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Renny’s Mate

Page 3

by Selena Illyria

  She became lost in giving him pleasure. It became her purpose, the center of her world, to make him come. Giving to him inflamed her need. Her core dripped with liquid heat. Her breasts ached for touch. She gripped one of his hips while her other hand cupped her breast, weighing the full mound before giving it a squeeze. Pleasure sparked straight to her vagina, lighting her up from the inside. She pinched her nipple gently at first before going a bit harder, tweaking the bud before going back to kneading her breast.

  Desire built inside her, like an inferno that had no end. The flames coiled higher and higher, engulfing her as her juices dripped onto her thighs. Letting go of her breast, she slipped her hand down her body, between her legs. Sending a soft caress along the damp folds of her sex sent shivers of sensation through her. Her fingers parted her dewy folds, exposing her enlarged clit. She brushed the sensitive nubbin lightly before rubbing it in circles. Faster at first, matching her ministrations on his dick before slowing down to keep both of them from getting too close to climax. Releasing him, she lapped up the dribbles of semen. She needed a moment—her neck and mouth ached. As much she didn’t want to stop, she had to.

  Ren moved back onto his heels. His eyes were shadowed with emotions she couldn’t read. He reached out and caressed her face. For a moment she wondered if she’d moved too fast, and he would reject her.

  He moved toward her and kissed her, lapping at her lips before pulling back. “Let’s take it slow. It’s not that don’t want this but I think we need to take it slow. Let’s have dinner first before jumping into bed. Let it never be said that I’m not a gentleman.”

  She opened her mouth to say something. The ashes of her desire continued to float around inside her. Need wove through her veins. He hadn’t said it but she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done something wrong by moving too fast. He caressed her cheek again. “Don’t mistake my need to slow down for rejection, because it’s not. I just want to take things slow, get to know you. I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and try to run for the hills because we slept together after meeting each other a few moments ago.”

  Relief swept through her at his words but did nothing to dampen her arousal. She lifted her chin and smiled at him. “Fine. Guess I’ll just have to let my fingers and vibrators do the talking, and no, I won’t let you watch.”

  Scooting out from under him, she stood up, shrugged out of her torn top, pushed down her skirt and walked toward the stairs with her head held high. It wasn’t until she reached the second floor landing that she realized she hadn’t asked where her stuff was since he was staying here.

  “You’re in the first master suite at the end of the center hall. I’m in the second master suite to the right side. Hurry up before I change my mind and decide to fuck you where you are. There’s only so much teasing a man can take,” he called up. His voice was a harsh-edged razor that hurt just hearing it. She was tempted to go back to him, see if he was okay. He was a werewolf, and strong emotions could bring on a change even if the moon wasn’t full.

  “Go, Larissa, or I swear to the moon, I’ll chase you down that damn hall and spank your ass before fucking you senseless,” he growled.

  She didn’t have to be told twice. No teasing, not even a flirty retort. If they were going to have sex, he was going to be in his right mind and not under the influence of his wolfen other half. In that moment, she appreciated his restraint and said a silent thank you before rushing off to her room.

  * * *

  Pain pierced every muscle and slid along every tendon in his body. His bones were flaming hot. His organs ached as the change tried to take him over. Every glide of her mouth on his cock had brought him closer to changing into a beast. He’d had to stop it before he lost complete control and shifted, then fucked and marked her in his werewolf form. Restraint was not something he practiced on a regular basis, and his wolf was cursing him for letting their mate have time to change her mind. As much as he didn’t want that, she deserved a choice. He refused to drag her farther into his world without the knowledge of what she truly meant to him.

  It was as if she could read him. Without his even having to tell her, she knew how to tease him and drive him wild. He’d been on the brink of coming several times but he’d held back, if only by a thread. Now he was fighting to keep himself in a human state of mind. His wolf howled and clawed at him from the inside. Sharp pain echoed through his body as he pushed back even harder to keep the shift from coming.

  Sweat dripped from his brow and dribbled down his chest. His balls ached from having no release. With one last effort he shoved at the wolf again, demanding the beast’s subservience. Exhaustion shook through him, and he collapsed onto the couch, wheezing as his heart tried to tattoo his ribcage with every thump. His head spun, and weakness crept along his limbs.

  He hoped he’d recover before Larissa came down from her shower. A spike of heat brought a gasp from him as he remembered her words about vibrators and letting her fingers ease her desire. Need clawed once more through him but he was too tired to do anything about it. She was a surprise, that was for sure. Under that sweet, complacent demeanor was a passionate, sassy, sensual woman who would make his life more colorful. She’d keep him on his toes, and he’d hate to have to leave her for anything. The very thought of parting from her hurt, but his job demanded lots of travel.

  Perhaps I could negotiate with Will to transfer her into my department, and she could be my personal secretary. He nixed that thought. William would undoubtedly be truly pissed at him.

  His brother would wait until the end of the day, then try to phone him before writing him off completely. As much as he didn’t want to disappoint his elder sibling he didn’t doubt Will had come to expect failure from Renny. That hurt just as much as the thought of parting from Larissa. His relationship with his brother had just started to mend itself. The progress was small, but he valued that tiny repair nonetheless.

  “Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” He sighed and sat up. He felt a bit better but doubted he’d be a hundred percent. Renny rose and headed upstairs. He paused at the top of the stairs and debated peeking in on her. Resisting temptation, he headed for his rooms. A shower would do him good—at least that was what he told himself.

  After a quick clean up and dry off he put on loose khakis and a button up shirt that he didn’t bother to button. It was clear to him she liked looking at him, and he didn’t want to deprive her of the tease he could offer her later.

  When he left his room, he could see she wasn’t down yet, so he got started on dinner. He wanted their first meal together to be special. He decided the main course would be steak with steak fries and a side of spring vegetables. Other than that, he wasn’t sure what else to make her.

  “You don’t have to go to all that trouble. I’ll eat whatever you’re willing to make. Need help?” She came into the room dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, no make-up and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked relaxed and at ease, much to his relief. No regrets showed in her eyes or on her face.

  “You look beautiful. Let me take care of everything. You relax.” He gestured toward a chair.

  She looked at it, and an eyebrow rose in question. “Pampering me? I can accept that.” Larissa slid into the indicated chair and watched him.

  He could feel her gaze on him. It stoked the still-burning embers of arousal. Moving around the kitchen was difficult. His skin felt tight, his flesh burning. Sweat poured over his brow. All he could think of was her mouth on his cock, the taste of her lips. When he almost cut himself when trying to dice up the vegetables, he knew she had to leave the kitchen. Turning around, he looked at her. “Why don’t I pour you some wine, and you can relax out on the deck?”

  She leaned forward. “Give me something to do. I promise to stay out of your way.”

  The sound of her voice was a low purr that slid up his spine, heating him through. Grasping for words, he tried to figure out what to say to her. “Why don’t you…uh—” He look
ed around. “Why don’t you set the table on the deck, hm? That would be great.”

  Larissa gave him a Cheshire cat grin. “I can do that.” She rose, walked around the island in the center of the kitchen, brushed up against him, and headed to the curio cabinet. Taking out two plates, wine glasses and linen napkins, she slid past him again with a slow glide of her buttocks against his. His skin sparked underneath the cloth, setting him ablaze once again. Gritting his teeth, he concentrated on making up the salad and not her naked body.

  The more he tried to ignore the lust, the more it roared to life. All he could think of was getting her naked and exploring every inch of her body and satiating his need for her.

  “A drink?” She held a glass of red wine in front of his face. “Found the wine rack and decided to pour us a little something.”

  He took the stemware from her and placed it within reach. “Are you done setting up the table?” Ren poured as much concentration into making the salad as he could muster but her scent, her presence pressed against his body, reminded him she wasn’t far enough away for him to concentrate.

  “I need to know what silverware we need.” Her voice came from behind him but he didn’t turn around.

  “Just forks and knives. Nothing fancy.” He wished it were a fancy dinner, that he could go all out, but with his mind so fogged with desire he wasn’t sure if he could get through making more than two courses, much less four. Once the salad was done he focused on preparing the steak.

  “Why not grill it?” she asked. Her breath ghosted against his skin, raising goose bumps.

  He jumped at her nearness. She’d managed to get closer to him without making a sound. Was she some kind of cat? Licking his lips, he tried to regain some semblance of control.

  “Boy, you’re really jumpy. Something wrong?” The question sounded so ridiculously innocent he wanted to laugh. Something wrong? If you didn’t call having a building inferno inside of you wrong, he wasn’t sure what else to call it. Also, there was the fact his cock was trying to burst through the front of his khakis, and his balls ached. Closing his eyes, he breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth.

  “You okay? Do you want me to grill those steaks? I am pretty good on a grill, you know. In fact, I can make dessert. That is, if you’ll let me.” She pulled away from him. He felt as if a delicate, gossamer web was stretched between them as she moved away. The burning inside him subsided to a low simmer, and the throb in his balls died down a bit. It was a small measure of relief but it was enough to give him some clarity. Turning around, he watched her move around the kitchen. She looked so at ease and comfortable he wanted to watch her like that forever, only in their kitchen, in their home. The need to have that come true gripped him tight, squeezing his heart before letting it go.

  “Fine, you make dessert and I’ll grill the steaks.” He grabbed the plate of meat and headed outside to the patio.

  Her laughter trailed after him. “Of course you’d pick something with fire involved. Men,” she yelled out.

  The evening air ruffled his hair, trailed soft, cool fingers along his bare arms and pressed against his khakis, giving him the contrast of his overheated body and a nice cold night. The scent of tropical flowers drifted on the air, and the stars had started appearing on a blanket of navy. A plane flew overhead but it felt in that moment as if they were the only two in the world that mattered.

  After placing the steaks on the grill and letting the charcoal and flame do its thing, he went around the stone patio lighting up torches and the fire pit to give the place a more romantic air. Their music was the sound of waves crashing against the shore and the nightlife of the island. It was a peaceful setting if he had ever seen one. He liked being away from the city with all the noise and pollution and the claustrophobic feel. Ren needed room to move and breathe.

  “This is so beautiful and perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better vacation, if I do say so myself.” Her voice drifted toward him from the back door.

  He glanced over to see a smile on her face and happiness sparkling in her eyes. She looked so free and natural. Ren couldn’t help but feel honored to witness his mate like this. At the office she was always in the thick of things, but here, there were no problems, no phones to answer, no Will demanding her attention. She was his to get to know and his to claim. No challenges from the pack or protests to worry about from family. This was their time, and he was going to take it. He walked over to the grill and turned over the steaks.

  “Mmm, smells yummy. Dessert is in the freezer. Shall I start eating or do I have to wait for you?” Her stomach grumbled, answering for him.

  He laughed. “Start without me.”

  “Good, ’cause I was going to do that, anyway.” The scrape of a chair and the clank of silverware sounded behind him.

  He decided now was as good time as any to ask her some personal questions to get the ball started in the bonding process. “So, tell me about yourself. Other than being gorgeous and Will’s overworked assistant, I know nothing about you.” It was a slight fib but he didn’t want to let her know just how observant he was.

  “Ah, the interrogation begins.” She chuckled before continuing. “Well, I’m thirty-three, single, never been married, have no kids, and haven’t had sex in quite a while. My job has been my boyfriend lately. Other than that, I’m pretty boring. I like to read and watch TV, go hiking but I’m not a nature lover. Show me bees or mosquitoes and I’m out of there. What else do you want to know?”

  Everything. Rather than take that approach, he thought about where to guide the process next. “Well, what kind of books do you like to read? What kind of music do you like? Do you like to go out to clubs or stay in? Breakfast or dinner?”

  He thought he’d done pretty well on not pushing things. At least he hoped he hadn’t pushed things too far.

  “Hmm, depends. I’m on a biography kick right now. At home I’m reading something on Catherine the First but I brought some romance novels with me for the vacation. When I get back I’ll probably want to dive back into mysteries. As for music, I love a bit of blues or jazz or classical—depends on my mood. I hate clubs. Too many people and loud music. Just too much, so I guess I’m more of a cozy corners and nights in kind of girl. I do like to go out, though. So if you have ideas for dates for us, think of cafes and restaurants with good food and travel to foreign places. And brunch—it allows you to have both breakfast and lunch at the same time.” She sat back and looked over at him. Questions flitted across her face but she didn’t ask.

  He nodded. “Go on and ask me. You know you want to.”

  The seconds ticked by before she seemed to decide what she wanted to ask him about. “Where have you been all this time? You weren’t there when I started working for Will.”

  The question didn’t surprise him. Thoughts of how to answer her tumbled through his mind before he decided on the truth. “I’m the black sheep of the family. Well, not really the black sheep. My mother only wanted one child but she got two, and I was sort of left to my own devices. They tried to drum family duty into me, like Will, but it never stuck because I saw they were more devoted to Will than me. So I struck out on my own, did what I wanted instead of what they wanted for me. They never paid me much attention, don’t even know my abilities, so I learned by working overseas. It wasn’t until my father called me back for help with the business that I was able to put what I learned to use. So I’ve been here, there and all over, traveling where I wanted.”

  No judgment showed on her face. “So, why are you here and not with the family at Martha’s Vineyard?”

  He shrugged and plated the steaks, carrying them over to her and placing one in front of her. “Because they want me to marry a woman I don’t have any interest in. Have you ever met Bunny?”

  She laughed. “The werewolf that looks like a carbon copy of Marilyn Monroe, only she’s a moron? Yup, I met her. She’s interesting, to put it politely. Although I can’t see you two getting on. In fact, I can�
�t see how she’d fit into the family. Your mother would kill her after one day of being related to you.”

  He grinned. “Yup, but she comes from a very influential pack and a wealthy one, at that. My mother and father are nothing if not prudent when it comes to doing things for status and the pack. What else do you want to know?”

  Ren hoped it was something he wanted to talk about.

  “Okay, we’ve gotten the gruesome out of the way, so music? Books? Clubs? Food? And go.” She cut into her steak with relish. He realized in that instant he hadn’t asked how she wanted it but she didn’t seem to protest as she put the food in her mouth and chewed, delight on her face. He wanted to keep her happy and would do anything in his power to act it out.

  You’re such a sap. He almost shook his head at that thought. Never had he fallen for a woman and wanted to please her without knowing much about her. Taking a sip of wine, he thought over his answers before responding. “I’ve read a lot of books. Can’t say I have one favorite in particular, and I haven’t read anything good in a while. As for clubs, that was more for when I was in my twenties and trying to figure things out and running away from my family. I worked almost every job in a club there was. I had plenty of friends of friends to recommend me so I was a bouncer, a bartender, and even a DJ—a bad one, though.” He chuckled. “As for food, put it in front of me and I’ll eat it. I’ve dined in high-end restaurants and greasy spoons and out of roadside trucks and stands. I prefer good, home-cooked food and a family-themed restaurant along with hole in the wall places that offer a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Does any of this help?”

  He wasn’t sure if he was helping his position or making a complete ass out of himself.

  She shrugged. “Does what help? We’re trying to get to know each other. Now, if you’d lied…”

  The rest of the sentence was left unsaid, and he wasn’t sure how to respond. What exactly had Will told her about him, if anything at all? He didn’t want to bring down dinner by rehashing his past with his family. He thought he’d made that situation perfectly clear.


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