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Her Guardians

Page 3

by Piper Phoenix

  He frowned .

  I shook my head and sighed. “I blame her though, not you. You’re just listening to your orders .”

  “Seems as though we may have gotten off on the wrong foot.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Erik. I’ve been working for your mom for several years .”

  “I think maybe I’ve seen you once or twice around the temple. You look familiar.” Yeah, I’d seen him. There was no way I could forget a face like Erik’s .

  I crossed my arms loosely trying to hide my frustration. It wasn’t his fault and I didn’t want him to feel bad for doing what he was supposed to do .

  He raised his eyebrow and flashed me the mark on his wrist that had been hidden by his sleeve. It seemed as though he wanted to prove he was who he said he was, even though I already knew he was .

  “I’ve seen you too, but yeah, I’m usually busy working on top secret jobs,” he said straightening the sleeves on his jacket .


  “Hmm, what ?”

  “Oh, nothing,” I said with a shrug .

  Erik narrowed his eyes at me. “No, really. You can’t just do that. Tell me, what was your hmm about? Come on, Eve I can take it whatever it is .”

  “It’s just that you’d think someone doing top secret jobs would be a little smoother with his approach .”

  “I didn’t want you to scream .”

  Erik looked down and swallowed. He couldn’t hide the slight curve to his lips .

  “I don’t get a lot of top secret jobs that involve such beautiful women.” He looked away for a split-second before his gaze returned on mine .

  I leaned closer. “Do I make you nervous ?”

  “No,” Erik answered quickly. “OK, the beautiful woman part is one hundred percent accurate but I’m not usually the guy sneaking about — ”

  “No, you don’t say .”

  “Ha. I usually help your mom with various business ventures .”

  “I think I make you nervous,” I said smirking at him. I took a step back toward the stairs. “It was nice to meet you, but I’m exhausted. Tell your boss that I don’t need to pull and if I did, I could handle it on my own. I don’t need her sending me donors in the middle of the night .”

  Erik bowed his head slightly. “As you wish .”

  I curtsied awkwardly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get into bed .”

  Erik’s eyes widened before he gestured toward the stairs and cocked his head to the side. “Are you sure I couldn’t just walk you up ?”

  “No need,” I said waving my hand behind me as I placed my foot on the first step. “Good night .”

  “Night,” Erik said. I heard the main door open and when it didn’t close, I knew he was watching me ascend the stairs .

  I got to my room and put the key in the door. After a few seconds, I heard the familiar clunk of the main door closing. My mom wasn’t going to be thrilled that I’d sent him away. I hated to admit it, but I really could have used the energy. All that panic from the little chase had taken a bit of a toll on me .

  I closed my apartment door and flipped the deadbolt into place. Even though I didn’t have much in the single bedroom apartment yet, I was still happy to be home .

  I grabbed the remote and flopped down on the couch to tune into something absolutely mindless. All I needed was some good old-fashioned rest and relaxation .

  It wasn’t more than three seconds after I’d sat down that the phone rang. I wanted to ignore it. God, did I want to ignore it .

  I glanced at the screen, but I already knew what name I’d see. My finger touched the screen and I drew in a deep breath before taking the call .

  I held the phone to my ear and walked over to the window. The streetlight across the street was flickering on and off annoyingly .

  “Yes?” I said dragging out the word .

  “Eve, I just heard wha — ”

  “Mom, seriously. Don’t send guys over. It’s weird. I can take care of myself,” I said. The light went out for several seconds before flickering again .

  My mom started to rant about the importance of pulling and I almost instantly zoned out. It was a speech I didn’t need to hear… again. I was far too tired to even pretend I was listening .

  I yawned and rubbed my fingertips across my forehead .

  “Are you even listening?” my mom asked raising her voice. Busted .

  “Yeah, of course,” I said, fighting against my eyelids which were threatening to close. “I’m just so exhausted .”

  I could have told her about the person following me outside, or about having run into Erik, Roman and Gage, but that would have only made the call last longer. She’d find out soon enough from Erik and Roman about what had happened .

  “Hmm,” my mom said. I could hear her fingernails drumming against a table .

  “I’m fine. Just really, really, really tired .”

  The light across the street glowed brighter and then flickered off. My apartment darkened ever so slightly but it was enough change to the lighting that I noticed the difference. I yawned again .

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, OK?” I said, each blink lasting longer .

  “Fine. Good night, Eve .”

  “Night mom .”

  I sighed as I swiped to end the call. I reached over and closed the curtain. The street down below was quite dark without the streetlight on .

  When I turned around I was face to face with a man wearing a black ski mask .

  Before I could scream his hand was over my mouth .



  I curled my hand into a tight fist and launched it toward his face. He anticipated my move and jerked to the side .

  My weight shifted forward, and he grabbed me. The masked man spun me around and pulled my hands behind my back .

  “You’re a feisty little bitch, aren’t you?” he said in a deep voice .

  I tried to scream and curse at him, but his hand was clamped down so tightly it all came out in odd mumbles no one would be able to understand .

  He pressed his hip into my backside and aggressively moved me towards the couch. I pressed my heels into the carpet trying to stop myself from moving forward, but it was no use. The man was too strong .

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus my energy. If I could build up enough energy, maybe I could zap him, and he’d be forced to let go .

  He pushed me down on the couch, and I lost my concentration. The man laid down on top of me and dug his elbow into my back .

  I tried to gather up the bits energy inside of me again, but everything felt as though it was sparking and fizzling before I could collect it into anything usable .

  God dammit I was useless with my spells. I would be better off just kicking and screaming .

  “Would you stop?” the man growled .

  Thankfully my adrenaline had kicked in, and I no longer felt tired. I kicked my legs and moved my arms. I shifted my weight trying to flip him off me .

  There was a knock at the door, and we both froze. I jerked my hips upwards and then to the side, knocking him off balance just enough that his hand slipped from my mouth .

  “Help!” I shouted as the man clamped down his hand again cutting me off slightly .

  “Stupid bitch!” he said digging his elbow into my body so hard, my eyes rolled back. “I wish I could kill you for that .”

  Whoever was out there knocked again. Shit. Had they heard my cry for help ?

  “Eve? You in there?” the slightly familiar voice said. Erik? “Everything OK ?”

  I tried to buck my attacker off again but failed. Everything suddenly was silent. It was so quiet I could hear the light in the kitchen quietly buzzing. Had he left? Maybe he assumed I was asleep. I should have screamed. I should have tried harder .

  I could almost feel the adrenaline leaving my body. It was no use. There wasn't anything I could do .

  My body relaxed, but my attacker didn't let up. He put his face close to mine and even though I co
uldn't see his mouth, I knew he was grinning .

  “I can’t believe how easy this was.” His bushy eyebrows raised up. “A little bit more of a challenge would have been nice .”

  The man released his elbow and pressed his palm roughly against my back, slowly sliding it downward. He watched my expression as his hand moved lower and lower .

  “You like that? I better be careful, I’m not sure how much energy you can gather through your clothing.” His eyes moved down my body. “Mmm, and maybe I don’t care .”

  My eyes felt glassy, but I held back the tears. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction .

  When his hand glided over my ass, I used every last bit of strength I had left to jerk away from him. His grin returned. He wanted me to put up a fight .

  The masked man grabbed my hip and moved me back in place with ease. I tried to jerk away again, but he grabbed my waistband and yanked it downward .

  “Let me go,” I mumbled through his hand, but he just pulled at my pants harder .

  The man had managed to get one side of my pants down over my hip. I could feel the cool air against my bare skin .

  I tried to gather energy again, but it was useless. Even if I could manage to concentrate, there wasn’t anything there to collect .

  The man laughed as if he knew it. Almost as if he could read my mind .

  “I like it slow,” he said reaching his hand around to the front of my pants. “But this is too slow. Let’s get these off .”

  He popped the button on my jeans as if he’d done it hundreds of times. This time when he yanked on the waistband, my pants moved down significantly and my heart pounded so hard it felt like I was going to pass out. Panic completely set in .

  I thrashed around as much as I could with nearly all of his weight on top of me .

  “Oh yeah,” he said. “I’m going to get two prizes tonight. The one from my boss when I bring you to him, but more importantly,” he slipped his finger inside the elastic band of my underwear, “the hot prize that’s waiting for me in here .”

  I tried to focus on his skin touching mine hoping to eek out some energy, but there wasn’t anything to pull. This touch wasn’t good, it was evil, and I couldn’t figure out how to get anything .

  “You know what I think?” the man said sliding his hand up my side towards my breast. He didn’t wait for an answer, not that I was going to give him one. “I think you like it. Isn’t that what your kind like? Touch? Fucking? Yeah, yeah, that’s it. You want to be fucked. I can help you with that baby .”

  I shook my head slightly, and my mouth slid away from his hand just enough that I was able to part my lips. Instead of trying to call out, I bit down as hard as I could on his finger .

  “Jesus Christ!” he shouted as he jerked away from me .

  “Help! Help!” I screamed as I tried to get away .

  The attacker pushed his hand against the back of my head, forcing my face down against the couch cushion. The harder he pushed, the harder it became to breathe .

  “I wish I could fucking kill you, but if I even tried I’d be dead,” he growled, letting me up for a breath. “Stupid fucking bitch !”

  “Help!” I shouted again, my voice muffled the second he pushed my face back down .

  I heard movement in the hall. It sounded like someone running, and then my door popped open with a loud crash when it hit the back wall .

  Someone was there, but my attacker wasn’t letting me go. If anything, he was putting more weight on me .

  There was a loud crack, and suddenly the weight was off of my body. I hurried to get to my feet and away from the couch .

  I turned around to see the masked man attached to the wall with glowing blue beams of light. Erik stepped out from behind me and looked me up and down .

  “Are you OK?” His eyes shifted down toward my pants. I was sure he noticed the button was undone and my jeans low on my hips .

  “Yes,” I said breathing heavily. “How did you do that ?”

  “Close the door,” Erik ordered as he tucked something into his pants pocket .

  The doorknob was loose but thankfully the door still closed. I already knew why Erik wanted the door closed. He didn’t want anyone to walk in and see the glowing blue magic holding my attacker in place. Explaining that to regulars would be nearly impossible .

  Erik turned to me again and stared into my eyes. “You promise me you’re OK? He didn’t ….”

  “He tried, but no, he didn’t,” I said crossing my arms .

  Erik nodded and walked up to the guy currently attached to my wall. He turned and looked at me over his shoulder. Erik tightened his hand into a fist and punched my attacker just below his eye .

  He hit him so hard his head jerked to the side, and his eyes rolled back. My attacker’s head rolled and flopped down, centered on his chest .

  He was out .

  “That was for trying,” Erik said with a sharp sniff .

  “Should have let me do it,” I said rubbing my arms. My skin was still crawling from the disgusting jerk having his hands all over me .

  “No one’s stopping you,” Erik said with a straight face .

  I considered it, but Erik’s blow looked as though it had been hard enough for the both of us. Not that he hadn’t deserved far worse .

  “Why did you come back?” I asked softly. I was happy he had. If he hadn’t things would have turned out much differently .

  “Lorne insisted. I don’t argue with your mom .”

  “Did she suspect something was wrong ?”

  Erik shook his head. “Not that she mentioned .”

  “You saved me,” I blurted. “I don’t know how to thank you .”

  Erik nodded .

  “How did you do that though? Are you one of us ?”

  Not that it was easy to tell, but Erik didn’t carry himself in the way other witches did. Then again, neither did I .

  Not to mention that most of the witches I had seen had somewhat unique features… soft and delicate, but Erik’s weren’t like that. His jaw was strong and his body muscular. He was masculine. Much more like that of a reg .

  “No,” Erik said straightening his button-down shirt. “I just know all about those like you .”

  “OK but then how did you do that?” I said pointing at the glowing magical beams .

  Erik raised an eyebrow. “If I told you I’d have to kill you .”

  I cocked my head to the side and raised a single eyebrow .

  “No, no, I wouldn’t have to. I’m just messing with you,” Erik turned his back to the guy hanging off of my wall even though he was still knocked out. He pulled out a strange looking tool. It was long like a pen, but thicker. “Magical weapon .”

  “My mom gave you that ?”

  Erik nodded as he tucked it back into his pocket. “She has lots of enemies .”

  “Apparently, so do I.” I leaned back against the wall. “So, what do we do with him? I don’t want to keep him there forever. He really does not go with my current decor .”

  “It won’t hold him forever.” Erik took out his phone and punched at the screen. “Back up will be here soon .”

  The guy on the wall started rolling his head side to side as he groaned. He was waking .

  “Wonder if he’s marked,” I asked .

  The man was wearing long sleeves, gloves, and pants tucked into his boots. I was pretty sure he was marked .

  Even if I forced myself to touch him to look for the mark, I wouldn’t have known who he belonged to. The only mark I knew was like the one on my wrist. The one that belonged to the High Priestess of our territory. My mother .

  “You just dying to touch me, aren’t you?” the man said dragging out his words. “Come on, girl, let’s finish what we started .”

  “I don’t care if he’s marked,” I said flatly. The man laughed .

  There was a quick three-tap knock at the door, and Erik’s head jerked to the side. “That would be my back up .”

pter 6


  I left my truck parked and walked down the street. When I’d been with Even and Roman, I’d played dumb, acting as if I hadn’t heard of Lorne, but everyone knew her. And I already knew where I could fine her. I left my truck because I needed the fresh air .

  Hopefully, she wouldn’t kill me the second I walked into her temple. Even knowing that was a distinct possibility, I still was going to pay her a visit .

  Marcus had fired me months ago, and I was running out of money. He’d paid me well at first, but the bastard was a shitty employer. Over time he cut my pay. It wasn’t anywhere near enough for all the disgusting work I had to do for him .

  I had owned a landscaping business, but it had been falling apart. It was quickly going under. I hadn’t even been able to afford to pay my guys, and they all had to leave for other work .

  Talk about shitty employers .

  Marcus had been my last client, and I’d needed the money, so I kept caring for his property. Thankfully his property was massive. I’d been able to charge him enough that it was enough for me to just barely scrape by .

  Right up until I up and left. I still couldn’t stop looking over my shoulder. In fact, I had thought the guy after Eve had really been trying to kill me .

  He’d approached me at my weakest moment at the back of his property. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been scared. It’s not like I scare easily, but damn, that scrawny dude had me reaching for my pocketknife the second he appeared out of nowhere. Little had I known back then that it wouldn’t have done me any good .

  Marcus told me he could help me. He knew of my troubles. He’d offered me and amount of money that I couldn’t refuse. At the time, there hadn’t been much of anything I could have refused .

  He’d introduced me to the world that had been hiding right under my nose my whole life. Magic. Witches. Werewolves. Vampires. There were all sorts of crazy unbelievable things. Sometimes I still wasn’t sure I could believe everything I’d seen .

  Yet here I was walking up to the High Priestess’ temple, ready to beg for a job. More magic. More witches. And yes, more danger. It was all I knew at this point. I guess I was stuck living in a world of the supernatural .


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