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Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4)

Page 23

by J. N. Colon

  I tried to kick him, but my short skirt made it impossible unless I wanted to flash everyone except Roman my panties. He only laughed at my failed attempt.

  “Now, we’ll need some more of your blood,” Emmaline said, picking up a notebook and scribbling something in it. “You can come by the lab today after… your last day of school.” She mumbled the last part, probably hoping I didn’t hear.

  I did.

  “Why?” I blurted. “What about finishing school?”

  “Your assignments will be brought to you. And… well, Rubi, you can’t really expect us to have you walking around all out in the open without some serious security detail?”

  My brows knit. “I have serious security detail.” I motioned my hands around me. “And the entire town is wired.”

  Emmaline bit her lip and shot Whitmore a pleading look. “Whitmore?”

  He sighed as if expecting an argument. “Rubi, it looks like you’ll be under house arrest for a while.”

  “W-What!” I sputtered. “I can barely leave the house already. Now you’re saying I can’t leave at all?” My eyes were bugging out of my head.

  “Not without being surrounded by security and then it would only be out of necessity.” He smoothed down his jacket, pretending not to notice my obvious disbelief. “If the hunters find out what you are, they’ll do anything to murder you.”

  Laughter pealed out of Mac’s mouth, his head tilting back and shoulders shaking. It was the first thing out of him since he’d sat down.

  My eyes narrowed on him.

  “Oh, you’ll be right there with her McCollum.” The smile twitching at the corners of Whitmore’s mouth made me think he was all too happy with the unexpected circumstances.

  Humor immediately melted from Mac’s body. “What? Why?”

  “They’ll use you to get to her,” he said simply.

  Whitmore was referring to the time Paisley told me Mac was in trouble so I’d leave the safety of the underground at Highland in order to get captured by the hunters. Even though she had been double crossing them… it still lead to my capture.

  “You’ll be there right there with her.”

  “HA!” I laughed and stuck my tongue out at Mac.

  He grumbled and crossed his arms against his chest. “This is ridiculous.”

  “It also helps keeping a close eye on you now that we know the ghosts of hunters are haunting you.” Roman stuffed his pipe with more tobacco—at least I thought it was tobacco.

  I shivered just thinking about all the horrific, grotesque things I’d endured since those three began tormenting me.

  Whitmore picked up his glass of blood from the mantle, taking a small sip. “Has anything happened since you found out their true identity?” His stormy gaze pierced me, making me squirm.

  “Nope,” I lied, trying not to break under his immense, kingly power. I didn’t want those looks of sympathy I could already sense beneath the surface of their faces waiting to pop out. And I also feared they might handcuff me to Rufus or Daedalus. I was surprised they didn’t after I snuck out and was attacked by an undead creature.

  Roman interrupted the stare off Whitmore and I were having. “Do you know who’s behind it or why?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe some who wants to discredit me as princess.”

  “Any ideas?”

  My mind directly went to Veronica and Anton Svensson.

  “Isn’t this nice,” Miranda said in an over the top happy voice. “The four of us watching a movie together.”

  “Yeah,” Mac grumbled. “One big happy family.”

  Whitmore loudly cleared his throat before taking a seat on the couch next to Miranda. “Exactly.” Yikes. If looks could kill Mac would be dead. Again.

  Miranda and Whitmore came up with the brilliant idea of us watching a movie together tonight in the media room.

  The walls were a deep navy and floors a dark, plush carpet. Two couches sat next to each other with a few reclining chairs behind. A massive projection screen was in the front. Sconces lined the walls as did lights trailing a path to the door like in real theaters.

  Miranda practically shoved Mac on the other couch with me. He didn’t look too happy about it, but he wasn’t going to say no to his mother. At least our couch was bigger than theirs and I had plenty of room to stretch my feet out without touching Mac’s thighs. That didn’t mean I didn’t want to. I could see him watching me out the corner of his eyes, waiting for me to do just that.

  Nope. Not gonna do it.

  As soon as the movie started the lights dimmed and went out.

  “Awe, isn’t this romantic,” Miranda said as she snuggled up to Whitmore.

  Mac grimaced at his parents’ affection, making me smile.

  A chill rippled down my spine the moment I turned my attention to the movie. Blood was seeping through the screen, dripping on the carpet like thick, crimson syrup. Feminine laughter echoed in the darkness behind me.

  I clenched my jaw and peeked over my shoulder to be met with—nothing.

  I swallowed hard and shook myself, literally.

  Mac glanced my way, his dark brow arched questioningly. “What’s wrong?” he whispered.

  My fingers balled into fists so tight I felt my nails digging into my palms. Half of Mac’s face was covered in blood, leaking down his white t-shirt.

  “N-Nothing,” I lied.

  His gaze flickered down to my clenched hands, his expression unconvinced.

  I snatched a throw pillow and held it against my chest, turning back to the screen that was still dripping crimson.

  This was going to be one hell of a long night. I only hoped the bugs didn’t show up because there was no guarantee I could ignore those creepy crawlers while they played all over me. They weren’t real, but the sure as hell felt like it.

  I sat on the edge of a metal examination table in the lab beneath Highland, waiting on Emmaline to take another blood sample. Gees. She was going to drain me dry one of these days. I kicked my feet back and forth, creating a creaking sound through the hollow room.

  The door opened behind me and I let out a sigh. “Finally. I thought I was going to have to do it myself.” I glanced over my shoulder, expecting to see Emmaline.

  “Hello there little princess. We meet again.” William strode forward, his teeth gleaming in the stark light of the lab as he grinned maniacally at me.

  Oh no. Am I dreaming again or is this really happening?

  My pulse accelerated along with my breathing. “What do you want William?”

  He pulled out a cigarette and put it do his mouth, letting it dangle off his lips as he spoke. “I came to give ya another message. How’d you like my last one?”

  “Quite helpful actual,” I remarked dryly. “Thanks.”

  He winked one moss colored eye. “You’re quite welcome lass. I have a penchant for pretty young things.” He tugged on his rust colored beard. “Perhaps you can come warm my dead body up a time or two.”

  My stomach churned as if I’d just eaten a smorgasbord of vegan food. Yuk. “No thanks. I’ll pass.”

  He grinned. “Suite yourself.” William pulled out a match and struck it against his boot, creating a hissing as it exploded to life in a tiny flame. “You know what else I like?”

  “Listening to yourself talk?”

  He motioned his chin to the spot beside me while he put the flame to his cigarette. “Whiskey.”

  I glanced down to see a full bottle of liquor that hadn’t been there before. It tipped over, spilling a trail of amber liquid across the table and down to the floor.

  “You know what else?” The match was still burning, reflecting yellow flames in his green eyes, giving him a demonic appearance.

  My mouth turned dry and trepidation swirled through my bloodstream. I had a bad feeling about what he was going to say next. “Being really cryptic?”

  His lips curled into a menacing smile that only served to heighten the terror of his appearance. “Fire.” William tossed the
lit match to the floor, the liquor catching fire instantly with a dramatic whoosh!

  The puddle next to me miraculously caught fire and scrambled off the table, my heart in my throat.

  Heat pulsed around me, thick on my skin as I realized the entire lab was engulfed in flames.

  “You’re gonna burn in hell,” William yelled above the deafening noise of the fire, cruel laughter echoing.

  I ran toward the door, yanking on the handle with my left hand. Blinding pain erupted in my palm, yanking it away with a scream to see the skin burned badly. A flicker of movement in the window of the door caught my attention and I glanced up to see a curtain of sleek blonde hair moving out of the way, a can of gasoline in her hand.

  I kicked at the door, trying with all my might and vampire strength to break it open. Eventually the smoke got to me and I began coughing violently, doubling over in pain and unable to breath.

  “Wake up princess or you’re going to die like all the rest of them.” William’s voice was so close it sounded like it was coming from inside my head. “Wake up princess… WAKE UP!”

  My eyes snapped open and I shot up with a loud gasp, coming nearly face to face with Mac, his expression frozen in a mask of shock. We were still in the darkened movie room. Alone.

  Pressure unexpectedly ripped through my lungs and I bent over, coughing and choking. Smoke poured out my mouth as if I had been in a fire, filling the room with a thick acrid scent. My body shook with the force of it and I felt Mac hitting my back to help me.

  “Rubi, what the hell is going on? You were asleep and then screaming bloody murder.”

  “S-Sorry,” I said between coughs. “Happens…” I reached out with my left hand to steady myself when a blinding pain stole through my palm. A scream ripped out my mouth—probably one similar to what he was just describing—and I brought my hand up to examine it. The skin was badly burned, red and blistered as it had been in the dream.

  Mac’s face paled at the sight of my injured hand. “How did that happen?”

  “Dream,” I hissed while gritting my teeth against the agony. “Fire and William.”

  He cursed. Then he shifted uncomfortably on the couch beside me and reached out his hand to my shoulder, but suddenly brought it back as if he wasn’t sure what to do. “Want me to get Demy?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t want him worrying. It would probably be heal in the morning. “Just a cup of blood.”

  Mac shot off the couch as if he couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Or maybe he was just hurrying for me.

  That would be nice, I thought, my mind starting to feel fuzzy and lightheaded from the pain.

  A few moments later he returned with a massive cup of blood placing it in my right hand. When it shook too bad to hold he wrapped his fingers around mine and helped me lift it to my lips. His warm, familiar skin felt good against mine, helping distract me from the throbbing.

  I drank the contents within second, knowing I needed it to heal. Mac sat the empty cup on the table, his jade eyes staring wide at me. If I didn’t know better I’d say they were full of concern. “I’ll be okay.” My voice was barely above a whisper. “Just need to rest.” I laid back against the couch, cradling my hand against my chest.

  My body began to shiver and shake, my teeth rattling loudly. The pain intensified and a whimper slipped out as tears clouded my vision. I felt fingers touch my hand, gently turning it over.

  Mac sucked his teeth and cursed. “Rubi, this doesn’t look good.”

  “’m fine,” I lied. I didn’t want to be weak in front of him, like a scared little girl. That wasn’t me. Not anymore. “Fine,” I repeated.”

  Darkness swallowed me for a time until I woke to a presence sitting on the edge of the couch, pressed up against my torso. Warmth and a wild forest scent surrounded me. My hand was shifted, turning it palm up again. My eyes fluttered opened to see Mac staring down at it with dark eyes. He touched my royal ring, beginning to twist it off.

  “No!” I half-cried half-whimpered. “Don’t.” He couldn’t take it from me. It was mine!

  He lifted one hand in surrender. “Okay, okay Rubi. I’ll leave it on.” His voice was usually soft and comforting.

  I sniffled and nodded. “You gave it to me and you can’t take it back.” Clearly my brain was not working on all four cylinders.

  Mac’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. “I know,” he whispered. He avoided my eyes as his fingers suddenly slipped something cool against my palm, rubbing in circular motions.

  A sigh of relief slipped out my mouth as the pain began to ebb. “Better,” I mumbled.

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Good.” When he was finished he gingerly wrapped a bandage around my palm. “Almost done.”

  I made a sound of protest. I didn’t want him to be done. Then he’d leave. This was the first time I saw some of the old Mac in him. My Mac. The Mac that loved me.

  I missed him so much.

  Mac’s jade eyes finally landed on mine again, his unreadable, but not cold. He reached back and draped a blanket over me, carefully pulling my arm out to rest on my chest. “Get some rest Rubi.”

  “No. You’ll disappear.”

  He sighed, but it wasn’t an annoyed sound. “I won’t. Promise.” He gently closed my eyes for me. “I’ll be right here.” His fingers now began to brush the hair away from my face, running through and massaging my scalp. “Just go to sleep and dream good dreams. Okay?”


  I could only think good things as my mate lulled me to sleep like he used to do—back when he remembered me.

  Chapter 28

  The smell of food cooking—meat specifically—stirred me from my deep, soundless sleep. My lids fluttered opened and I found myself on a soft couch in the living room closest to the kitchen, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. My brows knit as I sat up, rubbing my face.

  A haze sifted through my brain like fog through Highland campus. What was I doing down here? The last thing I remembered was falling asleep during the movie…

  A dull, throbbing pain radiated through my left palm and I noticed a white bandage around it. The nightmare with William flashed through my mind, making me suck my teeth as I recalled the intense burning pain from last night. I also recalled the tenderness from Mac I hadn’t experienced since he’d been back. Those memories alone washed away the agony in my hand. Maybe he was starting to remember or at least beginning to feel the connection between us.

  The mouthwatering aroma from the kitchen caught my attention again, reluctantly pulling me from thoughts. Someone was making breakfast and I was starving.

  I threw the blanket off and stood, stumbling like a hungry zombie searching for brains into the kitchen. I did a double take when I saw Mac standing in front of the stove with food galore surrounding him.

  I licked my lips. “Is that steak?”

  His head swiveled in my direction, his jade eyes unreadable, but the corners of his lips twitching. “Maybe.”

  “And bacon?” I swear I whimpered.

  “Go sit down before you keel over from meat envy.”

  “Is that a real thing?”

  Mac’s lips pursed and he scratched his chin as if in deep thought. “For you? Definitely.”

  A smile curled my lips as I sank down on the closest stool at the island, watching him cook with his back to me. He wore a pair of sweatpants with a red t-shirt that stretched tautly over the hard ridges of his muscles. His hair was messy from sleep and I suddenly wondered where he slept. He obviously moved me from the theater room, but had he stayed with me all night?

  My heart fluttered like a hummingbird high on sugar.

  “How’s your hand?” he asked, pouring an egg mixture into a pan.

  “It’s okay. Nothing compared to last night. I was a mess,” I mumbled that last part hoping he didn’t think I was a little wimp.

  “What was the dream about exactly?”

  “Oh the same ole someone’s trying to give me a
message in a really weird, terrifying manner that makes absolutely no sense.”

  Mac glanced over his shoulder, his brow arched questioningly.

  I leaned my cheek in my good hand. “I was in the lab at Highland and William popped up being all weird and cryptic. He set the place on fire and said I was going to burn like all of them.”

  “All of who?”

  I shrugged then remembering he wasn’t looking I spoke. “I don’t know. Then I couldn’t get out and burned my hand on the knob…” My words trailed off as I recalled the blonde girl running away with a can of gasoline.

  Mac turned around, his brows knit and expression expectant. “What’s going through that weird mind of yours Rubi?”

  “There was a girl—a blonde girl—running away with gasoline.” My eyes narrowed suspiciously. “I think it was Sasha.”

  Mac’s head reeled back while incredulity played over his expression. “Sasha?”


  He blinked and sat down the spatula, turning completely toward me. “Are you trying to tell me you think Sasha has something to do with a hunter or setting you and or the lab at Highland on fire?”

  I crossed my arms against my chest. “Maybe.”

  Mac snorted on a laugh and shook his head. “Doubtfully. Sasha’s not exactly…” He rubbed his chin, trying to think of the right word. “Smart. She doesn’t peg me as a conspiratorial person. She’s kind of an air head.” He winced. “I’m sure the only reason she got into Highland was her parents’ money and status.”

  Then why were you hanging out with her? Instead of blurting my question out loud I sighed, slumping on the stool. “I could be jumping to conclusions,” I grumbled. I hadn’t exactly seen her face. Another thought struck me and I perked up. “Maybe it was Liz.” The young female hunter with a sweet, kitteny face and a nasty attitude flashed through my mind.

  Mac returned to the stove. “Who’s Liz?”

  “Just this crazy hunter who almost killed my second semester at Highland.” My lips curled in a grimace. “She would love to torture me even more now.”


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