Chasing Tiger Tail [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 9
Her heart thundered, her pulse raced. Her body undulated, spasming with every touch, every move they made. She’d never wanted anyone as much as she wanted these men.
They’re my mates.
She’d understood that reality from the start and had acknowledged it as she had the brightness of each sunrise. And yet, she’d pushed it back, refusing to let it dictate her life, never fully accepting it. Not in her heart where it mattered.
She could no longer refuse it. Her heart demanded she believe.
With her father’s illness, her dream was gone. She could take them as her mates now. And yet, in having the thought, a darkness still seeped into her. A hole broke open inside her. One that could never be completely filled by her mates.
They got completely naked, pulling away from her to shuck their clothes from their bodies. Unashamed, she looked them over.
Strong hard bodies.
Lean waists.
Arms and legs as thick as tree branches.
Handsome faces with square jaws.
Physically, they were everything any woman could want. Yet they were so much more.
In the short time she’d known them, she’d learned what they were inside. Their minds were as strong as their bodies. Their thoughts as sure as their legs and arms. They were simple, yet complex. Good, hardworking men who would make her wonderful mates. With them, she’d never have to fear the future.
But still she wanted more.
A tear came to her eye and rolled down her cheek.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
The concern in Phil’s face almost brought another tear. “Nothing. I just want to forget. Please, help me forget.”
She doubted they understood what she meant. She wasn’t even sure if she realized all of it herself, but it didn’t matter. They still came to her rescue.
“We’re here for you. Now and forever.” Cam took hold of her legs and brought her body lower on the table. He towered above her, his wide chest like a mountain rising into the sky. His large, erect cock pressed at her pussy’s entrance.
Phil hopped on top of the table and positioned his body behind hers. “You’re our mate, Danna. Whether you accept us or not, you’re all we’ll ever need.” His hands covered her breasts. “Show her, Cam. Show her how much we want her.”
Cam plunged his cock inside her. She cried out and took hold of his strong arms. His muscles rippled as he thrust into her again and again.
Her body opened for his, her pussy walls giving way to capture his cock within them. Passion rolled over her, enveloping her emotions, her sensations. The connection, the primal instinct to have them was too much to deny.
Phil played with her breasts, fondling them, rubbing her nipples until they ached. He nibbled on her shoulder and whispered in her ear.
“You’re so sexy. So amazing.”
She leaned her head back, giving her body over to them. Cam gripped her hips, shoving deeper with every thrust. Phil’s hard chest supported her, his wet cock pressed against the cracks of her butt cheeks.
“God, but you’re beautiful.”
She couldn’t answer Phil. She had no breath to do so.
Cam took her hands and placed them on his chest. His hard pecs were like stones under her palms. His hips worked back and forth. She could sense his intense gaze on hers and lifted her head, opening her eyes to find she was right.
Dreams were just that. Only dreams. Maybe her dreams of becoming a lawyer were never meant to become reality. Maybe her real future lay in the arms of her two strong men.
Her climax tensed her body, warning her to be ready. Nonetheless, she cried out as it ripped into her, swirling her mind into a pool of one idea tumbling after another. Cam’s release came soon after and she felt his hot cum shoot into her pussy.
Should they have used protection? And yet, a part of her was pleased that they hadn’t.
Phil’s arms closed tighter around her as Cam moved away and fell onto the doctor’s stool. “Tell me you want me, baby.”
She couldn’t have lied if it had meant her life. “I want you.”
He lifted her up and she sucked in a hard breath. His cock pierced her pussy. Pushing against her spine, he eased her into a better position.
Pumping into her, he kept hold of her hips, helping her rock forward and back. His rock-like thighs bumped against the back of her legs. Perspiration popped up along the nape of her neck and tickled the flesh of her brow.
Cam returned, taking hold of her breasts. He tortured her nipples, tweaking them with his fingers, then soothing the sting with a kiss and a lick. “That’s it, Danna. Ride him. Fuck his cock.”
She liked the dirty words. Liked the way the men had captured her between them. Her sweat-slickened hair stuck to her cheeks, but Cam brushed it out of the way. His amber-filled eyes met hers. The tips of his fangs peeked out from between his lips.
Her orgasm slammed into her at the sight of those fangs, ripping through her. She ground her body against Phil’s, forcing him to climax moments after her. They came together, their bodies shuddering with the effort.
Cam caught her mouth as a scream started to break free, smothering the sound. Her cry filled his mouth. The three of them stayed together, joined not only by the connection, but by a need that transcended physicality.
With sex, they’d become one.
With their hearts joining with love, they’d become mates.
* * * *
Danna wasn’t sure how long she lay on the examination table. She wasn’t sure how long the men had kept close to her, touching her, telling her sweet things only mates should say. Yet with each passing moment, the harsh reality of what she’d done seeped into her.
She loved them, but she knew only too well that love wasn’t enough. At times, love could become a prison. Hadn’t her mother run from hers?
Although she’d stay to care for her father, her dream would always remain.
She sat up, pushing them away. “This doesn’t change anything.”
They stared at her as though she’d lost her mind.
“Of course it does.” Cam’s forehead furrowed.
“We had sex before. It didn’t change anything then and it doesn’t change anything now.” She kept her gaze averted as she pulled on her clothes.
“You’re right. It doesn’t change a damn thing.”
She was as surprised as Cam at Phil’s declaration. “I’m glad you finally understand.”
Phil’s soft smile broke her heart. “It doesn’t change anything because you were our mate then and you’re our mate now.”
Damn it. She slicked back her hair, tunneling her fingers through it like a comb. “Don’t. Just don’t.”
“Come on, Danna. Think logically about this.”
She laughed. “There’s nothing logical about the connection or our being mates.”
“Maybe not, but it’s real. You can’t turn us down now. You need us as much as we need you.”
She shot Phil a hard look. “I can and I am.”
“Danna, look at me.”
She did as Cam asked. “What?”
“We know about your father.”
“You know?” Her gaze darted to the closed door. “Were you listening? Did you eavesdrop on us?”
“We did,” admitted Phil. “But how we found out doesn’t matter. You’re going to stay and take care of your father. Let us help you do that.”
If she hadn’t heard the knock on the apartment door, she wasn’t sure what she would’ve done next. Slap them? Rant at them? Tell them she wanted them with her? Everything about her life was one big confused mess. Her heart told her to do one thing while her mind focused on the goal she’d had for so long she couldn’t think of anything else. Instead, she whirled around and raced to yank open the door.
“Hey, sis. I’m sorry it took so long to get here. The guys… I mean, we…”
Had to sober up first. She could almost hear Harriet saying the words. “Don�
�t worry about it. You can drive me home, right?”
“Sure.” Harriet’s gaze swept from her to Cam and Phil who only had their jeans on. “Whoa. You fucked them here? At Dr. Effers’s? Damn, sis. Even I wouldn’t have done it here.”
“Shut up and take me home.”
“What about Dad?”
“He’s sleeping here tonight. The doc wants to watch him.”
Harriet shrugged. “Okay. Let’s go.”
“Danna, wait,” said Cam.
She tossed an angry glare over her shoulder. “This changed nothing. And don’t come to my home ever again.” She raced down the stairs and away from her mates.
Chapter Seven
Phil scooted the barstool closer to the counter and took a much-needed swig of his second beer. Cam grabbed a handful of peanuts and popped them into his mouth. They’d come to Roar right after leaving the doctor’s apartment.
“So how’s it going out at Bill’s place?” Purdy wiped down the counter.
“Fine.” Phil didn’t feel like talking, much less about working another man’s ranch. He couldn’t think of anything except Danna. Why was she fighting them so hard? Granted, she was right when she’d said weretiger males wanted their mates at home. In that respect, the shifter community tended to be conservative, less than open-minded. But he and Phil weren’t like that.
Or were they? They’d often talked about finding their mate and having her in their home, taking care of their children. Still, just because they’d imagined their life following a certain path didn’t mean they couldn’t change, did it?
“I heard you two are going to buy the Harris place.”
It seemed Purdy was in a talkative mood.
Gossip mills in small towns were notorious, but the one in Twisted could put the others to shame. “Maybe. Don’t know yet.”
Purdy was a smart man. He caught the tone in Phil’s voice and backed off. “Got it. Let me know if you want another.” Off he went to the other end of the bar.
“Will do.” Phil started to apologize for his curt manner, but shrugged it off. After making love to Danna and then having her reject them yet again, he wasn’t in the mood to talk about their future with a third party.
“It’s bullshit.” Cam took a long drag of his beer.
He couldn’t have said it any better. And would’ve said so if an older man hadn’t slid onto the stool to his right. Instead, he nursed his beer again and listened to the low murmur of voices. One glance in the mirror behind the bar showed him tables filled with locals with two or more males with one female. That was the way of the shifter world.
They’d found their mate. Wasn’t their life supposed to fall into place now? And yet, although Danna had admitted she was their mate, had made love to them, they still couldn’t get her to stay with them.
“Is it us? Are we the problem? Are we the reason she’s refusing to mate us?”
Phil had never heard so much doubt in Cam’s voice. “No. At least, I don’t think so. We’ve been nothing but supportive. Hell, we’ve taken care of her father. We’ve told her that buying her ranch would mean she’d keep her home. Hell, we’re even ready to let her drunk of a father live with us. What more can she expect from us?”
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s not like we’re incompatible.” Cam took in a long drag from his bottle. “Not only does she admit that we’re supposed to be together, but we’ve had amazing sex, too. We’ve bent over backward for her.”
“Unless…” Unless they had to change their view of their future. Yet wasn’t Danna worth it?
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. What the hell’s wrong with you two?”
Both he and Cam swiveled toward the older man. “I’m sorry?” If he hadn’t been raised to respect his elders, he might’ve let his tiger come out. A good bar fight might be just the thing he needed to blow off steam.
The weretiger shot them an exasperated look. His dark hair grayed at the temples and lines made by both time and weather creased his face. Bright blue eyes belied his age as they landed squarely on Cam and then Phil.
“You two are weretigers, right?”
Phil nodded, unsure where he was going with his questioning.
“Full weretigers? Or are you half-breeds?”
Inwardly, Phil cringed at the slur. No one referred to weretigers with human blood as “half-breeds” any longer. “Full.”
“And this female of yours. Is she a shifter or human?”
“Human,” answered Cam. “I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”
“This.” The shifter turned to face them. “You need to stop acting like you’re pussy whipped and just take her. Bite her and change her. You can take my word for it. Once she’s bitten, she’ll come around.”
So that was it. The old guy was still into the really old ways. Several decades ago, a weretiger wouldn’t care what his intended mate wanted. He’d throw her down and sink his fangs into her, claiming her and changing her. Instead, she would’ve had to toe the line, doing whatever they said and going wherever they went.
Phil wanted Danna in their home with their children, but he wasn’t ready to revert back to the ancient ways. Although males still held the most power in the relationship, the female still had to be respected. She was no longer a possession.
No matter how good that sounded right now.
“We won’t take her against her will.” He wasn’t going to argue with an elder shifter. It wouldn’t do any good anyway.
“Grandy, knock it off. These two aren’t going to go all savage on her.” Purdy set another bottle of beer in front of Cam and Phil.
“That’s what I’m saying. It’s a damn shame the younger generation has gotten so weak.” Grandy took a slug of the drink Purdy set before him. “You’ve all gone soft and the women have gotten tougher. It just ain’t right.”
Grandy half slid, half fell off the barstool. “She’s human and you’re letting her call the shots.” He snorted. “Damn fucking shame, I tell you. A damn fucking shame.”
Phil put his hand on Cam’s, stopping him from answering. He’d just as soon let Grandy walk away. “Let him go.”
“Yeah. Okay.” Yet the muscle in Cam’s jaw flinched, a telltale sign of how hard it was for his brother to let it go.
They went back to hovering over their beers. Was the old man right? Had it been better back in the days when a male could claim his mate? The female couldn’t reject them back then. She didn’t have a say in the matter.
Things had changed, that was for sure. Danna was a modern woman who knew what she wanted. She was out to become a lawyer and, although he hadn’t thought of his mate working outside the home, he was surprised to realize that he was proud of her. She was smart and ambitious. Only her family and her circumstances were holding her back.
The future they’d envision burst apart, transforming into something new. Something better. He’d be damned if he and his brother would help dash her dreams.
“Maybe he has the right idea. If we bit Danna and claimed her, she’d take us as her mate and do it with a smile on her face.”
Damn, if only we could.
So Cam had been thinking along the same lines. Still, it didn’t make it right. “I had the same thought, but you know we can’t treat her like she’s our property. I’m all for rough sex, but claiming her when she’s already said she doesn’t want to mate us? No, man. It’s not right and you know it.”
“Damn. I sure as hell wish I didn’t.” Cam downed the last of his drink. “So where do we go from here?”
“We give her some breathing space. Pushing her, especially after her finding out about her father, will only back her into a corner. Instead of welcoming us, she’ll come out fighting. She’s human, but I’ll bet she’s a hell cat when she needs to be.”
“Okay, so we give her a few days to settle down. Then what?”
Phil watched one of the women in the bar kiss first one man then the other. He ached to have Danna do the same to them.
��We keep trying. We’ll get her to change her mind.” Or we adjust ours.
Cam lifted his empty bottle, gesturing to Purdy to give him another. “I hope to hell you’re right. If not, I may have to go all animalistic on her because there’s no fucking way I’m living my life without her.”
“Amen to that, brother.” He raised his glass and downed it.
* * * *
Danna let her horse do most of the work. The horse darted left, then right, then left again, forcing the calf toward the rest of the herd.
Two damn days.
She gritted her teeth and leaned in the direction the horse went. The calf bellowed its frustration, but soon joined its mother.
Stop thinking about them.
A moan escaped her, one having nothing to do with the ache in her body. The one in her heart, the one that was for both her father and the men she longed for, was a much bigger pain.
How can I be thinking about them when my father is dying? I’m an awful daughter.
Although her thoughts of her father and his illness were never far away, her feelings still centered on the Nordstrom men.
Two damn days and I’ve heard nothing from them.
Had they given up? The power of the ache the thought gave her surprised her. She wanted them, that much was certain, but something else had happened since their time in the doctor’s examination room. Something she was afraid to admit, something she hadn’t even said out loud to herself much less to them. Yet she could no longer deny her feelings.
I love them. Damn.
What the hell was she supposed to do now? Refusing them as her mates was one thing. Refusing to love them, however, was impossible. As much as she wished she could pretend she could push her love to the side, it was useless to even try. She was hooked.
Could she still reject them? Did she still want to?
They’d done everything possible to win her over. From taking care of her father to treating her with respect and showing her what real lovemaking was all about. If they bought the ranch, it would still be her home.