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Beginning with Forever

Page 39

by Lan LLP

  Carson must’ve read the worrisome expression on my face. “Mom and dad, lunch will be here in half an hour, make yourself at home. I need a word with Lillian.” He takes my wrist and leads me to his bedroom. He sits down on the edge of his bed and pats his lap for me to settle on. I yield to his request and snuggly straddle his waist with my thighs and place my arms around his neck. He’s instantly aroused with our closeness, but remains focused on my anxiety.

  “Carson, what’s going on? One minute your mother can’t stand me and the next, she wants to take me shopping and buy me baby gifts.”

  “Lil, please give her a chance to make it up to you. She feels bad for treating you unfairly. She can hardly wait to spoil her new grandbaby with a few gifts. Can you graciously accept them?” he pleads for me not to be stubborn with his mother.

  “Yes, but I’m still apprehensive about her liking me.”

  “Trust me, you’ll have her eating out of your hands by the end of the shopping trip.” He taps the tip of my nose with his index finger.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I have one last request from you for today.” He lifts me off his lap and sets me on the bed. I watch him disappear into his closet. What else does he have up his sleeves? He comes back with a brown box of chocolates in his hands. He settles down on one knee before me. Hmm…he’s offering me candy. I’m smiling hopelessly, wondering what he’s up to.

  “Lily, ever since you entered my world, my life is sweeter and more wonderful. I’m happier than I’ve ever been because of you. I can’t imagine sharing desserts with anyone else, but you. Forever true is what I promised you from the beginning to the end, so please allow me to pledge my love to you with this ring.” My pregnancy hormones kick in, making me emotionally unstable. Joyful tears fill my eyes till they overflow down my face. He lifts the lid open to reveal a glimmering pink diamond ring set in the center of perfectly hand-crafted chocolate truffles. It’s exquisitely beautiful. I remove the box from his hand and set it aside. I embrace his face between my palms and seal his proposal with a kiss.

  “Yes, I agree to be your wife and share desserts with only you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Mrs. Carson Michael Bradley…I like the sound of that.” He reaches around me for the ring. “May I have your left hand, soon-to-be Mrs. Bradley?” He slides it proudly on my ring finger. “Promise me you’ll never take it off.” It’s obvious that he noted his lotus ring is missing from my middle finger. Guilt tugs at my heart as I realize that I’ve hurt him by removing it.

  “I promise it’ll never leave my finger for doubting your love.” I look down at my hand and see a large diamond overpowering my slender finger. Carson, will you ever agree to curb your spending with me? I shake my head to myself. “We need to seal your proposal with dessert.” I reach behind me for a white chocolate truffle. My teeth bite through the hard outer shell to expose a soft ganache center. I bring it to his mouth; he licks it with indulgence and then enters my mouth with sweetness that only he can offer me.

  “If my parents weren’t sitting in the next room, I’d enjoy this entire box of truffles with you. I guess we’ll have to save them for tonight.” He pulls his lips away from me and interrupts our dessert bond. “We better not keep them waiting any longer. Let’s go, babe.” Where does he find his will power?

  Carson’s parents are settled comfortably on his leather sofa, drinking white wine when we enter the living room. I ask Carson to keep his parents company while I set out the plates and utensils for lunch. “Here honey, let me help you with that.” Kat walks over to me and considerately offers.

  “It’s no trouble at all. Please enjoy your wine.” I’m still not use to her being cordial with me, but I’ll take this kindness over her hostility towards me any day.

  The doorbell dings, and Carson runs to answer it. For a split second, my heart jerks out of my chest, thinking it could be Bianca, but it’s the concierge instead, delivering our food from a local Italian bistro. My heart settles down immediately. The pasta smells delicious, and I can’t wait to dig in. It’s great to be able to eat again without feeling sick. I’ll never take the simple pleasures of life for granted again. Carson insists that we have lunch in the formal dining room since it’s never been used before. Kat is actually quite enjoyable to talk with, now that we’re beyond the trust issue. We have several unique things in common; she’s left handed and also enjoys dabbling in photography and abstract art. In fact, those original pieces hanging in her dining room that I admired are hers. And to think, I thought she spent a fortune on those incredible original artworks.

  After lunch, Carson and his father will be bonding in his Bugatti while Kat and I hit Neiman Marcus for baby accessories and stylish maternity clothing. I’m not much of a shopper, but it’ll be nice to get to know Carson’s mother better.

  Chapter 24

  Lillian Ly

  Kat insists on taking me to several fancy baby boutiques before ending up at Neiman Marcus. I can’t believe what people are willing to pay for little baby items even if they’re super adorable. She bought her grandbaby a gender neutral, velvety blanket and couldn’t resist a onesie that said, ‘If you think I’m cute, wait till you see my Grammie.’ She assured me that Carson will get a bigger laugh from it than we did. She couldn’t stop giggling, thinking about her son’s reaction. I love seeing this lighthearted side of her for a change. The infant department is overwhelming in size as well as products. I’m so in over my head that I can’t seem to make any decisions. The only thing that grabs my attention is an adorable over-stuffed baby giraffe named Sugar. What an appropriate name for it. I buy it with the intention of leaving it for Carson to remind him of us when we’re back in St. Croix.

  Kat suggests that we check out the maternity section before we head home. She strongly believes a woman in any state should always look her best by keeping up with the latest trends. This is a woman with a strong conviction for fashion, and I’m not one to stand in her way, so I agree to appease her. My fashion sense would probably insult her. She makes her selections for me to try on and requests the salesclerk to have the ones she prefers to be delivered to Carson’s penthouse. Who would’ve thought shopping could be so much work and exhausting?

  We struggle to find our way out of the maternity section since this isn’t Kat’s comfort zone; she only frequents the women’s designer section. Kat flags a saleswoman down to show us out instead of wasting any more shopping time. With our crappy sense of direction, we somehow end up in the men’s department, so Kat decides to make the most of our confusion. “I need to pick up a new tie for Carson’s father. I can sure use some advice, Lillian.” Out of the kindness of her heart, she includes me in a fashion decision, not knowing that I don’t have any fashion sense.

  “Kat, I have to be honest with you, I don’t have a fashionable bone in my body, but I’ll give you my best opinion.” She imparts a warm smile.

  “I’m starting to see why my son has fallen so deeply for you, dear. You’re sweet, sincere and so humble. There’s nothing pretentious about you. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure this out.” She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me affectionately. I think she likes me. I must have the biggest smile pasted on my face right about now. I’ve overcome one of the biggest hurdles in my relationship with Carson, gaining his mother’s approval. Ah, this is a huge relief for me. I want to do the happy dance so badly right about now.

  My joyful moment is cut abruptly short when I see gorgeous Bianca angrily marching towards us in her killer stilettos. I quickly panic. Is this all part of Kat’s and Bianca’s deceitful plan? What are they up to? Kat grabs my wrist firmly, and I unintentionally pull my hand away in defense. I can’t block the deadly glares Bianca is giving me. There’s no question about how much she loathes me as blazing daggers shoot out of her eyes, targeting my heart. She wants to erase me from her and Carson’s world.

  Bianca gets in my face, points at my bag with Sugar’s head sticking out and heatedly atta
cks Kat. “Kat, I see where your loyalty lies when it comes to getting what you want.” Bianca slices chillingly into her and holds nothing back. I suspect she feels betrayed and abandoned by Kat. I’m relieved at this point, knowing that Kat has nothing to do with this surprise run-in with Bianca. I scrutinize Kat’s calm expression; she refuses to let this hateful woman ruffle her up.

  “Bianca, my loyalty is always with my son. I respect his decisions and so should you,” she politely but cunningly replies.

  “Kat, I was wrong about you. I thought you had class and standards, but you side with this wealth-seeking, white-trash whore instead.” Her tone is infused with poison and pure essence of hate. She grabs my left hand and glares at the gleaming, pink, diamond on my ring finger. “And you…this ring doesn’t mean a damn thing to him. It’s just a piece of jewelry, and you’re just another tramp for him to use and toss away.”

  I yank my arm away from her forceful grip. “Don’t touch me!” I growl at her. “Unlike you, he loves and respects me.”

  She jabs her pointy finger at my heart and leaves a chilling threat that scarred me all the way to my core. “Enjoy it while it lasts, it’ll all end soon, tramp!” It almost sounds more like a promise than a hateful threat. I take an immediate step away from her, feeling stunned.

  Kat steps in in my defense. “My standards are high, and that’s why you’re not the right woman for my son. I have nothing more to say to you. Lillian, don’t listen to her venom. She’s resenting you for all her downfalls. Let’s get out of here. We’ve had enough drama for the day, and it’s not good for my grandbaby.” Kat cleverly emphasizes the word ‘baby’ to confirm Bianca’s suspicion. She pulls my arm, urging me to follow her. There’s no way she wants to give Bianca the satisfaction of having the last word, being the cunning woman she is. I’m way out of my league with these two hard-nosed women. And to think, they were both working against me not that long ago. I don’t stand a chance against either one, let alone both of them together. I attempt to follow Kat’s pace, but at the same time, watch Bianca’s reaction. She’s still throwing deadly daggers my way with her malicious eyes. I think she’s hoping to get rid of me with her deadly looks.

  A woman approaches her out of nowhere and offers Bianca her supporting arms. It’s almost awkwardly intimate, I think to myself. She caresses Bianca’s face with her hands and lips. Why does she look so familiar to me? She reminds me of someone with her cute pixie cut, but I can’t figure out how I know her until she turns her face around, and I feel the wind knocked out of me. It’s Sasha, Richard’s friend. My body freezes in place and shuts down. What the hell is going on? Kat tugs at my arm, but my feet are nailed to the ground. My legs refuse to move. Kat is alarmed by my reaction. “Lillian, what’s wrong?”

  “Do you know that woman standing next to Bianca?” I ask with my quivering voice, hoping Kat will have something for me. My mind is spinning out of control. I think I’m going to lose my sanity.

  “Her name is Sasha, she’s Bianca’s personal assistant.” My knees buckle, and I brace myself against Kat. “Honey, what’s wrong?” She sounds more rattled, seeing me fall apart.

  “I ran into Sasha over a month ago in St. Croix. I passed out completely after drinking one beer with her and my friends, Richard and Amelia.” I recap that awful drunken night out loud to Kat. The color in her face washes away, leaving her pale as snow. We’re now both holding each other up, staring at one another.

  “Kat, what’s wrong?” She apologetically looks into my eyes, but refuses to give me any explanations for her odd reaction.

  She cups my face in her hand and breaks her silence, “After witnessing this more vindictive side of Bianca, I wouldn’t doubt that she could be capable of foul play,” Kat exposes her hurt feelings. She’s now seeing Bianca’s true malicious colors and probably realizing how deceived she’s been these past few years. “Let’s go home, Lillian,” she urges me.

  Bianca Sorte

  I was instructed by Carson’s attorney to meet at Bradley Corporation to go over the rights of Sorte’s Trendz n Glitz. It’s another chance for me to see Carson and convince him to come back to me. I’ve given him plenty of time to sulk over his lost love for Lillian. I can hardly wait to get into his pants again. I miss him in the most vulgar way.

  I spontaneously decide to stop at Neiman Marcus to purchase a necktie for Carson. I love ties; it’s my subtle way of putting a leash around my man without him knowing it. This is why he has hundreds of them from me. It also doesn’t hurt that he looks incredibly sexy in them. I have to make it quick because I’m already running late. I rush into the suit section and unexpectedly see Kat and that whore hugging. What an appalling sight that was for me. I blink my eyes several times to make sure my vision isn’t deceiving me. Immediately, it releases a violent side of me I’ve worked hard to suppress. The only thing that’s going through my mind is hate for that slut who ruined my plans of marrying Carson. I’m not afraid to confront that back-stabbing bitch, Kat, either. She has no loyalty, and I just knew she would betray me for a baby.

  She has some fucking nerve to tell me I’m not good enough for her son. No one can satisfy him like me. I wouldn’t grow too attached to that baby or Lillian, if I were you, Kat. I’ll never allow another woman to have your son’s baby because it’ll end any possible future for me with him. After I eliminate all the obstacles in my path, Carson and I will be united again and then I’ll have to figure out how to remove Kat out of the picture, too.

  I was considering a sensual welcome-back-to-Bianca tie for Carson, but now it’ll have to be this dark and dismal one. The depressing black with crimson red specks is quite an appropriate choice for a funeral tie whenever the occasion arises.

  Lillian Ly

  Kat and I arrive at the penthouse before Carson and his father. I guess the boys are really enjoying the thrill of speeding in the Bugatti. I’m still shaken up from running into Bianca and Sasha and strangely, so is Kat. What’s bothering me more than anything is the fact that Richard is somehow linked to Sasha. I don’t want to believe that he has anything to do with my blackout that night, but the more I think about it, the more I want to cry. I don’t want to hate Richard, I can never hate him. He’s been so wonderful to me. There has to be some logical explanation, I convince myself.

  Kat insists that I get some rest. “Honey, you look exhausted, and I think baby needs a nap, too.”

  “I’m fine,” I lie through my teeth, holding back a yawn.

  “It’s okay; you don’t need to pretend for me. I’ll read until the boys get back. My girlfriends recommended a book titled, ‘50’…something. I’m anxious to see what all the hype is about. Now go to sleep!” She points her finger in the direction of Carson’s bedroom.

  “Thank you for the baby gifts and for standing up for me.” I wrap my arms around her and hug her like I would hug my mom. She protected me like a daughter today, not even knowing how incredibly special that was to me. We’ve created a new bond, stronger than I expected.

  “I enjoyed our time together.” She squeezes my left hand and runs her thumb across my ring. “Thank you for giving my son back to me.” She gives me a peaceful smile. My emotions are completely shot today. One minute, I’m hated, and the next I’m showered with love. No wonder I’m deliriously exhausted. My legs willingly carry me to Carson’s room. I set Sugar on the nightstand, crawl underneath his silky soft sheets and fall fast asleep.

  Carson Bradley

  Mother attacks me at the door as soon as Dad and I enter the penthouse. “Carson, we need to talk, now.” Her concerned expression worries me. Dad shakes his head, and I’m freaking out. I don’t see Lily anywhere. Now, I’m really panicking.

  “Mom, where’s Lily and what’s going on?” I can feel tension building up around my neck as I look from room to room. Fuck, I should’ve never pushed Lily to spend time with my mother so soon.

  “She’s sleeping in your room,” she assures me and my tension disappears as quickly as it came. “Le
t’s talk in your office.” She grabs my arm and drags me with her. My father ignores her drama, grabs a beer in the fridge and sits in front of the television.

  “What’s this all about mother?” I’m dying to know what’s eating her up inside.

  She closes my office door and then unloads on me, “We ran into Bianca and Sasha today,” she pauses, “I think they drugged Lillian for those awful pictures.” She puts her hand to her mouth, trying to contain herself. “I can’t believe I fell for her pitiful scheme and treated Lillian so awfully.” I can see this is severely affecting her; she’s on the verge of tears.

  “How do you know this? Did she tell you?” I can’t fucking believe my ears. I knew Bianca was somehow involved, but never to this extent. Richard yelled something about her when we fought. She wouldn’t have to do what she did if I didn’t…use women? I try to recall his exact words in my head. She must’ve convinced Richard to go along with her plot so he could have Lillian. What a conniving bitch. I’m so angry right now that I can’t even see straight.

  “No, Lillian recognized Sasha. She recalled a drunken night when she passed out completely after running into her. You should keep a close eye on Lillian. I don’t trust Bianca at all, and I don’t think she’s finished with you either. She had so much hate in her eyes for Lillian that it even scared me. I’ve never seen that nasty side of her.” Her body trembles recalling Bianca’s dark side.

  “Don’t worry mother, I know how to deal with Bianca. I don’t want you to stress over her anymore. Okay?” I wrap her in my arms, hoping to calm her nerves. I can’t believe I almost married that wicked woman. God does work in mysterious ways, and I can’t be more thankful.

  Lillian Ly

  “Lily, are you okay? You were mumbling something in your sleep.” Carson’s deep voice wakes me up. “You’re upset. Did you have a bad dream?” He combs my tousled hair away from my face and eyes with his fingers while holding my baby giraffe in his other hand.


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