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Her Guardians

Page 5

by Piper Phoenix

  Erik’s thumb glided over the thin fabric of my bra, grazing my erect nipple. I bit my lip and rolled my hips down harder .

  “Oh God,” I whispered, and Erik pulled down the top of my bra. He lightly tugged my nipple, and when I moaned, he flicked it harder .

  Erik’s fingers alternated between tugging and flicking, rolling and pinching in perfect rhythm. I grinded my hips down harder and faster against him. My orgasm was building, and I desperately wanted to release. I needed to release .

  “Yeah,” Erik whispered grabbing my breast harder. He thumbed my nipple over and over. “Come on, baby .”

  He could tell I was close. Erik grabbed my hips and pulled me down against this hard cock. I could feel just how badly he wanted me .

  My fingertips dug into the thick fabric above me, and I bit my lip as my orgasm rippled through my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and collapsed on top of him .

  When my hips stopped, I opened my eyes and found Erik was still watching me. His chest rising and falling with each quick breath .

  “Damn,” he murmured .

  I climbed off of his lap and sat back down in my seat. Erik stayed where he was with his palms pressed to his knees .

  I kept my head down but glanced up and caught Darrin’s eyes in the mirror again. The look in his eye was similar to what I’d seen in Erik’s earlier .

  Darrin turned down the radio. “Feel better ?”

  I drew in a deep breath and could feel the energy pulsing inside of me. There was no doubt I was stronger. I felt powerful. I felt safe .

  “Yes,” I said as I readjusting my bra .

  “Good,” Darrin said as he pulled the car around to the back of the temple. He shifted the car into park and got out .

  Erik grabbed my hand before I could get out. He looked into my eyes. “Anytime. I’m here for you .”

  “Sure,” I said trying not to feel shy or embarrassed about what had just happened. It wasn’t easy for me to shrug it off like the other witches would have. I wanted to cover my face and run away, but I couldn’t. I squeezed his hand. “Let’s go .”

  Chapter 8


  E rik and Darrin dragged the man through a back door down a staircase I hadn’t even known existed. They opened another door at the bottom and shoved him inside, closing it again before he could even attempt to fight back .

  “This way,” Erik said, lightly placing his hand on my lower back to guide me forward .

  Darrin opened yet another door not far from the one they’d just thrown my attacker inside. I followed him in and crossed my arms .

  The room was chilly, and it smelled of mildew. There were loud buzzing lights on the ceiling that gave everything a yellow hue .

  There was a massive pane of glass in the middle of the room that separated us, from my attacker. He paced back and forth on the other side glancing at us nervously .

  “What are you going to do to me?” he said pounding his fist into the glass .

  “Don’t answer,” Erik advised .

  I shook my head. “I hadn’t planned on it, and also I have no idea what’s about to happen .”

  Darrin tapped something on his phone and then tucked it into his back pocket. “She’s on her way .”

  “What is this place,” I said dragging my finger across the dark gray brick wall .

  “The basement of the temple,” Darrin said .

  “I know that, but how come I’ve never seen this before ?”

  They looked at one another and shrugged almost at the same time. If I had to guess, my mom probably had intentionally kept it from me .

  The door opened, and I stepped back. My whole body tensed until I set eyes on the white flowing gown I knew belonged to my mom .

  She scanned the room, and her eyes settled on me. “You’re OK ?”

  I nodded .

  My mom raised an eyebrow. “I might kill him anyway for putting his filthy hands on you .”

  “How do you know …?”

  “I know everything,” she said waving her hand in the air. She took slow, calculated steps as she moved towards the glass .

  My attacker took a step back as if he could feel her power through the glass. He started shaking his head back and forth .

  “What’s your name?” she said pointing her finger at the man on the other side of the glass .

  He covered his mouth with both hands. His eyes were so wide I worried they might pop out and onto the floor .

  My mom waved a finger, and his hand stiffly moved to his side. She waved the other, and his other hand moved. When he pressed his lips together as tightly as he could, my mom grinned .

  She clicked her tongue. “Now, what did you say your name was ?”

  “Philip,” he said awkwardly as he tried to keep his lips together .

  “Ick, that’s a terrible name. I always hated that name,” my mom said turning to look at us over her shoulder .

  I glanced at Erik and Darrin. They were both wearing the same stiff expression which was completely unreadable .

  “Who do you work for?” my mom asked without beating around the bush .

  The man, Philip, tried to move his hands over his mouth again, but his arms were stiff, they didn’t move, no matter how hard he tried. My mom’s magic held them rigidly in place .

  “I can make you talk, so how about you just tell me and save yourself from all that pain, hmm?” my mom said. “No? Have it your way .”

  Philip’s fingers slowly spread apart wider than possible. His head jerked backward, and he cried out in pain .

  “Stop! Stop!” he cried, but my mom pursed her lips and flicked her wrist hard towards the glass. “Marcus Kossen !”

  My mom pulled her hand back and smoothed it down her thigh. Philip’s arms fell limp, and I could tell just by looking at it that at least two of his fingers were broken .

  I opened my mouth but before I could say anything her head twisted to the side and she glared at me. I quickly snapped it shut .

  “Was he looking for my daughter specifically?” my mom asked glancing at his fingers .

  “I don’t know… I mean, he told me he wanted to talk to her and to bring her to him as quickly as I could. He didn’t tell me why, I just follow directions,” Philip said, his voice shaking .

  My mom cocked her head to the side. “Apparently you aren’t very good at that. Did he also tell you to put your hands on my daughter ?”

  “No ma’am he didn’t,” Philip said looking down at his feet. “He just wanted to talk to her as far as I know .”

  “Well, then. Perhaps he should have just picked up a phone and called for her,” my mom said rubbing her palms together. Small, barely noticeable sparks floated out of her hand like dust .

  Philip stared at her hands and dropped to his knees. “Please! Don’t kill me… I beg you !”

  My mom started pacing in front of the glass, her hands folded behind her back. The white gown glided like caramel over the scummy cement floor .

  “I’m not going to kill you.” She grinned .

  “Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Philip said bowing repeatedly .

  “Instead, I want you to leave this place and bring your master a message .”

  Philip nodded eagerly .

  “I want you to tell my dear half-brother, that if he ever pulls something like this again, it’ll be the last time. He reports to me, and this was a direct violation of our laws. Also, tell him to expect visitors.” My mother gestured to Erik, and he was at her side in the blink of an eye. “Show him out, please .”

  My mom flicked the magical specks at the glass, and the dust covered the window making a shape that matched Philip’s body. The dust glowed and started moving through the glass. When it got to the other side, it jumped out and coated his body .

  “There,” my mom said placing her hand on Erik’s shoulder, “he’ll cooperate .”

  Erik nodded. He glanced at me ever so briefly and left the room .

  My mom watched a
s Erik dragged him out of the room. The instant they were gone she twisted her body and looked me up and down .

  “You’ve pulled.” She smiled. “I’m pleased .”

  She walked closer and placed her hands on my shoulders. I could feel Darrin’s eyes on us, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see that his head was turned away from us .

  “I don’t know what your dear uncle is up to, but staying charged is going to be important. If you would have pulled from him in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened .”

  I felt the anger bubbling in my stomach. “Energy or no energy, it shouldn’t have happened .”

  “This is why I didn’t want you living alone. You’re not ready,” my mom said walking away from me .


  “This isn’t the time,” she said waving her hand in the air, dismissing any further discussion on the matter. “I suspected that Marcus was sour when father passed leaving the entire territory to me. This might go deeper than I initially suspected .”

  I shook my head. “But why come after me. I don’t have any territory, nor do I want any of it .”

  “Well, dear, you’re next in line if something should happen to me,” my mom said raising an eyebrow .

  My mom was in perfect health, and she didn’t look a day over thirty-five although I was pretty sure she was. Age wasn’t something she would ever discuss. But when she talked about something happening to her she was probably referring to being assassinated, not something happening to her because of her age or health. Surely she could take care of those small matters with a touch of magic .

  “I think he’s up to something, which is why we’re going to pay him a visit,” my mom said .

  “We?” I asked .

  “Darrin, alert my driver. We’re leaving in fifteen,” my mom said without even the smallest of glances in my direction. I guess I didn’t have a choice in the matter .

  Darrin bowed slightly and left the room. My mom turned to follow him out of the room .

  “Do you really think this is a good idea?” I asked .

  “I want him to know we aren’t to be messed with .”

  I shook my head. “If he wants me, why would you bring me to him? Doesn’t that seem, oh I don’t know, counterintuitive ?”

  My mom paused and then drew in an exasperated breath. “He won’t try anything with me there, but maybe I can figure out what he’s really after .”

  She paced back and forth while rubbing her fingers together roughly. Her lips moved ever so slightly as if she were casting a spell .

  “I think he was using you to get to me,” she said as she stopped to stare at me. Her eyes glowed ever so slightly .

  She was definitely casting a spell. If she was trying to be subtle, she was failing. I could feel the blue sparks moving through my veins .

  “Why wouldn’t he just call you up?” I shivered .

  “For some reason, he can’t. He wants something from me, but it’s not something I’m willing to give up.” My mom clapped her hands. “Go get changed. Meet me at the car out front in five minutes .”

  “Five minutes to change ?”

  She cocked her head to the side and tapped her wrist. “Clock’s ticking .”

  I groaned loudly as I left the room .

  Chapter 9


  A man I’d known for my whole life but hadn’t ever said more than three words to was driving us. His name was Wayford. I was pretty sure it was his last name, and I was also convinced he was my mom’s servant .

  As far as I knew he didn’t have a wife or kids and spent every waking moment waiting for my mom to give him something to do. If she asked him to kill for her, I was fairly certain he would without hesitation .

  There were only three of us, but since it was a long drive, my mom had suggested we take the SUV limo. She figured we’d want to sleep and it would be more comfortable than her other vehicles .

  I sat at the back and stared at my mom as she whispered into Darrin’s ear. Every so often his eyes would shift up ever so slightly and catch mine .

  I hated to sound paranoid, but I was pretty sure they were talking about me. I released a loud sigh and rested my chin on my fist as I stared out the window pretending they didn’t exist .

  The whole things felt weird. I wasn’t the least bit excited to meet my uncle who was apparently trying to hunt me down for some unknown reason .

  It just seemed crazy, but I was sure my mom had some kind of plan. She was right though that as long as I was with her, nothing would happen. She was the most powerful witch on the planet .

  I’ve seen her take down werewolves, vampires, warlocks and even a few imps who were up to no good. My uncle, a powerful witch in his own right, was still no match for my mom .

  “Hey, can I sit here?” Darrin said sitting down next to me. He was as close as could be without actually touching me. At least two other people could have fit on the other side of him comfortably .

  “Looks like you already are.” I sucked in a sharp breath and forced a smile. “Sorry. Of course, please .”

  Darrin smiled and slid his hands down his thighs. He grabbed his knees tightly and drummed his fingers .

  My mom laid down on the seat at the front of the limo and covered her eyes with the back of her hand .

  “Were you guys discussing me?” I asked raising an eyebrow he likely couldn’t see in the darkness .



  Darrin glanced at my mom and then swallowed. “She was telling me about your uncle. Preparing me .”

  “I see. Now, you probably know more about him than I do .”

  Darrin nodded .

  “Your mom and uncle share the same father,” Darrin said, gripping his knees tighter .

  “See, you do know more .”

  “And when your grandpa died, he left all his territory to your mother. It made her even more powerful. She believes Marcus is after the territory .”

  I looked out the window at the shadows of the passing trees. “Oh, well, I’m not sure why he’d need me for that .”

  “She thinks he probably wanted to get in your ear, maybe turn you against her .”

  “Well, that wouldn’t happen. It’s not like he could do to turn me against my own mother .”

  Darrin nodded. “Right. This visit probably won’t put an end to things .”

  “That’s what she said ?”

  “That’s what I think.” Darrin swallowed as he looked into my eyes. “No matter what, I’m here to protect you .”

  I looked down at my lap. “She doesn’t think I can take care of myself .”

  He leaned closer. “Your magic isn’t at full power… even when you’ve pulled. She can tell .”

  “She can also hear everything you are talking about,” my mom grumbled. “Talk about something else or get some rest. And, if you plan to keep talking, please be quieter .”

  We’d already been whispering. She’d obviously been trying to eavesdrop .

  Darrin scooted even closer, and I could feel my heartbeat pounding through my veins. It was almost like a craving. I’d given in to Erik and pulled, but my body wanted more .

  It hadn’t even been that long ago that Darrin watched Erik and me in the backseat of his car. My cheeks turned pink at the thought .

  “Do I really need you to protect me when my mom’s around?” I said as softly as I could. “Not trying to be rude, just curious because she could take care of the both of us with her hands tied behind her back .”

  “You can’t pull from your own mother .”

  My breath felt as though it was stuck in my throat. I wasn’t going to pull from anyone .

  “It’s not a big deal. That’s what we’re here for .”

  “You’re here because my mom is paying you to be,” I said, not bothering to keep my voice low .

  My mom looked at me out of the corner of her eye. “Of course, I pay him. He’s an important part of your team. He’s
going to keep you safe, not just tonight but for the rest of your life .”

  “What if I don’t want him to,” I said, shrugging slightly when he looked at me through his narrowed eyes .

  “Ouch.” Darrin put his hand on his chest .

  “It’s not that. It’s just weird having my mom pick, you know?” I bit the inside of my cheek… hard .

  My mom covered her eyes again. “One day you’ll understand. One day you’ll even like it.” Her mouth curled up at the ends. “For now, it doesn’t matter what you want, they will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I won’t let anything happen to my only child .”

  Darrin smiled at me, but all I could do was stare at him until I forced myself to look out the window. He was incredibly attractive, in fact, so much, so it made me nervous .

  I was pretty sure there was a hint of an accent, but I couldn’t place it. Australian if I had to guess. He was different than the other guys with his messy blonde hair and surfer boy look .

  “I’m not doing this for the money,” Darrin said, touching my arm lightly .

  He sounded sincere. He looked sincere. I nodded and rested my head back .

  I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. It was frustrating because even though I was a grown woman, I didn’t get a say in anything .

  I shifted my weight in an attempt to get as comfortable as I possibly could. If it was going to be a long drive, might as well try to get some rest. God knew I needed it. Darrin probably did too .

  Chapter 10


  G uarding the temple was one of my least favorite jobs. I was much better working in the office, taking care of Lorne’s businesses and other matters .

  Walking around checking for demons and goblins was far less appealing. I hate catching those sneaky little bastards because then I had to deal with them .

  Demons smelled like rotten fish and goblins had an odor more like a skunk. Most people driving down the road smelled it and assumed it was the scent of a skunk when more likely it was the stench of a dead goblin .


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