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Protecting Zoe

Page 2

by Abigail Webster

  "Then I'm doing it right," Sam didn't have any sympathy for her at all. "You are going to find yourself in this position as often as necessary to change that sassy attitude of yours, little girl. And I promise you, the switching you're going to get for 'kidnapping' yourself is going to leave you too sore to sit comfortably for days. You've earned it, and your father condoned it, and I'm going to see that you regret your foolishness before we leave here."

  "No! NO! Stop! Let me go! Please let me go! You're hurting me!" Zoe gave in to the tears threatening to spill, and started crying in earnest. "Oh, booohoooohoooooooooo! I'm sorry!" she pleaded with him to let her up.

  "I've no intention of letting you up until you understand a few things and make a few promises; promises I will hold you to for the next week." He continued laying hard slaps on her butt, and then his hand moved lower to spank her upper thighs. She howled and kicked, but he simply shifted her forward over his left thigh and trapped her legs beneath his right leg. This pushed her bottom up even more and made her sit spot an inviting target, and he attacked it with vigor. "I am enjoying this, Zoe Rathbourne," he told her with deep feeling. "You've needed it for the last four weeks... and I won't deny that it feels damn good to have you in this position."

  "You're killing me!" she cried, bawling. "Please, I'll be good! I won't cuss anymore!" she pleaded, wiggling as much as she could with his left arm around her tiny waist and his leg clamped over hers. Her poor butt was so vulnerable, and so very sore, and she couldn't do a thing to stop him from meting out the spanking he was determined to give her. "Please! No more! Please, STOP!" she sobbed.

  "Nope. You aren't ready to listen yet," he decided. He wanted her complete submission, and he was going to have it, even if this first spanking took the rest of the morning, and left his hand as swollen and sore as her butt.

  Zoe fought wildly a few seconds more, and then gave up. She collapsed over his leg, accepting the spanking, and making no attempt to fight.

  "Now we're getting somewhere," Sam rested his hand on her flaming cheeks. "I am going to let you up in a few minutes, and remove the cuffs. If you try to slap me, kick me, throw things, indulge in any kind of a tantrum, I will spank you again. Is that clear?" he punctuated his question with a series of spanks to her sit spot.

  "I won't! I won't!" she screamed.

  "Good girl," he accepted her answer. She would learn to use 'Yes, sir' and 'No, sir' later in the day. "Now we will discuss safety. You are miles away from the closest town... and this time of year, there is no one around up here. If you wander from this area, you could get lost and die before anyone could find you. Is that clear?" he demanded.

  "Yes," she replied.

  "I want your word that you won't try and run away...?"

  Zoe told herself that promises made under duress didn't count. "I promise," she agreed, fully intending to run at the first opportunity. She'd take his damn car and leave HIM stranded!

  "Now, Zoe... I don't think you are being sincere," his hand cracked on her sit spot. "I have the only set of keys to my car, and they will be on my person at all times. If you attempt to leave here on foot, I guarantee you will get lost, and perhaps die as a result of your foolishness. You are going to convince me you understand I mean business before this spanking stops."

  Zoe screamed when he started spanking her again. All the slaps were landing on the burning spot between her cheeks and thighs, and the wretch was striking her as hard as he could. It hurt more than she could bear, and she couldn't do anything but cry and plead with him to stop! "I understand!" she insisted. "I really do! Please, stop!" He ignored her. "No more, please! It hurts! I won't run away. I won't! I promise I won't!" she desperately declared.

  "What will happen if you do?" he continued spanking her.

  "I'll get lost and could die of exposure," she answered.

  The spanking stopped, and Sam lifted her to her feet. The soft fabric of her skirt dropped over her flaming cheeks, and she found the sensation unbearable. "Hold out your hands," he ordered, and she complied immediately. She wanted the cuffs off.

  Sam released her hands, and then pointed to a corner. "See that corner? I want you to march yourself right over there, Miss Zoe, put your nose in the crack, hold up that skirt so that your spanked bottom is on display, and stand there and think about what we just discussed. Your behavior the next few days is going to undergo a complete modification. You are going to rethink a few things, learn to be polite, and come to regret the way you've been acting. You are going to get spanked each and every time you misbehave or fail to cooperate in any way. And, you are going to get the switching your father ordered. I'm not going to lie to you, Zoe. You are not going to enjoy the next week. I intend to make sure you don't."

  Chapter Two

  "You are to stand right there, little girl, while I go into the kitchen and see what I can find for breakfast. I doubt there is too much to choose from, but I'm too hungry to be picky." He started for the door, and then turned to glance back. Her hand was already starting to creep to her sore butt. "Zoe, rubbing your butt is not allowed. You will wear each and every spanking until it wears off naturally. No squirming allowed. The only thing you are permitted to do right now is stand there silently and think. This is your first test of obedience. Fail it, and you'll get another hard spanking before you eat. Test me if you want to, little girl. It's your butt that will pay the price."

  Zoe heard his footsteps as he left the bedroom, and she sagged in relief. How on earth could this be happening to her? This isn't what she planned at all! And how did she know this Sam Ross was really working for her father? It didn't sound like her father to hire someone to look out for her... Why, the man was so busy with all his millions of corporations and such that he didn't have the time of day for her! Still, she had to admit that Sam's story sounded plausible. He'd been in every club she'd visited for the last two weeks for sure, and he never danced... never talked to anyone else... and she'd caught him watching her every time she glanced in his direction. Still, he didn't seem the dangerous sort, and she prided herself on knowing where to draw the line. He'd seemed safe enough, until things went terribly wrong last night.

  Sam was right about one thing; cuffing herself and getting into his car had been a huge mistake. She'd spent a miserable night, waking often, unable to get comfortable, and truly terrified that he was planning to rape her. She was a virgin, and she didn't want her first time to be taken from her in an act of rage. Still, it was her bottom that was aching, burning, throbbing, and swollen from his hard hand. There was nothing at all sexual in the way he'd handled her. It was a punishment, pure and simple. He'd made it perfectly clear that she had no other option but obey him for the next week. That didn't mean she was going to satisfy him sexually, and she intended to make that perfectly clear... just as soon as she was permitted to speak without fear of earning another spanking. She didn't want another one of those ever!

  In that moment, Zoe made her decision. She would cooperate, do as she was told, within reason, and get this horrible week over with. Surely Sam wouldn't switch her if she told him what her father was really like? Maybe she could convince him that her parent deserved a good scare? And, if not, at least she wouldn't he earning herself any more spankings. That was a promise to herself, and one she intended to keep.

  Now, even more pressing, was the fact that she needed a bathroom... desperately. Did she call to him, or run the risk of wetting herself? The sensation was growing unbearable, and she realized it had been over fifteen hours since she'd relieved her bladder.

  "I thought I said 'no squirming'?" Sam scolded from the doorway. "Guess you want another spanking before breakfast!" he declared.

  "No... Please... I can't help it!" she stammered. "I need to use the facilities," she explained in embarrassment.

  Sam felt his own face turn red. Even prisoners were given the right to go to the bathroom! "I'm sorry, Zoe. That was thoughtless of me. Come on... The bathroom is off the kitchen," he led the way, and ope
ned a door and flipped on the light. "Breakfast is ready when you are through."

  Zoe shut the door behind her, and frowned when she realized there was no lock on the door. She still had to go, so she wasted no time in pulling up her skirt, and tugging down her thong. She gasped when her bottom made contact with the cold porcelain seat, and felt tears come to her eyes. Sitting was truly miserable, and she hadn't realized just how long this spanking was going to keep her in pain! She was happy when she was able to stand again, and right her clothing. She washed her hands, and then frowned when she saw what a tangled mess her hair was in. She'd get her purse from his car after she ate and run a brush through her long locks.

  Sam looked up when she opened the door. "Come and sit down, Zoe, and eat up. It's only oatmeal, and some canned peaches, but I'll make a run to the store later and bring up some supplies for the week."

  Zoe hesitated in the doorway while she looked about. The cabin certainly wasn't fancy, but it had a homey feel to it. The appliances were old, and the sink was the old-fashioned kind with two spigots, and a white dishpan with a faded red rim in which to wash dishes. The drain board held another dishpan to hold rinsed dishes. The refrigerator was old, and small. The floor was covered with old linoleum, and it was well worn in spots. Still it was clean, and homey. She couldn't see the living room from where she stood, but she imagined it was old and comfy, too.

  Sam Ross looked right at home at the table. He'd obviously spent a lot of time in the cabin, and was relaxed. He didn't look like a rapist or a killer, but more like a man used to getting his own way all the time. He was handsome, well-built, and she'd place his age around thirty, maybe thirty-two. He didn't wear a wedding band, but that didn't mean he wasn't married, or engaged, or involved with another woman. But if he was, then why on earth was he here with her? She still didn't know whether or not to believe her father had hired him... to protect her? Protect her from what? She didn't have any enemies. In fact, most of the time she lived a very quiet life. Her father never even missed her during those times. And to think he'd hired a private detective...? Sam didn't look like a detective, and what's more, she couldn't believe he'd spanked her like a naughty little girl. Her poor butt was still on fire! "I don't want to sit down," she finally confessed. "I hurt too much."

  "Sitting on a spanked butt is a part of the punishment, little girl."

  "Then I'll go hungry," she said.

  "You will sit down and eat your breakfast, even if it means another spanking first."

  "Why? Why do you care if I eat or not? That is my choice!" she argued, and wished she could recall the words as soon as they left her mouth. Sam was already on his feet, and even though she attempted to run, he quickly had her about the waist and over to the table. He sat on his chair, and tugged her down over his lap. "Oh no! I'll eat, Sam. Please don't! I'm too sore!" she pleaded, but he easily raised her skirt again and started spanking.

  Sam decided the redhead might as well learn right now that he wasn't going to tolerate any of her backtalk. He spanked hard, and didn't stop until she was crying hard. "Is that enough, Zoe? Do you think you can sit and eat your breakfast now?" he asked.

  "I will..."

  "The correct response is 'Yes, sir'." He gave her another hard spank.

  "Yes, sir!" she gasped.

  Sam put her on her feet, and then motioned for her to sit. "You can just leave that scrap of a skirt pulled up. I want bare flesh on the seat. You'll remember the lesson longer."

  Zoe was so embarrassed, she couldn't even look at the man. She eased her sore bottom on the hard wooden surface, and decided to eat as quickly as possible. She picked up her spoon, and was surprised the oatmeal was edible. He'd put some brown sugar in it to sweeten it, and she hungrily finished her bowl.

  "Would you like some coffee?" Sam asked politely. "I made a pot. The mugs are right there on the counter," he pointed, then did his best not to smile when she jumped off the seat to help herself. He'd been surprised when she hadn't complained about the cereal and ate it down; he was sure she wasn't used to eating so simply. He was equally surprised when she poured her coffee, and sipped it... She drank it black, just as he did.

  "This is good," she commented without thinking. "I needed it."

  "I usually keep a pot on most of the time," he replied. "I'll pick up some more when I go into town."

  "May I come along?" she asked hopefully. If she could get close to some other people, she could ask them for help.

  "No. You are going to stay here while I am gone, and you are going to write an essay."

  "An essay?" she asked, looking at him in shock. Her surprise at his dictate was greater than her disappointment that she wouldn't be going with him.

  "Yes, you will sit on your spanked butt and you will write an essay explaining exactly what you hoped to accomplish with this kidnapping stunt of yours, and you will write about what could have happened to you if you'd picked the wrong man to kidnap you."

  "Sam, this isn't necessary... honest. I'm sorry I involved you in this, and I promise I won't do it again. I've learned my lesson. Please let me come into town with you; I need some personal items," she smiled with just the slightest hint of a pout on her sweet lips. It was the smile known to make men melt, and get her way. It didn't work on Sam Ross!

  "There is a wooden spoon in that drawer, little girl. Get it out and bring it over here."

  Zoe's dark eyes widened, and she automatically shook her head 'no'. "Please...?" she whispered.

  "The longer you stand there arguing, the worse it gets. Get the spoon and bring it here right now."

  Zoe put her mug on the counter, and opened the drawer beside the stove. She had no trouble finding the wooden spoon. It was right on top. She picked it up, and wanted to sink through the floor. It was thick and she was positive he was going to spank her with it, and it was going to hurt even more than his hard hand. What right did he have? None! Absolutely none! She was NOT going to let him punish her!

  "Bring it here, Zoe, and stop procrastinating. It isn't going to save you."

  "Why are you being such a bastard to me, Sam Ross? I'm not going to do it, and you can go fuck yourself!" she declared, her temper making her reckless. "You have no right to treat me like this, and if you think that I give a fuck what my father told you, then you can just think again. Fuck you, and fuck him, too! I demand you take me home immediately!" She tossed the spoon in the sink, and stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him defiantly.

  Sam was amazed. Didn't the little beauty have one bit of common sense in that pretty head of hers? Surely she had to know that using that kind of language was going to earn her more punishment? Maybe not...? She certainly didn't act like anyone had bothered to try and teach her some manners. He slowly got to his feet and approached her.

  Zoe stood her ground this time. She was simply NOT going to back down. "You'd best stop and think, Mister Sam Ross! You put your fucking hands on me one more time, and I swear you will go to prison for doing it!"

  "I'm not impressed with your swearing, Zoe," he told her. "In fact, it disgusts me that a girl your age, and with your obvious intelligence, has to resort to those words to express herself. My Gramma always said soap was the best way to discourage a child from swearing, and I know it didn't take but once or twice to teach me to watch my mouth..."

  "I'm not a child!" she reminded him, telling herself that backing down right now would be a huge mistake. But the man was so large, and his blue eyes so full of confidence. He seemed able to see right through her... and know! Know that she was bluffing, and this was all an act... God, he wouldn't really subject her to a soaping would he? She was way too old for such a juvenile punishment, but he'd spanked her... and that was supposed to be for little kids, too... wasn't it? "Don't you dare!" her voice squeaked, and she wanted to kick herself.

  "I dare," was all he said, and then grabbed her left arm just above her elbow and marched her over to the sink. "Someone should have done this years ago, little girl, but since t
hey didn't, I'm going to make up for it."

  "Please don't," she fought to get away from him.

  "Hold still!" he commanded. "You brought this on yourself, and now you'll accept the consequences."

  "I won't swear again! I promise!" she tried to reason with the aggravating man, but it was as though he didn't hear her. "Please...? Sam, listen to me... I'm not really like this! I'm not...! You're just bringing out the worst in me... Please take me home... Please...?"

  "No now it is MY fault you're cursing like a sailor?" Sam didn't know whether to be amused or exasperated. "Not buying that, little girl. Those words came from your mouth, not mine, and now you'll scrub them away."

  Zoe watched in horror as he took the wooden spoon from the sink and laid it on the counter. He ran some water in the dishpan, and then put a bar of soap in the pan to wet and soften. He shook it back and forth, making the water all bubbly and cloudy with the soap. He took her right hand, and put it in the water. Pick up that soap, and coat your fingers, Zoe."

  "No, please..."

  "You've just earned an extra minute of soaping for talking back. Do it, or I'll double your time," he promised.

  Zoe picked up the bar, and the gooey soap got all over her fingers. She wanted to cry, but didn't.

  "Drop the soap into the water so it stays nice and soft..." She did. "Now, use your fingers to scrub inside your mouth. Now, Zoe, or this experience is going to last for a long, long time."

  Zoe opened her mouth a bit and put one finger inside. She immediately took it out! The taste was terrible!

  "Zoe, I can see you aren't ready to act like a grown woman, so I'm going to have to treat you like a little girl."

  "I'll do it," she feared what he was going to do next... She opened her mouth, and put two fingers inside and smeared the soap around. She wanted to gag on the taste, but Sam's stern expression gave her to know that she was to continue until he said otherwise.


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