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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

Page 25

by Nikita Slater

  Daniel really wished he’d kept choking when he’d had her fragile neck in his arms a few months earlier. “Just tell me about this fucking stalker.”

  “Fine,” she snapped. “It started several months ago with emails and phone calls. Pretty innocent stuff, just straight up admiration fan mail. It only freaked Addison out a little because they had her personal cell number and email. She changed her number but they got her new one. Then the calls and letters began increasing in frequency. It wasn’t until you entered the picture that the threats began. When it became clear that she was no longer single, the letters and calls took on a sinister edge, often mentioning death… things like how her music would live on, even after she died. Then there was the attack in the alley.”

  “What?!” Daniel exploded.

  “You didn’t know about that?” Jane asked innocently and, if he wasn’t mistaken, a little smugly. “Her stalker cornered her in the alley behind the symphony hall when she was on a break, whispered “play for me” right in her face and then chased her into traffic. She could have been killed if the Maestro hadn’t pulled her out of the street.”

  “She went to you for help?” Daniel asked, helpless fury at the situation raging through him. It was probably a good thing he was trapped on a fucking airplane, because if he could get his hands on Addison at that moment he would probably beat her senseless for not telling him she was in trouble.

  He was angry at himself too. How had he not known she had a stalker? Hell, he’d seen the fucking scrapes all over her body when the freak had chased her into traffic. He’d known she was lying to him. Yet he was so intent on getting his dick wet that he ignored the warning signs and let the woman that meant more to him than his own life get hurt. He knew all along that Addison fucked with his head and this proved it.

  “Yup, she hired me to track this sicko down,” Jane confirmed. “Of course, you were top of my suspect list, but she refused to let me shoot first and ask questions later. I think she’s attached to you or something equally stupid.”

  Daniel ignored her. “What do you mean, you can’t find her?”

  Jane’s voice grew serious. “I’ve looked everywhere I know to look, Mercer. She’s not at home and she’s not answering her phone. She’s not at the orchestra either. No one saw her leave and some of her musician friends said it was unusual for her to leave without saying good-bye. Her cello was still there too, which seems unusual, unless she was going back for it. I left Boris there, just in case she does go back. But Daniel, the part that really scares me is… the suspect wasn’t there either.”

  Daniel felt like his heart stopped. “Who is it?”


  Addison got hesitantly out of the vehicle and breathed in the crisp, woodsy, mid-afternoon air, confused. Erica came around the car, grabbed her arm excitedly and began leading her forcefully away from the car, despite Addison’s hesitant steps. The coins on Addison’s sandals jingled as Erica pulled her along.

  "Erica... why are we here?" Addison asked, her sharp mind working quickly.

  She could hear familiar sounds that indicated they were probably stopped in a park of some kind. She knew from the amount of turns and the length of the drive that they definitely weren't at King Tower.

  "We're at your favourite park," Erica said cheerfully, her voice holding an edge that Addison didn't like. "I want to see it the way you see it. I want to know what you smell and hear! I have a special surprise that you're going to love! C'mon, it's in a secret place where no one can disturb us."

  Addison's heart sank as the pieces began to fall into place. Erica’s constant presence when Addison was at the symphony hall. Why she never attempted to befriend any of the other musicians. Erica’s insistence that they were friends and her constant need for reassurance.

  Erica was her stalker. Addison's relationship with Daniel must have pushed the other woman over the edge, from just letters and phone calls to threats and now this. She wondered what finally drove her to blow up this morning.

  “Erica,” Addison said carefully. “Were you at the symphony hall last night? Did you see me play for… for my friend?”

  Erica’s breath caught in her throat and she let out a high-pitched wail as though she were a bird in pain. Addison jumped. “Yes!” Erica howled. “You said you loved him. But he didn’t say it back. He’s so mean, Addison. He doesn’t deserve you at all. You're so much better off without him. I’ll make you see, I’ll show you how much better I can love you than he can.”

  Addison’s mouth dropped open at Erica’s declaration, but Erica was back to chattering cheerfully about the beautiful scenery. Erica tried to pull Addison along as though she were a willing participant, eager to show the woman she admired her surprise. Addison dug her feet in, alarmed as the few voices she'd been able to hear upon first entering the park were beginning to recede. It was a chill late spring afternoon with very little light filtering through the trees to warm her face and neck. The weather wasn't going to be conducive to a busy park to begin with and she was worried if they got too deep into the woods she wouldn't be able to call for help if she needed it.

  "I can't go with you, Erica. I'm cold and I need to get home. I didn’t dress for the weather today, I’m afraid,” Addison said gently, trying to be as nice as she could given the situation. She didn't want to push an already unbalanced Erica over the edge. With chattering teeth she said, "Let's just go back to the car and we can look at your surprise another day?"

  "No!" Erica snapped. "We're going now." Then in a calmer voice she said, “I’ll make sure you stay warm, Addie. I can take care of you, I promise.”

  She dug her nails into Addison's jacket and yanked her along, causing Addison to stumble forward. Addison yanked her arm back, but Erica's hold was unbreakable. Addison opened her mouth to start yelling for help, but Erica must have been looking at her.


  She shoved Addison hard and sent her crashing into a nearby tree. Before Addison could scream, Erica slapped her hand so hard over Addison’s mouth that Addison felt her lip split against her tooth. Then she felt something sharp slip around the barrier of her denim jacket and penetrate the thin material of her blouse. She whimpered and held very still as the knife slid easily through the delicate fabric and settled against her warm skin.

  “I’m so sorry Addison,” Erica said, genuine regret in her nervous, high-pitched voice. “I just really need you to come with me. I have to show you what I did for you and I can’t have you ruining the surprise. You’ll understand and then you’ll be happy, I promise.”

  She took her hand slowly away from Addison’s face and gently wiped the blood from Addison’s mouth. She reached for Addison’s hand and began leading her awkwardly through the woods with the knife pressed tightly against Addison’s side.

  “I waited for so long for you to fall in love with me,” Erica said suddenly, after several minutes of walking. “You would have too, because I know you love women that way, if that asshole guy you were with didn’t come along and ruin everything.”

  “I… I’m sorry, Erica,” Addison said, trying to placate the other woman, not wanting to push her any further into madness. She was fighting rising hysteria as she was being led, blind, into a city forest where Erica had god knows what waiting for her.

  “It’s not your fault Addie, I’ve seen the way he treats you. He forced you to be with him. I bet he even raped you,” Erica said angrily.

  Addison wanted to defend Daniel and assure Erica that her time with him was entirely consensual, but she didn’t think Erica wanted to hear an impassioned defence of Addison’s true love, so she elected to remain silent and instead gasp for breath and try to keep up with Erica’s longer strides. It took another twenty minutes before they arrived, at which point Addison was considering taking her chances with the knife and running for her life. Which would probably work a lot better if it were dark and if she weren’t blind.

  “We’re here!” Erica announced excitedly.

  “Wh… where are we, Erica?” Addison asked hesitantly.

  Please god, don't let it be a grave, Addison begged silently.

  “It’s our special place!” Erica giggled, dancing around. She reached out and grabbed Addison, twirling her around in excitement, accidentally stabbing Addison in the side with the extremely sharp knife. Addison cried out and dropped to the ground clutching her side.

  “Oopsy,” Erica giggled, “we need to be more careful!”

  You fucking psycho, Addison wanted to scream as she pressed her hand against her side, feeling the cut. It was long but shallow. She bit her tongue so she wouldn’t scream obscenities at the other woman who was busily dancing around describing a scene straight out of a horror novel.

  “Okay, so as soon as I found out that this park was your favourite place in the whole city I started setting up this little surprise for you. Maybe about six months ago? I picked this secluded spot so no one could find it and started bringing supplies out here. I found this gorgeous scene in a wedding book, like a magical faery world all in white and silver with candles and lace. Oh Addison, it’s so beautiful, I really wish you could see it. It’s exactly how I imagined our wedding will be.”

  “What exactly is this, Erica?” Addison asked, hardly wanting to know, but morbidly curious despite herself.

  Erica reached down, wrapped her arms around Addison’s middle and hauled her up onto her feet. Addison bit back a scream as Erica’s hand slapped against the cut on her side. Erica maneuvered Addison into a chair and placed a napkin on her lap.

  “It’s the setting in a wedding book I have,” Erica said with a happy sigh. “There’s a table, which I had to bring out here in pieces and set up. There are two beautiful antique chairs that cost me a fortune, but were so worth it because I knew you would love them. There’s a white lace table cloth, with an entire place setting of white china plates and champagne glasses. There’s real silverware too, Addison. I even hung lace netting over the entire area, to recreate the whole scene just like it is in the book. I made everything perfect for you.”

  Addison was speechless.

  Addison was also massively creeped out.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin when a loud pop sounded right next to her and then a rushing sound. She relaxed a little when Erica filled a champagne glass and then tensed when Erica pressed the glass into her hand. Visions of graves floated through her head all over again. If Erica could recreate a scene from a wedding over the span of six months in the middle of a forest, then Addison wasn’t going to underestimate her ability to drug, murder, dismember and bury her.

  “Thanks,” Addison said taking the sparkling wine and pretending to take a sip.

  “I know it’s your favourite, and I brought a picnic basket with all your favourite foods. I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to bring you out here so I kept replenishing them over the past few weeks,” Erica gushed, unpacking what sounded like a lot of food on the table in front of Addison.

  Addison sat speechless for a moment, her heart pounding in fear. She wished desperately she knew what to do or say. She’d never read a psychology book in her life and found movies boring for obvious reasons. She had no clue how to navigate her current situation. All she knew was that she didn’t want to upset Erica until she could find a way out. She needed the sun to go down so she could have the advantage of darkness before trying her luck in the surrounding woods. Sunset was at least half an hour away. She needed to do her best to placate a clearly unhinged Erica and stall for time.

  “Wow, Erica, you went to a lot of trouble just for me,” Addison said as enthusiastically as she could manage. “I can’t believe how lucky I am to have such a friend.”

  “Oh I’m not just your friend, Addison,” she admonished lightly, piling food onto Addison’s plate. “I’m your biggest fan, as you obviously know, and I’m also your biggest love. I think we’ve flirted for long enough now, it’s time to admit our feelings. It didn’t work out between you and that other guy, but I’m here for you now. I’ll never leave you or throw your love back in your face like he did.”

  Addison swallowed hard and forced a smile to her lips. “I… I really appreciate that, Erica. You have no idea how much.”

  The smell of the food hit her and she nearly gagged. It had definitely gone bad since the last time Erica had gotten out to update the picnic basket. She had no idea what Erica thought her favourite foods were, but it smelled like chicken and maybe potatoes. She felt Erica go around to the other side of the table and settle in the other chair.

  “Bon apetite,” she called cheerfully picking up her cutlery. Addison’s jaw dropped and she covered her mouth so she wouldn’t gag when she heard the sounds of Erica eating the rotten food. “Mmm, it’s really yummy Addie, eat up, I know you must be super hungry!”

  “Oh god!” Addison said under her breath. She touched the table, feeling for the fork, more so she could defend herself than to actually start eating the disgusting food in front of her.

  “Why aren’t you eating?” Erica asked in a hurt little girl voice.

  “What… what is it?” Addison asked. “I don’t like eating food that I can’t see and don’t know what it is?”

  “Oh, right, of course!” Erica exclaimed. “How silly of me. It’s cream cheese and crab stuffed chicken with mashed potato and broccoli sides. All your favourite dishes. Remember that time we all went out for supper in San Francisco after that wonderful performance last February? Your solo got a standing ovation. It’s what you ordered and you said it was sublime, I remembered!”

  Addison’s eyes watered and she covered her mouth unable to suppress the gag that crawled up her throat. Afraid that she would throw up, she turned sideways in her chair and craned her head away from the food so she could breath air not tainted by the smell of rotting seafood and chicken.

  “What’s the matter,” Erica said sharply, standing. “Why aren’t you eating?”

  “I… I can't Erica. I think the food’s gone bad,” Addison said helplessly, moving to stand up, unable to stomach being near the food for a moment longer. She was beginning to imagine it was crawling with maggots or worms. That was the problem with blindness. When she had no visual reference, she was limited to her imagination, which was boundless. She had no idea how long the food had been sitting out there in that stupid picnic basket and Erica was definitely not in any condition to make realistic and healthy decisions.

  “Don’t get up!” Erica screeched rushing toward her. She shoved Addison back in the chair so hard that the chair rocked back and Addison nearly toppled over. “Eat the food, Addie, eat it right now! You have to take care of yourself. I insist!”

  Erica shoved the plate at Addison, forcing the noxious food closer. Without thinking Addison swiped at Erica with the fork in an attempt to get her away. Erica grabbed Addison’s wrist and slammed it against the table so hard it cracked and Addison’s hand automatically opened. Addison cried out in pain and the fork tumbled off the table. She cradled her wrist against her chest, fearing it might be broken.

  “You tired to stab me!” Erica screamed. “After everything I did for you. You bitch!”

  Without warning Erica slapped her so viciously Addison would have fallen off the chair, except for the table in her way. She fell hard against it, smashing into the dinnerware and sending it flying. Rotten food scattered across the lace tablecloth and her champagne glass tipped over with a crash.

  “Look what you made me do!” Erica screamed and grabbed Addison by the hair, yanking her head back. With terror, Addison realized Erica was still holding the knife.

  “You ruined everything!” Erica sobbed hysterically before sinking the blade into Addison.


  Daniel paced the confines of the private jet like a caged wolf as it taxied down the runway. The cowering hostess hadn’t bothered to suggest he might want to sit and use a seatbelt after the first time. Daniel suspected King would soon be looking for a new flight attendant.
He didn’t give a shit. King’s staffing issues were’t his problem. Finding Addison was. He’d tried her cell phone over and over, in between issuing orders to his team.

  He’d walked his guys through the necessary steps to gain access to his personal surveillance equipment to begin tracing where Addison had disappeared. Moments before the plane landed, they informed him that she’d gotten into a car with the Maestro’s assistant, Erica Pennington. They were still working on where the frizzy-haired blond bitch had taken her.

  The moment the plane stopped moving, Daniel tuned to the hostess and barked, “Open the fucking door, now!”

  She was so frightened she fumbled with her seatbelt. He reached out, unbuckled her and then hauled her toward the door. He imagined Addison scolding him for manhandling the poor woman and eased his hold on her arm. Rage and worry consumed him as he prayed he was able to find her before the psycho symphony assistant could hurt her. He was going to take that fucking bitch apart piece by piece when he got his hands on her.

  The shaking air hostess managed to get the door open just as a set of stairs were pushed against the jet. He took them two at a time and was met at the bottom by King and Jane Sitnikov. Daniel gave her a piercing look that told her clearly what he thought of her presence.

  “We think we know where she is,” King said as they walked swiftly toward the SUV. “We were able to use your surveillance program to trace her to a city park. We have guys over there, but they haven’t been able to find her, apparently it covers a huge tract of land.”

  Daniel nodded. “I know it, she took me there a few weeks ago. Erica must’ve followed her there before. Fucking psycho.”

  They reached the car, but before Jane could get in, Daniel grabbed her arm and swung her into the metal siding hard enough that her small body bounced against the black panel. “Fuck, that hurt, you asshole!” she yelled, rubbing her shoulder.

  “Why’re you here?” he demanded angrily.


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