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Coffee in Common

Page 38

by Dee Mann

  "Well, we hadn't been playing darts more than ten minutes before I was convinced Mike either lied outright or hadn't a clue about who you really were. Like I said, I hadn't intended to ask you out, but by the time you creamed me for the second time Priya, getting to know you better was all I could think about. And then on our date Friday, you were so amazing. You were not like any woman I'd ever dated before."

  He paused for another breath, his pupils now boring into her.

  "It was at ten-fourteen — I actually looked at my watch because I wanted to remember the exact moment — it was at ten-fourteen when I realized how incredibly special you were, when I realized I didn't care if you were a virgin, I didn't care if I wouldn't be getting laid. I just wanted to be with you. I just wanted to make you feel about me the way I was starting to feel about you."

  He sighed.

  "But there was the Mike thing."

  "I hadn't lied to you, but I hadn't been entirely honest either and I didn't want that standing between us. But I couldn't bring myself to chance ruining a great first date by telling you right then. That was why I wanted to talk to you Saturday. If you couldn't forgive my omission, well, at least I had the one date. But your family was in town all weekend and when I called Monday, you never called back."

  He shuffled a foot closer.

  "Priya, I don't care if you're a virgin. I'll never find another woman like you. And I know you liked me, at least a little, when we said goodnight that night. All I'm asking for is a chance, a chance to date you, a chance to get to know you and to let you get to know me. All I want is a chance to see if there might be something there for us.

  "And if you say yes, I promise right here in front of all your friends that I will never, ever lie to you. No, wait. If you ever ask me something like ‘Does my new hairdo make me look fat' I might have to lie out of self-preservation, but never about anything else."

  The girls all tried to restrain their laughter, but a few giggles broke through. Even Priya couldn't help but smile.

  "But if you say yes, it has to come with the same promise not to lie to me — and with the same exception, of course. But you'll also have to promise never to judge me again without talking to me first.

  "And I know there'll be no sex and there'll be no making out. There'll be nothing beyond the goodnight kiss you gave me after our date. I don't care. No, that's not true. I do care. But I'm willing to accept it because I think you're worth it."

  Brian crouched there for a few more seconds then shrugged as he stood up. "That's it. If that's not enough then I'm sorry for both of us. Tell me now and I'll never bother you again."

  None of the girls said a word as all heads turned toward Priya, who again seemed to be trying to tap into Brian's soul. She thought about everything that happened, everything she felt, and everything he just said.

  Paul was right. He did sound sincere. But wasn't that what players were good at? Making girls believe in them?

  She sighed softly. Brian's gaze never wavered. After almost two minutes, the corners of her mouth twitched, then curled into a smile.

  "Well…I wouldn't say there'll never be any making out."


  6:40 PM

  "What a dope I am." Rob was heading toward Lisa's building carrying two big bags of groceries.

  She had called him at work with a shopping list as he was getting ready to quit for the weekend. He hated grocery shopping, especially on a Friday night, but she promised him a night he would never forget if did her this one favor.

  When he emerged from the store, he tried to grab a taxi, even though it was less than half a mile to her place. Unfortunately, every taxi in sight seemed to be occupied, so after two minutes of standing there trying to hail one, he gave up and decided to walk.

  I wonder what she has in mind. Maybe she bought some new lingerie and she's gonna model it for me. Yeah. I bet she got some of those baby doll things I like. The see-through ones. And after the show I get to take them off her. Nice and slow. And…oh crap. Down boy. That's all I need now is to have to walk down the street with a woody.

  One block from his destination, his arms began to ache, but he was determined to make it at least to the lobby before he had to put down the bags.

  As he approached the building, the doorman pulled wide the heavy brass and glass door." Quite a load there Mr. Tello."

  "Thanks Phil. And it's Rob, remember. Mr. Tello's my father."

  "I'll try to remember that next time, Mr. Tello." They both grinned at the familiar exchange. "Let me call the elevator for you."

  By the time the doors reopened, his arms were throbbing. He almost ran down the hall to Lisa's door and pressed the bell. Ten seconds later he saw the peephole darken as she checked who it was before she flipped open the lock. Then the door swung open and both bags almost went crashing to the floor.

  "Holy shit!"

  Lisa stood in the foyer, wearing a pair of red spike heels and a red, sheer silk wrap with strategically placed panels designed not to hide much, but just enough.

  "Well don't just stand there. Close your mouth and come in before one of the neighbors comes by."

  She didn't have to tell him twice.

  She followed him into the kitchen where he set the bags on the counter. Then she took his hand and led him to the living room sofa. "Sit."

  He sat.

  She settled down next to him and said, "First, I'm sorry I made you go shopping. We really don't need most of that stuff, but I had to make sure I got home before you so I could get the surprise ready." She blew him a kiss as her hands slid down the front of her wrap. "How's it going so far?"

  His hands and lips tried to answer at the same time, but she gently pushed them away.

  "None of that. Not yet, anyway."

  "Yes, dear."

  He didn't know where this was going, but he was more than willing to wait to find out.

  "Second, I know I've said it before, but I really want to thank you for everything these past two weeks. I was stupid to try to hide what happened and even more stupid not to do anything about it for so long. And I especially want to thank you for making me tell my parents."

  "I didn't exactly make you."

  "Okay, but you convinced me. And somehow it's brought us closer together. They've been acting so different since…"

  There were tears in her eyes that threatened to spill over.

  "You know my mother has called me every day to chat! It's…it's wonderful! I wish they could have been like this when I was growing up. But I'll take it now and it's all thanks to you."

  She leaned over and gave him a short, sweet kiss.

  "Next, I talked to my father today, too."

  She looked like she'd burst with excitement.

  "It's done. I'm a single girl again."

  "So fast? He said it would take weeks, not less than one!"

  "I guess it pays to have powerful parents!"

  "This is great! This is really great!"

  She's free now. She's free! Maybe tonight I should…

  "And finally…"

  She kicked off the heels, jumped up, and threw off the wrap.

  "Rob, this is me, standing naked before you. Not just in body, but in mind and soul. You are the nicest, kindest, most decent guy I've ever known. Every day I wake up happy because I know you're with me, and that somehow, you'll find a way to make me feel special.

  "I know I'm not the prettiest, or the sexiest, or the smartest girl you could be with, and I'm certainly not the easiest to live with, but there is no girl in the world who will love you and care for you like I will."

  She fell to her knees, took his hands, and stared right into his soul.

  "Roberto Tello, love of my life, will you marry me?"


  9:45 AM

  Paul stood preening in front of the bathroom mirror. He was so nervous he'd nicked himself twice shaving. Today would be a very big day, perhaps one of the most important of his life.
  It was his and Jillian's one month anniversary, which was important enough. But today was also the day he would tell her how he felt about her. Not that he imagined she didn't already know, but today he would say the words.

  I love you.

  A flash of insecurity surged through him.

  Will she say it back? Of course! I hope. With everything that's been going on lately maybe she's not ready to say it out loud. But she's been better this past week. Whatever's been bothering her doesn't seem to be consuming her like it was. Or maybe she's getting better at hiding it. Hmmm. I guess it doesn't matter. It's time I staked my claim. She's my woman. She's the one. I know it. If she still has doubts, if she's trying to choose between me and this…this ghost, then it's up to me to make her pick me. And if whatever's been bothering her has nothing to do with another guy, well, it's still time for this relationship to move forward. I love her, I'm pretty sure she loves me, and today's the day we say it. And if things go as I hope they will…

  "Damn!" A quick glance at his watch showed it was almost ten o'clock and he did not want to start this day off late.

  He peeled the bits of tissue from his chin and neck, checked his hair again, grabbed his wallet, cell, and keys, and headed for the door.

  Halfway through the three hundred and sixty seven yard walk between his place and hers, his cell phone rang.

  "Hey hon, what's up?

  "Did you leave yet?"

  "Sure did. I'll be there in a few minutes."

  "Then I'll wait. I'm running late and…"

  "Late! Here I am on time and you're running late!"

  "Well it's not my fault someone kept me up until three AM."

  "Poor baby."

  "Darn right. I was about to take a shower, but I'll wait until you get here first."

  Paul wanted to tell her he'd be happy to join her in the shower, but he didn't even want to give a hint of his plans.

  They chatted for the few minutes it took for him to reach her building. After buzzing him in, she told him the apartment door was unlocked, blew him a phone kiss, and headed for the bathroom.

  Paul settled in on the sofa, reviewing again his plans for the day.

  So we start with a nice leisurely walk along the Charles. Then we can grab a light lunch somewhere. Maybe Coffey's. Sure would be appropriate. Then we head over to Fenway. Too bad the Sox are in Kansas City. But the park tour is nice. We can get a picture of us kissing in front of the scoreboard. That'll be cool. Crap. What if she's done that before? Oh well, she hasn't done it before with me. After that we can…

  The doorbell snapped him out of his reverie. He could hear the hairdryer running, so he walked over to the intercom.

  "I'm sorry," a man's voice said. "I must have the wrong apartment. I'm looking for Jillian Marshall."

  "You have the right place."

  Behind him, the whine of the hairdryer ended.

  "Hi. I'm an old friend of hers from college. I haven't been in Boston for a while, so thought I'd look her up. But I don't want to bother her if she's busy. I guess I should have called first."

  "Don't worry about it. She's in the bathroom. Come on up."

  He pressed the buzzer to release the downstairs door lock. He started toward the bathroom door but then thought it would be fun if she came out and was surprised by whoever it was.

  "I'll be out in a minute. You did say casual, right?"

  "Yup. Jeans and whatever will be fine."

  There was a light knock on the door. Paul opened to it find a tall, blond guy.

  "Come on in."

  "Thanks. It's been a long time since I last saw Jillian. If she hadn't been in the phone book I don't know how I'd have found her."

  Paul grinned and thought he seemed nice enough. He extended his hand.

  "Hi, I'm Paul DiLorenzo."

  The guy shook it with a grip as firm as his own.

  "Nice to meet you, Paul. I'm…"


  At the sound of Jillian's voice both men spun to face her.

  A six-headed green monster devouring her boyfriend could not have shocked her more than the sight of the man who'd been shadowing her and haunting her thoughts for three weeks shaking hands with him.

  "Hello, Jillian. You haven't changed a bit. Well, maybe just a bit. Your hair is different."

  I don't believe it. Aiden and Paul in the same room. What does he want? Was Jenna right? Was the stalking part of a plan to get her ready for this? Oh crap, does Paul know who he is?

  "I was about to tell Paul that we were friends in college, before I took off for five years, never to be heard from again. Until now, of course."

  He looks older, more mature. But that self-assured smile hasn't changed. That's what made me…oh…I have to say something or Paul's going to…

  "Hello, Aiden. It's been a long time. What are you doing here?"

  She tried to keep her voice light, as if he were nothing more than an old classmate. She did not want to get into it in front of Paul.

  This must be the guy, the ghost. Why else would she react like that? Damn. I'd feel a lot better if he was a short, fat guy with bad teeth instead of looking like one of those underwear models. He's gotta be at least six-two. Looks like he works out, too. Felt like it, too, from the handshake. If he really is the competition, he certainly beats me in the looks part of the contest. Damn! Bet I could whip his ass in a real fight, though.

  "I came to see you, of course. I was overseas most of the time since I graduated. But I can see I'm intruding. You two are going out, yes? Perhaps I can call you tomorrow? We can have lunch soon and catch up."

  "Umm, sure. That would be fine. But we really do have to get going now."

  She had been so focused on Aiden she almost forgot about Paul. When her eyes shifted, she could tell he suspected something was happening below the surface pleasantries, but all he did was raise his eyebrows and give her a reassuring smile.

  10:20 AM

  "I almost called you last night."

  Maggie and Priya settled in at Coffey's, each with a large cup in front of her. Between them sat the single blueberry muffin they agreed to share. Maggie had never been to Coffey's and as she lifted the cup to her mouth, Priya was anticipating her friend's reaction to her first taste.

  "Why didn't you?"

  She grinned as Maggie's eyes widened a bit.

  "Wow! You weren't kidding. This is spectacular! Is the muffin this good, too?"

  "Try it and see."

  Priya loved bringing new people here. So far, no one had been disappointed.

  "Wow again! How could I never have heard about this place?"

  Priya shrugged.

  "You've obviously led a sheltered life, caffeine-wise."

  Maggie laughed.

  "That may be the only-wise."

  "Hey. I thought we agreed there'd be no negative jokes or comments. So why didn't you call last night? You didn't…"

  "No. It's fifteen days and counting. But I came close."

  "How close? Tell me."

  "I was out with some girls from work. We went up to the Palace in Saugus. One of the girls knew someone in one of the bands that's playing there."

  She saw the question in Priya's eyes.

  "No, I was not drinking. Strictly diet soda all night. But there was this guy. He asked me to dance a couple of times, then we started talking, and Priya, he was hot. Not just a face and a body, but funny, too. Then, about midnight, both of the girls I went with told me they were leaving with guys they picked up.

  "I could see in Eddie's eyes that he wanted me. And I really wanted him."

  Her voice became a whisper so people are nearby tables wouldn't overhear what she said next.

  "Priya, I was so wet I felt like I was dripping, even when I was sitting."

  She closed her eyes and sighed

  "Anyway, he asked if I wanted to leave and I almost said yes. But instead, I told him I had to pee and walked to the ladies room, intending to call you so you could co
nvince me not to go with him. But the strangest thing happened. By the time I reached the bathroom, I realized that just knowing I could call you made me think of how you'd feel if I gave in and slept with him. And suddenly, it was more important not to disappoint you than it was to have him close to me that night. I never had that feeling before, Priya."

  "Lord, Maggie, I'm so proud of you. That was your first real test, and you kicked ass. But I wish you had called me so I could have been happy for you last night, too!"

  "If that hadn't happened, I would have. But I knew you were out with Brian and I didn't want to bother you."

  "Don't be ridiculous. I told you when we started, this is a twenty-four/seven thing. How do you think I'd feel if you needed to call me and didn't because you thought it would bother me and then…"

  She left it unsaid.

  "Please promise me you'll call if it happens again. I don't care if it's four in the morning."

  Maggie felt a surge of warmth as she gave Priya the assurance she wanted. In two short weeks she'd grown so close to her. They talked every day, met for lunch when they could, and hung out even when Brian was around. Priya had not been kidding when she promised to help her, to always be there for her, for as long as it took to get her head, and her life, to where she always dreamed they should be.

  I wonder if this is what it's like to have a sister.

  She still didn't trust her emotions. She knew that confidence would be a long time coming. Still, she could tell Priya really cared about her and knew she felt the same way.

  The sound of children crashing through the front door caused many heads to turn, including their own.

  "Hey, that's Tom and Patti and the kids! Tom's one of the guys I work with."


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