Chasing Tiger Tail [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 8
She shook her head, determined not to believe. “But he’s a shifter. His liver should heal itself.”
Dr. Effers glanced away then met her gaze. Compassion sparkled in his eyes. “Danna, he’s half-shifter. Sometimes, when a shifter is a mix then his healing powers aren’t like other shifters’. That’s what’s happening with your father. Even if he was a full shifter, he’s not immune from old age. Weretigers don’t live forever.”
“No. I don’t understand. I can’t—” She’d experienced heartbreak when her mother had left them, but this was worse. She hadn’t known her mother, hadn’t spent years listening to her voice, feeling her touch. She hadn’t mourned for her mother. Instead she’d felt a sense of loss from her mother’s absence, a feeling of being different, of being not good enough. But she’d had a lifetime with her father. He wasn’t the best father in the world, but he was still her father. And she loved him, no matter what.
She struggled to find a way around what she couldn’t face. “There has to be something else we can do. Maybe he could get a transplant? We could take him to a specialist in Dallas. Doc, we have to do something. We have to help him. I can’t just stand by and watch him die.”
“What if he stopped drinking? Livers regenerate, don’t they? Even in humans, right? Surely with that and the fact that he’s a weretiger, it’ll heal itself. I’m right, aren’t I?”
“You are, but in your father’s case, it doesn’t matter. Livers do heal, but it’s too late for him now.”
“This isn’t happening.” Suddenly, she had to get rid of the hate filling her and he was an easy target. “Why didn’t you make him stop drinking? Why didn’t you force him into rehab? You’re his doctor, damn it. It’s your duty to heal him. Why didn’t you help him?”
Logically, she knew she wasn’t being fair. It wasn’t right, but she couldn’t help it.
“I tried, Danna. But a doctor can only do so much. No one can make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. It was up to your father.” He dropped his gaze, suddenly looking older than his years. “I guess he figured his shifter blood would heal him. I guess maybe even I thought it would, too. We were both wrong. I’m sorry more than I can say.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why didn’t he tell me?” The fury rose unrestrained, but her anger shifted away from the doctor. She should’ve made her father stop drinking. Instead, she’d focused on her life and her goals.
If she’d been a weretiger, she would’ve shifted, allowing her cat to tear the world apart. “I should’ve forced him to stop. I should’ve done something. Now I don’t have the chance.”
“I couldn’t tell you earlier. Like I said, I’d hoped he’d take my warnings to heart. Since there was nothing to be done, he didn’t want you girls to know. Hell, I’m breaking his confidence by telling you now, but I didn’t want to see you blindsided.”
Her anger rushed out of her, leaving her weak. Somehow she made it back to the sofa before her legs gave out. “How long has he known?”
“For several months.”
She sucked in a hard breath. How could he have kept it from her for so long? How could she not have noticed? And yet, maybe she had. But he was half-weretiger. In her mind, she’d chalked up the sallow skin, the vomiting, and all his problems to being drunk. She’d simply assumed he had healed.
“How long…” She hesitated then forced the words out. “How long does he have?”
Doc shook his head and took her hand again. “There’s no telling.”
“You have to have an idea. Tell me.”
“My best guess would be a couple of months.”
“Just a couple of months? That’s all?”
Her father was a pain in the ass. A bother and an embarrassment. But what would her life be like without him? “Does Harriet know?”
“No. I couldn’t tell her. She’d go off the deep end and wind up being more of a hindrance than a help to you. You’re the strong one.”
No. She was weak and afraid.
“But she’s the older sister.” And yet, she realized he was right. Harriet was older in years, but that was it. Danna was the stronger of the two, the more mature and responsible one.
He didn’t respond, letting her come to her own conclusion. The whole thing sucked big time.
“What can I expect? What’s going to happen?”
“He’s not in good health even discounting the cirrhosis. He’ll get very ill at the end and need help. I know it’s not common with shifters, but you may have to consider hospice care.”
“No.” She couldn’t imagine anyone else taking care of him, not even Harriet. Suddenly, her dream of becoming an attorney seemed unimportant. “He’s my responsibility. He’s my father.”
“You know you won’t get much help, if any, from your sister.”
“I know.” The world suddenly fell on top of her shoulders.
“Danna, do you understand what this means? If you stay here to take care of your father, then what happens to law school?”
She closed her eyes and let reality sear through her. “I won’t be going to school. My father needs me.”
“And the ranch? You’re strong, smart, and capable, but you can’t handle both the ranch and your father’s illness. Taking care of him will be a full-time job just like running a ranch is.”
She straightened her body, searching for whatever strength she had left. “The ranch is being foreclosed on so I don’t have to worry about working it. I don’t know where we’ll go, but I’ll figure it out.” As much as she would detest it, as much as her father would hate it, they might have to move in with Harriet and her mates. Even Harriet wouldn’t push them aside when they needed her.
“Danna, I know you don’t want to accept help, but you’ve got to let the town do what they can. Let us help you.” He shot her pointed look. “Let your mates help you.”
She stood, her hands clasped in front of her. “Thanks. I appreciate you telling me, but don’t worry, I’ll figure it out on my own. I always do.”
“If you say so.” He pulled her into a fatherly hug. The kind of hug her father never gave her. “If you change your mind, you let me know.”
She wanted someone to lean on, but that someone wasn’t the doctor. “Doc, can you give me some time with Cam and Phil?” She ignored the touch of a smile that pulled at the corners of his mouth.
“Sure. I’ll check on your father and then get my cot set up. It’s been a long day so I’ll probably go ahead and get some sleep. You three can let yourselves out whenever you feel like it. Take your time and stay as long as you like.”
“Thanks again, doc.”
She waited until Dr. Effers had closed the door behind him. Her mind was a whirl of confusion that wouldn’t crystalize into coherent thoughts. She’d had her world turned upside down and was reaching out to find anything to hold on to, anything to anchor her to the world. Without thinking of what might come next, she strode toward the examination room where Cam and Phil waited.
As soon as she came into the room, she felt her resistance break down. Instead of speaking, she looked at the men.
Did they know?
She didn’t know how they knew, but they did. And their knowing made it all too easy to give in to the ache pulling her toward them.
“Cam. Phil.”
They took her between them, cocooning her in a wall of masculine comfort.
“It’s okay, hon,” cooed Cam.
“We know what’s going on. We’re here for you, baby.” Phil skimmed his hand along her spine. “Whatever you need, we’ll get it for you.”
They were what she needed. That and time to push thoughts of her father, the ranch, and her dashed future away. Time not to feel the pain. Time to just feel…them.
Lifting her gaze to Cam’s, she took a moment to soak in the promise in his gray eyes. He touched her, allowing her to dive deep inside to find the strength she so badly needed. Phil held a similar look, along with a hungri
ness that awakened another kind of ache.
She grasped the hair behind Cam’s neck and tightened her hold on it. “I want you.” Want was the same as need.
“You’ve got me. You’ve got both of us.”
She tugged him close, bringing his mouth to hers. At first, he was gentle, testing her as his hand cupped the back of her neck. She increased the pressure, giving in to her feelings and letting everything else go. He answered her, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. He was strong, but not too much so. She leaned against him and pressed her palm against Phil’s chest.
Phil eased her shirt aside to nibble on her shoulder. He caressed her until his hand rested on the small of her back.
Comfort was what she’d thought she’d needed, but less than what she wanted now. She clung to them as though her life depended on it. As though touching them wouldn’t allow all the sorrow building up inside her to tear her apart.
Phil took her mouth, playing with her lower lip until it drove her crazy. He cupped her face in his hands, taking a simple gesture and transforming it into so much more. She moaned, her desperation forcing her to push them.
Where they were didn’t matter. Only having them with her counted. The rest of it was forgotten.
Phil eased back from the kiss. His gray eyes darkened, brightened only by the amber streaking through them.
It was hard as hell to break away from his hot gaze to find his brother’s heated one. “Yes?”
“Are you sure about this? We don’t want to take advantage.”
“I’m sure. More than sure.” She stepped back and brought her hands to her waist. “I need this more than I can say.” Taking the hem of her T-shirt out of her jeans, she lifted her arms, slowly bringing it over her head. She dropped it to the floor and watched as their attentions lowered to her breasts.
Cam’s chest rose and fell like he’d just run a quick mile. “You’re beautiful.”
“It’s not like you haven’t seen me before.”
“We have, but it was in a rush.”
“Then don’t rush this time.” Her words were a contradiction to the yearning burning at her.
Phil started unbuttoning his denim shirt. “We won’t.”
“Hold up. We’ll wait until she’s finished.” Cam nodded. “Go on, hon. Take your time.”
All at once, she felt vulnerable. Had she started something she couldn’t finish? No, she had to have them. Reaching behind her, she took hold of her bra’s clasps and unhooked them. Their anxiousness was starkly evident on their faces. She waited, enjoying the anticipation—and then turned her bra loose to fall into the crooks of her elbows.
Cam let out a long, slow breath. Phil’s tongue peeked out from between his lips.
Loving their reactions, she brought her palms to her stomach then took her time, inch by inch, to slide them up to cup her breasts. A moan from Phil was all the encouragement she needed. She pushed her tits together and rubbed her thumbs over the hardening nipples.
“Wait. What about the doctor?” Cam’s gaze drifted to the door but soon returned to her breasts.
“It’s fine. He’s with my father.”
“Shit, Danna. About your father…” The heat in Cam’s eyes faded.
Did he mean her father’s broken leg? Or was she correct in guessing he knew? “He’s going to be fine.”
Cam frowned and exchanged a glance with his brother. “Danna—”
She put her fingers against his lips, quieting him. “No. I don’t want to talk right now. It’s enough that you’re here.”
“We’ll always be there for you, baby.” Phil’s voice was rough, filled with raw emotion.
“Then don’t stop what’s about to happen.” Her breasts bounced enticingly as she turned them loose and her fingers found the top of her jeans. Popping the button, she paused before taking hold of the zipper.
“Don’t tease us, hon.”
“Shut up, man.” Phil grinned. “Tease away, Danna.”
And tease she did. She took her time, pausing every inch or so just to see their reaction. Cam fought the urge to rush her while Phil’s grin grew bigger. His craving for her was unlike anything she’d ever seen.
The connection was back, full force, urgent and demanding.
Funny how she’d felt it earlier, as soon as they’d arrived at the ranch. But her father’s well-being had overshadowed it. Now that he was safe—at least, for the moment—she couldn’t ignore the pulsing primal urge sending thrills racing over her flesh.
They were weretigers and she was human, but they were mates.
Would she accept them now that her plans for the future had changed? She shoved the idea away, forcing herself to stay in the present. Everything else would have to wait.
The flaps of her jeans fell open, exposing the bright red panties newly purchased only a few days earlier. Had she bought them with the men in mind?
Cam tracked his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know whether this is torture or pleasure.”
“Both, brother. Both.”
“Cam, take my shoes off.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Take my shoes off.” Would he question her? Would be balk at her request? Especially since it was more of an order?
For a moment, none of them moved. Then Cam knelt in front of her. He took her calf in hand and waited for her to lift her leg. She placed her hand on top of his head to steady her.
A simple touch. His hand on her leg. Her hand on his head. But it was enough.
The sizzling bond heightened, burning brighter. Her breath hitched in her throat. She’d asked him to take off her shoes to tease him more, but had ended up teasing herself.
He heeled off her shoe and tossed it aside. His palm slid along her jeans then stopped. Taking her other leg, he pulled that shoe off and sent it to join the first. A quick tug and her jeans fell to her ankles. He bunched them at her feet.
Cam wrapped his arms around her legs and jerked her forward. His face pressed against her mons. A shiver racked her at his slow intake of breath.
“Fuck, but you smell great.”
“Tell me what she smells like, Cam.”
She glanced up at Phil. His grin was gone, replaced by blatant lust.
“She smells sweet and tangy at the same time.” Cam drew in another long, slow breath. “Like sugar mixed with smooth whiskey.”
Both of her hands went to his head. She clutched a handful of hair. Her mouth parted and her eyes closed.
Cam pulled her against him again, shoving his nose into the crack of her folds. Wetness drenched her panties at his third breath. She glanced down in time to see him look up.
Wicked. Sinful. Greedy. Lustful.
She saw all that and more in his amber-flecked eyes.
A second later and he tore her panties from her with a quick flick of his wrist. He slammed his face against her pussy yet again like a thirsty man standing under a waterfall.
“Oh.” The one soft word was all she could say.
He eased her pussy folds aside. His tongue flicked over her clit. She gasped then moaned, sure she’d drop to the floor. She trembled, urgent need filling her.
Sucking, he brought her to a quick orgasm. She closed her eyes again and listened to the delighted sounds he made. He eased her legs farther apart and drove his tongue into her pussy. Her knees buckled, giving way to the pleasure controlling her body.
Cam stood up, taking her body as he did. Gently, he lifted her into his arms then lowered her on top of the examination table. He smoothed back her hair. “Stay.”
She didn’t speak, didn’t dare even nod. She’d stay. What else could she do with her body screaming for them?
Cam started undoing his shirt, his attention focused squarely on her. He undid the buttons then tugged the shirttail from his jeans. A few quick moves and his buckle was undone, his belt slipping out of the loops.
Phil came to the other side of her. His shirt hung open, revealing his massive
chest. Mountain after mountain formed his six-pack abs. Dark hair peeked out from the waistband of his jeans. He toed off his boots and took one of her breasts. Hunger filled his face as he bent low and flicked his tongue over her nipple.
She shivered again, not from any chill, but from excitement. Cam shrugged off his shirt. He was magnificent, like an ancient warrior come to life. A scar ran from just under his right ribcage to his bellybutton. She reached out, traced its length and was thrilled when his skin quivered under her touch.
When she turned back to Phil, she found his cock pointed straight at her. A rush of passion flushed through her.
“Go on, baby. Take it.” Phil moved closer.
She took his cock, enclosing her hand around its enormous width. Her tongue sneaked out from between her lips, giving her intention away.
Phil supported her head and drew her close. At first, she played with the end, flicking her tongue over to catch his pre-cum, then rubbing it along the seam of her mouth. But the desire to taste him was too much for both of them to wait. She slipped her mouth along the length of him.
Oh, he tastes so good.
She’d never found much pleasure in the act, but it was different with Phil. More important. Better. Just as she knew it would be with Cam. She moaned and whipped her tongue around him.
He fondled her tit, massaging her nipple before sliding to the other breast. His hips worked back and forth, going slowly, giving her time to do her magic.
She startled when Cam caressed her leg and moved to the end of the table. He pushed her legs apart.
“I really need to taste you again.”
His mouth against her pussy made her jump, even though she’d expected it. She pulled on Phil’s cock harder, cupping his balls and dancing them over her fingers. He said something too softly for her to hear, but the tone told her of his pleasure. Up and down she slid her mouth. Around and around she worked her tongue.
Pleasuring Phil wasn’t an easy task when Cam latched onto her clit and sucked, flicking his tongue back and forth over her clit. Thankfully, her cry was muffled by Phil’s cock.
Cam feasted on her, stroking her with his tongue and his fingers. One minute he’d go slowly, teasing her, making her wish he’d go faster. In the next, he’d drive his fingers into her pussy and clenched down on her clit with his teeth, going at her fast and hard. She loved and hated what he did, wishing he could do both at the same time.