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Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4)

Page 25

by J. N. Colon

  Rufus sprinted in, his silver eyes frantically searching the room for more hunter stowaways. “How did they get in here?” he hissed between his fanged teeth.

  “I don’t know.” Daedalus’ gaze landed on the unconscious women, the tendons in his square, stubble covered jaw tightening at the sound of her heartbeat.

  “W-Where’s Mac?” I coughed as a wave of pain momentarily seized my airways and I hunched over, feeling the arrow digging around in my chest cavity.

  “He’s fine,” Rufus answered in his smooth, calming English accent as he dropped down beside me. “Don’t worry about that princess.”

  “We need to get this out before it moves.” Daedalus wrapped his hand around the arrow. “This is going to hurt princess.”

  “Wait! It’s poisoned.” They weren’t immune and one little nick and my guards were toast.

  Daedalus’ eyes flickered toward Rufus as they shared some kind of silent communication. “Okay. I’ll be careful.”

  I whimpered in anticipation, knowing the silver arrow was about to rip through lots of flesh on the way out. It was going to hurt. A lot.

  Rufus held out his mocha colored palm toward me. “Take my hand.” He nodded when I did as he instructed. “You can squeeze it as hard as you want and you won’t hurt me. Okay?”

  I nodded and swallowed the acid clawing up my throat from my churning stomach. Without warning Daedalus yanked the arrow out.

  Agonizing pain exploded through my chest as the silver tip ripped flesh and muscle on the way out, my vision spotting back and body swaying. Rufus caught me, my face planting on his vanilla scented shoulder.

  “I got you princess.” Rufus’s hand gently stroked my back as my tears and blood coated his shirt. “Dae, toss the arrow into the fire. And then do something with that one. She’s still breathing.” His voice had deepened and turned dark, an angry growl rumbling through his body.

  I shivered, knowing the fate that awaited the hunter.

  “Got it,” Daedalus snarled.

  Electricity sparked across my spine, distracting me from the pain for a moment.

  “What the hell happened!” Mac’s voice held a tremor of concern I hadn’t heard since he returned from the dead. “Rubi!”

  I lifted my head, blinking the dark spot from my eyes to see Mac looking down at me with deep worry etching his face and filling those jade eyes. I almost reached for him—until Sasha appeared behind him, rubbing her eyes from sleep.

  She spent the night? With him?

  A pain more acute than ripping out the arrow twisted my already wounded and broken heart. A sob slipped out my mouth and I collapsed back against Rufus, wanting the reprieve of sleep to take me.

  Rufus cursed. “We need to go. It’s not safe. The mansion has been compromised.” He lifted me into the air, jostling my body. I cried out as a red hot pain shot through my chest.

  “I’ll take her.” Mac’s strained voice mixed with my soft sniffles.

  I could feel the hesitation in Rufus’s arms.

  “She’s my mate, isn’t she?” Mac’s arms slid beneath my body. “Give her to me,” he demanded.

  My stupid heart fluttered at hearing him call me his mate again. The stubborn hurt part of me wanted to protest, but my body had other ideas. It wanted him. It needed him.

  Rufus relented and I slid into Mac’s willing arms, his body engulfing mine as I let the darkness consume me.

  Cold, hard metal supported my body and the smell of blood mixed with something astringent stung my nose. My eyes fluttered open, blinking against bright florescent lights. Tiled floors, metal cabinets, medical supplies…

  My heart slammed in my chest and adrenaline spiked. Oh no. The hunters took me. I was in their lab again!

  Sharp pain ripped through my chest as I tried to sit up. I whimpered and cried out, tears filling my eyes.

  “Whoa! Whoa! It’s okay.” Mac suddenly appeared above me, his hair and clothes disheveled while dark circles bruised beneath his eyes and lines of worry etched his face. “You’re safe Rubi. You’re safe.” His hand reached out and caressed my shoulder, assuring me he was real. “You’re at Highland.”

  My heaving breaths slowed as did my heart, easing the pain a little. “W-Why am I in the lab?” My hand reached out and felt a bandage beneath my shirt.

  “We just wanted to make sure the poison didn’t hurt you.”

  My eyes shut momentarily, horrifying images flashing behind them. The hunters, the arrow in my chest, and Mac—with Sasha.

  I should be more focused on almost dying in what was supposed to be a safe place, but seeing my mate with another girl was like sticking my heart in a blender. Just add some celery salt, vodka, and a dash of hot sauce and you’ve got a bloody Rubi.

  “Was Sasha staying with you?” My whispered question somehow echoed loudly and heavily in the hollow room, unintentionally letting hurt lace every syllable. When Mac remained silent my eyes opened, staring up at him accusingly.

  Guilt flashed across face. “We fell asleep watching a movie. That’s all.” He shook his head, brushing locks of unruly midnight hair from his face that only returned even messier. “She wasn’t supposed to stay.”

  I looked away, blinking hot, betraying tears back. I was pretty sure I felt a few slide down my face. I wiped them away with my good hand and I cleared my throat. “How did hunters get in the house? I thought we had all this security.”

  Mac sighed, looking tired. “I honestly don’t know. My dad’s looking into a breach in our guards.”

  My gaze snapped back to his. “No way. None of the guards would have let them in. There has to be another explanation.” I tried to get up, but gasped when acute pain erupted in my chest again.

  “Careful.” Mac’s hands slipped under me, helping me into a sitting position. “Emmaline’s getting a room ready for you and some blood. I’ll take you there.”

  I shook my head, unable to get the image of him and Sasha out of my head even if they had only been sleeping. I had a very creative imagination. “I just want to be alone. Rufus can take me really quick.”

  Something unreadable flashed in his eyes as he stared at me, words on the tip of his tongue. Instead giving any protest he simply looked away and nodded, his shoulders slightly slumped. “I’ll get Rufus.”

  He didn’t argue, but I almost wished he had.

  I knew he was there before I opened my eyes. I could smell his scent, feel his warmth, and hear his heart beating in time with mine. I had reluctantly found myself in our designated room beneath Highland and I had a feeling Emmaline ordered me in here on purpose. It was as we left it. Our clothes were still in the matching armoires and own toiletries filled the bathroom. Both our scents still lingered in the air like the painful memories in my mind.

  At some point Mac crawled on top of the bed next to me close but not touching. I wondered if he knew this was our room. Had he seen the pictures of us, our families, and friends on the shelves? Had he felt anything for the ones with us holding each other, smiling in happiness?

  “What time is it?” I asked, my voice thick with sleep.

  Mac’s heart stuttered for a moment. Maybe he hadn’t expected me to wake up so soon. “3am.”

  I sighed and opened my eyes, finding his jade ones watching me unblinkingly. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I know you said you wanted to be alone, but… I just… I…” He flailed for something to say, his brows knitting as if he wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing here himself. “Well, Demy would always stay with you and when you were alone look what happened…” His words trailed off.

  “I don’t think hunters can get in here,” I said.

  He gently touched my hand that was just barely pink and tender from the burn. “Or you could have one of those dreams and get hurt or the three hunter spirits could come after you.” When I didn’t appear to accept his reasoning he sighed, turning on his back and jammed his finger through his hair, mussing it up completely. “I don’t know really.” />
  He seemed so confused. Was our bond finally getting to him, making him realize he actually wanted to be with me?

  “I remember seeing you for the first time at school.” His voice was so quiet—a whisper in the darkness—I almost didn’t hear him.

  My heart fluttered and from the jump in his I was certain he heard it. Was he staring to get his memories back?

  “I was sitting in a classroom at a desk. You walked in late and everyone turned to stare at you. So did I.” He spoke to the white gossamer curtains of the canopy above us, his gaze distant as if watching the scene unfold before his eyes. “You looked nervous and so unlike anyone I’d ever met. You weren’t this cold, vein beauty or shallow heiress. I knew you’d be sweet and funny and probably even a little sarcastic.” His gaze finally turned to mine, the green in his eyes a touch lighter. “And you are, you know, all those things.

  What was I supposed to say to that? “Okay.” Lame!

  “But I also remembered thinking you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” Mac swallowed hard and licked his lips before continuing. “That’s why I hid my face in a book, because I was afraid you’d catch me staring at you and I wouldn’t be able to stop.”

  I blinked repeatedly trying to keep the stubborn tears from pushing their way out. “I didn’t know that. You never told me that story before.”

  Mac turned on his side and touched my dimple. “I still think that too—the part about you being beautiful…” He trailed off almost as if he was afraid he’d said too much.

  My pulse was spiking all over the place and chest tightening—in a good way. Before this I was afraid Mac would never remember me or ever feel an inkling of how he used to. I was starting to wonder if we’d be in this forced relationship for the rest of our immortal lives.

  Now, a tiny ray of hope was blooming in my heart, resetting some of the shattered pieces.

  “Can I stay with you tonight?” His jade eyes pleaded with me through the darkness, pulling at my heart strings.

  “Okay.” Like I was seriously going to say no. It would be like me saying no to filet mignon. Not happening.

  Relief penetrated his expression, loosening his muscles. He pulled back the white satin covers and slipped in, careful not to jostle me. He laid on his side facing me but not touching. And then his hand moved closer until the back of his fingers brushed against my thigh, making sure I was there.


  A thick, heavy arm was draped over my lower torso, far enough away from my healing chest. Warm breath blew against my neck from the head that was nestled up against mine. At first I assumed it was Demy.

  Until I remembered the events of last night—or more like early morning. Mac was the person curled up against my side, sleeping soundlessly.

  “Well I guess the royal couple’s back together.” Brantley Dentwood was looming at the edge of the bed, his hazel eyes smiling at us.

  A groggy Mac glanced at him. “What are you doing here?”

  Brant hopped on the edge of the bed, his blonde halo of hair bouncing around his face while that crocodile smile curled his lips. “Rubi-licious. Lookin’ good.” He motioned toward me. “I like the whole bed head thing—very sexy.” His fingers began to pry up the covers. “What do you got on under there? Any lacy undergarments?”

  Mac leaned up on his elbow and slid his foot over, kicking Brant’s hand. “Cut it out.”

  A flash of auburn hair entered the room, stopping next to Brant. “Ugh. You guys are finally awake.” A pout pulled at Aspen’s perfect lips. “We’ve been here for hours and they wouldn’t let us wake you up.”

  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked, secretly loving that Brant was screwing with me, putting Mac even closer.

  “To see you. Duh.” She sprinted forward, diving in for a hug.

  “Whoa!” Mac’s arm slipped in front of me protectively, stopping her advance. “Careful. She’s still healing.”

  A twinkle lit Aspen’s amber eyes. “It looks like someone’s finally acting like themselves,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Mac shot her an incredulous expression. “I can hear you, you know?”

  “Next thing you know he’ll be reading Hawthorne and drawing artsy fartsy pictures.” Brant winked at me.

  Mac growled, but I felt the vibrations of laughter through his chest.

  I could hear the Saturday crowd of people gathered in the dining hall at Highland for lunch. Most of the students who slept in during breakfast would be shuffling in along with everyone else meaning it was a packed house.

  Mac and I walked together. It was strange having him by my side after all this time apart. As he pushed open the door for me he surprised me by grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I couldn’t help but smile up at him, watching the corner of his lips curl up too.

  I was reminded of the first time Mac walked me into the dining hall, holding my hand and showing the vampires and everyone else we were together. It wasn’t quite the same, but people still stared at us holding hands considering we hadn’t done it since he’d been back.

  We stopped at a table with Aspen and Brant sitting on the opposite side, eating. Aspen had a dainty salad while Brant’s plate was piled high with a steak sandwich and fries. My stomach growled at the sight and smell of it.

  “Good to see you still have an appetite after…” Brant pantomimed shooting a bow and arrow. “Remember the time you stabbed me with a tree branch?”

  My eyes narrowed, recalling the pain of his bite. “Yes.”

  “Why’d you stab him?” Mac asked, his brow arching in curiosity.

  “He chased me around campus one night when I was still human and bit me.”

  Mac stiffened beside me while silver flecked his jade eyes. “Tell me I kicked your ass for that man.”

  Brant raised his palms in defense. “Yes. You broke my nose. And it was before you guys were together. I didn’t even know you liked her then.”

  Aspen rolled her eyes. “Yes, please forgive Brant’s idiocy.” She petted his blonde halo of hair as if her were a dog. “Don’t worry. I’m training him. He’s just about house broken.”

  He shot her a grimace, but didn’t deny it.

  A crooked grin reluctantly fought through Mac’s expression. “Good.”

  My stomach let out another angry scream, demanding food.

  Aspen pointed a perfectly manicured fingernail. “You better get Rubi some food before her stomach starts to eat itself.”

  “Or a vicious animal busts through to gnaw off your hand.”

  I made a face at Brant. “Ugh. That’s just gross.”

  He shrugged while sporting that crocodile smile.

  I turned toward the lunch lines, but Mac stepped in my way. “I’ll get your food,” he said.

  I shook my head. “I’m fine. I can do it.”

  He pulled out a chair for me. “You were shot in the chest with silver. You’re still healing.”

  I couldn’t stop the flush from spreading across my cheeks and the smile from twitching my lips. “Okay.” I sat down and watched him walk toward the food line, nodding at students on the way.

  “I’m so glad he’s acting like himself again,” Brant admitted before taking a bite of his sandwich. “He was becoming a serious douche.”

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Aspen chided.

  “Sorry babe.”

  She rolled her amber eyes. “Brant is right Rubi. Mac was being the total opposite.”

  I nodded while absentmindedly playing with a lock of my unruly hair. “I know. Believe me.” Even just last night he was with another girl before I got shot.

  Demy was pissed when he found out what happened. I hadn’t planned on telling him until Dae had to open his big mouth. I secretly wondered if he tore into Mac for not keeping me safe like he assured him and that’s why he was acting protective and nice to me again.

  Demy wanted to return immediately, but I convinced him I was safe at Highland and plus his father and the shifters re
ally needed him. He was the Alpha’s son—their prince—and he needed to remember that.

  Marci was suddenly in my line of vision, snapping her fingers in my face. “Earth to Rubi,” she giggled. “Are you in there?”

  “I think she’s just day dreaming about a certain green-eyed vampire.” Darci sat down across from Marci. “We did just see you holding hands with Mac Dav, didn’t we?”

  A flush rose across my cheeks again and I bit my lip against the grin threatening to unleash. “Yes.”

  Darci dramatically grabbed his chest. “Be still my heart. The infamous royal couple is on the mend. There is still hope for love in this world.”

  Marci threw a carrot from her salad at him. “The only hope you have for love is a blind and deaf girl. No one could stand the sight of you daily or your voice.”

  He shrugged, stabbing a piece of chicken with his fork. “Hey, I bet Helen Keller was hot.”

  Brant snorted and reached over, pounding his fist against Darci’s. “Good one.”

  Aspen and Marci gave identical eye rolls that the boys ignored.

  Mac returned to the table with his plate and mine, which held a massive steak sandwich. I opened it up to see he had prepared it exactly the way I liked with a layer of meat, a layer of cheese, another layer of meat, and then bacon bits—the real kind and not that weird soy crap from the salad bar.

  My eyes slowly surveyed him as he slid a fry through ketchup before popping it in his mouth as if nothing had occurred.

  Noticing my intense gaze Mac glanced over, his brows knit. “What? You don’t want it?”

  “Of course I do, but how did you know to make it this way?”

  He shrugged and looked away, grabbing another fry. “I know what my baby likes.”

  The air got stuck in my throat and I could see Aspen, Brant, Darci, and Marci staring at Mac with wide eyes and gapping mouths.

  Mac blinked. “I don’t know why I said that.” He scratched his head, his expression full of questions. “Have I said that before?”

  I silently nodded, stunned. “All the time.” My voice was barely audible over the crowded dining hall.


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