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Renny’s Mate

Page 2

by Selena Illyria

  Now the day was here, and she was finally free to put her job behind her. Even if it was only for a week. A month would have been better but she’d take what she could get. A smile quirked her lips, and she shut her eyes, letting the floating sensation take her. The water lapped at her body, lulling her into relaxation. A loud splash nearby didn’t even faze her. She just focused on the water and the weightlessness. The splashing sound grew louder and closer.

  “Hold on, I’m almost there. Ma’am? Ma’am, can you hear me?” a deep male voice called.

  She frowned. Maybe I’ve had too much sun. Time to go back. She dove under the water and came up for air.

  “Jesus, thank the goddess you’re alive. Let me help you get back to shore.” Wet, dark hair obscured her purported rescuer’s features. He wrapped an arm around her waist and tried to drag her back to the beach.

  “But I’m not in any danger.” She tried to twist out of his grasp and swim on her own but the man’s hold was too strong. It was almost as if he feared he’d lose her.

  “Don’t worry, just let me get you to shore. It will be all right once we’re there.” He continued to pull her along, and she did her best to keep up with his smooth, strong strokes. “Just a little farther.”

  They made it to shallow waters, and he scooped her up and placed her on the sand. Panting, he laid down beside her. Closing her eyes, she allowed the sun to warm her skin. It took her sluggish mind a few moments to realize she was naked. In front of a stranger. Her eyelids flew open, and she sat up, looking around feverishly for her clothes.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit,” she cursed under her breath. Spotting her top, she rushed over to it, tripping over a rock and stubbing her toe. The pain ricocheted up her leg but didn’t slow her down. She continued to rush toward the top, hoping it would be long enough to cover her to just below her pussy.

  “You okay, ma’am?” the harsh, deep voice called out after her.

  “Yeah, fine,” she replied distractedly. Larissa didn’t even want to think about what he could be seeing at that moment. That was, if he was even looking. She snatched the shirt up and pulled it over her head but it only came to the top of her waist. With a frustrated sound, she found her skirt. She stepped into it and pulled it up, praying she looked presentable. There was nothing to be done about her hair, which would undoubtedly be a mess and coated in sand from lying on the beach. Whirling around, she took in the stranger.

  He’d pushed his hair back from his face, and hazel eyes with golden flecks gazed at her in amusement and relief. “Hi. Can I ask what you were doing out there…naked?”

  Her stranger from the office! She was too shocked to reply. Her mouth dropped open. All she could do was stare.

  “You’re Larissa, William’s assistant.” It was a statement, not a question.

  Her face flushed with heat. She wasn’t sure if she should be even more embarrassed or feel happy that he not only recognized her but knew her name. “Yes,” she mumbled, wishing she had on her bra and panties as well. Despite being clothed, she felt naked under his gaze.

  His look heated as his eyes became greener. He stood up. For the first time she noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Looking over his bare chest, she took in the tight, dark brown nipples pierced through with silver barbells. Tattoos decorated one arm and one pectoral and rode down the side of his ribs. His abs were tightly ridged. He wore soaked khakis, and his feet were bare. He stood with all the grace of a predator. As he came toward her, she stumbled back, feeling trapped by his gaze.

  Swallowing, she took him in; his arms swung at his sides, and his steps were slow and measured. His lips were curled into a smile that she couldn’t understand. A question hovered on her tongue but she couldn’t get out the words to ask. All she could do was watch him come toward her. He held out his hand. “Let me introduce myself. Renny, erm, Renault, William’s brother.”

  She blinked as she tried to process what he’d just said. William’s brother? Will has a brother? She stood there staring at him, not comprehending what he was saying. Will never really spoke about his brother. It was said around the office that Will’s brother was the black sheep of the family and was not to be mentioned. For a moment she wasn’t sure what to say to him or how to act.

  “I don’t bite.” He grinned flashing straight, white teeth. “Unless you want me to,” he added in a low, husky tone.

  She shivered, and her nipples tightened in response to the rough sound. Swallowing again, she struggled to find the words. “What…what are you doing here? How did you get here? Will said no one would be here. What about the family reunion?”

  Larissa didn’t want to lose her job just because she was forced to interact with him for a week. She hadn’t heard a lot about him but most of it was bad. He couldn’t commit to anything or anyone, had run away from the family several times and didn’t have much of a relationship with his father or mother. He was supposed to be a bit of a wild child.

  Renny withdrew his hand. “I needed a break from the family and needed to be alone with my thoughts. But I don’t mind the company.” He gave her a sly grin.

  Now I know what Little Red Riding Hood felt like. Ren wasn’t hiding his interest in her. His gaze wandered over her body, pausing at her breasts, her waist, then moving down her legs and back up to her face. Her face flushed hotter than before.

  “So, why were you floating out there?” He shoved his hands into his pockets and kept his look on her face, much to her relief.

  “I went for a swim and wanted to relax in the ocean for a bit. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach.” She waited for him to say something about her nudity.

  “Ah. I thought you were in distress. You weren’t moving so I thought…I had no idea…” The sly grin came back, and his eyes darkened, the golden flecks becoming more pronounced. His gaze slid down her body again in a smooth glide that made her feel nude all over again. Shyly, she looked away.

  “Let me just say it. Do you always swim naked or was that just for me?”

  She jerked her head up to look at him, shocked at his forwardness.

  His smile was bigger, naughtier, cheekier. She couldn’t help but like him in that instant. He was more playful than William, who focused more on business and rarely took time off.

  “Well, since I had no idea you were here, it was for me.” She smiled back at him, feeling the tension seep away.

  He pouted. “I feel offended. And here I thought you were trying to make me feel special, showing off your perfect assets and all. I suppose Will let you stay at the house for a week? Guess I’ll have to behave myself. I wouldn’t want the big, bad Will to come down on me for not showing his best assistant a good time.”

  In the face of his flirting she couldn’t help but let any reservations she’d held go. “Why should you be so afraid of Will when you have me to deal with? Cross me, and I may have to spank you.” Normally she wouldn’t feel so at ease and flirty. Maybe it was the sun and the man in front of her. Whatever it was, she was going to go with it.

  “Spank me?” His eyebrow rose and he came forward. “Well, well, if I knew you were into kink I would have approached you earlier.”

  He stopped with only a foot away from her. The heat of his body pressed against her, making her very aware of him. Looking up, she stared right into his eyes. “And yet you didn’t. I think you’re too scared of Will.”

  Ren closed the distance between them until the tips of her breasts touched his chest. “Sweetheart, I don’t fear anyone, least of all my brother. Want me to prove it?”

  She pressed herself against him. “Hard to prove you’re not scared of your brother on an island.”

  “But—” He paused and lowered her face closer to hers. “—I can prove it to you.” Ren sealed the words with a kiss.

  Electricity shot straight from her lips to her toes. Every cell in her body seemed to burst into flames. The tips of her breasts tingled as her pussy filled with liquid heat. She felt his hands on her hips, the touch sp
reading fire along her skin. She felt as if she was burning from the inside out. Reaching down, she clasped his wrists in a tight grip. Larissa felt as if she were back in the ocean, floating away and yet burning at the same time. When he pulled back, a sense of disappointment and emptiness filled her at the loss of his touch.

  He brushed back a thick hank of wet hair that had fallen in her face. “Sun is going down. We should get you inside and get you out of those wet clothes. I can make us some dinner, and we can talk.”

  “You just want to see me naked again,” she teased.

  “That too.” Without another word, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her toward the house.

  Laughing, she savored being close to him again. Snuggling against him, she let this big, bad wolf take care of her. She just hoped that she wouldn’t have to explain anything to Will.

  * * *

  William ran a hand through his hair and tried not to scream. Renny was nowhere to be found, and there was no word on where he could be. His father was furious, and his mother was drinking herself into another stupor. Bunny was irritating the hell out of him, asking stupid questions that had already been asked. If he didn’t feel a strong sense of family obligation, he’d run away. Far away and not look back. Maybe even go so far as to the island and turn off the phone there.

  Unfortunately, that way out was currently occupied by his worthy assistant. Larissa deserved time at the island more than he did. For now he’d grin and bear it and hope Ren would show up late and not try to duck out on his responsibilities.

  * * *

  Ren felt a bit bad about abandoning the family reunion but, as he saw it, he’d gotten the better part of the deal since he could spend time with Larissa uninterrupted. If it he didn’t know any better, he’d say the universe was giving him this window to pursue and win his mate. He didn’t exactly believe in destiny or kismet or fate or serendipity. All he knew was now, and that she was here with him. Now he could get to know her. Sure, he had a week to do it, but he didn’t have to worry about Will or his family keeping him from Larissa.

  Savoring her in his arms, he made his way over the soft sand to the house. Will had done very well in building this little hideaway. Three stories of pure luxury from the hot tub, spa and pool in the back to satellites to provide Internet and television, and every room had the best, most comfortable furniture. He intended to use every square inch of the house and the beach in getting to know Larissa in every way imaginable.

  She had no clue what he would go through to make sure that by the end of the week she understood just what being his mate meant. He knew he was taking a big risk, a huge one. His family would turn its back on him. Any strides he’d made in building a relationship with Will would probably be thrown out the window. Bunny would be furious, and she would undoubtedly retaliate. He wouldn’t allow any harm to come to Larissa. Not if he could help it. The packs would be pissed, of course, but that was a risk he was willing to take. He’d never belonged—not to his family or in the marriage deal.

  There was something he did belong to, or rather someone—Larissa. Deep down in his soul he felt he belonged to her, and that he had to protect and claim her. Without dropping her, he opened the front door and carried her over the threshold. She laughed. The sound enchanted him and sent warmth rippling through his soul.

  “God, I love that sound. I’m going to have to make you laugh all this week.”

  She tilted her head up and looked at him. For a moment, he felt himself falling into her deep, dark brown eyes. He wanted to touch her again, feel that electricity from their kiss jitter through his body again. Without stopping himself, he kissed her again. The sizzle from the touch jolted his system yet again, traveling like a pinball around his body. Need curled through his stomach, clawing up his chest.

  Not breaking the kiss, he moved deeper into the house and kicked the door closed before laying her down on a couch in front of the fireplace. Covering her body with his, he groaned at feeling her fully against him. Her breasts pillowed against his chest, her hips cradled his. His wolf howled and panted as mating heat took over.

  Rocking against her mound, he felt lava-hot blood pool in his groin. His cock thickened and pressed against his damp pants. Growling, he ripped his lips away and lifted his waist. Balancing with one hand near her head, he tried to open his fly one-handed. He needed to be naked. Ren needed to feel her skin to skin.

  She lifted her head, following his lips. He could only murmur an incoherent word before lowering his head again to continue the kiss while trying to undo the button. In frustration, he ripped the small disc off and yanked open the zipper. The tip of his cock pushed through the opening. Instead of focusing on getting his pants off, he kept kissing her. Their mouths moved over each other, hungry, desperate, needy. The fire inside him became fueled by this passionate contact.

  He threaded his fingers in the thick tangle of her damp hair. Pulling her head closer, he ate at her lips, nibbling the bottom lip before sucking it and lapping away any pain. Sinking his tongue into the recesses of her mouth, he twirled and twined it around hers. They moaned and groaned. Their bodies began to rock against each other as they both tried to get closer to each other. He couldn’t get enough. She was a siren. A temptress from the ocean, smelling of sand, sea and earth. Not her usual perfume, but it made him equally as horny as the vanilla and lavender she wore.

  He gave up on his pants and slipped his hand under her body, pulling her closer. She hooked a leg around his hip and ground her pussy against his erection. He growled as the friction set off sparks. From root to tip, his cock heated and thickened even more. She slid a hand between them and reached past his waistband to brush her fingertips over the sensitive head of his cock. Groaning aloud, he pulled his head back and pushed his hips forward, trying to get more contact with her hand. She pulled her hand away and giggled.

  “Tease,” he muttered as he kissed his way along her jaw.

  “You haven’t fed me yet, and I’m still in these damp clothes,” she said innocently.

  He stopped kissing her to look into her lust-darkened eyes. The words sunk in, and his inner wolf howled. Pulling his body away, he gazed at her. Not looking away, he reached down and tore her shirt open. She squealed. “Renault!”

  Despite her cry, she didn’t scold him or appear to be angered in the least. In fact she looked more aroused. In that instant, he knew that she was perfect for him.

  Chapter Three

  Larissa felt as if she was going to burn or explode, she wasn’t sure which. Tension wound its way around and through her body. She needed to feel him against her, inside her. It didn’t matter so long as he didn’t pull away.

  She’d never felt like this before. Instead of running from the feeling, she drew toward it. Larissa wanted to revel in this new experience. For once in her life she wanted to do something that wasn’t expected, and getting to know this gorgeous man above her and finally scratching the sexual itch that had been riding her since she first set eyes on him would suit her just fine.

  Reaching up, she trailed her hand down the center of chest. He sucked in a breath, his pupils expanding. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled it down to cover his opened fly. The heat of the flared cap of his cock nearly singed her palm. He felt so hot and soft yet damp from the beads of desire forming at the slit at the top. She moved her hand downward, slipping past the opening to grasp the thick stalk.

  He closed his eyes and shuddered. She took that as a sign to continue as she moved her hand down, taking her time to savor his girth and the velvet softness of his skin. She could feel every pulse of his heart while grasping his shaft. Up and down, pausing to swipe another droplet of pre-cum at the top, then using it as lubrication to continue her exploration. The zipper teeth chafed at her skin but she ignored it in favor of giving him more pleasure. He shook above her, his breath coming out in humid puffs. She could smell just a hint of whiskey and something else, something spicy.

  The air became heavy with the wild, ma
sculine cologne of woods, earth, sun, and sea with a hint of spice and incense. She was drowning in him, losing her sense of self and not caring one fig what it would lead to. Her body was melting and burning up. Her pussy ached to be filled.

  She gave his cock a squeeze before releasing the thick rod and sliding her hand down to cup his balls. Frustrated that his pants didn’t offer a lot of room to tease him, she removed her hand, grasped his waistband and yanked them down until his shaft and balls were fully exposed. She moaned at the sight—her mouth watered to taste him, to draw him into her mouth and suck him off until he came down her throat. She scooted farther down onto the couch and grabbed his hips, trying to pull him down onto her face.

  “Sweetheart,” he rasped out. “Not like this.”

  Ignoring him, she sat up and licked a path up the underside of his shaft, tracing the thick, pulsing vein before swirling her tongue around the wide head and then taking it into her mouth. She flicked the slit, trying to flick away the droplets of pre-cum. He tasted of salt, earth, musk. and a dash of spicy mystery that made her moan.

  She slid her lips down onto the rod, taking more of him into her mouth. He stretched her to her limits. There was a little pain but not enough to make her stop. She could hear his groans floating down to her, driving her on as she took a little more of him in her mouth before sliding back to the top and lapping up more of his desire and repeating the process.

  A crick formed in her neck but she didn’t care, continuing her ministrations until she felt him respond. He flexed his hips. At first just a little, pulling back and pausing and then pushing forward again, going a little deeper, meeting the glide and pull of her lips. Glancing up his body, she could see his face was damp with sweat, his lips parted and his eyes heavy lidded, only showing a hint of green fire gazing down at her. Releasing his cock with a pop, she gave the slit soft, quick kitten licks, not giving him too much contact—just enough to tease before taking him back into her mouth all over again.


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