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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

Page 24

by Nikita Slater

  He could feel Addison bring her hands cautiously down and cradle them to her chest. He bent over and scooped up her clothes. Tossing them over his shoulder he said, "Put them on. Get out before I do something we’ll both regret."

  She held the clothes to her chest and slid off the bed to stand up next to him. She hesitated with indecision, trying to decide what to do. He wondered why the hell she wasn't running for the door, throwing her clothes on as she went. Finally, after a moment of struggling with her basic instincts, she dropped her clothes and moved to stand in front of him, gloriously naked. Her neatly trimmed pussy was mouthwateringly close to his face.

  "Do what you want, hurt me if that's what you have to do. I'm not leaving. I meant what I said before. I love you.”

  A few seconds passed as he looked up into her brave, beautiful face and wondered how he ever got so lucky as to cross paths with a woman like Addison Sterling. With a shaking hand he reached for her and pulled her in against the warmth of his body. He spread his legs so he could cradle her against his chest, her breasts cushioned his head. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and she dropped her head on top of his, curtaining them with the fall of her hair.

  “I can’t do it,” he said, huskily. “Can’t hurt you. Feels too much like hurting myself.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  He lifted her up onto his lap so that she was straddling him and laid back on the bed, letting her take control for the first time. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it. She smiled shyly and eagerly spread her fingers across his torso, lingering over each and every ridge. She wiggled her hips and maneuvered herself lower on his lap, which drew a tortured groan. Her new position better enabled her to follow the path of her fingers with her lips and tongue.

  “Fuck,” he growled as she flicked the edge of one of his nipples first with her nail, then with her hot little tongue.

  He reached for the little vixen to drag her back up for a devastating kiss, but she evaded his hand and shook her head frantically. “I’m not done!” she begged prettily.

  She licked a path down his ribcage, worshipping each of his abdominal muscles and then exploring the bullet wounds in his side with a concerned frown. Worried she might lose her train of thought, he tugged a few curls on the crown of her head, encouraging her to get back to work. She nipped at one of the ridges of muscle in his stomach, before moving lower. Her dark eyes glowed at him mischievously through long silken lashes before her gorgeous hands began working on his thick leather belt. It amazed him, the expressions her eyes could convey, despite their inability to see. Sometimes he wondered if she “saw” more than others, simply through her conveyance of expressions.

  Any further pondering fled as her long, beautiful fingers reached into his now open jeans and pulled his thick cock out. He loved her the way she was, but he wished she could see what she did to him. The way he went instantly hard, thick and purple in her hands. The head was slick with precum, begging for the attention of her soft hands and wicked, wet tongue. She did not disappoint him.

  Addison leaned slowly over, arching her back so she could take him in her mouth. Her breath hit him first, quivering against him in a hot sigh, nearly driving him out of his mind. The only thing that stopped him from reaching out and grabbing her, was the sure knowledge that any second now she would wrap that beautiful, silken mouth around his dick and suck him deep into her throat.

  He groaned out loud, like a man twenty years younger, at the first touch of her tongue as it flicked against the head of his penis gathering the precum into her mouth. He clenched his fists into the bedding on either side of his body to stop himself from taking hold of her head and fucking her face. She smiled up at him wickedly, as though she sensed his thoughts, and wrapped her tongue around the head of his cock, dipping the point of her tongue into the indent. He nearly leapt off the bed, the pleasure was so intense.

  She brought her fist down, onto the base of his penis and then began sinking slowly down onto him, taking more than he would have thought possible into the tight clasp of her mouth and throat. Hot jealousy flared within him for just a moment as he imagined all the practice she got before him. Then he remembered she was bisexual and all jealously fled as he pictured her naked pleasuring another woman. He knew it was wrong and probably all kinds of fucked up, but damn…

  Then her fucking tongue went right into the dip in the head of his cock again and he nearly blew up right in her mouth. Where the fuck did she learn how to do that? He clenched his fists and breathed hard as she increased her tempo and pressure. He realized she didn’t intend to stop until he’d come in her mouth. Though he was fine with that, he wanted her to sit on him and take his cock into her body. He wanted to watch as she rode him.

  “Addison, stop,” he commanded.

  “Uh uh,” she mumbled and kept going.

  He reached down and took a fistful of her hair shaking her a little. “Stop or I’ll pull you off by the hair, woman.”

  She growled a gorgeous, feminine growl that made him even harder if that were possible. Then she bared her teeth against his dick and narrowed her eyes at him. He grinned at her, not that she could see it. God, he really was falling in love with this woman.

  “You really want to play that game, Addison?” he said in a low voice. “Because if you bite me or make me come before I’m ready, you know I’ll retaliate. Doubt you’ll enjoy that. But if you take that beautiful mouth off my cock right now, I’ll let you ride me and I promise, I’ll make you fucking come like a rocket.”

  She appeared to think about it for a second, then she slowly slid her mouth off of him and sat up on his lap as primly as she could, given the circumstances, and delicately wiped the spit from her chin. Daniel grabbed her arm and yanked her forward until she was sprawling across his chest. Before she could protest, he captured her lips in a deep, possessive kiss, while positioning his cock at the entrance of her pussy. She gasped into his mouth as he thrust up into her.

  With one last, lingering kiss, he took her by the waist and pushed her slowly up until she was sitting, impaled on his cock. Addison gave a startled scream as pain and pleasure lanced through her. She braced her hands against his chest and panted while she waited for the pressure to ease. He hoped eventually this position would become easier on her. He’d never allowed a woman to sit on top of him before, but he found he enjoyed having Addison up there. He could see every expression as it crossed her face. He also liked the arch of her neck and the easy access to her breasts and belly.

  He lavished her small, sensitive breasts with attention, tugging and playing with her nipples to draw her attention away from the tight fit of his cock. The gradual awakening of her breasts sent waves of pleasure to her pussy, which made her squirm on his cock, lubricating him with her fluids and easing her way. He dropped his hands to her hips and guided her rhythm as she began riding him. After a moment she caught on and used her thighs to push herself up and down on his length.

  Daniel used his thumb to rub her clit while keeping her steady with his other hand on her hip. She yelled as she came and continued to ride him through another orgasm. She dropped her head back, her long dark curls reaching back to brush against her ass. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life. She started to slow her rhythm as she basked in the afterglow of two strong orgasms.

  Daniel wasn't finished though. He dropped his other hand to her hip and thrust up hard into her silken heat, causing her to gasp and her eyes to fly open. He held her steady and continued to thrust up into her, slaking his own lust while she simply hung on for the ride. He looked up into her face, which had taken on a look of surprised wonder. He realized as her hand slipped down her body toward her clit that she was about to come again, for the third time. Which spurred him to drive harder up into her, nudging his cock right into her G-spot while she worked her clit.

  “Daniel!” she screamed as she came, eyes wide and unfocused.

  He thrust himself up into her sev
eral more times before following her over the precipice. He cradled her against his body as she collapsed onto his chest with her thighs on either side of his hips. After a moment, she slid onto her side and snuggled into his warmth, wrapping her arms around his middle. He felt her drifting into slumber, but the selfish part of him needed something first.

  “Addison,” he said.


  “Say it again,” he demanded.

  He felt her lips curve against the skin of his shoulder. “Love you, Daniel,” she whispered.


  Addison wasn’t surprised to wake up alone the next morning, though she was disappointed. She sensed he wasn’t in the apartment so didn’t bother calling out to him. She rolled off the high bed and felt around for her clothes, which he’d folded neatly on his desk. She left his apartment quickly and made her way down to hers. She took the elevator, wanting to get there quickly. She wanted to call him and make sure things were okay between them.

  Addison felt a sense of urgency as she entered her apartment and reached for her phone. She told Siri what number to call and sighed as it went straight to voicemail. “Hey Daniel, it’s just me. Can you call me when you get this? If not, then I guess I’ll see you later tonight.”

  She hated the desperate note of question in her voice, but she couldn’t seem to help it. When a woman told a guy that she loved him, but didn’t hear the words back she tended to get a little jumpy. She kept her phone with her as she showered and got dressed. After, she rifled listlessly through her wardrobe, wondering what to wear. She wanted to wear something pretty in case Daniel did stop by to see her later, but she didn’t want to appear like she was dressing up for him.

  “Darn it!” she huffed in exasperation. “It’s not like I even know what I look like!”

  She yanked a long white cotton skirt with a five inch frill along the hem off a hanger and matched it with a watermelon coloured top that dipped temptingly into her cleavage. At least she hoped it was watermelon coloured. She hadn’t worn it in a while and couldn’t quite remember what the shop person had told her. Oh well, whatever colour it was, it wasn’t going to clash with white unless it was off-white. Then she would look like an escapee of some sort of cult.

  She paired the outfit with leather flip-flops that had coins sewn into the tops and jingled when she walked. She thought the outfit was bohemian pretty, but casual, exactly what she needed to face the day. Picking up her purse, cello and cane, Addison made her way down to the lobby, out the front door of the building and toward the subway with the intention of spending a busy day at work not thinking about Daniel Mercer.

  Which was pretty much exactly what she got. Maestro was full steam ahead with his Summer program, which required Addison’s full attention. There was in-fighting amongst the entire orchestra about what pieces should be played for the upcoming Atlantic Cities Cooperative Tour (ACCT), which apparently only Addison could solve. Although she did have a brief panicked thought about Daniel at this point in her day when she realized she was going to have to tell him she needed to go on tour for two weeks. She was pretty sure she could imagine that conversation.

  Daniel: No.

  Addison: But it’s my job.

  Daniel: NO.

  Addison: But I’ll get fired.

  Daniel: Fuck your job.

  Addison: I like my job.

  Daniel: Correction, used to like your job.

  And on and on until they had angry sex, make up sex or both kinds of sex. Either way, he wasn’t going to want her leaving him for two weeks. Especially now that they were back together and things seemed to be going smoothly. She was in the process of wondering how she was going to go about sneaking out of the city with her cello when Erica grabbed her arm hard and interrupted her thoughts.

  “I need your opinion on the invite list for the donor bash at the Hilton. Maestro wants First Chair approval before we send out the invitations,” she said in a much less cheerful voice than usual.

  Addison was so startled by this less-than-friendly version of Erica that she wasn’t even annoyed by Erica’s customary grabbiness. “Uh… sure,” she said, going with the other woman to Maestro’s office.

  Erica pulled another chair up to her small desk so Addison could sit. Erica huffily shoved papers aside for Addison and slammed a document down on the desk in front of her. Addison jumped and tried covering it by folding her hands on the desk and getting comfortable in the chair. She raised a brow at Erica, waiting for the other woman to start reading the names on the list.

  Erica sniffled in annoyance and began reading down the list, her voice grew noticeably more chill when she mentioned Tyson King and Claudia Cantore. When she reached the end of approximately fifty people she snapped, “Am I missing anyone?”

  Addison had to consciously keep her jaw from dropping. Erica had never spoken to her this way before. “You need to add Eleanor Channing to your list and her nephew, whom I believe is in town for the next few months. She’ll be tickled pink to introduce him to her friends at the orchestra. I believe Niccolo DeLuca is in the city as well. He has connections with Mrs. Channing’s nephew and Mr. King. Please invite him and a date as well.”

  “Will that be all Miss Sterling?” Erica asked, ice dripping from her voice.

  Addison really, really wanted to just get up and leave, but she couldn’t bring herself to abandon any creature that might be in pain. Not even the most obnoxious, annoying human being she was ever forced to spend too much time with. Sighing, Addison patted her hand along the desk until she reached Erica’s arm. She wrapped her fingers around the other woman's hand and said, “Erica, what’s going on? Can I do something to help?”

  Addison half expected Erica to become angry and wrench her hand away. Instead she dropped her head onto their combined hands, causing Addison to jump and wince. With a sob she wailed pathetically, “Why am I such an unloveable loser, Addie?”

  “Oh Erica, you’re not a loser. You’re a very special young woman,” Addison said, reaching out to pat the other girl awkwardly on the head.

  “You really think so?” Erica sobbed, dripping warm fluids that Addison really hoped was just tears onto their hands.

  “Of course I think so, my dear,” Addison said soothingly, stroking her hair back from her forehead. “Look at what you do for the orchestra. You work so hard to keep everything running smoothly. Everyone really appreciates how much effort you put in.”

  “No they don’t!” Erica whined. “They hate me, they’re always complaining about me.”

  Well that was true. Crap. Think, Addison, think. She really didn't want to have to participate in this conversation longer than absolutely necessary. “Well I think you do wonderful things for this orchestra, Erica, even if the others don't see it.”

  “You do?” Erica said, lifting her tear drenched face to look at Addison.

  “Y… es!” Addison said, thinking frantically. “Just look at that gorgeous red dress you put me in for the Spring performance. It was a stroke of genius. Maestro loved it! I loved it! Would I spend all this time with you if I didn’t think you were an amazing person? Come on, Erica, we’re friends.”

  “Really?” Erica sniffled.

  “Of course we are,” Addison said firmly, squeezing her hand.

  Erica launched herself across the desk and hugged Addison hard around the neck. It was about forty-five seconds later that the hug started to turn inappropriate and awkward, especially when Erica started running her hands up and down Addison’s back. Addison cleared her throat and tried to move sideways off the chair. Erica followed her until they were both sitting on the chair.

  “Uh, Erica, I really need to get going now,” Addison said, gently trying to push the other woman back.

  “Oh, of course,” Erica said, and much to Addison’s relief, released her. “Can I give you a ride home?”

  Addison really wanted to say no, but after Erica’s crying episode didn’t think she could politely decline and still call h
erself a friend. She rather thought Erica was a little unstable. She agreed to let Erica give her a ride and vowed to discuss the possibility of getting her professional help with the Maestro. She stood and reached for her cello, sighing heavily as Erica seized her arm in a hard grip.


  Daniel picked up the satellite phone on the second ring. He was somewhere over Honduras, flying back to the United States after a very successful meeting with Colombian drug lord, Javier Bastida. He’d already talked at length to DeLuca and wasn’t expecting any calls. The only person that could be calling him on King’s personal line, on King’s personal jet was Tyson King himself.

  “Mercer,” King’s deep voice was urgent and clipped. “I have Jane Sitnikov here. She needs to talk to you urgently.”

  What the fuck could the Sitnikov bitch need with him?

  Daniel grunted his assent and waited.

  “Mercer,” her feminine voice sounded about as pleased to be talking to him as he was to hear from her.

  “What do want?” he demanded.

  “Just shut the fuck up and listen you bastard,” she snarled into the phone. “I like this about as much as you do me, but I’m not about to let my client die because you’re a woman choking asshole. Addison hired me to find out who her stalker is, and I figured it out this morning. I’ve been all over this damn city looking for her so I could warn her, but I can’t find her anywhere. I’m afraid I might be too late, Daniel.”

  Daniel froze, trying to process what Jane was telling him. It took him a moment to realize they must have him on speakerphone when King was demanding to know if he was still there and if he’d heard Jane. “Yes, I’m here,” he growled. “What do you mean, stalker?”

  “Oh, you thought you were her only stalker?” Jane asked, snarkily. “Get in line, baby boy.”


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