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Her Guardians

Page 4

by Piper Phoenix

  I knocked on the door and shoved my hands into my pockets. Minutes later the door opened .

  “Yes?” the older man said. His mouth was sagged down into a permanent frown. Or maybe it was a scowl… it was kind of hard to tell .

  “I’m here to see the high priestess .”

  “Mmm, is she expecting you?” he asked, his words taking far too long to leave his lips .

  I shook my head and smiled. “I don’t believe so, but you never really know .”

  He didn’t smile back. Apparently, he didn’t find me humorous. “Just a moment. Wait here .”

  He closed the door. I leaned back against the cool brick wall staring at the nearly empty parking lot. More than ten minutes had gone by before the door finally opened .

  “Come in. She will see you,” the man said .

  “But you didn’t even give her my name,” I said glancing up at the camera pointed down where I’d been standing .

  The man didn’t respond. I followed him into the temple and looked around the area with my mouth practically hanging open. The whole place must have been redone. It looked nothing like I had been expecting .

  The floor was a dark stained wood, polished to a perfect shine. There were beautiful portraits of men and women, with realistic landscape paintings mixed in .

  There weren’t any pews or alters like I had imagined there would be. It was more like a home. Or maybe more like a hotel. It was a strange combination of many things .

  “This way,” the older man said as he gestured toward a long hallway. He turned into the first room and pointed to a chair in front of a mostly empty desk. “She’ll be with you momentarily .”

  Meeting the high priestess was already extremely different than my encounter with Marcus had been. Meeting the high priestess was rather pleasant in comparison .

  When she finally walked into the room, the temperature changed. I shivered at the abrupt chill. She looked me up and down carefully before smiling .

  “You know my dear brother then?” she said sticking out her hand .

  “I do.” I shook her hand, and everything quickly warmed back up. Strange magic .

  “How unfortunate for you.” She gestured at the chair. “Please, sit .”

  I sat down and watched as she glided across the floor over to the other side of her beautiful wooden desk. Her hand glided across the glossy wood as she lowered herself into the chair. She folded her hands together and leaned forward slightly .

  “Gage, is it ?”

  “Yes, ma’am, that’s right .”

  “Thought so.” She tapped the desk with her index finger. “What can I do for you, Gage ?”

  I crossed my legs and looked right into her eyes. “I bet you already have a pretty good idea .”

  The high priestess smirked at me and stifled a laugh. She raised her eyebrow and nodded once .

  “That I do. I guess I just wanted to hear you say it .”

  “I need work .”

  “How can I trust you?” She hadn’t hesitated. Not even a little. “Give me your hand .”

  The high priestess wrapped both of her hands around mine and closed her eyes. The light in the room dimmed .

  “You’ve met my daughter .”

  “I have .”

  “There’s a connection there .”

  I held still. I didn’t even blink. Her daughter had stunned me with her beauty so much so that I’d had trouble looking away from her. In fact, I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind .

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” she said as if she had been reading my mind. “You helped her .”

  “Of course,” I said. It suddenly felt as though I could feel her moving through my body. I wriggled uncomfortably in my seat .

  It wasn’t that I had a lot to hide, but there were definitely things I’d done that I would have preferred to keep to myself. Marcus had me do a lot of things to people he hadn’t cared for .

  “I think you’d make a wonderful one. OK.” She dropped my hand, and I managed to stop it before it flopped down on her desk. “I have a very special position for you .”

  “Perfect. I look forward to working with you .”

  “Don’t you want to know what it is? What it pays? What you’d be required to do?” She arched her perfect eyebrow .

  I shook my hand. “No need. I’m sure I’ve done worse, and I know I’ve been paid worse .”

  “You have .”

  “Any money is better than the no money I currently have .”

  “I’ll feel better if I tell you,” the high priestess smiled at me .

  I bowed my head slightly. “As you wish, high priestess .”

  “Please, call me Lorne .”


  “I want you to be my daughter’s fourth guardian .”

  My mouth dropped open. I stared at her, my heart pounded against my chest. That was an incredibly prestigious title, not something that was given out to just anybody .

  “You’ve heard the term, have you not ?”

  “Indeed. I just didn’t expect something so… important .”

  Lorne cocked her head to the side. “I believe you will be perfect .”

  “Will this include everything a guardian typically does?” I already knew that guardians typically allowed their masters to pull energy whenever they wanted or needed. I’d be at her daughter’s beck and call. If she needed me in the middle of the night, I’d be required to go. It sounded too good to be true .

  “Whatever my daughter requires. You will do everything to protect and serve her .”

  I swallowed hard. “Why me? You don’t know me .”

  “You were already there for her once. I can feel the connection you shared with her. I have absolutely no doubts,” Lorne said folding her hands in front of her body as she stood .

  “She didn’t seem all that interested in me… in fact, she seemed a bit suspicious,” I said taking a step toward the door .

  “Good. Maybe she did learn something from me after all. Anyway, we shall see her true feelings in time. Keep my daughter safe. Wayford will provide you with several documents that need your signature, will that be all right ?”

  I nodded, and she shook my hand again. “Glad to have you.” Lorne leaned in close. “And even more glad you were able to pull yourself away from my half-brother .”

  “You and me both .”

  After she left the room, Wayford entered with a folder stuffed with paperwork. Working for Lorne was far more official than anything with Marcus had been .

  This position was also better than anything Marcus had offered. I couldn’t wait to get started. I couldn’t wait until I could see Eve again .

  Chapter 7


  E rik opened the door, and a tall, blonde haired man wearing a skin-hugging black shirt stomped into the room. He looked like he was a walking statue .

  “Shit,” he said, as his nearly turquoise eyes darted toward me. “Pardon my language .”

  I waved my hand at him unable to wipe the silly grin off of my face. Apparently, my brain decided it was a good time to take a break .

  “This is going to wear off in,” Erik looked at his watch, “three minutes .”

  “What is he?” Darrin asked looking at the man .

  “A big stupid jerk,” I said, wishing I hadn’t found my voice .

  Erik leaned closer to Darrin and whispered what he walked in on. The veins in Darrin’s forearms popped out .

  Darrin turned to me. “Sounds like he’s a really big stupid jerk .”

  Erik crossed his arms and nodded at the big jerk who was blinking slowly as he looked back and forth between the three of us .

  “Got any rope?” Erik asked without taking his eyes off of the man .

  “No. I just moved in,” I said, rolling my eyes at myself. It wasn’t like having lived in the apartment longer would have made it any more likely that I would have had any rope in the place .

  “Can you make rope?” Darrin asked .

nbsp; I shook my head, not wanting to tell him I was out of energy and that I was a pathetic witch. Although, he probably had already figured it out .

  “Bedroom?” Darrin asked .

  “Sorry?” I said lightly placing my fingers on my lower lip .

  “A pillowcase… I’ll put it over his head,” Darrin said .

  I took a single step into my bedroom looking around the room before taking another. The last thing I wanted was for another man to jump out at me .

  I took a breath and grabbed a pillow. My fingers tightened around the silky fabric, and I yanked off the pillowcase. I was startled when I turned around and saw Darrin leaning in the door frame .

  His glowing eyes were soft. “You know I can help you with your little problem .”

  “My problem ?”

  “Your energy. There isn't time to fill you, but we could get the tank off empty .”

  I hesitated. It was almost as if I could already imagine his hands on my skin .

  “I'm fine, thank you,” I said my voice barely above a whisper. Was he another guardian? How many did I have and I was I going to be so incredibly drawn to each of them ?

  He grinned at me. “If you should change your mind, all you need to do is ask .”

  “Thanks. Now let's go take care of that other problem stuck to my living room wall .”

  Darrin nodded and turned sideways allowing a tight space for me to squeeze out of my bedroom. My body brushed lightly against his, and it felt as though electricity jolted through my veins. I felt warm… everywhere .

  Before I got out of reach, he grabbed my hand to stop me. My eyes locked with his, but after a moment his gorgeous eyes moved down to my hand .

  “The pillowcase ?”

  “Oh right,” I said, with a silly and awfully embarrassing laugh as I pressed it against his rock-hard chest .

  I stepped away from him, sucked in a much-needed breath of air, and looked at the man hanging from my wall. The magic holding him in place was dimming .

  Darrin marched up to the man and pulled the pillowcase down over his head. He grabbed one of the masked man’s arms and nodded at Erik who grabbed the other arm .

  “Ready?” Darrin asked .

  Erik nodded and touched the beams of magic. They quickly faded into nothing. It was as though they’d never even been there .

  The man’s head still hung down, and his shoulders were slumped. He looked as though he was weak .

  The man tried to wiggle free, but Erik and Darrin were easily stronger. Erik opened the door and peeked out .

  “Where are you taking him?” I asked .

  “Back to the temple,” Erik said, stepping out into the hallway .

  I shook my head but followed them out of my apartment. “She’s not going to be happy .”

  “Probably not, but at least she’ll know what to do,” Erik said .

  “I’m coming with,” I said closing and locking the door behind me .

  “Maybe you should wait here. I can come back after we’re finished,” Erik said jerking the man down the stairs .

  Darrin tightened his grip on the man’s arm. “Maybe we shouldn’t leave her alone. After all this one managed to get in there .”

  “I could call for Roman,” Erik said .

  “No, you really shouldn’t leave me alone,” I said raising my eyebrows. The last thing I wanted was to be attacked by surprise again .

  Erik nodded and pushed open the front door. A strong wind blew in and whipped through my hair sending it flying in every direction .

  “Ha!” the man who attacked me laughed. “My master knows .”

  “Or maybe it was just the wind,” Darrin said shoving the man towards his car .

  The man laughed again. “You’ll see .”

  Darrin pulled out his keys and pressed one of the buttons. There was a quiet beep and when the trunk popped slightly I knew where the man was going, and so did he, even with the pillowcase over his head .

  “Please, no!” he said, the pillowcase shaking back and forth quickly. “I’m claustrophobic .”

  Erik smiled and grabbed his legs. He struggled, but Erik and Darrin were significantly stronger. They crammed him inside the trunk with ease .

  “Should have thought about that earlier, mate,” Darrin said and slammed the trunk shut. He walked around to the driver’s side door and got inside .

  Erik opened the back door and held it open. I ducked down inside, and he waved at me to move over. He sat down next to me and closed the door .

  “What am I a taxi driver?” Darrin said. I could see him smiling in the rearview mirror .

  “Take us to the temple Jeeves,” Erik said clapping his hands twice .

  Darrin started the car and shifted into drive. The tires squealed, and in seconds, we were speeding down the road .

  His car must have been rather new. It drove smoothly down the road barely moving with the bumps, and it still had that new car smell .

  The bright dashboard lights gave the interior a light turquoise glow. Darrin flipped through the radio stations. He stopped and a familiar song and turned it louder .

  Erik tapped the back of my hand and gestured for me to move closer to him. I scooted slightly and leaned over .

  “I want to help you,” Erik said. When I started to lean away, he grabbed my hand. “Please, let me help. As much or as little as you need. Whatever you want .”

  Erik moved closer to me, and I could feel my heart start to beat faster. It wasn’t like I wouldn’t have loved to have Erik’s hands all over my body, of course, I would have, but I’d known him for like two minutes. Even though it was what our kind had to do, it was difficult for me to take things there .

  If I was being honest with myself, I did feel a connection to him. It was something that came with the territory, not something I could explain. Fate was the only word that came to mind that could even come close to describing the feeling .

  He moved his mouth close to my ear. “If I’m not your type… Darrin would be able to help. We know you need your strength .”

  “It’s not that you aren’t my type,” I said staring at the back of Darrin’s headrest. I turned to Erik and saw the dashboard lights glowing in his eyes. “It’s just weird you know ?”

  “No,” he said shaking his head. “I don’t think it’s weird .”

  “You do this a lot?” I said cocking my head to the side .

  “I’m assigned to keep you safe and fueled, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Until you or Lorne tell me otherwise .”

  He slid his palm over the top of my hand. “I know it doesn’t have to be much. Whatever you're comfortable with .”

  My body suddenly felt warm. I could feel the ball of energy in my middle pulsing, begging me to feed it. Pulling even a little would help me feel safer. More protected .

  “OK,” I said .

  Erik moved his lips close to my ear. “Tell me what you want me to do,” he whispered. “I’ll do anything you ask .”

  I swallowed hard and blinked several times before catching Darrin’s eyes in the rear-view mirror. He was alternating between watching my face and watching the road .

  I tightened my hands into fists as every muscle in my body tensed. “Tell me something about yourself .”

  “My name’s Erik, and I’m one of your guardians. I’ve sworn to protect you at any cost. I’ll do anything for you,” Erik said softly .

  “Eww, not that, you make it sound like your job. Something else,” I said closing my eyes tightly .

  “I’m twenty-five. I’ve lived in the city all my life. I’m an only child, and I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he kissed me just below my ear. The ball of energy inside me pulsed again .

  I opened my eyes and nodded. “OK .”

  Apparently, I was going to refuel… with someone that was practically a stranger. My mom would be so proud .

  I turned sideways and placed my shaking fingertips on the top button of his shirt. My br
eath felt as though it was caught in my throat .

  I popped the button open, licking my lips as I moved down to the next… and then the next. Erik leaned back slightly, and as if he thought I was taking too long he jerked his shirt with both hands popping open the rest of the buttons .

  He grabbed my hand and placed it on his warm, solid chest. His skin was smooth, like silky bedsheets .

  Erik shifted his body, so he was slightly over me. He looked down into my eyes and slid his hand around my neck .

  My lips parted as he tilted my head towards his. The ball of energy in my middle was already growing .

  When his lips touched mine, the energy ball took over. It was a need so strong I couldn’t fight it .

  Our mouths moved hard against one another. It was almost as if his need to fuel me was just as strong as mine to receive .

  “Mmm,” I moaned when his lips moved hungrily down my neck. Every inch of my body tingled with desire .

  “I need to touch your skin,” Erik said as he turned pulling me with him. He pressed his back against the seat and moved me until I was straddling him. His finger traced along the hem of my shirt .

  A searing heat filled my cheeks, and I couldn’t ignore the dampness between my legs. My body was so hot I was afraid I was going to melt .

  “God, you’re fucking beautiful,” Erik said tugging my shirt downward, so my cleavage pooped out of the top. He moved his lips closer and kissed the bare flesh .

  Erik practically growled as he let go of the fabric and cupped my breasts. He thrust his hardness upward against my wetness. My head lightly touched the top of the car as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It felt as though I had to hold on or else I might simply float away from him .

  I rolled my hips against his rock-hard cock, and he grabbed my hips to pull me down harder. The intense need filling his eyes made my insides glow even brighter. I could feel everything being recharged .

  As I rocked into him, his hand slid up my shirt. I pressed my palms against the ceiling as I rode him harder .

  I could feel Darrin’s eyes on me in the rear-view mirror. I glanced over my shoulder to confirm. When our eyes connected for a brief second, it fueled me even more… not that I’d ever admit it to anyone .


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