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Happily Ever Alpha: Until The Summer (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Elle Jefferson

  “I don’t think—” I started but was cut off by Mrs. Huffman laid out my dirty laundry like breadcrumbs leading to today. How I seduced a married man, broke up a happy family and splashed this disgrace all over my social media sites as something to be proud of and aspire to. The whole time she was airing my dirt I watched August. His face was a mask of indifference that quickly turned to anger then disgust. When Mrs. Huffman finished she looked at Principal Mayson as if to say well? Principal Mayson tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear. She looked from Mrs. Huffman to me and smiled. She took a breath and calmly, as if speaking to a child said, “Yes. I was well aware of Ms. Quimby’s past when I hired her. She was very forthcoming about it. The choices she made, good or bad, when she was younger have no bearing on whether or not she’s an excellent teacher, which she is. She fought for your son, you should be thanking her. Not bad mouthing her.”

  “She’s trying to sleep with my husband.”

  “As I understand it, you two are divorced. Mr. Huffman and Ms. Quimby are adults and can do as they see fit. School’s out. I’m going to clean up my desk, grab my potted plant and then I’m out of here. Mrs. Huffman, Mr. Huffman have a lovely summer. Ms. Quimby, I hope to see you this weekend at Marion’s baby shower.” With that Principal Mayson left.

  “Nonsense,” was all Mrs. Huffman said before she stormed off.

  I sat down on a kid’s desk afraid to look at August who hadn’t bailed yet but was probably only waiting around so he could tell me off before he left. He took a step towards me. “Be honest, was Sarah the reason you had a ‘family’ emergency?”

  I closed my eyes and nodded. His hand was on my face, on my chin forcing me to look at him. Those blue eyes stared all the way into my soul. He knew everything now. Would he stay? Or go? He cleared his throat. “We all have a past,” he started, taking my hand in his, pulling me to him, “and we all make mistakes,” I was pressed against him, “but I don’t care about your past mistakes. All I care about is that it’s summer,” he cupped my face in his hands, lightly pressing his lips to mine, “and my patience has run out.” With that he devoured me with his mouth.

  Chapter Ten


  The butterflies fluttering in my gut needed to calm so I didn’t do something stupid. Like hanging out in a bathroom smelling cologne wasn’t stupid. I couldn’t help it. We’d life the school in a hurry because I was afraid we’d do something indecent in my classroom. Man could August kiss. Every time his lips touched my skin electricity flowed through my body. I’d fantasized for weeks about what it would be like for August and me when summer came. Now that it was here I was nervous. What if I didn’t live up to the hype. Or worse, he didn’t? I really liked him.

  I turned from the counter and walked over to medicine cabinet grabbing the Listerine and swishing. I was in August’s house. Outside this bathroom door August was sitting and waiting. The butterflies turned into a storm and I struggled to breathe. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, washed my hands and forced myself to open the door.

  August was standing by the bed, his back to me. As he turned around to face me he unbuckled his belt. When he saw me, he stopped.

  “Hey.” He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. I can see the start of his collar-bone. Seriously, was there anything ugly on this man?

  I let go of the door jamb and stepped into the bedroom. “Hey,” I said back. His voice was thick when he said, “Natalie …”


  He ran his hands through his hair. His dark locks sticking up. “Are you nervous?”

  “Could you be more specific?”

  “Do,” he paused, dropped his hands to his side, “do you …” he made a fist, flexed it, his words came out in a rushed whisper, “… still want to do this with me? If you want to back out I won’t …”

  “Yes,” I whispered in answer, “I want you so much it hurts.”

  He came up behind me, his chest pressed into my back, as his breath tickled the back of my neck. “I want you so bad.”

  With his arms on each side of me his scent filled the air around me. All I could think about was him. His lips. His lips placing soft kisses all over my body.

  His hands slipped to my waist turning me around to face him. He delicately pulled my chin up so I was looking at him. He didn’t wait for an invite before kissing me. As his lips caressed mine I could feel my body melting into him. My hands entangled in his hair pulling him closer to me. Our kiss, deepening, almost panicked like there wasn’t enough time.

  His body pressing into me, his hands squeezing my sides, his mouth exploring mine set me adrift. I was lost in him. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me over to the bed where we fell together in a heap, him on top. He trailed kisses down my neck. Along my shoulder. “We don’t need this.” He pulled off my sweater and through it on the floor.

  We rolled this time I was on top of August. I finished unbuttoning his shirt and took it off. My hands ran across his chest exploring the peaks and valleys. His skin was warm like satin beneath my fingertips. My lips trailed down his cheek. I relished the feel of his stubble. Down his neck. I licked his Adam’s apple. His accompanying moan had me squeezing my thighs together.

  He flipped us so I was again beneath him. He trailed kisses along my neck. One of his hands slid up under my dress gripping my thigh tight while his mouth explored my neck. His kisses were gentle. The hairs on my neck tickled each time he exhaled warm minty air across my skin. It tingled.

  “You make me crazy,” he said. His voice was gravelly, turning me on. He sat up and stood before me, “Come here,” he said and grabbed the back of my legs pulling me towards him. When I reached the edge of the bed he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me off the bed to him. He turned me so my back was to him then very slowly he started to unzip my dress. He slid each strap over my shoulder and down my arms, his fingers gently caressing my skin. Next came my panties.

  Kisses rained down along my neck, my shoulders, my back. His hands splayed across my front pulling me to him. Fingertips danced along my skin. Warm breath along my neck. Wet tongue behind my ear. He cupped my breasts, tugged at my nipples and gave them a little twist. I could feel his erection growing harder. Feel myself getting wetter.

  He turned me around, picked me up and carried me over to the bed, “Let’s find out if you’re a screamer.”

  I couldn’t find my voice simply nodded. He put me down on the bed as he stood over me looking at every inch of me. My skin heated beneath his gaze. I took the moment to admire his muscular physique. “See something you like?” I purred ready to see those muscles in action.

  His voice was hoarse when he said, “Yes. Very much,” then climbed onto the bed. “Fuck.”

  “What,” I said. Please don’t tell me he changed his mind. “I can’t get over how beautiful you are. I’ve thought about you like this for weeks. Do you know how uncomfortable being hard all the time is?” He bit his lip and shook his head, “Fuck.” He started at my knee trailing kisses up my thigh while his hand took my other leg and wrapped it around his waist. He sucked on the top of my thigh. I moaned. His tongue trailed down the inside of my thigh and then …

  “Oh god!” I cried. One hand fisting the comforter the other entangled in his hair.

  His mouth continued its assault, my back arched off the bed, my breathing growing ragged, my vision blurring. My body was humming. Every inch of me a live wire ready to … “August. I’m … Oh! God!” My body exploded.

  Before I could gather my thoughts, his kisses moved up over my stomach. When I came back down and opened my eyes his blue eyes were watching me. “I thought you’d be a screamer.”

  My face caught fire. Didn’t get a chance to retort because he resumed his kissing assault. His fingertips caressed my thighs, my stomach, his lips caressed my breast sucking on my nipple giving it a playful bite. I moaned. Getting wet again. He repeated the same thing on my other breast. He broke contact for one-seco
nd removing the final barrier between him and I, his briefs.

  He was magnificent. I bit my lip. His lips trailed across my chest up my neck and paused. Hovering above me, his pupils wide, the blue barely a line. He said so much without saying anything.

  I wanted him. All of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to me. We kissed and he rocked his hips pressing his erection against me. Fuck …

  His voice was husky, low, “God, I want to be inside you, Natalie.” The way my name rolled off his tongue with that Irish lilt, fuck, I was a goner. He was big, hard. I wanted him inside me. In that moment he slipped on a condom. Once he was done I pulled him to me and kissed him fiercely. When I pulled away we were both breathless. He was hard and I was ready. And then my whole body shuddered as he pushed inside me. From this moment on August owned me.

  Snoring forced my eyes open. It took a minute to adjust to the darkness. Then I remembered I was laying in August’s bed and instantly warmed. I sat up on my elbows and looked over to my left—August. He faced towards me, eyes closed (men shouldn’t have such long lashes), a half-smile on his lips. As sexy as he was awake, he was even sexier asleep. I took a moment and admired.

  Moment over I needed to touch that perfectly sculpted body. I was ready for round … shit, I lost count.

  Last night was perfect. I couldn't remember ever orgasming that much.

  I started smiling.

  It wasn’t a decision, there was no choice about it I wanted this man forever. Obviously, I couldn’t tell him that now, or I’d scare the hell out of him, but when the time was right. I would, because I knew. He was it. I watched him sleep a little longer. So peaceful. Then I remembered not only was I sleeping with August but I was also sleeping with G.H.


  Like that I was wet again. I admired his sleeping face a minute longer before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. It was time for him to wake up and I knew how to do it. With as much stealth as I could manage, I slid under the covers and over to where August’s body was sound asleep. I placed another kiss on his neck, and another a little lower and lower until I was placing two small delicate kisses right at that sexy as hell V of his. When I took a little bite of that V, I heard a groan and then he was at full attention.

  It took a second of my mouth on him before there was another groan. I looked up and saw those blue eyes peering back at me. “Oh, damn Natalie,” he said, starting to sit up. I splayed my hand across his chest pressing him back to the mattress. He laid back, his eyes stayed on me, his fingers twined into my hair. His moans fed me on, I loved the sounds of his pleasure.

  “Natalie I’m about to—” his words broke and he tried to pull away but I kept going until his hips bucked. ” Oh Shit! Natalie,” he growled. I kept going until he was spent. He shuddered and ran his hands through his hair. I sat up unable to hide my smile. Flustered August was even sexier than sleeping August.

  “Guess you’re a screamer too.”

  I placed my head on the pillows still smiling. His blue eyes trained on me. He snaked an arm around my waist pulling me to him. He brushed the hair from my face before kissing me hard and deep to the point my toes curled. When he pulled back he was breathless and smiling. “It’s sure to be one hell of a summer.”

  I nodded and ran my hand along his cheek. “I see,” he said, and closed his eyes rubbing his cheek against my palm. When he opened his eyes again his stare was intense making me squirm. He moved so he was on top of me looking down into my eyes, “I think we should celebrate summer by staying in all weekend. Thomas will be with his mom.”

  I couldn’t manage much more than, “Okay,” with his body pressed against mine. With that he kissed a trail down my neck and across my chest where he paused, “Yes. Let’s stay in all weekend.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I said running my fingers into his hair and leaning up to kiss him. “We’ll have to see who’s the louder screamer.”

  He smiled. “Challenge accepted.”




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