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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

Page 20

by Nikita Slater

  Daniel shrugged. "Apparently she objected to his choice of profession."

  Nic snorted with laughter and Daniel came close to quirking his lips in amusement. "These women, they are too sensitive, eh my friend?"

  "Agreed," Daniel said, rising.

  "Ha, our conversation is now ended, I believe?" Nic said rising to his feet. "Though you are the paid help, you make all around you aware that you are the one in control, Mercer. It is unsettling. I will continue to secure Miami, let me know when you are set up to move on Vegas, eh?”

  Daniel nodded and reached out to shake Nic's hand before striding out the door. Nic shook his head in amusement at the way his friend managed to coldly control all situations. Though Nic was a feared mob boss with connections all over the world, he still knew better than to cross swords with Daniel Mercer. It would be like teasing a rabid wolf. The man was best left alone and utilized when absolutely needed.

  "Nic?" Maria's soft voice touched him like a physical presence.

  She stood leaning against the door frame to the bedroom, her arms wrapped protectively around her waist. She wore form-fitting jeans with the holes in the thighs and knees and a sleeveless red shirt that clung to her curves. Her feet were bare, the way she preferred. The clothes were old. She refused to wear any of the expensive, designer clothes he insisted on buying for her. He knew they would fit her to perfection and look flawless against her Latina beauty, but the woman simply refused anything that he purchased for her, despite his threats. It made him furious every time he looked at her. More so because she was so fucking beautiful in her old, ratty clothes anyway.

  He wondered again what impulse had made him bring her. She was a problem he'd never intended to make his, yet he couldn't seem to let her go either. He kept her coldly at arms length, mocking her trusting personality and crushing her enthusiasm for life while secretly drawing in every sliver of warmth he could from her. It didn't make sense. But like an addict, he couldn't stop himself from indulging in her. He took her body every chance he got, ruthlessly bringing her alive and forcing her to enjoy their time together despite the less than perfect beginning to their relationship.

  Nic stalked over to where she stood. Maria uncrossed her arms and straightened with her back against the door frame. He could see the pulse beat in her throat pick up. He took a fist full of her shoulder length silken black hair and used it to force her head up. She complied, her breath quickening in expectation. Before he could lower his head to join their lips, she spoke, her husky voice hesitant.

  "Are you going to use me for bait to draw Franco out of his Las Vegas hotel?"

  Nic's fingers clenched in her hair, causing her to wince. Her dark, accusing eyes never left his. Despite his aggression toward her, she'd given him her heart, she'd trusted him and the people around him. He knew if he betrayed her again, she would hate him this time. It didn't matter though. He was going to do what he had to do and he was never going to let her go. She could live with her hate.

  He told her the whole truth. "Yes, Maria, you were always going to be my bait. That was my plan from the beginning. That was why I took you out of Las Vegas and kept you."

  Tears of pain filled her eyes and she tried to wrench away from him but he held her tight. "You said... said you wanted to punish me for the honey trap."

  She tried to push him away, so he grabbed her wrists and held them. "And I did, but I also knew he would want you and eventually he would come after you, which would give me the opportunity to take him out."

  She stared up at him, her eyes pools of anguish, a sob escaping her throat. "I hate you."

  He nodded and kissed her forehead gently before releasing her.


  Daniel looked down at his phone once more, confirming the address of the restaurant. Somehow King had gotten it out of Claudia and the boss had texted it to his man. Daniel was confused, but grateful. He didn’t trust himself not to hurt Addison. He didn’t know how the fuck other people trusted him not to. Especially King. The man had seen up close and personal what Daniel was capable of doing to others human beings. King was delusional if he thought gender would make a difference to Daniel. Yet, for some reason, King had sent Daniel the address to an upscale sushi restaurant in the river district.

  Rage seethed through him as he once more pictured Addison in the arms of a faceless stranger. Then the faceless stranger was joined by another man and the ecstasy on her imaginary face doubled. Daniel had to clench his hands on the steering wheel of his truck to stop himself from tearing into the restaurant and causing a scene.

  Not that he cared. It didn’t bother him in the least to stalk in there and drag Addison out over his shoulder, after putting a bullet in each of her boyfriends. Except that she might be upset. And that part did bother him a little. Though he was pissed at her, he knew she wouldn’t like being publicly humiliated. She had fucking cried when he threatened to drag her out of that hotel in a bathrobe. So he would wait until she appeared. Then he would beat the shit out of her dates and drag her home.

  He wasn’t sure what he was going to do after that. Because all of his former reasons for keeping his distance still applied. He still wasn’t any good for her. He would still probably end up hurting her or worse. But he couldn’t seem to fucking leave her alone. The fact that he couldn’t manage to go a week without at least listening to her proved that. He’d installed those listening devices in her apartment exactly five days after he threw her out of his life.

  And like the deviant pervert he was, he lay in the bed he’d bought just for her, inhaling her scent and listening to her talk to herself, cooking, playing her cello, occasionally masturbating and sometimes even peeing with the bathroom door open. He would stop listening when he knew it was too far. When she would rather die of embarrassment than have someone hear those private moments. But otherwise, he was often there with her, when work didn’t otherwise demand his attention.

  Pathetic. He knew. But it was all he had of her. The only way he could be close to his woman without causing her pain.

  It wasn’t enough. Because if Addison was ready to start dating again, then he was going to be forced to listen to her in the throes of ecstasy with another man. Or men, according to Claudia. And that was going to be far more dangerous for Addison’s health than Daniel just taking her for himself.

  He was still in the process of trying to figure out what the fuck he planned on doing when she suddenly appeared on the sidewalk. Like an angel, she stood in the door of the restaurant, the warm glow of the interior lighting her up from behind, creating a silhouette around her beautiful curves. She stood like that for a moment with her coat draped over her arm, breathing in the spring evening air appreciatively, a half smile curving her lips.

  Clearly she was enjoying her date so far. Daniel got out of his truck, slammed the door and crossed toward her. Her smile began to falter as she felt a larger presence approaching her quickly. Her date was still inside the restaurant, probably still taking care of the bill. She tried to step aside, assuming he wanted to get into the restaurant. Instead, Daniel caught her by the waist and shoved her rapidly around the corner of the building into the alley. He pushed her up against the graffitied concrete and, before she could call for help, covered her lips with his hand.

  He meant to reassure her right away, so she wouldn’t be scared for more than a second, but having her in his arms again felt so good he needed a moment to just enjoy. He bent against her and pressed his much harder body into her soft curves. She struggled against his hold, screaming into his hand. He caught her wrists before she could punch him and forced her to stand still while he dropped his head into her neck and inhaled her familiar scent. He felt tears touch the edge of his hand where it bit into the softness of her lips, which broke the spell.

  “Shh, Addison, it’s Daniel,” he muttered.

  She slumped against him, her panic instantly subsiding. Then all at once she went tense from head to toe, drew her foot back as far as
it would go with the wall behind her and sent it into his shin. He grunted. It fucking hurt, considering she didn’t have a lot of leverage. He shoved a knee between her legs and forced them apart so she couldn’t kick him again. He moved his hand off her mouth and levered his forearm against her neck.

  “Scream and I’ll make it hurt,” he growled.

  “Fuck… you,” she said breathlessly.

  He smiled grimly. Addison was pissed. She only used bad language when she was really mad or really turned on. She breathed heavily, her small breasts pushing up and down against his chest. It was driving him crazy. He wanted her so bad he was ready to shove her dress up, tear her panties off and fuck her right there in that dirty alley for anyone to see.

  “You’re coming home with me,” he said.

  “The hell I am,” she snapped. “Let go of me, Daniel, right now.”

  “You aren’t going home with them,” he snarled. “I’d rather kill you than see you fuck someone else.”

  “Then don’t watch!”

  He tapped her cheek lightly with two fingers. “Watch it, Addison.”

  She shoved her body forward against his, but his weight was too much. She barely moved. She growled in annoyance, “Let me go! You didn’t want me, Daniel. You made that pretty damn clear the last few times I saw you. I got the message. Now it’s time for you to get my message. Go away!”

  He ignored her. Instead, he leaned in and licked her cheek, rubbing his bearded chin roughly against the softness of her skin. “If you won’t come with me, then I’ll fuck you right here in this alley where your dates can find us and see exactly who makes you beg for your orgasms.”

  “Dates… ?” Addison asked, confused as his hand began to lift her skirt. She clenched her legs together.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” an angry voice shouted behind Daniel. “Addison!”

  Someone punched Daniel in the side with more enthusiasm than skill and fingernails dug into his arm, over the bicep, trying to wrench his arm away from Addison. He was about to brutally knock the person back with his fist when his brain registered that it was a woman. Confused, he grabbed his attacker by the neck and swung her into the wall next to Addison. She was tall, almost as tall as Daniel. She had dark brown skin and black hair styled into dreadlocks. She wore a suit and tie.

  Understanding dawned immediately. Claudia, the devious little bitch, had lied to him. This woman was Addison’s date for the evening. He released both of them and stepped back. The woman in the suit immediately reached for Addison. Daniel growled and jerked Addison away from her. Dreadlocks gasped and jumped away from him.

  “Who are you?” she demanded angrily.

  He didn’t respond. She didn’t matter to him. She didn’t represent a threat to him. He didn’t want her touching Addison in future, but so long as she kept her distance she would be fine. He kept his grip on Addison, bent to pick up her coat and the twenty that had tumbled out of her bra, and began striding out of the alley toward his truck.

  “Addison!” the woman gasped coming after them.

  Daniel rounded on her. “Don’t,” he snarled.

  Addison sighed in annoyance, “It’s fine Mandella. He’s a security guy that lives in my building and tends to be overprotective. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you.”

  “Uh huh,” Mandella said sceptically. “Looks more complicated than that. I’m not really looking for complicated right now, Addie. Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I don’t like leaving you like this.”

  “I’ll be okay,” Addison reassured her, sounding disappointed. “And I understand. I wasn’t looking for complicated either. You take care.” She shot Daniel an eloquent look that expressed her feelings on being accosted outside of a restaurant in front of her date.

  He didn’t give a shit. He opened the door, shoved her into the passenger side of the truck and slammed it shut again. Mandella stood on the sidewalk, with her arms crossed, glaring at him as they drove away. She was really a beautiful woman. He wondered how Addison had met her.

  “A woman?” he asked gruffly.

  She didn’t respond. Just sat stiffly with her hands clenched in her lap while he drove.

  “Either conversation or sex, Addison, pick one,” he said, his voice hard.

  She glared down at her lap. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I’ll pull this truck over right here and drag you underneath me, Addison. Now wake the fuck up and start talking. Want you so bad I can taste you from across that seat. Distract me, or take the consequences.”

  “Fine,” she snapped. “Yes, I went on a date with a woman. Is that a problem?”


  “Why, are you anti…” she started, her voice rising, but he interrupted her.

  “Don’t even start. I don’t give a shit what other people do. I’m against you dating anyone, man or woman. Although, I admit I’m less against you dating women then men.”

  “Why?” she demanded.

  He shrugged. “Something appealing about two women together,” he said. “Fantasy material for most guys. Not going to happen for you though. So don't even think about it. I don’t share with anyone.”

  “You don’t get to dictate who I do and don’t see! We aren’t getting back together, Daniel,” she said angrily. “And if I remember correctly, we never were together, because you were never my boyfriend!”


  Icy silence fell between them as he drove.

  Then she added, “Besides, I already know what it’s like to be with women. I’m bisexual, Daniel, I’ve dated and had sex with women before. With you as the exception, I’m usually attracted to people’s minds before their bodies. So don’t go thinking you ruined penis for me!”

  She felt the truck swerve and gripped the doorframe, hoping he didn’t hit anything. Perhaps she shouldn’t have imparted that little piece of information until they were safely parked. She smirked to herself. It wasn’t often a person got to surprise Daniel. Apparently he didn't know everything there was to know about her.

  When they arrived in the parking garage, he hung up the keys and turned to her. “Your place or mine?”

  “You’re giving me a choice?” she asked in surprise.

  “Need to talk,” he said, taking her by the hand and leading her toward the elevators.

  “Just talk?” she asked warily. “I want to go to my place then, if I have a choice.”

  They went down to her apartment where he opened her door and ushered her inside. He poured her a glass of wine while she sat on the chair in the living room. She purposely didn't choose the couch so she wouldn’t have to sit with him. She needed all of her senses and he had a tendency to overwhelm her. She accepted the glass of wine gratefully while he sat opposite her.

  “I want to be with you, Addison,” he said.

  “No,” she said instantly taking a healthy sip of wine to steady her nerves and brace herself against what she knew would be his potent brand of persuasion. He didn’t so much as make a move toward her though.

  “More than sex this time. I want to be with you. I can try to figure out this boyfriend thing,” he said gruffly.

  Addison choked on the wine, spitting it back into the glass. Her jaw dropped. Neither said anything while she processed. Then, she finally said, “I don’t think you can be a boyfriend.”

  “Probably not,” he agreed. “I’m too fucking old for this, but we’re going to try anyway.”

  She sighed in annoyance. “I don’t get a choice, do I?”

  “No,” he agreed. “But I’m going to make it easier.”

  “How?” she demanded.

  “Ask me your questions, Addison. I’ll answer what I can, best I can.”

  Once more she was speechless. And cautiously optimistic. Daniel was actually willing to try this time. And he seemed to want more than sex. If it was just sex he wanted, he could easily take it. Hell, she was easy when it came to him. No matter how badly he treated her, she always capitulated.
/>   “Right now?” she asked.

  “Now is all you get,” he said quietly. “After this, no talk about my past, ever. Stays buried.”

  She nodded. It wasn’t a healthy attitude, but she knew better than to argue. At least for now. If he was willing to allow her this much, perhaps in the future he would let her push a little more to help him heal. She took another steadying sip of wine and brought her leg up to curl against the side of the chair.

  She launched right in. “Sometimes you speak with an accent, especially when you’re upset.”

  “Yes,” he confirmed.

  “What is it, what language?” she asked, quietly, barely daring to ask. “Where are you from, Daniel?”

  He hesitated and then spoke, his voice steady with barely any inflection. “Portuguese. I was born in Brazil. Lived there until I was about seventeen.”Her mouth opened, but she didn’t speak for a moment. She’d known he was from somewhere else, yet the information about his birthplace was somehow precious to her. She held it close to her heart, even though he clearly hated thinking about the place where he was from.

  “And before you ask, I don’t know how old I am. Probably thirty-nine or forty,” he said gruffly.

  “Oh, Daniel,” she said sadly, her heart hurting for the little boy that didn’t have a birthday.

  “Don’t,” he warned her shortly.

  She nodded and quickly cast her mind on to something else. She wondered what he looked like. Oddly she hadn’t really asked anyone before. She’d touched him of course, and been told by others that he was handsome in a chilling manner, but she didn’t know superficially what he looked like.

  “Is… is your skin darker than mine?” she asked curiously.

  He chuckled, clearly not expecting her line of questioning to take a physical turn. “Yes, several shades darker than yours. Your skin’s very pale and mine looks darkly tanned.”

  “And your hair?” she asked breathlessly.

  “It’s similar to yours, but not as rich. Yours catches different shades of red in the light. Mine is just brown. Lighter than yours.”


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