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Happily Ever Alpha: Until The Summer (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 4

by Elle Jefferson

  “How do you know about the Hurleys?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m sure they’d be devastated to know you’d done it again.”

  “You two aren’t even married.”

  “It doesn’t matter, you’ll do as I say if you know what’s good for you and your job.”

  “But I-I-”

  “I-I,” she whined, “don’t matter. Stay away from my family.” She was completely in my space, her finger pressing hard into the middle of my chest, “My son doesn’t need your drama. And trust me,” she pulled back, “if August knew what you did, who you really are, he’d want nothing to do with you ever again.”

  I stood there as she picked up her purse gave me a wave and walked out. I collapsed into my desk chair. Tears rolled down my cheeks. How in the world had she found out about my affair with my dad’s best friend? I’d broken up a family.

  A friendship.

  My phone beeped with a message. The tears came faster. I didn’t bother wiping them away I just let them fall. I had to give him up. I didn’t want to, but I knew it was for the best. I dropped my head into my hands, closing my eyes against the pain. Mrs. Huffman was right, if August knew what I’d done he’d be disgusted with me. My behavior even disgusted me. Back in the day I’d been so obsessed with my Twitter and Instagram followers. Good or bad, didn’t matter, attention was attention and I craved it.

  Looking back on it I see how empty my life was. I really believed thousands of likes on one of my pictures meant I was important. I was trying to fill the emptiness in me.

  I pulled out my phone. The text was from August.

  August: What’s your stance on barbecue? I’m thinking our first date requires ribs since it would involve you eating with your hands and me watching you lick your fingers.

  August: I can’t wait for tomorrow night.

  I swiped a hand across my cheek. Tomorrow night was August’s show. One I was desperate to see. Not only would I get to see him, but I’d get to see his art. Two of my favorite things.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I stared at his last text. I wiped both of my cheeks with a tissue, took a deep breath then replied to his text.

  Natalie: Bad news, I can’t make it tomorrow. Family emergency.

  August: Everything okay?

  Natalie: We’ll talk later.

  August: Can I call you?

  Natalie: Not now. I just … I

  August: It’s okay. No pressure. But if you need anything call me.

  I hated myself for lying to him. I turned my phone off. I sat back in my chair. There was no reason to rush home now. I had over a hundred hours of vacation time and I was going to cash some in for the next few days while I figured out what to do. I called my brother as I made my way to my car. He picked up on the second ring. “Can I stay with you for a few days?”

  “Is everything okay?” my brother asked.

  I sniffled. “No.”

  “I’m home,” he said.

  “I’m on my way,” I rushed out before another sob threatened to rob me of my voice.

  “I love you NeeNee, whatever is wrong I’ll help you make it right.” My brother hadn’t used my nickname in years.

  “I love you to.” I hung up. I climbed in behind the wheel and sat there

  I threw my head back against the headrest repeatedly as I pounded my hands against the steering wheel.

  Walter was my rock. He would help me through this. I started the car and headed to my brother’s house. My brother was standing in his driveway arms wide waiting for me. I ran into his open arms and started crying. He squeezed me tight. “What’s going on?”

  I pulled away so I could look my brother in the eye but he didn’t let me go. “I screwed up.”

  My brother kept his arms around me as he guided me inside. “Good thing I have ice-cream,” he said.

  Chapter Eight


  It was Thursday. I’d managed to avoid August over the weekend. I’d taken the whole week off, so there was no chance of bumping into him at school either. I sent his calls to voice-mail and blocked his texts. It was hard, but it was for the best. Tonight, I was going to dinner with my brother at a steakhouse. I had three more days before I returned to work and had to face the August situation.

  The situation I had yet to come up with a plan for. I dressed in a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and sandals. As I was driving to pick up my brother for dinner my phone chirped. My mom was calling. I hit the talk button on my steering wheel.

  “Hey mom.”

  “Hey sweetie, how’s my baby girl doing?”

  “Not bad.”

  “Still liking Pine Crest?”

  “Yes. Between the principal, the staff and students I couldn’t be happier there.”

  “Are you sure?” Had my brother talked to her? He swore he wouldn’t


  “Don’t mom me, you know I worry and with your dad in Hong Kong I have even more time to focus on my worry.”

  “Seriously, everything is good.”

  My mom let a dramatic sigh go. “Natalie. I’m your mother you can’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not lying.” My mom did that clucking things mom do when they don’t believe you on the other end. “Seriously, my life may not be perfect right now, but it’s good.” There was no way I was telling her about August. Not after all the drama she went through because of Neil and me. “I’m meeting Walter for dinner and I just pulled up to his house.”

  “Nice. My babies are going to dinner together and don’t even bother inviting their lonely mother who’s only getting older.”

  My mom was fifty. She looked thirty and acted twenty but to hear her tell it, she was eighty going on death. But I did miss her. “Mom, would you like to come to dinner with us? I can swing by and get you.”

  Mom started laughing. “A pity date? My own daughter is asking me on a pity date.”

  “You in or what?”

  “Susan’s on her way to take me to a movie.”

  “You already had plans?”

  “Yes. But maybe you’ll think twice the next time you get together with your brother and maybe invite your aging mother.”

  “Is that the only reason you called? To make me feel guilty?”

  “I wanted to let you know August is going to be staying with us over the summer.”

  “Is Uncle Victor up his ass again?” My mom and her brother couldn’t be more different. Where my mom was smart and kind my uncle was shrewd and mean.

  “Natalie Rose, language.”

  “Please you know it’s true.”

  My mom laughed. “Well, this may be the first time your cousin has it coming to him.”

  “So, Uncle’s answer is to (send/ostracize) him to Tennessee. Make him your problem?”

  “First of all, I love my nephew so him coming to stay with us is never a problem. But I think there’s something going on. Something Victor didn’t want to share over the phone.”

  I got where my mom was going with this. “I’ll talk to him, he can even stay with me for a week or two.”

  “That’s my girl. I wanted to let you know, so you’d be prepared. Your dad and I have to go back to New York in the fall. And we’ll be there through the winter.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.”

  “Love you sweetie.”

  “Love you to.”

  I didn’t go up to my brother’s door just sat in his driveway honking my horn over and over. My phone started ringing. It was Walter. “I’m outside bitch.”

  “No shit. Can you stop? The guards at the security gate called.”

  I honked again. “Then I guess you better get out here before they send the cavalry.” My brother hung up on me as I continued to lay on the horn. Finally, he emerged and walked down the driveway and got in.

  “Can you stop that shit now?”

  “You know what I think I’ll honk all the way to the restaurant.”

  My brother shook his head as he put on his seatbel
t. “Then if your hands are busy …” with quick fingers he started flipping through radio stations. And changing my preprogrammed ones.

  I held up my hands, “All right, you win.”

  Walter changed one more channel. “There, now I’m done.”

  We talked all the way to the restaurant. After my meltdown at school dealing with Mrs. Huffman I told my brother everything about August. My brother believed I shouldn’t let Mrs. Huffman run my life. That I should come clean to August about my past that way it could no longer control me. Maybe he was right. But what if he was wrong? I couldn’t take that risk with August. He was to important.

  We walked arm in arm up to the hostess stand. She lead us back to a table. Once seated our waiter came by to take our drink order than gave a us a few minutes to look over the menu.

  “Mom says August is coming to visit this summer.”

  “Sweet, maybe he can help me with the Alonso situation.”

  “Ugh, that guy.”

  My brother put down his menu to look at me. “I hate how much I like him when it’s obvious he doesn’t feel the same.”

  “I’m sorry.” I hated Alonso. How he could pass on my brother was beyond me. Walter had it in spades. “It’s his loss—”


  Shit. I knew that voice. I looked up into the blue eyes that made my stomach flip-flop. There standing in all his sexy glory was August. V-neck and slacks never looked so hot. “Hey, August.”

  “I’ve tried calling you.”

  “I know. Sorry it’s been hectic.”

  August turned to my brother. “Who are you?” There was (menace) in his tone. When August was mad his Irish brogue came out more. And damn me if it wasn’t sexy as hell.

  “August this is—”

  My brother stood up and held out his hand, “I’m Walter lovely to meet you.”

  “Walter?” August shook my brother’s hand aggressively.

  “Well if you—” I started but my brother cut me off.

  “Care to join us August? We haven’t ordered yet.”

  “I’m sure August is busy.”

  August pulled up a chair and sat down. “I’d love to.”

  I gave my brother the death stare as August waved down the waiter. Walter shrugged giving me a devious smile. “Walter tell me how you know Natalie?” August asked my brother giving him the look of death.

  “Well,” my brother started and took a drink, he put his glass down, wiped his mouth, then took another drink. He was going to drag this out and drive me crazy in the process. “Walter is my brother,” I said.

  “Right, then,” August said looking relieved.

  After that the mood around the table lightened at least on August’s part, I was still freaking out, we ordered. My brother started with an interrogation of August. What he did for a living. How we knew each other, et cetera. Conversation eventually shifted to Alonso. Then to my chagrin the conversation turned to me. August laughed as Walter shared embarrassing story after embarrassing story about me. I repeatedly kicked my brother under the table to no avail. Instead my kicks egged my brother on.

  “The best was when she pooped in one of our mother’s crystal cups you see—”

  “Let’s leave that story be, shall we,” I said interrupting my brother, I turned to August, “What are you doing here?”

  August was about to answer when his phone beeped. “I hate to eat and run but I have an appointment to get to.”

  “Of course,” I said.

  August stood. “We’ll talk later?”

  I lied. “Absolutely.” He took my hand in his and held it to his lips giving my knuckles a kiss that I felt all the way to my toes. He let go of my hand then held his hand out to my brother. As they shook hands August said, “Alonso doesn’t deserve you of that I am sure. You have looks and personality something I am not so sure Alonso possesses. It was great meeting you.”

  “You too,” Walter said looking smitten.

  August turned back to me, “I’m glad you’re back, I missed you.” His eyes said so much about what he was thinking that I blushed. “Have a good night.”

  With that he was gone. I exhaled and sat back in my seat. My brother stared open-mouthed at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Marry that man, he’s amazing.”

  I picked up my iced tea and took a drink. “I know, that’s the problem. He doesn’t deserve my baggage.”

  Chapter Nine


  7:15 am.

  I took off the black slacks and stood in the doorway of my closet in my underwear and bra. School started in forty-five minutes. If I didn’t leave in fifteen minutes I’d be late. Today was a big day. Today was the last day of school. Summer vacation started at 3:30. It meant August and I could finally be together.

  After the dinner with my brother (that August joined us at) I decided to take my brother’s advice. Come clean to August about my past. And pray like hell that he accepted it. Ten minutes more passed. I was out of time. I ended up wearing a navy-blue dress with a white sweater before I rushed out of the house.

  10:45 am.

  The day dragged on. The last day of school always did. Every time I had a minute I checked my hair and make-up. August planned to be here at 3:45 sharp. Summer would officially begin. Fingers crossed August still wanted me after

  12:00 pm.

  I exposed my skeletons to him. I hadn’t eaten a thing all day because my stomach was in knots. Nerves enveloped me. I sipped my tea as I stared out the window watching the kids run around on the playground playing.

  3:30 pm.

  The final bell rung. The loudspeaker crackled, “This is Principal Mayson. That was the final bell. This is the last time you’ll hear me say … walkers, bike riders and parent pick-up you are dismissed. From the staff at Pine Crest Academy we hope you have an amazing summer.” The chorus of ‘School’s out For Summer’ played through the speakers.

  It was a mad house in the classroom. Kids grabbing bags, dumping trash, tons of hooting and hollering from every direction. Thomas was the only student who didn’t jump from his seat and run when the bell rang. He remained seated. Face forward eyes on the smart board.

  3:35 pm.

  Ten minutes until August arrived. I walked over to Thomas. “Why aren’t you sprinting down the hallway screaming like everyone else?”

  He shrugged his shoulder. “Is everything okay?” I tried not to sound anxious.

  Thomas finally looked at me, “I guess I’m sad.”

  I squatted beside his desk, “How come?”

  Without warning he leaned over and hugged me. When he let go he said, “You’re a good teacher. Mrs. Field and Mr. Meyer are mean.” I laughed in spite of the serious look on Thomas’s face. Mrs. Field and Mr. Meyer were both fourth grade teachers. They had a reputation among the students. Think Viola Swam and you’d be close.

  Thomas let go. I looked him in the eye, “Trust me you will not be going into Mrs. Field or Mr. Meyer’s class because Mrs. Field is retiring and Mr. Meyer is moving to Idaho. And the two teachers replacing them are awesome.”

  “Wow. No lying?”

  “Scouts honor.”

  Thomas’s eyes went big, “You were a scout?”

  “No, but my brother was.”

  “You have a brother?”

  “Yes, and a sister.”

  “That’s so cool.”

  “If you say so. Some days it feels like a curse.”

  “I always wanted an older brother because my dad stinks at throwing a football and big brother would be really good at it. My mom—”


  Thomas and I both looked up to see his mom standing in the doorway frowning, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Thomas looked guilty, “I’m sorry mom, Ms. Quimby was telling me about her brother and then she was telling me about how much she’s going to miss me.” Thomas looked at me with a smile.

  That devious little man. Mrs. Huffman held up a hand
. “Reggie is waiting in the car. Go. Now.”

  “Yes, mom.” He grabbed his bag and slid out of his desk. “Have a good summer Ms. Q. Hope to see you.” He winked. He actually winked. Was it my nerves overreacting or did Thomas know something? Before I could think further on it Mrs. Huffman descended on me.

  “I thought I told you to stay away!”

  “I did but—”

  “There are not buts. This ends now.”

  As if he knew this would be the worst time to show up, August walked into the classroom. Mrs. Huffman turned on him, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I should ask you the same thing. Our son is outside.”

  “I didn’t come here to for our son, I came here for her.”

  Mrs. Huffman’s angry eyes were on me, “I told you to stay away from my family.” She was yelling surely garnering another teacher’s attention.

  “Please, Mrs. Huffman can we keep our voices down as we discuss this?’

  “No! No harlot will tell me what to do.”

  “Sarah,” August warned.

  “Shut-up! You’re not fucking our son’s teacher. Especially, a home-wrecking one at that.”

  “Sarah Elaine Huffman that’s enough. How dare you speak to Natalie like that. I won’t allow it. She didn’t wreck anything that wasn’t already broken.”

  “Allow it? Natalie? I’m not talking about us you dunder head.”

  I scrubbed a hand over my face. Though I appreciated August sticking up for me he was as loud as Mrs. Huffman was. This was spiraling fast. The only thing that could make it worse was—

  “Mr. and Mrs. Huffman, I’m so glad you’re here.” Principal Mayson entered the room. “Did Ms. Quimby share the amazing news with you? July fifteenth your son can retake the TN Merit test at the district office.”

  “I don’t want Ms. Quimby anywhere near my son.”

  “Excuse me,” Principal Mayson and I said in unison.

  Mrs. Huffman put a hand on her hip. “Are you aware of Ms. Quimby’s past?”


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