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Hood Misfits 3

Page 6

by Brick

  My hand traveled up to my jaw where I scratched it, stubbed the patch of hair I had on my chin, and then thumbed my small hoop-pierced nose. “Again, my bad, since you got me contracted, I figured you needed more room and here I am.”

  Sharp, maniacal laugher erupted from the sharply dressed man I wanted to spit on, as he assessed me while rubbing his large hands together in thought. Micah’s laugh settled in the wind, making me anxious. We both continued to watch each other before he finally spoke up. “My friend. I’ll let that slide ’cause you’re right. Your freedom is now tethered to me, patna, and once you accept that, then we good. I think it’s clear you know what I will do, so now, nigga, we on an equal understanding. Test me again.”

  I walked forward to rest my hands on Micah’s shoulders, patting them. My head dropped in contemplation and I gave a slight sigh, keeping my gait nonthreatening. “Not my intention,” I said, letting it settle between us like a bullet ready to go off.

  Already content with how things had played out, I decided to smooth that nigga’s ego and hop ’n’ fetch it out. “You’re right, homie. You and me are good, my bad. The old me came out, but that’s what you want and need right? So, I got you. Understand you. Whatever you need, I got you. Bet on me and that money will keep dropping, a’ight?”

  Flashing a mocking smile, apprehension had me worrying about my aunt and brother, but right now, I had to keep my game face on. Lines had been drawn, and an understanding that my old life was now coming into this new one of mine was finally settling in. I dropped my hands and moved by the two bodyguards in front of me, once Micah let me pass through.

  I could tell he was already calculating whatever plan he had going and that shifty motherfucker had me on edge. As I walked on, my ears twitched when hearing him snarl, “That’s my money. Let him do him, but Sunday, he better make my dough.”

  Damn, here we go again. A snide smile spread across my face as I strolled through the party making my way out only to be stopped by that asshole Micah again. “Don’t forget your money, homie; now smile for the camera.”

  Lights flashed as everyone crowded around us. That thick envelope was back and being tucked into my hand. Irritation had me frozen staring at that nigga’s back as he left me where I stood in a hallway, with him leading everyone back down to the party. Music bumped and had the hallway I stood in vibrating with its tune.

  Micah’s shifty shit had me digging my fingers into the palm of my left hand. I dropped the envelope of money, annoyed more now than I had been before. I wasn’t some bitch you threw money at. I wasn’t that nigga’s whore. So, he could miss me with the bullshit. I had the numbers he needed, the commodity he was betting on, and he was going to learn that when he fucked or threatened what he thought was his mule, it would only cause more issues for him.

  I heard, “You really not going to take that money?” which had me turning toward the feminine voice that said it.

  “I don’t need or want whatever he got. As far as that, I’m good on it. One of his goons left it as far as I’m concerned,” I said.

  The sound of teeth being sucked on grated my nerves. “Well, I’ll take it. Fair exchange is no crime,” the voice said.

  While I was heading away, I saw it was Tino who stepped into view. I glanced down at the dude who was an inch or two over average height. He studied me with amusement in his face. Both of his arms snaked over his chest as he matched my gait and he gave off a masculine vibe, but it was the tone and the subtle tilt of his head, like that guy Lafayette from that vampire show on HBO, that had me knowing his true colors. Dude was all off on that quote, which had me shaking my head in laughter.

  Intuition in my gut made me pause for a second to clear up what was going on. Everyone in this game was grimy and had their hands ready to snatch whatever you got. It didn’t matter if you came from the purest of backgrounds or was an advocate of sainthood. If you were gullible enough to get played, be it small or major, then you were going to get played. Tino was a goodhearted weasel from what I had seen and heard.

  Nigga was about that other life. Gripping what he could while uppin’ the ass for players who played the pit bull but was thirsty for that Tinker Bell. No judgment on his lifestyle but I got no respect for his type of dudes. Tino was in a squatting position, reaching for the envelope. Both of my hands dropped into my pockets.

  I turned to address him. “Do what you want, but show that shit to the guards. Do it.”

  Tino’s eyebrow rose at the tone of my voice, but from the way his eyes lightened and shifted, it was clear that I wasn’t in a testing sort of mood. He nervously stood then quickly made his way down the hall to do what I asked. Holding his hand in the air, he shook the stacks under the nose of one of the bodyguards, flashing a playful smile while he spoke. One of the guards opened the door to Micah’s office and then told him that I hadn’t taken the ducats.

  Content in that, I walked away. As I tried to leave, I found myself back in the middle of the party with honeys surrounding me. This was the one time being as popular as I was hindered me. Still, to keep up the façade, I let some of the Bounce Girls dance with me. I noticed Tino parting through the crowd of females around me as if he were Moses parting that sea. He came my way with a stern look on his face.

  It seemed like he was pissed because, the moment he got in my face, he shoved a white envelope at me and furrowed his brows. “Him said take this, don’t argue about and don’t diss him about it.”

  My face contorted as I looked down at the cash resting against my chest. “Told that nigga I don’t want it and don’t need it. Take that.”

  “No. I’m not fucking with him, okay, so just do it. Thanks and buh-bye.” And like that, Tino blended back into the crowd, melting into the party groove, leaving me with cash.

  I needed to get up out this mansion party. I needed a distraction so once I decided to leave, no one would stop me. I didn’t have time to keep playing at Micah’s bullshit games. Fisting the envelope, I moved through the party. People asked for autographs, some of my teammates gave me dap, and I headed to the bar where I saw Angel standing with a scowl on her face.

  Signaling the bartender, I ordered up some round and kept my position straight as she sat rigid playing as if she wasn’t paying me any attention.

  “I saw you ride out slick like. You go piss?” I said in a low bass. “Know you ain’t got shit to worry about from me. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, and we can keep it just like that,” I said looking down at the envelope I held on the bar table.

  Angel took a sip of her drink and kept her back to me. “Whatever, good to not know you then.” She gave a slight humph and tapped her finger against her glass. “So that money still found you then?”

  “Naw, it found you.”

  She turned quickly in her seat to glance at me before waving down the bartender for another glass. “So you going to share the wealth?”

  “You going to stop looking like you got to shit?”

  Angel rolled her eyes. She gave a slight pout then quirked her lips as she held out the palm of her hand and wiggled her claw-like nails. “Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”

  A casual smirk played across my lips and I turned, grabbing the bottles I asked for, then glancing at the guards who kept watching me. “I’ll remember that.”

  “Right because we fam-i-ly,” Angel drawled rolling her eyes and mocking Micah.

  Music continued its thumping. I scanned the party, and I started shaking up the bottles, “Yeah, we are, and that nigga needs to remember how we do.” I flashed a lofty smile and held the bottles in the air. “Check under your glass,” I told her.

  I popped them bottles spraying everyone and threw the wade of cash in the air.

  “Check it! Straight from our numba one fan Micah! Show that nigga love, because he got nothing but love for y’all!”

  Congestion filled the dance area. I pointed at Micah, who stood flanked by his security. He had changed his outfit and had a set of girlie
s near him. He also had on a pair of shades to offset the bruises I gave him. Watching the chaos spread out, I stepped through and chucked the deuces at Angel, but saw that both the money I left and she were gone. People pushed and scraped to get at the money I threw up. I strolled through heading to the nearest exit, smacking some asses and playing the budding celebrity. My mind immediately went to battle mode.

  Chapter 5


  $9,000. That was how much money he had left for me when he’d told me to look under the glass. While I’d missed my hit for the night, Enzo’s gift was more than enough and I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. The room at the Embassy Suites was $120 a night and a far cry from the suite at the Westin, but it was what it was. I paid in advance for a month then pocketed the rest. While the money Enzo had fronted me was good, I knew nothing came without pay. No good deed went unpunished and sooner or later I felt like Enzo would ask for a favor in return.

  When Micah called my phone later that night, I ignored him. I would ignore him for as long as I could. But knowing that shifty nigga, he would don a suit and call a meeting with the whole squad just to get me in closed quarters so he could run his agenda by me.

  For the next two days, I laid low. I didn’t have any friends or associates and didn’t want any. It was better that way. If I rolled solo I’d never have to worry about a bitch trying to double-cross me. I’d only have to look out for me and watch my back. Back in the day, in order to survive Dame’s world, you had to form allegiances anywhere you could find them and even then you had to make sure they didn’t cross you.

  “Today the egos and attitudes are real on the field. Shawn ‘Enzo’ Banks is on one. I don’t know what they put in his water or Gatorade,” the announcer said, then laughed, “but that boy has got the Angels defense’s game figured out.”

  The other announcer laughed and nodded his head while agreeing. “He’s scored four touchdowns in the first half. Ain’t no telling what that boy is about to do next. I tell you what, Coach Payton better get back there and try to help his defense figure out how to handle this dude. He ain’t playing out there.”

  I had the game on, yes. I had to wonder if Enzo would do what Micah told him to do. He was three touchdowns shy of the seven Micah had demanded. If he scored seven, I’d know he was on Micah’s payroll and I would proceed with caution. As an alternate dancer, I should have been down waiting on the sideline with the rest of the girls, but there was no way I’d let Micah get that close to me again.

  Halftime was over; by the time the fourth quarter rolled around, Enzo was on his sixth touchdown. I had to admit the boy was playing like his life depended on it and I had to wonder why. He could have fooled me, but on Friday night it seemed as if he would rather sell his soul to the devil than to play by Micah’s rules. It was sad to see actually because, believe it or not, I was looking for someone to connect with who I could trust. Not sexually or no shit like that. I was off dick for the moment. I had seen enough in the last four years to be disgusted with it. The thought of sex with any man repulsed me, to say the least.

  The alarm went off on my phone alerting me to the fact that I needed to get dressed. I had a good three or four hits lined up for the night. Between the Angels and Nightwings players, my bounty later on that night should be enough for me to start looking into leaving Atlanta. Micah made me realize that no matter how I tried to hide it, as long as I stayed in the A, someone somewhere would recognize me from my old life. It was time for me to get the hell on. That was the thing about me: I wasn’t greedy, but I was looking for a come up. I was looking for just enough to get me out.

  When my phone rang out, I already knew it was my contact at the jeweler. “Hiya, lassy, you got something for me this evening?” his British accent asked as soon as I said hello.

  “Last night didn’t turn up anything like planned, but I got something in the works as we speak. Can I have another few hours, and I promise what I bring to you will be worth it?”

  He was quiet on the other end of the phone, which scared me. Every jeweler I’d gone to had turned me down until one told me about this dude who traveled between the States and overseas. It took me months to track him down, but when I did, it took me another couple of months to get him to agree to do business with me. He was very elusive and didn’t like to be made to wait.

  “Oi’ight then. A few hours more and then I catch a flight out of here. Make it worth it or we’re done doing business.”

  After that he hung up the phone and I jumped up rushing to shower. I’d just gotten my feet in when a knock came to the door.

  “Who?” I asked with one foot in and one foot out the bathroom door.

  “Housekeeping,” a female’s voice rang out.

  I sighed. “Can you come back in about an hour?”

  “I just wanted to leave you some fresh linen since I’m leaving. Another worker won’t be in until—”

  I didn’t let her finish. I snatched the door open. My first mistake. Micah stood leaning against the wall with one foot crossed over the other at the ankle with a smirk on his face. There was also a Hispanic maid there who took off running as soon as I snatched the door open. Gone was the thugged grilled-out ice-chained pimp street hustler. A business man in a tailored suit, wing-tipped shoes, and cuff links had replaced him. With Micah was a young boy with wide eyes and a bright smile. The young boy was dressed in khakis and a polo shirt with fresh red, white, and black Jordans on his feet. He looked familiar to me for some reason, but I couldn’t place him. There was something about his eyes that I’d seen before. His eyes also looked as if they were glossed over like he’d had a hit of something in his system.

  The erratic side of me made me try to close the door before he could rush inside, but I was too slow for the big, meaty guard I hadn’t seen. When I tried to close the door, he shoved it and me backward. The hard push forced me back then down into an awkward split. My knees hit the floor hard and the towel flew open. Micah grabbed the young boy and made him stand over me as I fell back.

  “Your first time seeing pussy I suppose?” he asked the young boy who just stood there gawking at my body.

  “What do you want?” I asked Micah trying to cover myself and sit up.

  He nodded at his guard then kicked the door shut behind him. I could already feel the pain in my knees from the fall and the inside of my thighs burned and ache because of the forced split.

  “The question is not what I want; the question is what you want,” he casually replied. “I can take you away from all of this, Angel. I can put you in a condo in midtown. Give you the life I know you want. All you gotta do is fuck wit’ a nigga, ride wit’ a nigga, you know?”

  Micah’s chocolate skin glistened under the glowing lights of my room. If you didn’t know how evil the man was, the fact that he looked like he could play Lance Gross’s brother would appeal to you.

  “I don’t want shit you have to offer me. I just want to be left alone. I don’t want to work with you or for you.”

  “Who said I wanted you to work for me?”

  I was confused, nervous, and scared. One because I had no idea how he found out where I was laying my head. “Then what do you want?” I asked, finally being able to stand.

  He sat down on the bed then tilted his head to the side. “You know, you’re pretty as fuck, but you don’t comprehend well. I just said I wanted you to ride wit’ a nigga. Be down for me and I’ll look out for you.”

  “So, you’re doing all of this because you want me to be your girlfriend, nigga?”

  He chuckled then looked at the young boy. “Brah, this bitch ’bout stupid,” he told him before looking back at me. “Fuck no, you can’t be my girlfriend, but you can be my main bitch. Give me some pussy when I ask for it, when I want it. Give a little pussy away for a nigga when the time calls for it. Oh, and go out and find a nigga some new pussy when needed.”

  My head jerked back and I looked at Micah like he had fallen and bumped his head on somebody�
�s pussy. Did he really think that I was about to become what I saw Sasha was to Dame? Did he really think that I would be a part of subjecting any young girl to a life that I had lived? “You must be out of your motherfucking mind, nigga,” I snapped at him.

  His smile widened. “Of course I am. That’s what makes me who I am.”

  Micah turned his attention to the young boy when he jumped up with his arms in the air yelling, “Touchdown.” I’d forgotten the TV was even on. “Yo, my brother got seven touchdowns in one game. Seven touchdowns, one game! My bro, that nigga is on one today,” the little boy bragged.

  Then it clicked for me where I’d seen those eyes before. I glanced at the TV to see the fans in the Dome going crazy. While everyone was celebrating, Enzo had snatched his helmet off looking around like he was trying to locate someone. It didn’t take a long time for me to put two and two together. Micah had called Enzo’s bluff. The fact that Micah had the little boy in his possession scared me, more so for him than me.

  Micah smirked again then looked back at me. “I can be very persuasive,” he chided.

  The one thing that Micah hadn’t counted on was the fact that I had nothing to lose. I had no family he could bribe me with, no little brother, no little sister, nothing and nobody. “You ain’t got shit on me, Micah. So you can’t do me like everyone else.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  “Do you? Find someone else because I ain’t her.”

  “Don’t you ever wonder why nobody came looking for you when Dame snatched you up?” he asked out the blue.

  I couldn’t front like it hadn’t caught me off-guard because that question had always plagued my mind. I knew Dame used to have pull in a lot of places, but I did always wonder why my grandmother didn’t come looking for me.

  “I made that happen,” Micah spoke up. “I can make girls like you disappear as if you never existed.”


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