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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

Page 19

by Nikita Slater

  He said nothing, waiting for her to explain her presence.

  Addison opened her hand, palm up, and shoved it out toward him.

  "Explain," she snapped.

  He didn't say anything for a moment, but she felt the tension in his body. Finally, he reached out and, taking her firmly by the wrist, pulled her into his apartment. He slammed the door shut. Addison's breath caught as the back of her hand touched his bare stomach, brushing against the hard muscles and rough hair causing her own stomach to flip.

  She tried to jerk her hand away, but he held her tightly, trapping her against him for long seconds. He opened her fingers with his other hand and took the listening devices from her hand before releasing her.

  "Are you accusing me of something, Addison?" he asked easily, moving away from her.

  Addison crossed her arms angrily over her breasts and glared in his direction. "You know I am!" she snapped. "Jane Sitnikov assures me these belong to you."

  His casual manner dropped instantly and he reached out to grip her shoulder. Water drops from his freshly washed hair and beard rained down on her face. "What the fuck do you mean, Sitnikov?"

  Addison jerked back, but he continued to hold her tightly. "Let me go!"

  He gritted his teeth and growled, shaking her, "Why you hanging around with the Sitnikov bitch? She's too dangerous for you."

  Addison gasped. "I hired her to find out who's spying on me. Daniel, you're hurting me!"

  Daniel let her go so abruptly that Addison stumbled back a step. She could hear the rustle of his hand thrusting through his hair.

  "Why are you spying on me, Daniel?" she asked, conveniently leaving out the part where she had another stalker.

  For some reason she didn't want him to know. She cared too much about Daniel still. She couldn't stand the thought that he might already know and just not care enough to help. Or conversely, that he would care too much and try to track down her stalker himself and go all Dexter on him or something. That option… well… that wasn't an option. She simply couldn't have that on her conscience.

  Daniel growled at her again and then walked swiftly to the door, jerking it open. "Get out, Addison, and don't come back."

  Tears filled her eyes. She had come up to his apartment knowing she wouldn't be welcome, but she thought maybe they could have one civilized conversation. She should have known better. Gathering her dignity, Addison straightened her shoulders and made her way to the door, hoping like hell he hadn't changed anything. It was hard to make a dignified exit while running into things.

  Daniel grabbed her arm before she could walk past him. He pulled her in close, so close that she had to bring her arm up to steady herself against his bare chest. He dropped his head into her hair and breathed in her scent as though he couldn't help himself.

  "Get rid of Sitnikov," he said quietly. "Or I'll do it in a more permanent way."

  He thrust her out the door and slammed it shut.


  Two weeks later

  "Bipolar," Claudia said with feeling, sipping her tea.

  Addison laughed from her perch at her make-up table. She'd just finished telling Claudia about her abysmal last meeting with Daniel. Time and distance from the subject of their conversation had made the incident less painful.

  "Dude plants bugs all over your condo in a creepy attempt to keep tabs on your every move, even though he kicked you to the curb the moment you got attached to his assholiness. I mean, one minute he tells you to get out of his life and the next he has his hands all up in your business," Claudia said indelicately, causing Addison to snort with laughter. "I'm telling you, bi-freaking-polar."

  "I think you've been spending too much time with Anya Sitnikov," Addison accused. "You're starting to sound like her."

  “Actually, I totally forgot to tell you, it's Anya Bowles now. But don't tell her big brother if you want the groom to survive the honeymoon, Vladimir Sitnikov is one intense guy.”

  "Wow!" Addison said.

  "I know," Claudia agreed with a grin. "I cannot even believe she managed to sneak off and get married without consulting me. Me! I was planning on being a very devastatingly beautiful bridesmaid and she ruined my carefully designed dress, decoration and venue plans."

  "No, I mean I can't believe someone was brave enough to marry that woman," Addison said with a laugh.

  Claudia gasped, "I'm so telling her you said that and then I'm locking you in a room with her. Don't think she won't kick your ass just because you're visually impaired. Speaking of which, why do you have a mirror attached to your make-up table? Isn't that a little pointless?"

  Laughter bubbled up in Addison. This was why she enjoyed spending time with Claudia. The other woman often came across as flighty, but Addison suspected Claudia was more calculating than people gave her credit for. She was a cheerful person that seemed to know the right things to say at the right time. Addison was truly enjoying their somewhat odd friendship.

  Once she got her laughter under control, Addison said smugly, "I have a mirror for those vain friends that come over to my place and need a looking glass."

  Claudia came to stand next to Addison and tugged on her friend’s earlobe. She reached into Addison's jewelry box and rifled around before placing a pair of seed pearl earrings into Addison's hand. "Here, wear these. They'll suit this old-school fifties-style dress beautifully. I wouldn’t’ve thought a dress that covered this much skin could look so… provocative, but you’ve proved me wrong, Ms. Sterling. You look stunning.”

  “Thank you," Addison said, smiling. "And thanks for not being bitter about the whole make-up thing. I know how much you enjoy having real life dress-up dolls."

  She felt Claudia shrug from behind her and run her fingers through Addison's long waves, which were left loose to tumble down her back. "I'll survive, better than your face did after Daniel fucked it up last time I did your make-up."

  "No kidding," Addison breathed, remembering that awful night. "I'm blind and even I'm aware of how bad that must've looked."

  They chatted for another twenty minutes while Addison finished getting ready. Addison followed Claudia to the door and thanked her for the visit.

  “You're welcome! You look wonderful," the other woman said cheerfully, giving Addison a quick hug before leaving. "Irresistible, in fact!"

  "I hope so," Addison said with a laugh. "I could use a little action after the stress of the last few weeks."

  "I don't think you'll have a problem," Claudia reassured. “Just be the beautiful, brave woman you are and everything will be fine.”

  She left Addison to finish getting ready for her date and headed for the elevator. She pressed the button for the penthouse floor, entering the code that would allow access. She wasn't even remotely surprised when, instead of going to the penthouse, the elevator stopped on the security floor. A smirk twitched the edge of her lips when the elevator door opened to reveal an irate Daniel on the other side.

  "I knew you put more bugs in her place," Claudia announced, as he stepped onto the elevator and jabbed the button and the code, sending the elevator on its way up to its destination. "You're such a creep, Daniel."

  "Don't give a shit what you think. Where’s she going?" he asked, his tone suggesting she really only had one option when responding.

  Claudia rolled her eyes. The elevator arrived and the doors opened onto the spacious entrance leading to the penthouse. Claudia breezed out of the elevator, her Louboutin heels clicking against the marble tiles. Daniel grabbed her arm and swung her around before she reached the door.

  "Tell me," he growled down at her.

  Claudia's green eyes snapped up at him in annoyance. “You don’t deserve anything after what you did to her!" she hissed furiously, knowing if Tyson heard them in the hallway he would demand to know why Daniel was manhandling Claudia. He would be pissed at Daniel, but also just as likely irritated with her for causing trouble. "Addison is an amazing person with more heart in her whole body than you have in one
tiny little cell. So you can just fuck off an let her have a good time on her date!"

  Daniel let go of her arm and stepped away from her, just as the condo door swung open.

  "Claudia," Tyson's deep voice drawled warningly from the doorway, "what have I told you about baiting Mercer?"

  She turned and looked at her fiancé, widening her eyes innocently. "But darling, he started it."

  "Inside," he growled, opening the door wide.

  Claudia sauntered into the penthouse, squeezing Tyson's bicep on her way by. Daniel turned to leave, but Tyson stopped him.

  "Come in for a minute, Mercer. I need to talk to you."

  Daniel looked like he might argue, but after a second’s hesitation followed Tyson into the condo and closed the door. He stood stiffly, waiting for King's instructions.

  Tyson took his time pouring Claudia a glass of her favourite chilled white wine while she settled herself on one of the stools at the island. She was watching Daniel from beneath long mascaraed eyelashes, her flashing green eyes calculating. Daniel looked as though he would murder her without hesitation if he wasn’t being paid to do the exact opposite. Tyson stepped around the island, making sure he was a little closer to the object of Daniel’s ire. Not that he thought for a second he could stop the other man if Daniel decided to get physical.

  “You have a meeting with DeLuca?” King asked.

  Daniel jerked his head in confirmation, his eyes never leaving Claudia’s back. She crossed her legs and settled onto the stool more comfortably as though enjoying his seething attention.

  Finally, as though the words were dragged from him, Daniel growled, “Where’s she going?”

  Claudia turned slowly on her stool to give Daniel her disdainful attention. “Why do you care? It’s not like you’ve said boo to her in almost two months.”

  “Why’d you call her brave?” he demanded, ignoring her attitude. “What’s so brave about a damn date?”

  Claudia frowned a little, remembering back to her conversation with Addison. Then she giggled. “Oh yeah,” she took a healthy gulp of wine and fanned herself a little, “it’s not the date itself that’s so brave, it’s the after party.”

  “So, what,” he snapped, “plans on fucking him?”

  “Oh yeah,” she grinned, “both of them.”

  Daniel looked like he was going to murder someone; Claudia in particular. Tyson took a step closer to Claudia, put a broad hand on her knee and squeezed, encouraging her to stop talking. After a few tense seconds, Daniel turned on his heel and headed for the door.

  “Make the meeting with DeLuca, then worry about the girl,” King rumbled after him.

  Daniel said nothing, closing the door forcefully as he left.

  Tyson squeezed Claudia’s knee again and slid his hand up her thigh, flirting with the edge of her cream coloured pencil skirt. “You enjoy causing havoc in our tower, don’t you my queen?”

  Claudia pouted. “I’m only watching out for my friend.”

  “By trying to push a very dangerous man over the edge,” Tyson leaned in to growl against her ear. “Do you have any idea what I would do to you if I found out you were about to engage in a threesome?”

  He took her skirt in his large hands and yanked it up her thighs, pulling her forward at the same time and forcing her legs to uncross. He tipped her backwards and pulled her legs wide, enjoying the view of white lace panties. She gasped and clutched at his shoulders.

  “I think you might need a spanking. A reminder not to play dangerous games,” he said, leaning in to nip at her cleavage. He slid his hands down her thighs and ran his thumbs along the inside of her panties lightly caressing her shaved pussy lips and drawing a delicious moan. “And teach you not to mess with my security chief.”

  Claudia tilted her hips against his seeking fingers and said huskily, “I think you should try it and see if I learn any lessons.”


  “Daniel! It has been too long, my friend," Niccolo DeLuca greeted Daniel warmly, grasping his hand firmly.

  Daniel nodded and returned the handshake with equal pressure. He accepted the chair Nic waved him to and both men sat together. The Italian offered him a cigar, but Daniel politely declined and sat back in his chair while the other man lit his Cohiba. Nic relaxed into the plush hotel chair and eyed his long-time acquaintance.

  "Five years in security, Daniel. How do you like this cozy American job?" Nic asked, the pleasant aroma of cigar surrounding them. "You ready to come back to good money, where you no get soft, eh? I have a few arms shipments going out that could use overseeing."

  Daniel grunted. "I'm sure you'll find someone."

  Nic smiled regretfully, crossing his leg over his knee, carelessly creasing his expensive suit trousers. "No one is as good as you, but you are loyal only to King. So I will have to let this idea go for now. Maybe one day you will grow bored with civilian life and contract out again. If this happens you must come back to me first."

  "Undoubtedly," Daniel replied.

  The two men sat in companionable silence while Nic finished his cigar. Nic considered Daniel a friend, though he knew Daniel didn't return the compliment. Daniel wasn't an easy man, but he had his own sense of honour. He didn't double cross his employers, he always completed his jobs and he was worth every penny of his high fees. He'd always been a man of few words, but Nic suspected there was integrity there.

  "King is well?" Nic asked, ashing his cigar in a crystal tray on the marble stand next to his chair.

  Daniel nodded. “Sends his regrets. He’d be here himself, but a new merger’s keeping him occupied."

  "Mmm," Nic said, giving Daniel a piercing look. "He has been many times busy recently. Let us dispense with the so called bullshit, my friend, and call it what it is. King wants the Vegas connection cleaned up, but does not want his hands dirty with Ms. Cantore in the picture. So he sends instead his man to negotiate the Miami takeover and help the Vegas cleanup."

  Daniel didn't so much as stiffen at the other man's bold words. Instead, he inclined his dark head toward the Italian mob boss and waited for him to continue. Either he would condemn the direction Tyson King was taking or he would agree to work with Daniel in securing their American interests. King was a formidable enemy. And with Daniel Mercer at his side, he was damn near unstoppable. DeLuca would already know exactly who he was dealing with.

  Nic nodded his head slowly and tapped his thumb absently against his thigh. "You will work with me personally, yes? I have your assurance?"

  Daniel nodded. "King wants eyes on everything. Wants your bid to run smooth."

  Nic smiled tightly. "With you at my side, it will of course. You don't fail."

  Daniel sat silently while Nic processed his next move. Finally he said, "Miami has been uncomplicated. I've already moved more than half the city into my keeping. Thanks to you and King, once Marquez fell, his men toppled like fucking dominoes, leaving Cuba open for me."

  Daniel nodded. "Our pleasure."

  Nic snorted and smiled grimly. "So I heard. You're methods never fail to impress, my friend."

  "Vegas?" Daniel prompted.

  Nic straightened in his chair, shadows passing over the grooves of his high cheekbones. He could be considered classically handsome, with his tall, lean strength and aristocratic features if it weren't for the air of violence that settled on him like a cloak. His dark, dominant features betrayed an attitude of old world Italian mob boss combined with modern brutality that thrived in the cutthroat underworld.

  "I could use help in Vegas," Nic admitted. "Franco Delgado sits high up in his tower, surrounded by some of the most expensive guns money can buy, and despite his idiotic business practices, he has somehow captured the ear of one of our Colombian allies. Colombia must be dealt with before we can take down Delgado, but it has to be done delicately. We can't leave a power vacuum behind in a country already ravaged by economic instability. I will not have starving masses on my conscience.”

l nodded. "I can handle the guns in Vegas, but we'll need to draw him out of the hotel or find a way in."

  Nic's eyes flashed and his fists flexed with poorly contained rage. After a moment he said, "Leave it to me."

  Daniel eyed him, waiting for an explanation. Nic offered none, clearly unwilling at the moment to share his plan for drawing Delgado out. Which meant it involved a woman. Probably Nic's woman. The same woman it was rumoured Franco Delgado would do just about anything to get his hands on.

  "Know a man that might be willing to go to Colombia and deal with our ally down there. I'll speak to Bastida about taking over the territory so there’s no vacuum. Good?" Daniel asked.

  Nic's mind flashed to the brutal drug lord, Javier Bastida. The guy was a legend in his country for his brutal and systematic takeover of the drug trade. Not even the government interfered with his operation. But the man cared about his people and protected them with his own life and the lives of his men. He would ensure stability in the region. He was a good choice.

  "Yes, speak to Bastida in person, if you please," Nic said. "And this other man, the one that will take care of Delgado's Colombian alliance? Who is he? Is he to be trusted?"

  Daniel nodded. "Implicitly. Contracted his services before. David’s a professional. He'll take care of the problem with minimal fuss and leave whatever message we choose or make sure there’s zero connection back to you if that’s your preference."

  "How do I contact your man?" Nic asked.

  "You don't," Daniel replied coldly.

  Nic stared back for a moment before nodding. "Where is he, this David?”

  “Canada, last I heard. Looks for his missing wife between jobs."

  "A wife? I thought assassins were notorious loners," Nic commented. "Is she going to be a distraction?"

  "Never has been before."

  Nic stared thoughtfully past Daniel's shoulder, contemplating the stunning skyline from his expensive hotel room. "The wife took off?"


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