hand to Alicia. Finally, she looked up at him as she placed her hand in his. His hair was clipped very short, almost military style. Staring into his green eyes, Alicia saw both strength and kindness. She stepped out of the car and meekly followed him through the lobby, into the elevator and up to the top floor. Following him to his suite, Alicia could not fail to notice how smoothly the five-foot-ten man walked. His broad shoulders spoke of muscular strength. She let out a small breath, staring appreciatively at his well-trimmed form.

  Once inside the suite, Spiro wasted no time. Alicia had barely stepped onto the thick carpet when he whisked the cape from her shoulders. She jumped in surprise but still remained silent. She knew this was a test from Mr. Devonshire and, despite her fear, she desperately wanted to please him.

  “You will remain naked while in this room,” Spiro’s deep voice commanded.

  Realizing he had not asked a question, Alicia did not answer but simply nodded.

  “I see Maverick has trained you not to speak unless questioned. That’s good, but you may speak freely to me,” Spiro said softly. Then he added with a slight laugh, “You look absolutely petrified. I promise, Alicia, I won’t bite.”

  Hearing his softened voice and remembering the kindness in his eyes, Alicia relaxed slightly. Not sure what to say, she remained silent.

  Spiro walked to her and gently began to rub her arms. “Do you know why I bid on you?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t, sir,” she responded.

  “Ah, you can speak,” he whispered as he stepped away and began to undress himself. “It is because you looked so vulnerable. Do you know whom I was bidding against?”

  “No, I didn’t know anyone there. At least I don’t think I did. I’m not sure really.” She blushed again as she realized she was once more babbling.

  Spiro grinned and shook his head. “Yes, it’s a good thing I did win you. I was bidding against Mistress Monica.”

  Alicia had never heard of this person.

  “She, my dear,” Spiro continued conversationally, “has a nasty habit of ignoring a safe word and whipping her companions so severely that they actually bleed.”

  “Oh my,” Alicia responded, shuddering in distaste.

  “Indeed. Maverick and I have been friends for some time now. We have an unspoken agreement whenever one of these auctions comes around. If Monica is bidding for one of our companions, the other man will outbid her,” he explained.

  “In that case, I am certainly grateful—ah, what should I call you?” she asked.

  “Spiro is fine. I stand on fewer formalities than your ever-so-proper Mr. Devonshire. And yes, you should be grateful, not only to me but also to Maverick.”

  Alicia was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate on Spiro’s words. He now stood completely naked before her. His smooth skin rippled with toned, well-defined muscles. This was a man who obviously worked out often. When she had first entered the suite, she had trembled in fear. Now she began to tremble in anticipation. Still, a man with that much strength would surely have a firm hand. This realization brought a renewed fear, but Alicia could also feel the gathering dampness within her body.

  “Come,” he said. “Sit in this chair. I want to brush your hair.”

  Alicia smiled and sat in the hard, straight-backed ladder chair he indicated. Spiro walked to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He held a silver-backed natural-bristle brush in one hand. Alicia wondered at the devious smile spreading across his face as he moved a second chair behind her, sat, and began to brush her long tresses. The soothing rhythm of the strokes and his following hand eased all residual tension from her body. He continued to brush until Alicia was completely relaxed.

  “Now,” he spoke softly, “shall I remind you of your misbehaviors? Maverick graciously provided me with a list from earlier this evening, and I couldn’t help but notice other lapses.”

  Alicia’s eyes snapped open and she sat a little straighter.

  “Yes, Sir. Please tell me,” she humbly answered.

  “First, you questioned your Master, but he has already reprimanded you for that, although personally I think he’s far too easy on you.” Spiro continued to brush her hair soothingly. “Then you let your eyes wander when you first came into the club. You hesitated when I told you to get into the car.”

  Alicia again closed her eyes as her excitement built. All he said was true.

  “You again let your eyes wander when we entered the hotel. A well-trained companion trusts her Dom completely, yet you were hesitant. When I removed the cape, you clutched at it. Oh, it was a brief lapse, I know, but still, you resisted.”

  Alicia’s breathing increased and she bowed her head slightly.

  “I am not nearly as brutal as Monica, and I will always respect the safe word. But I am also not as lenient as Maverick.” He stopped brushing her hair. “Stand up, replace the chair and lie across my lap.”

  Alicia hesitated.

  “Now!” he shouted.

  Alicia jumped up and did as commanded. Lying across his lap, she reveled in the feel of his hard thigh muscles against her soft belly. Spiro placed one hand firmly in the center of her back, her head and feet dangling close to the floor.

  “You will not shout out. To do so will negate that swat and I will have to repeat it. I intend to deliver twenty to each cheek, making a total of forty swats. You may moan or cry, but I will not tolerate loud outbursts. Understood?”

  “Yes, I understand,” she said. Oh God! Can I do this?

  Alicia bit the inside of her cheek to keep from shrieking as he struck her. Spiro had used the back of the brush to deliver the spankings. He did indeed use a heavy hand.

  “Nicely done,” he complimented. “Keep it up, and we’ll be finished here in no time.”

  Spiro continued to spank her sore arse, delivering blow after blow. Twice Alicia cried out. Spiro paused momentarily each time and then proceeded. After an incredibly long time, he finally stopped.

  “There. That should do for now. Go stand in the corner. Put your nose in the corner and do not, under any circumstances, move,” he stated.

  Alicia wiped the tears from her eyes as she did as she’d been told. Her behind burned and she longed to rub it but dared not. Standing in the corner sniffling, she had never felt so humiliated. She knew her rear had to be a brilliant red but she also knew that her pussy quivered with moisture. She heard ice clinking in a glass and Spiro walking about. A moment later, the easy strains of Debussy filled the room and Alicia wondered how long she would be required to stand in the corner. She heard a door open and water run. Apparently Spiro was taking a shower. Knowing he was not watching her, Alicia knew she could safely rub her aching bottom. She began to reach around but then thought better of it. Whether he was physically present or not, she had been told not to move. A good companion always followed orders. She blushed, knowing she had just disobeyed again, but was pleased with herself for stopping before exacerbating the misdeed by touching herself. The sound of the running water, though, brought on its own torture. She desperately needed to pee.

  Think of something else, she told herself sternly, he’ll be finished soon and then you can ask him for permission. As time passed, however, she began to squirm a bit as the pressure in her bladder increased. Finally, the water turned off and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  When she heard Spiro’s footsteps close behind her, she gathered her courage and asked, “Please, Spiro. I need to use the bathroom.”

  “I imagine you do. Here’s the thing, though,” he said as he ran a hand over her still warm arse. “For every privilege I give you, you must pay a price. Are you willing to pay?”

  “Yes,” she answered unhesitatingly. If he didn’t allow her to go soon, she was likely to dribble right there in the corner.

  “Anything?” he persisted.

  “Yes, please, anything.” She was desperate.r />
  “Did you move?”

  Alicia hesitated only slightly. “Yes, I did. I’m sorry, but I wanted to rub my behind.”

  “Did you?”

  “No, I didn’t,” she admitted, trying not to cross her legs in an effort to stem the coming flood. “I moved my hands and then stopped myself. I’ve also been wiggling just now since I have to go so badly.”

  For a moment, Spiro said nothing. Then he walked away. Oh Lord! How could she stand much more?

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  Alicia did so.

  “Do not remove these.” Spiro clipped a clothespin on each of her labia.

  “Oh!” Alicia cried at the unexpected pain.

  “Go,” he directed, slapping her arse once as she ran to the bathroom.

  She barely made it to the toilet before her bladder opened. The pain of the full bladder, however, had been replaced by the fire radiating from her tortured skin. Carefully wiping herself, Alicia’s eyes and pussy both watered at this new sensation. When she finished, she slowly returned to the main room of the suite.

  “Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Spiro asked.

  “No, Sir,” she lied.

  Spiro laughed. “In that case, you’re really going to enjoy this.”

  Alicia could not contain her cry of pain as he removed the pins.

  “Greet me,” he commanded.

  Thanks to Mr. Devonshire’s training, Alicia instinctively knelt before him and took his manhood into her mouth. He was smaller than Maverick but thicker, and in an embarrassingly short time her jaw began to ache. She willed herself to relax. Somehow she knew her punishment would be quite severe if she did not perform this simple task to his liking. She cupped his balls in her hand, gently massaging them. Spiro groaned. Trying to relieve some of the pressure on her jaws, Alicia concentrated on the tip of his penis, quickly flicking her tongue over it then drawing just the head into her mouth and sucking. Spiro dropped his hand to her head. She expected him to push her down onto his staff, but he seemed content simply to rest his hand. She stole a glance up at him, but his head was thrown back. Apparently she was pleasing him. Gaining a degree of confidence, Alicia continued to lick and suck on Spiro’s tasty shaft.

  “Stand,” he said softly.

  Regretfully, Alicia did so. Once she had relaxed, the aching in her jaw had ceased and she had begun to enjoy the greeting. Spiro held her hand and guided her to the bed.

  “Lie on your back,” he commanded.

  Alicia did so, smiling up at him.

  “Think you’re going to get fucked, do you? I bet you’re nice and wet by now.” He tested his theory by inserting two fingers inside her.

  Alicia arched her back, welcoming the fullness.

  “Yes, you certainly are wet.” He worked several fingers into her tunnel. Alicia squirmed with delight.

  “Let’s review,” he said cryptically. “You’ve been properly spanked with the brush. You’ve been humiliated in the corner. You’ve been tortured with a full bladder and pinched pussy lips.”

  Alicia moaned throughout his recitation, concentrating mainly on his internal manipulations.

  “As I would have expected, Maverick has taught you a proper greeting which, by the way, you performed with grace. Your pussy is drenched, so you have obviously enjoyed yourself so far.” He continued to probe her, bringing her to the brink of orgasm. “But what, my dear, have you done for me?” He yanked his hand from her.

  Alicia gasped in shock and shame. What he said was true. Aside from a greeting, she had given him nothing.

  “You did not think I would allow you to come so quickly, did you?” he asked.

  “No-o-o-o,” she hesitantly answered. “How can I serve you?”

  Spiro smiled. “Anoint me.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “Go into the bathroom and bring back the bottle of oil on the counter. You will work that into my skin, beginning with my feet,” he instructed.

  Alicia nodded and scrambled off the bed to do his bidding. When she returned, Spiro stood in the middle of the room. Alicia stared at the beauty of his body before kneeling before his feet. Impulsively, she kissed and licked them before liberally applying the oil, which emitted a slight scent of sandalwood.

  “Ahh, that’s good,” Spiro moaned.

  Continuing this pattern, Alicia worked her way up both legs, front and back. When she finally reached his penis, she hesitated.

  “Go on,” he encouraged.

  Obeying his directive, she kissed and licked the length of his rod, following with her oil-slicked hands. Persistently she worked her way up his torso, marveling at the six-pack of his stomach. Even his back rippled with defined muscles. The man could have been a model for Adonis, she thought as she applied the last of the oil to his thick, hard neck.

  “Excellent,” Spiro complimented. “Now place your hands on the bed and bend over. I want to see if your arse is still red.” He ran a hand over her now cooled bottom. “What a shame. The redness has faded, no lingering warmth. Luckily I have never believed in spanking simply for disciplinary reasons. Now, my dear, I am going to whip you simply for my own pleasure. When I enter you, I want your skin to be as warm or warmer than your tunnel—no matter which tunnel I choose to explore.”

  Already throbbing with excitement after having massaged every inch of the man’s body, Alicia whimpered with anticipation.

  “Elbows on the bed. I want your bottom farther in the air,” Spiro directed.

  Alicia bent even farther, her arse pointed upward, her lips spread, exposing both her arse and openings. She heard him walk about the room and then the snap of leather.

  “I’ve always found that a taste of leather leaves a bottom quite tenderized,” he commented. “Remember, no howling. If you do, I’ll start over. If it continues, I’ll gag you.”

  Without preamble, Spiro slapped her arse with the leather belt. Over and over again, he worked a pattern on her still-tender behind. Alicia laid her head on the mattress, unwittingly raising her arse even higher. Once the leather kissed her most delicate tissue and, not only did she cry out, she stood. Not wasting a move, Spiro shoved her back into position and continued lashing her arse.

  The pain continued to grow. Alicia gnawed her cheeks and squeezed her eyes shut. Still, tears flowed down her face. On the second swipe to her delicate inner folds, she could stand no more and shouted, “Enough.”

  The silence that followed was deafening.

  “I’m sorry,” she babbled, assuming her position once more. “Maybe I can go on in a few minutes, but please, I need a break. I can’t take any more swats right now. I…”

  “Shhhh,” Spiro soothed, gently running his hand over her back. “You’ve stated the safe word. You need not explain or negotiate. I, as any true Dominant, will always respect that word. You’ve done very well.”

  Despite the blinding fire radiating from her arse and thighs, Alicia felt a surge of pride.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he hinted.

  Alicia felt a coolness enter her anus and knew he was applying lubrication. Next, something small and hard rolled inside her. Again a hard ball entered her rectum, but this time slightly larger. In all, Alicia felt eight balls fill her, the last one quite large. By that point, her lonely, empty pussy dripped with honey.

  Spiro stood directly behind her and grasped her hips. “Ah yes,” he moaned. “No discernible temperature change.” The tip of his manhood pushed into her vagina and he paused.

  Alicia wiggled and squirmed, but he refused to thrust. Instead, the last and largest bead popped out of her anus.

  “Oh!” she gasped and started to shake. Already the colors in the room were beginning to morph into the colors of her mind. She heard Spiro laugh slightly, and then he thrust himself into her core, yanking all the beads from her body. Color exploded as Alicia screamed out her orgasm. Spiro continued to pump into her until he dug his fingers into her hips.

  “That’s it, little Alicia, keep
going,” he encouraged, reaching around to tweak her nipples.

  “Oh God,” she cried out, letting wave after wave of pure pleasure wash over her. Vaguely, she became aware of Spiro’s ragged breath and heard a deep growl as he spilled his essence into her willing body. Alicia smiled, knowing she had brought Spiro the fullest measure of pleasure.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Alicia woke up beside Spiro, a strong arm thrown across her chest, pinning her to the bed. At first she was startled but then, remembering the events of the night before and hearing the soft snores of the sleeping man, she snuggled against him and smiled. Her arse, still warm from her last spanking, reminded her of her performance. Despite the lingering soreness, she felt nothing but pride.

  “Ummm, you smell good,” Spiro groggily whispered. “But what’s that growling?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, blushing, “that would be my stomach.”

  He opened one eye and grinned. “Then we’d best do something about that.” He rolled over and reached for the phone. “Why don’t you go take a quick shower while I phone for some breakfast? Don’t take too long. I want you back here in five minutes.” He dispelled the sternness of his words with a kiss to her forehead.

  “By the way,” he called as she scrambled from the bed. “Your behind looks glorious. Check it out in the mirror.”

  After closing the door to the bathroom, she did as he suggested. Oh my! Her behind certainly was glorious. The redness lingered, showing the perfect striping, though only a slight tenderness remained. While Mr. Devonshire’s caning had left markings, she had never experienced such a widespread pattern. Running her hands over her rear, she shook her head. Who would have thought that such a thing could be so exciting? Snapping back to the present, she quickly showered and toweled off, making it back into the main room of the suite within the allotted time.


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