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Protecting Zoe

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by Abigail Webster

  Protecting Zoe

  Abigail Webster

  (c)2010 by Blushing Books(r) and Abigail Webster

  Copyright (c) 2010 by Blushing Books(r) and Abigail Webster

  All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  The trademark Blushing Books(r) is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Webster, Abigail

  Protecting Zoe

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-267-5

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics

  Blushing Publications thanks you whole-heartedly for your purchase with us!

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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  Sam longed to pick up his cell phone, call Harry Rathbourne, and tell him to "take his job and shove it!" Babysitting for the spoiled twenty-two-year-old Zoe Rathbourne wasn't his idea of respectable work, but there was a stack of bills on his battered old desk that he couldn't pay, and he wasn't welcome back on the police force. He needed the Rathbourne money; Zoe Rathbourne needed a damned good spanking.

  Sam spent several long minutes observing her on the dance floor as she whirled about, her dancing growing more and more suggestive by the moment. Her mini skirt showed a fine pair of legs, and her top was too revealing... If she were his daughter, or sister, he'd take her by the arm, march her out of the crowded club, and take a belt to her ass. Didn't she realize that she was begging to be raped? God, he hated babysitting for the spoiled little brat.

  The music stopped so the band could take a much needed break, and to his surprise, Zoe headed straight for his table. She didn't even ask if she could join him, but plopped down in the chair next to him. "I don't suppose it's pure coincidence that you've showed up everywhere I've been during the last two weeks?" her voice was soft and husky, and her brown eyes were beautiful as she regarded him shrewdly. "Are you planning to kidnap me?"

  "Kidnap you?" Sam repeated, shocked at the very idea, but not about to reveal that her parent hired him to protect the stunning redhead, and to find out where she disappeared to for weeks at a time.

  "Yea, kidnap," she repeated. "As in take me away and hold me for ransom... My father is very wealthy, you know...?"

  "No, I'm not thinking of kidnapping you," he answered levelly. "I'm new in town, and checking out the clubs... I've seen you around, though. Do you always dance like that?" his tone of voice left no doubt of his opinion of her dancing.

  "Sometimes I take off my clothes and dance on the bar," she laughed, then got to her feet and walked away.

  Sam's right palm itched mercilessly. He'd never met a brat who needed a spanking more than Zoe Rathbourne, and he was pretty darn sure that if he continued working for her father, he was going to give in to temptation and treat the young woman to a good, old-fashioned trip to the woodshed.

  Zoe spoke to a few other people, and then made her way to the restrooms in the rear of the building. If she ran true to form, she would take her leave as soon as she powdered her nose. Sam finished his high priced coke, then got up and made his way across the crowded floor toward the front doors leading to the parking lot. He had to turn down a couple of indecent proposals on the way, but he was gracious about it.

  Instinctively, he glanced about the parking lot, looking for signs of trouble. There was a group of men over in one unlit corner, and he figured that some money and drugs were changing hands. It wasn't his concern anymore. Someone else could bring in the dealers. As he approached his car, Sam was shocked to see someone sitting inside! He cautiously walked a little closer, and made out Zoe Rathbourne's pretty features. The brat must have walked out a back door somewhere!

  "What are you doing inside my car, young lady?" the question came out with all the force of a bullwhip.

  "You are kidnapping me, handsome," she smiled at him.

  "I most certainly am not! Get your ass out of my car right now!" he growled.

  To his surprise, the redhead let out a scream, drawing attention from those patrons leaving and waiting to enter the crowded club. "Help!" she yelled. "I'm being kidnapped!" She held up her hands so they could be seen, and he was shocked to see she was wearing a pair of standard issue handcuffs!

  Sam watched in disbelief as people responded to her pleas for help. A couple of men reached for large stones that lined the walkway to the club entrance. Another went running for his car, and a ball bat. Others just started running in their direction. Sam knew what mob mentality was like, and in their present frame of mind, he'd be lucky to survive the beating he would get. Cursing, he jumped behind the steering wheel, started the car, and took off, spinning his wheels like a teenager. He ignored the traffic lights, and headed out of the city. The sooner he was away from that angry crowd, and overeager rookie cops looking to make their first real bust, the sooner he could call Harry Rathbourne and tell him to come and get his bratty daughter! No amount of money in the world was worth putting up with her spoiled little rich girl antics! But before he gave her back to her Daddy, he was going to have the pleasure of spanking her bare backside! He owed her that much for nearly getting him beat to a pulp.

  Sam glanced over at the redhead, and she didn't seem the least bit concerned that he was driving like a maniac. She took out her cell phone, and pushed the call button. "Daddddddddyyyyyyyy..... I've been kidnapped!" she whined. "Yesssssssssssssss, I'm okay... right now... but he said he'd cut me to pieces if you don't pay..... Daddy wants to know how much you want...?" she smirked at Sam, and then covered the phone when he swore. "He wants $500,000 thousand, Daddy..." "Okay... okay... Thank you, Daddy... I have to go...!" she slapped her own bare thigh, let out a scream, and then shut her phone off, a triumphant smile on her face.

  Sam swore again, tempted to stop the car and take her over his knee right then and there. His cell phone jingled, and he didn't need to be a physic to know who was calling. "Sam Ross here."

  "Damn it, Ross! Zoe's been kidnapped!" the man roared, and it was clear the man was blaming Sam.

  "Hi, bro... Nope, never too busy to talk to you..."

  "Sam? Are you crazy? I just told you my Zoe has been kidnapped...!"

  "Nawww... Nothing special. In fact, I have a pretty little redhead that I'm helping right now. Can you believe she's trying to trick her old man out of half a million...?"

  "What?" the voice turned cold and hard.

  "That's right. Daddy's loaded, and she picked me to help her pull off this crazy stunt."

  "Jesus H. Milton Christ!" Harry swore vehemently. "She planned this? Do you know why?"

  "Nope. Haven't heard from our bratty sister..."

  "A brat, huh? Maybe you're right. Do you want to help me teach her a lesson, Sam?" Harry demanded.

  "Sure do."

  "Got any ideas...?"

  "Someone should cut a switch and raise welts on her ass, Bob." What could the man do but fire him on the spot.

  There was a long pause on the other end. "Go ahead, Sam. I can't believe she would do something like this... with no regard for my feelings. Ta
ke her somewhere and give her one hell of a good scare and when you get to that switching, you make damn sure she knows it's from me... I've never raised my hand to that girl... Gave her everything I could... and she repays me by disappearing for weeks at a time, and now this. If you can settle her down, the $500 grand is yours. I give you my word on that."

  The phone went dead, and Sam hoped Rathbourne would clear him with the cops when they contacted him to tell him his daughter had been kidnapped out of a parking lot! It wouldn't do Sam any good to have that kind of money if he was rotting in prison... and after he got finished with Zoe's lesson, she'd be likely to bring charges!

  "Why does your sister need a switching?" Zoe shocked him by asking.

  "Because she's as impulsive as you are, little girl."

  "Don't worry... I'll tell the cops I can't describe you... or I'll tell them it was all a joke that went too far because we were tipsy." She shrugged. "I'm not all that concerned."

  "You should be. You don't even know me."

  "I know more than you think I do," she informed him with a smug smile. "You are single... No married man would be out as much as you are. You have good personal habits. Your hair is neat, your clothes clean and pressed. You always tip, even if the service is lousy. And, you don't drink... not even beer, and you don't smoke. I like that." She giggled, and then added, "You are definitely not rich... Your clothes are straight from the rack... but you aren't poor, and you don't mooch, either." She looked at him. "How am I doing?"

  "I've known rapists and killers you could say the same about," he gave her a hard look, and had the satisfaction of watching her squirm. "You don't know anything about me. I could be taking you up in the mountains to kill you."

  She fidgeted, and he noticed that she suddenly looked a bit frightened. "Where are we going?" she finally asked, managing to raise her cuffed hands and remove a chain from her neck. The key to her cuffs was on the chain...

  "To a very secluded cabin," he answered. He wanted to scare her.

  "I don't want to go..." she told him firmly. "Take me back to town right now." She freed one wrist.

  Sam pulled over to the side of the road, and Zoe's brown eyes filled with fear when he reached for her. She tried to twist away, but before she realized it, he'd put her hands behind her back, refastened the cuffs, and put the key in his shirt pocket. He had plenty of experience with handcuffs, and unwilling perps.

  "You let me go!" she screeched angrily.

  "Not on your life, little girl."

  "My father will hunt you down!" she threatened.

  "The same Daddy you're trying to bilk out of half a million?" he laughed at her.

  "I'm serious... take me home right now..."

  "You aren't in any position to make demands, Zoe Rathbourne."

  "You know who I am?" her voice squeaked with fear.

  "Like you said; I've been following you and watching you for the last two weeks," he told her. Actually, it had been over three weeks... She wasn't all that observant.

  "What do you want?" she asked fearfully, common sense finally taking over as she realized she might be in over her pretty little head.

  "I want you," he answered, then flipped on the radio, tuning in a country music station. He looked over at her, and then said, "We're going to be driving for quite a while. You might as well close your eyes and get some sleep. You're going to need it," he warned.

  Zoe was too terrified to close her eyes. She inched as close to the door as she could, wondering if she could get it open and throw herself out...

  "Don't get any ideas about jumping out of this car, Zoe. As fast as I'm driving, you'd be killed." He put the locks on the door as a precaution, knowing she wouldn't be able to get the door open now unless he wanted her to. "And believe me, I don't want you dead."

  Zoe felt herself trembling in fear. There was no way she could risk throwing herself out of the car now. She would have to wait until they stopped, and pray that she could get someone's attention and beg for help. Getting in this madman's car had been a stupid mistake! She just wanted her Dad's attention, but not at this price! She found her eyes closing in spite of her determination to stay awake. God, she HATED country music... It made her so sleepy... and she really needed to stay awake...

  Sam smiled when she dozed off. He was going to earn every penny Harry Rathbourne was planning to pay him. Miss Zoe Rathbourne was going to be spanked so many times over the next few days that her father would think she was a completely different girl when he took her home.

  He drove for a couple more hours, then turned off the freeway, and drove slowly through the little town at the base of Ross Mountain. The roads from this point on were steep, curvy, and not to be traveled at night... unless you knew them by heart... and Sam did. Sam was taking Miss Spoiled Rotten Zoe 'home'.

  He shut off the engine, then leaned back, and stretched. It was three am, and he was in dire need of some sleep.

  "Where are we?" Zoe woke, confused. It shocked her to learn her hands were still cuffed behind her back, and fear made her want to pee when she realized the car had stopped in the middle of nowhere. There were no lights at all... and the only thing she could see was the man who brought her here... to do what...? "Please take me home... I'll pay you anything...!" she desperately pleaded.

  "It was pretty foolish of you to cuff yourself and get in a stranger's car, wasn't it, little girl?" Sam scolded, surprised at how irate he was with her. "You are a rapist's dream!" he pointed out, watching as her dark eyes widened in fear.

  "Please... I was serious about my father being wealthy. He'll pay you anything to return me unharmed..."

  "He'll pay me $500 grand to return you with a changed attitude, little girl," Sam said, deciding it was time to end her fear. At least her fear that she would be raped or murdered. She'd do well to fear what was about to happen to her well-shaped ass!

  "You are really kidnapping me?" Zoe asked, her temper reasserting itself.

  "Zoe, I am the man your father hired to protect you from yourself!"

  "What...?!" her voice was shrill.

  "I'm a private detective. I have been following you for almost four weeks now," he informed her. "Your father called me... frantic... as soon as you disconnected your ransom call. I don't have a brother... or a sister. Your father gave me permission to bring you here, and teach you a damned good lesson."

  "I don't believe this!" she angrily declared. "You can just turn this car around and take me back to town right now!"

  "You aren't giving the orders here, little girl. I am. You are going to obey me... and each time you don't, your ass is going to pay the price. You've already got a switching coming to you, per your father's instructions... How many more hidings you get this week is up to you."

  "You lay one hand on me, and I'll press charges of assault and battery!"

  "I'm willing to take the chance." He got out of the car, and walked around to the passenger side. He unlocked and opened the door, and was ready when Zoe kicked at him. He managed to haul her out, in spite of her struggles, and within minutes they were inside the cabin. Sam knew the cabin by heart, and he made his way through the pitch black rooms until he came to the bedroom. He picked up Zoe, dropped her facedown on the quilt covered bed, undid the cuff on her left wrist, and brought her right wrist up to the head board, and fastened the cuff to the brass railing.

  "Damn you, you mother fuc--OWWW!" Zoe gasped as he whacked the seat of her skirt.

  "You've earned a soaping, using language like that, little girl. You close your eyes and sleep. Morning will be here soon enough for you." He pulled off her shoes, dropped them on the floor, and then walked to the other side of the bed.

  "You are not getting into this bed with me!" she declared, her dark eyes frantic.

  "I'm not going to force myself on you, Zoe," Sam said softly, making no move to lie down. "I'm not a rapist, and when I make love to a woman it's for mutual pleasure, and because we both want to share the experience. What I am going to d
o right now, is lie down on my side of the bed and get some sleep. In the morning, we'll discuss the rules you are going to adhere to while you are being punished. When I take you back to your daddy, you are going to apologize to him... and you're going to mean every word."

  Zoe was so angry she wanted to scream! The impossible man lay down, gave her his back, and promptly went to sleep. She plotted his demise, vowed never to speak to her father again... and then shut her eyes and fell asleep. Morning would be soon enough to tell Sam Ross a thing or two!

  "Wake up, Princess!" Zoe squealed when she felt a hard slap on her rounded bottom. Her skirt was up around her waist, and her thong did nothing to protect her for her kidnapper's hand...or eyes!

  "You let me go right now!" she yelled at him, tugging on her hand.

  "I can see that your disposition hasn't improved one little bit," Sam said matter-of-factly.

  "You have no right to hold me here against my will!" she screeched, tugging again on the cuff. "I demand that you release me, you son of a bitch!"

  "I warned you about that cussing, didn't I? Maybe you need a good soaping before breakfast?" he considered the idea. "Nope, not yet. Right now we're going to take care of something else." He unlocked the cuff from the bed, and then cuffed her hands in front of her. "This is for your own good," he told her, picking her up, then seating himself on her side of the bed and dropping her face-down over his lap. "I'm going to get your attention to discuss a few simple rules with you. The sooner you listen-up, the better off you will be."

  Zoe gasped in shock when Sam spanked her left cheek, then her right. "Stop it, you bastard!"

  "Cursing is not allowed, Zoe. You will get your mouth soaped each and every time, and you're up to three already." He continued spanking her nearly bare backside, making sure to cover every inch of exposed white skin.

  "Stop it! STOP IT!" Zoe kicked her legs, but the cuffs prevented her from reaching back to cover up her stinging cheeks. "It hurts!" she wailed, close to tears.


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