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Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4)

Page 24

by J. N. Colon

  “Who wants to torture you?” Demy shuffled in looking rumbled and cute, rubbing his half-lidded violet eyes. His inky hair was almost as messy as Mac’s.

  “Some hunter named Liz,” Mac answered, sliding something onto a plate.

  Demy huffed. “Oh her. Paisley says she’s a real piece of crazy work.”

  “Who’s Paisley?”

  “Your ex,” Demy yawned. “And currently my new pain in the ass.”

  My brow furrowed in curiosity.

  “She’s been working with the shifters on new tactics against the hunters.” He rolled his eyes. “My dad loves her.” Demy’s gaze finally fell on my bandaged hand and all the annoyance fell from his expression replaced by concern. “What happened?”

  “William paid me a visit in my dreams last night. He pulled a Freddy Krueger. I got burned.” I waved my hand. “Literally.”

  Demy swooped over to me and cradled my hand protectively. “Why didn’t you wake me up? I would have…”

  “I took care of it.” Mac’s calm neutral voice was a drastic contrast to his suddenly rigid posture.

  Demy arched his studded brow, silently questioning me. I shrugged, at a loss for words to describe Mac’s behavior or motivations. And then my stomach interrupted, screaming for food. He smirked and got up to load me a plate.

  “This is hers.” Mac pointed to one, snatching it away when Demy reached for it. “I’m not done.”

  Demy shrugged and waited for Mac to continue piling food on. But again when the shifter tried to take it Mac snatched it back. “I got it,” he growled between clenched teeth. “I got it,” Mac repeated as he and Demy continued to have some sort of silent standoff.

  Holy ham hocks. Was Mac showing a little possessiveness toward me?

  Demy’s hands went up in surrender. “Okay.” His face was that usual blank mask yet those violet eyes were laughing when he flicked a knowing look at me.

  Mac placed a massive plate in front of me with a bulging omelet, a side of bacon, sausage, and toast. I glanced up at him, biting me lip. “You made me a steak omelet?” My voice was barely a whisper, my throat closing from a huge, emotion filled lump.

  He shrugged his big shoulders as if it was nothing. “I figured you wouldn’t be able to cut a whole steak with your hand like that.”

  I failed horribly at suppressing a grin. “Thanks.”

  Mac turned and retrieved his plate, sitting in the seat on the corner… right next to me. He was so close our knees almost touched.

  Excitement thrummed through my bloodstream, warming my body like a furnace. Demy grabbed a plate and sat next to me, shooting me a knowing smile. Neither of us had seen Mac act—well like Mac.

  “I have to ask you something.” Mac’s gaze was suddenly serious as those green orbs pinned me to my seat. “And be honest.”

  “Okay…” I dragged the word out, trepidation swirling in my stomach.

  “Was there a ghost around before you fell asleep during the movie?”

  Damn. He had to ask me that.

  My eyes flickered to Demy’s purple ones, seeing just as much suspicion in his as in Mac’s. “Well…” I ran my finger over the counter, tracing the silver and black veins in the marble counter.

  Demy laid his hand over mine, stopping my stalling. “Rubi?” His studded brow arched.

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. Yes, I had a ghostly visit of the tormenting kind.”

  “I knew it,” Mac said, running a hand through his unruly hair. “You looked all freaked out and weird last night.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” Demy took a sip of his juice without removing his glare from me.

  I shrugged. “I’m already under house arrest. No one could have done anything anyways.” When neither of them relaxed I continued. “It was only a little blood. That’s all. Nothing touching me.”

  Mac’s brow furrowed and lips pursed. “What exactly happened?”

  While I was glad Mac was taking more of an interest in my wellbeing, I seriously didn’t want to dredge up sickening images as I was trying to eat. “Guys.” I pointed to my plate of still untouched, yummy food. “Need to eat here before a fist breaks through my stomach and punches both of you.”

  Demy snorted on a laugh while Mac’s lips twitched, threatening a smile. Thankfully they both dropped it.

  A beeping echoed and Demy pulled his phone out. “It’s my dad. I’ll be right back.” He answered it and disappeared around the hall.

  I dug into my plate, audibly moaning at the steak omelet. “It’s good,” I mumbled with a full mouth and I pretty sure Mac almost smiled at me.

  I continued eating away, whistling a tune in my head, happy as a clam while Mac sat next to me. I inhaled my entire omelet within minutes and began in on the bacon. My eyes traveled to Mac’s plate where half a juicy steak still sat.

  He was right about the meat envy thing.

  Out the corner of my eye I watched him cut a big piece before leaning toward the opposite end of the counter to grab the salt shaker. With fast vampire reflexes I took my fork and stabbed the morsel of steak, jamming it in my mouth right as he returned.

  Mac grabbed his fork, stabbing the plate and expecting there to be a piece of steak on the end. Instead a clink echoed as metal hit porcelain. His brows furrowed in confusion and jade eyes flickered to me.

  I was still chewing, trying to not smile or look guilty.

  I failed.

  Mac shot me an incredulous expression. “Really?”

  I shrugged. “Meat envy, remember?”

  He shook his head, letting out a heavy sigh, but the corners of his lips were pulling up into a smile. He cut another piece and stuck it in his mouth. The next one he dropped on my plate. And then another. And another.

  I could do nothing to stop the affectionate grin from crossing my face. “Thanks Mac.”

  “Well, I couldn’t let you die of meat envy.” Humor glinted in his jade eyes and maybe something else…

  Demy strode back in looking grim. “I’ve got to go to Savannah. My dad needs me.”

  My smile faded. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Undead vampires are coming out the woodwork.”


  He nodded and rubbed the back of his head. “I need to go for a few days at least.” His violet eyes surveyed me, concern and uncertainty shimmering in them. “I’m sorry Rubi.”

  My throat felt tight and it wasn’t simply because he was leaving. It was because I was worried about him.

  As if he could read my mind he waved a hand in the air. “I’ll be fine princess. I can handle those things.” He winked. “I got mad skills.”

  I rolled my eyes, trying to blink away the tears at the same time.

  Demy’s gaze landed on Mac, a seriousness suddenly dousing any lightness. “Can I talk to you alone for a sec?”

  Surprisingly Mac nodded without protest and stood, motioning toward the hall.

  Oh please like I was actually going to sit here and not follow them?

  Using my handy vamp sneaking abilities I got up and tiptoed after them, peeking my head around the corner until they both came in to view.

  “Will Rubi be okay with you alone?” he asked Mac.

  “She has Rufus and…”

  Demy interrupted him. “That’s not what I’m asking and you know it.”

  Mac sighed and jammed his fingers through his hair. “Yeah. She’ll be fine with me.”

  Demy’s studded brow lifted skeptically.

  “I took care of her last night, didn’t I,” Mac argued. “She’ll be fine. I’ll… watch over her.”

  My pulse quickened, wondering if Mac really meant it. I also wondered if he was only doing it out of responsibility or if he really cared about my safety.

  Chapter 29

  I sat on the couch in my room, reading Dorian Gray and trying to answer the discussion questions. It wasn’t going well and I was seconds away from tossing my book in the fire.

  A knock resonated
on my door before it opened without an invitation and Mac strolled in looking sexy in threadbare jeans and a black t-shirt that brought out his eyes. His midnight hair was wild around his face while an almost wicked smile twitched his lips. He looked so much like he used to it nearly stole my breath away.

  He plopped down next to me as if it was the most normal thing to do. It was—before he died and came back. “What are you doing?” he asked, peering over my shoulder at the book in my lap.

  I showed him the novel. “Dorian Gray crap.” I stanched the urge to snuggle up against him. “What are you doing?” Besides driving me nuts?

  Mac shrugged. “Nothing.” He picked up my notebook and started absentmindedly flipping through my notes. “This handwriting is different,” he remarked, pointing to some very small chicken scratch.

  “Madison wrote that for me.”

  His dark brow arched. “The ghost? She can do that?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. She’s getting pretty strong.” I bit my lip, feeling a slight edge of anxiety for several reasons sliding through my stomach. I hadn’t seen her in a while and it really made me wonder what she was up to.

  Mac pointed to another page entitled, Mac’s enemies. “What’s this about?”

  “Oh.” I sighed and closed the book, knowing it was futile to try to study with Mac next to me. I couldn’t do it when he remembered me and I still couldn’t now. “After Declan told me his theory about the hunters killing you for some other reason than the obvious vampire bad motivations I tried to come up with a list of your enemies.”

  “It’s blank except for the hunters.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Duh. That’s because you don’t have any.”

  “Oh.” He flipped the page over and saw my list of enemies. “Hmm. You have a couple.” The corners of his lips twitched, threatening a smile. His finger trailed down the names, stopping at Sasha’s. “You can scratch hers out.”

  I scoffed. “Oh really, why is that?” I hated the bitter note in my voice.

  He grimaced. “I told you, she’s a ditz. Plus, she’s a little scared of you.”

  My head shifted back, shocked. “Really?”

  He nodded.

  Well, she should be considering she was trying to steal my mate.

  Mac flicked the notebook. “I’d keep her parents though. They really don’t like you.”


  “In fact I’m pretty sure they hate you.”

  Annoyed I snatched the paper out of the notebook with my good hand and balled it up, tossing it at him. “Thanks, but I already knew that. They’re co-captains of the I hate Rubi fan club.”

  He picked up the ball and started tossing it in the air like a basketball. It made me think of the many times he played at Highland, looking so drool worthy in that uniform and all sweaty and tousled by the end of the game.

  “I’m bored.” Mac’s voice snapped me out of my reverie, turning my cheeks pink. “You want to go swimming in the pool?”

  I shivered at the thought of the indoor pool downstairs. Those things still weirded me out. “Definitely not.”

  He continued tossing the ball up and catching it. “Oh yeah. You hate indoor pools. You think they’re like giant communal bathtubs.” The moment the words were out his mouth he froze and peered at me, the paper ball hitting his chest.

  “You remember that?” I hesitantly whispered, afraid to break the moment.

  Mac blinked, his eyes unfocused and pensive. “Uh yeah. I guess I do.” His hands sank down to his lap. “You think Nessy’s twin is hiding at the bottom of Highland’s pool.”

  My heart squeezed inside my chest while a grin curled my lips. “That’s right.”

  Mac’s hand unexpectedly reached up and touched my one lone dimple that he used to love so much. “You should smile more. This thing comes out.” His own lips curled up. “I like it. It’s cute.”

  A flush enveloped my skin and my pulse elevated. “You’ve said that before,” I breathed. “A lot.”

  His finger left my dimple and trailed across my chin, heat following in its wake. “What else have I said?” His voice dropped and turned husky while his jade irises began to fleck with silver.

  “L-Lots of things.” Stellar comeback Rubi.

  “Like what?” he prodded.

  Oh man. Butterflies were assaulting my stomach, making my insides queasy. In a good way. “You said you like my eyes.”

  His fingers swept beneath my eyes. “Hmm umm.”

  “My hair.”

  Mac curled a strand around before letting it drop. “Yeah.”

  “My lips.”

  His thumb skimmed my bottom lip while he examined them. “Yep.”

  He was suddenly extremely close, so close I could feel the heat coming off him. His pulse was beating against mine, matching the ragged pace. My breaths were coming in quick, short pants.

  “What else Rubi.” The way he said my name had shivers running all over me, sinking into my body.

  “You said you like the way I taste,” I whispered, letting my hand move forward, curling into his shirt.

  Mac nodded and leaned forward. “I do.” His hot breath blew across my lips, a precursor to a kiss.

  A knock resonated on the door, snapping us out of the trance. Mac shot back into his seat, his face a mask of confusion and shock. Without waiting for an answer the door slowly creaked open, revealing a wide set of light blue eyes framed by icy blonde hair.


  She blinked and smiled sweetly. “Rufus said you might be in here.” Her eyes were laser focused on Mac.

  Anger lit a fire in my belly, dousing the feelings of hope and desire Mac had spurred in me. You got to be kidding me. What was she doing here?

  Mac’s cheeks were flushed, but his face a total mask now and he refused to meet my eyes. “Sasha.” He shot off the couch as if he couldn’t get away from me fast enough. “Glad you’re here.” He brushed past me without a second look.

  “Hi Rubi.” Her voice was soft and even a little timid.

  I ignored her and glared at Mac’s back as he walked away with her, pain ripping through my heart. Again.

  I tossed and turned in my bed, finally falling asleep only to have nightmares about Mac and Sasha together. My consciousness slowly swam to the surface until my lids fluttered open to my darkened room. Only I wasn’t alone.

  A woman with a sleek black ponytail, dressed in all black with a snarl across her harsh face stood over me, blending with the shadows. The moonlight streaming in through the windows glinted against the silver stake clutched threateningly in her hand.

  With a gasp I jumped back moments before the stake slammed down, stabbing the bed instead of me. I didn’t even have time to scream before she was on me again, grabbing my shoulders to yank me back.

  My heart raged against my ribs, pouring adrenaline and fear through my bloodstream. What the hell! How did a hunter get into the house? And where were the guards?

  “You’re going to die tonight princess.” Her voice slithered out like snakes across dry leaves while her onyx eyes reflected pure, unadulterated malice.

  And I was supposed to be the bad guy?

  She knocked me onto the bed, holding me down with her knees. Hate emanated off her of, thick and choking. I didn’t want to hurt her. She was human and it felt wrong, but when she came at me with that damn stake I shoved her.

  The hunter stumbled back, catching her footing before she fell, coming at me again. The stake caught my arm, making me cry out in pain, blood instantly dripping from the wound. “Say hello to the other dead vamps.” Her arm lifted and drove down at me.

  With supernatural reflexes I caught it and yanked it out of her hand, flinging it so hard it stuck into the wall.

  We both looked back at each other stunned. I’d been a vampire for a while, but let’s face it, I was no Selene from Underworld.

  After those few seconds of reprieve the shock wore off and the hunter’s face hardened to stone, ready for attack. She whipped a
silver dagger out her boot, arching it toward my heart.

  Oh frying fish sticks!

  Before the knife could spill my blood the hunter was thrown into the wall, sliding down and landing on the floor like a ragdoll.

  Madison was looming over the unconscious hunter, an ominous smirk on her face. “Got here in the nick of time, right?” Without waiting for a response she disappeared into the darkness again.

  A creak echoed and I whirled around as an arrow flew through the air. I moved. Just not fast enough.

  A silver tipped arrow sank into my chest, sliding jarringly against my ribs. My scream of pain and shock shook the windows in my room as I fell to my knees.

  Chapter 30

  My breathing came in quick, painful pants while something hot flowed through my veins. I knew without a doubt it was the poison the arrow had been dipped it. Fortunately my blood was immune—as long as Emmaline had been right.

  A thick statured, brawny male hunter slowly strode forward, his dark hazel eyes glaring down at me with undiluted hatred. He jerked his chin toward the unconscious woman hunter sprawled on the ground. “You’re going to die painfully for that. An extra dose of poison will rip your insides apart like acid.”

  Cold panic mixed with the burning poison as I clenched my jaw against the cry I wanted to release. I couldn’t move or even shield my heart because, while the poison might now kill me, a silver tipped arrow to the heart would. And if it didn’t kill me it was going to hurt like a mother shucker.

  He drew another arrow and threaded it through the bow string, pointing it directly at my heart. An audible whimper accidently slipped out, making his lips curl into a cruel smile of satisfaction.

  The door exploded open, wood splinters from the frame flying through the air. Daedalus shot in like a blur, grabbing the man around his thick neck before he had a chance to fight. A crack echoed and the hunter hid the floor with a loud thud, his head landing at an odd, unnatural angle.

  Bile rose up my throat at the dead body now before me even if he had been trying to kill me.

  “Rubi!” Daedalus descended on me, his face pale with fear as he surveyed the arrow sticking out of my chest.


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