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Tasting Pleasure

Page 6

by Anarie Brady

  “Ah, there you are,” Spiro said. “Just in time, as well. I’m going to shower now and you, my beauty, will answer the door when room service arrives.”

  “But,” she began, already fearing the answer, “I’m naked. Might I put a robe on?”

  In answer, Spiro simply laughed and patted her bottom.

  Oh, Lord, what on earth will the server think? Then again, why do I care? Sure, this is a bit embarrassing, but if this is what he wants, well, isn’t that why I’m here?

  Alicia nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the knock on the door.

  “Room service.”

  “Ah, coming,” she responded brightly.

  Slowly she advanced toward the door. Could she open it and then hide behind it? Nope, not enough room. Well, nothing to do but gather what courage she had and do what needed to be done. Taking one last, deep breath, she opened the door.

  “Right,” the young man stated. “I’ll just set this up on the table.” He pushed in the cart, barely glancing at Alicia. Unsure of what to do, she simply closed the door and stood silently, hoping Spiro would finish his shower and come out of the bathroom. Hearing the water turn off, she glanced toward the closed door. Unfortunately, Spiro did not reappear.

  “Will that be all?” the server asked.

  “Ah…yes, I think so,” she whispered.

  “Then might I wish you a good morning, miss, and ask you to turn about so I might see your bottom?”

  Alicia’s mouth dropped open. Could he be serious? To her shock, before she completed this thought, she had turned to face the wall and was, indeed, showing him her abused rear end.

  “Ah! So Spiro used the belt, did he? You should feel proud of yourself, miss. He doesn’t usually leave such beautiful markings. I’ll be on my way then. Good day.”

  Alicia blushed furiously, still facing the wall, as she heard him leave the suite and close the door softly behind him.

  “Excellent behavior, Alicia,” Spiro complimented. “I think you truly have a companion’s temperament. Come. Sit. Enjoy your breakfast.”

  Alicia gratefully sat at the table and did just that. The food was lovely. Fruit with yogurt, muffins, eggs Benedict, ham, juice, coffee, cream. A year ago, Alicia could not have imagined sitting completely naked across an elegant table from an equally elegantly dressed stranger, enjoying a gourmet breakfast. Her arse was still quite tender, so sitting was a bit of a challenge, but also a pleasure, she quickly realized.

  “Well,” Spiro began, touching the linen napkin to his lips, “I need to be off for a few hours.”

  “What?” Alicia squeaked, more than a little startled.

  “No need to concern yourself. I’ll leave you well cared for and be back around two or so. If you’ve behaved, I’ll have a treat for you. If not, well, perhaps a bit more leather might be called for.”

  “Oh,” she stammered. “Okay.” What was she to do all morning and afternoon?

  “Right. Go stand in the center of the room and bend over. Go on now,” he directed.

  Remembering the bite of his belt, Alicia hurried, bending over and placing her hands on the floor.

  “You will,” he said, “not fiddle with or touch yourself.”

  She felt the cold lubrication again enter her anus. One finger worked itself inside her. She closed her eyes, fully enjoying the sensation.

  “You will not leave the chair except to relieve yourself.”

  His finger came out and she felt a sense of loss.

  “You will relieve yourself only once in my absence.”

  Something cold and hard pressed against her rear opening and she opened her eyes in anticipation.

  “You will sit with your feet on the floor and back straight against the chair.”

  She moaned in shock and surprise, feeling as if her body were being torn in half as Spiro shoved something large and hard deep into her arse. Bracing her hands on the thick carpet, she barely stopped herself from tumbling to the floor.

  “That’s it, beauty.” Spiro led her to the chair and sat her down, forcing the plug deeper into her anus. He kissed the top of her head. “The phone is within reach if you need anything. My number and that of our server is on the table as well. He is, as I’m sure you have deduced, quite familiar with my needs.”

  Alicia watched, her mouth open in shock, as Spiro gracefully walked to the door.

  “You will not disappointment me,” he warned, firmly shutting the door behind him.

  Fabulous, Alicia thought. Now what do I do? I just sit here. I can’t even turn on the radio or television. God this plug is big. It hurts less now. Maybe my muscles are getting more used to it. I hope I please him. I hope I represented Mr. Devonshire well. I’m babbling. I can’t believe I’m babbling inside my own head. Holy shit! I’m really losing it! This is stupid. Okay. Take a breath. Review. What have I done well?

  First off, I’ve obeyed. Maybe not quickly enough, but I’ve obeyed and I’ve enjoyed it as well.

  Second, I’ve taken a stern reprimand and used the safe word only once. I couldn’t have done that a few months ago.

  Third, my body seems to please Spiro and that pleases me.

  All in all, Alicia was proud of her accomplishments. And, truth be told, the plug in her arse was beginning to feel quite comfortable, erotic even. Careful not to rise from the chair, she wiggled a bit. The pressure shifted on the plug and she moaned. Without thinking, she raised a hand and ran her fingers over her breasts. Her nipples had always been sensitive and, combined with the pressure in her arse, she began to tremble. Suddenly she remembered Spiro’s order and dropped her hand. Her head snapped up as she heard the door to the suite open.

  “Haven’t been naughty, have you?” Spiro asked.

  “I…ah…I thought you would be gone until around two,” she stalled.

  “But it is almost two, my dear,” he said suspiciously. “And you have not answered my question.”

  Alicia hung her head. “I touched my breasts,” she admitted.


  “Because the plug felt so good that I forgot about your order,” she whispered.

  Spiro said nothing for a while. He simply walked to the wet bar and poured himself a drink. Alicia felt her eyes water as she awaited his decision.

  “You understand you will be punished,” he began.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Again he said nothing but sipped his drink and gazed out the window. Nearly an hour passed before he spoke again.

  “Stand up, Alicia,” he commanded.

  Grateful to hear his voice, Alicia practically leaped out of the chair to obey.

  “Bend over.”

  Without hesitation, she complied. Would he spank her again? Fuck her? It didn’t really matter as long as she served him and received her just consequence. He grasped the plug and twisted. Alicia moaned at this new sensation. He slowly turned the device around and around until her pussy was drenched and her thighs trembled. Suddenly he yanked the hard silicone from her body. Alicia cried out, both in pain and loss. She craved fulfillment, which Spiro would deny her.

  “Feeling empty?” he asked as he stepped in front of her.

  “Yes,” she mumbled.

  “Good. I had intended to fuck you, both your arse and your pussy. But since you sought to pleasure yourself, you will suffer the consequence of frustration.” He took a step back and Alicia cried softly.

  “Stand up, now,” he continued. “Don’t sniffle. You know this is deserved, don’t you?” He held her face gently in his hands.

  “Yes, I do. Thank you, Spiro,” she replied.

  He kissed her. “You are very welcome. Next time you will remember a command. Now it is time for us to go.”

  Alicia wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked at him questioningly.

  Spiro simply laughed and draped the cloak about her shoulders. He also pointed to a bag on the bed. Alicia smiled as she opened it—shoes! Beautiful golden sandals with long laces fashioned in a Grecian

  “Oh! These are lovely,” she squealed with delight.

  “I thought you might like them. Now don’t waste time. Put them on, and we’ll be on our way.”

  Despite her unease at leaving the hotel wearing only a cloak and shoes with a man she barely knew, Alicia smiled bravely. Remembering her wandering glances of the night before, she was careful to keep her eyes downcast slightly as they left the suite, entered the elevator and walked through the lobby on their way to the car.

  Apparently Spiro noticed because he ran his hand down her hair and said, “You learn quickly.”

  Alicia warmed with pride.

  They said nothing during the ride to the unknown destination, but when he was not shifting gears, his hand was between her thighs, keeping her wet the entire time. Presently Spiro pulled up in front of a small, elegant restaurant. A valet opened her door and offered his hand to help her out of the car. Glancing first at Spiro, who nodded approval, Alicia placed her hand in the young man’s. When she did so, her cape gaped open, and he received a full view of her naked body. Embarrassed, Alicia quickly clasped the cape together and blushed.

  “Leave it,” Spiro directed.

  Alicia hesitated for a moment but released the edges of the garment. She waited on the curb for Spiro to come beside her and hand the keys to the valet. When she looked up at him, his eyes were hard.

  “Henry, would you like to see more of this companion?” he asked the young man.

  “Why yes, Spiro, I would,” he answered with a sly grin creeping over his face.

  Spiro opened her cloak, allowing Henry a full, unobstructed view of her nudity. Alicia could feel the heat of the blush on her cheeks spread down her neck. She also felt her labia tingle with excitement.

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll see to your car.”

  Closing her cloak, Spiro grasped Alicia’s elbow and escorted her into the darkened building. The room was, in fact, so dark that she could barely see. Spiro did not seem to have that problem as he confidently strode to a booth in the back.

  “Remove your cloak,” he directed, “and hang it on the hook next to the booth.”

  Alicia gasped. Did he really intend for her to be naked in a public building?

  “I’m waiting.”

  Biting her lips, Alicia did as she had been bid. She desperately wanted to look about the room to see if anyone was staring at her but dared not.

  “Be seated, my dear,” he directed.

  Alicia gratefully slid into the booth. Spiro also slid onto the bench across from her and then reached up to pull a golden cord. Alicia’s eyes widened as a heavy velvet curtain closed, effectively ensuring their privacy. Once it glided over the opening, Spiro flipped a switch on the wall, activating a small light above the table.

  “You must learn to trust your Master, even a temporary Master,” he instructed. “This is a very special restaurant primarily frequented by like-minded people. The curtain ensures privacy, but the light signals the wait staff.”

  Alicia sighed with relief. Spiro was right. She did need to trust Mr. Devonshire and his friends more. Looking back on the last few hours, she understood that nothing had happened to her that she hadn’t enjoyed. The tension in her shoulders evaporated.

  “Right. I imagine you’re quite famished by now. I will order for you. You, my beauty, will not speak unless spoken to and you will, naturally, obey any command given to you. Understood?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

  “Understood,” she replied.

  Within a few minutes, a waitress opened the curtain and presented them with glasses of white wine. Alicia’s mouth dropped open as she gazed at the beautiful woman. She was dressed in a traditional French maid’s outfit—complete with fishnet stockings, hairpiece and apron. Alicia also saw Spiro’s hand dive beneath the girl’s skirt to caress her bottom.

  “What can I get for you, Spiro?” the waitress asked.

  “We will have the special, Georgina. Silk?”

  “Yes, sir,” she responded. “Rental?” she asked, nodding toward Alicia.

  Alicia started to open her mouth to protest but remembered Spiro’s directives.

  “Now don’t be catty. She belongs to Maverick, and I was lucky enough to win her last night at the auction,” he explained.

  “Lucky girl. Nice tits too,” she responded before closing the curtain.

  Alicia silently steamed.

  “Georgina was once my companion but decided to branch out on her own,” Spiro explained. “She is known for spurts of jealousy and a biting tongue. This position suits her much better. Since the staff here is independent, she basically works for herself. But because of the clientele, if she gets out of hand she can also enjoy a good spanking or public humiliation.” He daintily sipped his wine before continuing. “You did a nice job of ignoring her barb. Still, I do believe she’s missing my touch.”

  Alicia again began to respond but stopped herself. Spiro had not asked her a question. Noting her behavior, Spiro laughed and lifted his glass in toast.

  “Enjoy the wine. Our first course should be ready soon.”

  True enough, Georgina arrived minutes later with a steaming bowl of potato soup. This was followed by a warm spinach salad, poached salmon and mashed vegetables. Throughout the meal, Spiro remained silent, so Alicia had no choice but to follow suit. Luckily the food was quite good, but she felt that the addition of some hard cheese and garlic would improve the flavor of the mashed cauliflower. By the time the tea was served with a light dessert of mixed fruit, Alicia had practically forgotten her nudity. When the curtain unexpectedly opened, she jumped.

  “Enjoying yourself?”

  “Maverick!” Spiro stood and shook hands with Mr. Devonshire. “We’re just finishing up, so your timing is perfect. Sit.”

  Maverick slid next to Alicia, casually draping an arm about her shoulders and dropping a kiss on her head. Alicia glowed with happiness when he reached his hand down and began tweaking her nipple.

  “I’m a bit early, but traffic was much lighter than I expected,” he explained.

  The two men discussed a variety of subjects, but Alicia sat silent, enjoying Maverick’s gentle tweaks and touches. When his hand crept between her thighs and a finger dipped into her slit, she tipped her head back and sighed.

  “And has my companion pleased you?” he asked.

  Alicia held her breath. Had she?

  “Quite,” Spiro assured him.

  Alicia could breathe again.

  “If she can gain some confidence in herself, I think she’ll be one of the best companions you’ve ever had.”

  “I agree completely,” Maverick answered. “Alicia, I’ve brought you a dress. Why don’t you slip it on, and then we’ll leave. You must be tired.”

  Alicia nodded happily as she donned the dress.

  “I believe I have a former companion to deal with. If you’ll excuse me,” Spiro said with a wicked grin. “Alicia, it’s been a pleasure.” He leaned over the table to kiss her before opening the curtain and shouting, “Georgina! Come here!”

  “You’ve pleased me greatly,” Mr. Devonshire complimented her. “Come. I’m going to take you home now, but I’ll be in touch soon. Be ready for my call.”

  Chapter Five

  Birthday Cake

  (a.k.a. Lord Baltimore Cake)


  Grease and flour 2 8” layer pans

  Sift together: 2 cups cake flour

  1 1/3 cups sugar

  3 teaspoons baking powder

  1 teaspoon salt

  Add: 1/3 cup softened butter

  2/3 cup heavy cream

  1/2 teaspoon lemon flavoring

  1/2 teaspoon vanilla

  Rind of one lemon

  Beat together for 2 minutes.

  Add: another 1/3 cup of cream

  4 egg yolks, unbeaten

  Beat at medium speed another 2 minutes.

  Pour into prepared pans and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees Fahrenheit) for 30 to 35 m

  Pink Frosting:

  Boil at 242 degrees Fahrenheit (or until mixture forms a thin thread)

  1 1/2 cups sugar

  1/3 cup water

  1/3 cup maraschino cherry juice

  1 teaspoon light corn syrup

  Beat 2 egg whites stiff. Pouring slowly, add hot mixture.

  Add: 1/2 teaspoon lemon flavoring

  Continue beating until mixture is fluffy and holds its shape.


  Into 1/3 of Pink Frosting from above, mix roughly ¼ cup each (according to individual taste) macaroon crumbs

  chopped and toasted pecans and almonds

  toasted maraschino cherries, chopped.

  Once cake has cooled, spread Filling over one layer. Top with second layer. Cover sides and top with Frosting.

  True to his word, Maverick never interfered with Alicia’s professional responsibilities. A few days after the auction, he had called, requesting her presence, but she had been at a crucial stage in preparing a special birthday meal for a client. The cake was a bit tricky, so she had not been able to accommodate him. She had worried that Maverick would be disappointed, possibly even angry with her for being unavailable, but he had graciously suggested a more convenient time. While she had received a consequence of twenty swats with the leather paddle for being three minutes late in arriving at his home, Maverick had not been disappointed in the least by her prior commitment.

  Alicia smiled as she touched up her lipstick before entering Maverick’s home. A week after the auction, Maverick had instructed her to dress with special care for a special evening—a black, strapless corset, stockings, heels—and nothing else. Mr. Devonshire had graciously allowed her to wrap a sarong around her waist before leaving the security of the car, however she had not been granted permission to wear it in the car nor once she entered the house. Due to the strapless top, she had still garnered quite a few intrigued stares as she had driven the distance to his home. Mr. Devonshire had also stated that she could bring with her a small overnight bag containing lower heels and a dress. But, he had warned, under no circumstances could she pack undergarments of any kind.


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