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Hood Misfits 3

Page 7

by Brick

  The smirk that had once been there had all but disappeared. It had been replaced by a sneer that made him appear to be every bit of the menace to society he was. I made the mistake of blinking. He jumped up so fast that before I realized he had me hemmed up against the wall, I was gasping for air.

  “Ask me how Coco’s body disappeared. Ask me how many bitches like you who Dame wanted dead I’ve bodied. Ask me how I snatch girls off the street and ship them all across the world without a fucking trace. You know who you playing with right now, bitch?”

  Micah was a lot stronger than he looked. The fact that my feet were dangling from the carpeted floor attested to that. He carried me then tossed me onto the bed. The towel had long ago fallen to the floor. My naked breasts swayed and jiggled as I bounced clumsily. When I tried to get back up, Micah’s closed fist caught my eye. That slowed me down. I’d only been hit by one man and that had been Dame. His hits had always instilled fear in me. Micah’s punch had done the same, only because it hurt so badly that it knocked tears, snot, and spit from me. My head started thumping, and my eye socket felt as if it was coming unhinged.

  He hopped on the bed caging me in. Some kind of way I was able to glance at the little boy and he was glued to his chair. You wouldn’t have been able to tell he was afraid just by the look on his face. It wasn’t until I saw the way his hands were clenching the armrests of the chair that I saw his fear. He had them gripped so tightly it looked as if he was trying to rip them off. I felt sorry for the kid in that moment. He was probably about to witness something that he would never be able to recover from.

  Micah hollered for his guard to come in the room. There was a hungry look in the big man’s eyes as he watched me like a predator. “What chu need, boss?” he asked Micah eagerly. There was no mistake that Micah had probably allowed him to partake in any woman he chose to set his sights on.

  “Give me your gun. Lock the door. Call down and tell Hemp not to let anyone up here. Tell our man at the desk to evacuate whoever else is on this floor. Then tell Hemp to bring me my little black bag up.”

  After giving those orders he sat back on his haunches and snatched his suit jacket off.

  “What I’m about to show you, li’l dude, what you’re about to witness is how to tame a bitch. Some of these hoes get out here and forget who the fuck runs this shit in the A. They forget real niggas move in silence. I may be the boss, but I like to get my hands dirty, too, you feel me?” He stared the young boy down until he nodded. “Good, now come here,” he ordered.

  “All taken care of boss,” the guard said once he had done what Micah had ordered.

  “Good, grab that bitch’s legs and hold her still. We’re about to give li’l man his first taste of pussy.”

  I closed my eyes feeling weak both mentally and physically. Even though I’d tried to kick the shit out of the big nigga who had gripped my ankles in a death lock—his lock was so tight around my ankles I could feel them starting to go numb from the shortage of blood flow—there was really nothing I could do physically to stop them. I opened my mouth to scream and as soon as I did so, Micah cocked the nine back and shoved it in my mouth.

  “You really want to test me with that screaming shit today, Angel?” he asked coolly.

  I’d never really been a fighter. That was why I had always tried to stay on Dame’s good side. I couldn’t fight Dame. I wouldn’t have even attempted to defend myself against him because it only seemed to make him angrier, same with Micah. I shook my head and he removed the gun.

  Tears had long ago started to form in my eyes. “Please, Micah, don’t do this.”

  He acted as if he hadn’t even heard me. He brought the gun up and brought it down over my eye, almost blacking me out. That pain was so numbing that it made me grind my teeth. I said almost blacking me out because for the brief few seconds I was out, he slapped me to bring me back. Through blurry vision I could see the young boy trembling where he stood. The door of the hotel room opened and in walked who I assumed was Hemp with a black medical bag.

  “I think I should go back home now. My aunt is expecting me at a certain time,” the boy said. His voice was emotionless as he spoke.

  “Nah, you good. I can’t let you go until your brother calls me. See your brother and me have this deal going on and in order for him to keep up his end of the bargain, I have to do some hostile negotiations, you feel me?” All the while Micah was talking he was putting on latex gloves. God only knew what that nigga was about to do.

  Micah shrugged as he kept talking. “You’re kind of like a causality of war, li’l dude. And besides, your aunt just might be dead once you get back home. I may or may not have unplugged this or that IV or, shit”—Micah stopped talking and laughed—“I may have just put the wrong shit in her IV all together. Who knows, you know. I never finished my last year of med school.”

  All three men laughed while Hemp snatched the boy up and threw him face first between my legs. Micah grabbed the back of his neck and forced him face first in my pussy. I tried to snap my legs closed to no avail. The kid struggled, but Micah held his face there for as long as he felt like it.

  “Even tho’ this pussy is previously used merchandise, I’m sure it’s still top shelf. Dame only allowed the best pussy to work at Magic. What we’re going to do is show a young nigga how to fuck good pussy properly.”

  Somewhere between Hemp telling Micah that he had already laced the boy’s coke with Indigo and me gaining my senses back after the hit to the head with the gun, I realized my hands weren’t tied down. They’d just felt that way because of the blows to my head. I smacked the guard holding my legs as hard as I could. That nigga’s neck was the size of my thigh so all my slap had served to do was make his dick hard. His eyes watered as he licked his lips.

  “Damn, Kruger, she slapped the shit out cho ass,” Hemp teased his man.

  “I’ll return the favor later,” he replied. “Trust me on that.”

  Kruger’s voice sounded like he had sucked on too many lemons and had a frog in his throat. He looked like a menacing bull and his eyes were too far apart. Meanwhile, Hemp laughed and handcuffed my hands above my head. He reminded me of Shrek because of how big his nose was.

  Micah finally allowed Enzo’s little brother to move his head from my crotch. The young boy was fighting mad as he was held with his arms up behind his head.

  “Yo, my brother is going to murder you niggas,” he growled out.

  “Fuck yo brother, li’l nigga,” Hemp shot back.

  Micah ordered, “Let me get that Indigo out the bag and that White Girl.”

  Hemp grabbed what was asked of him while Micah put the gun to the kid’s head. “I’ma need you to strip, my nigga, and believe me when I say this is not a request. You mean nothing to me so I will leave your little ass stanking right next to this bitch quick.”

  “Fuck you, nigga. You don’t scare me,” the kid shot back.

  My sweat and pussy juices was all over the boy’s face and it pained me to look at him. His face was twisted in anger and he had his fist balled like he was ready to fight. I think he surprised us all when he drew back and caught Micah with a left-right combo. The kid was pretty tall for his age so he could square up with the grown man pretty solidly.

  Hemp laughed. “Whew wee. Little nigga is a fighter I see.”

  Micah ran his tongue over his teeth as he nodded his head while his lips were turned down.

  “You told my aunt you was from Nasir Prep. You’s a liar, nigga.”

  A backhand from Micah caught the kid across the face and sent him sliding to the floor. Micah grabbed the Indigo pills and a bottle of alcohol. While Hemp grabbed the struggling kid and held him down, Micah shoved two pills in his mouth and then poured Rémy down the kid’s throat. No matter how the boy tried not to swallow it, the fact that Micah held his big hands over the kid’s mouth then held his nose made it so the kid had to swallow to breathe. If they had already laced his drink with liquid Indigo, giving him the pills and the
alcohol was about to take him over the edge in no time at all.

  I moaned in protest because that was all I could do. My head was heavy. It felt as if I was about to lose consciousness again. Even when Micah kneeled on the bed and forced me to snort coke up my nose by having Hemp give me a blow to the stomach—of course I would have to sniff to try to catch my breath and cough—I took a full hit of pure powder to the head. The high was almost instant. I could feel the hit in every nerve cell in my body. My nose burned as the coke hit my cerebral. Eyes fluttered and rolled to the back of my head, hand started to tremble as my body involuntarily rolled. My heart slammed into my rib cage hard. Micah and his henchman sat back for at least another fifteen minutes and watched the effects of the drugs take me and the kid over.

  Somewhere between me trying to hold on to any cognizance I had left, I saw Enzo’s little brother stagger up. I knew what Indigo did to males once you mixed it with alcohol. That was why I had slipped them into the players’ drinks before robbing them. It made them horny, made their dicks hard, made them want to fuck. It made them incoherent. I was sorry to say it had done the same thing to a thirteen-year-old boy. His first time having sex would be with an eighteen-year-old whore who was high off a hit of pure coke.

  I heard Micah tell Hemp to hold the boy back until he set the camera up. Meanwhile Kruger was busy finger fucking me roughly, priming me for a case of statutory rape that I was an unwilling participant in. My head lolled from side to side as I moaned and groaned out, “No,” over and over again. My pleas fell on deaf ears as they tossed the young boy on the bed. For a while the young’un just sat back on his haunches and stared at me. My body was very well developed. It had been that way since Dame had got a hold of me. If I hadn’t been so high I probably would have flinched and kicked the little boy when his hands curiously reached put to grab a hold of my breasts. It was clear my breasts were the first he had touched. He kept pinching my nipples like he was fascinated with them.

  “Li’l man,” Micah egged him on, “you got a hard dick and willing pussy. What chu gone do with that?”

  I tried to fight as hard as I could not to let the high overtake me, but somewhere between Micah shoving the boy on top of me and the boy fumbling clumsily to insert himself inside of me, I let Scotty take me away.

  I didn’t know how many hours later that I woke up, but the boy was in bed beside me, still naked and snoring with his hand on his dick. I jumped up so quickly that the world tilted and I fell back against the wall. Pain in my back shot through me. I looked around the room and saw a torch with a wire hanger and baby oil. A weird smell, like charcoal, lingered in the room and the fact that my pussy ached told me that more than a boy had fucked me while I was knocked out. I couldn’t stand. My legs wouldn’t work for me so I crawled to the bathroom. The toilet was my destination. The fact that I had fucked a thirteen-year-old turned my stomach. I didn’t see how any grown person could violate a child and be okay with it. As I emptied my stomach then tried to grab a towel to stop the bleeding between my legs, I cried because I felt as if I had repeated a fucked-up cycle in this underworld.

  But I had to get myself together. Micah was a mastermind and there was always a method to his madness. My back was still burning and that weird smell assaulted my senses. It wasn’t until I stood and caught a glimpse of my back in the mirror that it finally settled in that Micah was indeed straight from hell. I’d seen Dame use what had been done to me as a method of torture in the underworld. The torch I had seen was to make the wire clothes hanger a certain degree of hot. My back was oily which meant baby oil had been poured onto my back right before the wire hanger seared my flesh. It was to ensure that my skin burned and blistered once the hot wire hanger touched it. Micah had burned angel wings onto my back and carved the name ANGEL above it.

  No matter how far I ran, Angel would always follow me. I knew I had to get the hell out of that room. I quickly cleaned up as best I could. I grabbed any- and everything that would place me in that hotel room. Tears filled my eyes as I did so. I knew I had family in Florida. Maybe I could run there and be safe or maybe even to Cali. I didn’t know where, but I knew I had to go. As I rushed to put my shoes on, my intent was to leave the boy in the bed, but when he started to come to, I watched the way his eyes darted around the room and the way his body flinched. I knew an OD case when I saw one. As I rushed to get the child dressed as best I could a loud banging on the door startled me.

  “Police, open up!”

  My eyes widened and it was in that moment that I wished I had a gun. I would have killed myself on the spot. I looked around the room at the drugs that Micah had left behind, then to the half-naked kid in my hotel room bed and knew I was fucked.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled.

  The phone rang just as I laid him back on the bed. I snatched it up quickly because I didn’t want the cops to hear it.

  I didn’t say anything when I answered it but I was sure the person on the other end could hear me breathing.

  “Tell me, Angel, do you want to go to prison or do you want to stay free?”

  I frowned upon hearing Micah’s voice but didn’t answer as the banging got louder and harder.

  “Police, open up!”

  “Press play on the remote, Angel. It’s on the table beside the bed.”

  Even though I didn’t want to, I did anyway. What I saw when the screen came up made the bottom of my stomach fall out. There was Enzo’s little brother sweating, clearly high, but pumping his hips like he had been born to do it. And there I lay. Because I was so high, the moans I gave off sounded as if I liked what was happening.

  “Is that kiddy porn you’re watching? Tsk, tsk. Another federal charge. Add that to the kilos of coke and stash of illegal pills I left in your room and I’d say you were on your way to prison for a long time, pretty girl. So, answer me, prison or free? And all you got to do is ride with me. Yes or no. That’s all I want to hear and all of this will go away.”

  I closed my eyes and dropped my head. I didn’t want to go to prison. I couldn’t, but if the cops came into the room there would be no way I could fight or deny the charges that were sure to come.

  “Think fast, Angel. Oh, did I tell you that the kid in your room was reported missing? Oh, man, imagine what is going to happen. You kidnapped a minor to drug him and fuck him.”

  I knew that nigga could hear me crying. He had pulled my card. “Yes,” I yelled.

  “That’s my bitch. Now watch in silence as all the cops go away like they were never there. I run this shit, Angel. Don’t fuck with me, ride with me. And your first order of business is to deliver little man there back to his brother Enzo. It’s time he knew that I ain’t fucking around.”

  Chapter 6


  Light flashed all around me with the chanting of my name, adding to the anxiety building within my body.

  “Enzo! . . . Enzo! . . . Enzo!”

  Each shout of my name became bullets that burrowed into my flesh. I had done what that nigga wanted. Played and dug my feet into the earth itself pushing myself beyond the limits of the game to score what he wanted, not for him, but for my fam. In my mind, my thoughts fought me, telling me that I should have hidden my aunt and brother before I stepped into this world. I had stupidly thought that with Dame gone, maybe they could stay with me. Even if some of the fallback from his world trickled into what I was doing, I thought me and mine would be okay, but I was wrong. I felt it in my bones, felt it in my psyche.

  It had me pushing past reporters excited about how I played and asking questions that I just wasn’t feeling. The sensation of pain in my fingers and palms let me know I was gripping the fuck out of my helmet all while I rushed into the locker rooms and blocked out my teammates’ excitement. I didn’t have time for the extra shit, not that day. My baby brother Drew was missing. But it was the picture I had received in my cell before the game of him with a hand pressed on his shoulder that sported an initial black diamond and platinum letters MT that let
me know what was up. If I didn’t play for my life, then he would lose his. It was payback for ending the life of one of Micah’s goons and cold clocking that bitch at the party a few days back.

  Both of my hands shook and pressed against my dirty, sweat-drenched face. The loud chants of my team blasted the locker room. As I sat trying to get my mind right, my leg bounced up and down. Everything going on around me was a blur. I didn’t want to play this game. I wanted to do shit on my own terms but no, life had a way of playing me cruel. He had told me to call him once I did his work. In that moment, my cell looked like the enemy to me.

  “Enzooo! Damn, rookie, you played that shit as if you were a pro. If you weren’t so fucking good some of these veteran niggas would fuck you up for showing them up like you do. But right now you made us all look fresh, li’l dude, so why you sitting here looking down, man? We got drinks, pussy, and money to blow, brah!” one of my teammates shouted behind me. Dude’s voice was slurred already and I knew he was beyond high and drunk.

  I kept my back to that fool, not even feeling like being in the mood for this shit. Nigga used to come to Dame’s to get his fix all the time. He was an addict and I really ain’t have time for him right then.

  Dropping my head, I stared at my white-covered legs, breathing in and out keeping my cool. My baby brother and I were close. Close to the point that we oftentimes could finish each other’s sentences. I knew if something happened to him, life wasn’t going to be good for me.

  “Naw, just my ritual to cool down after a win, man. I’ll hit you all up later, it’s all good,” I said, speaking to my legs and not to my teammate.

  The way he slapped me on the back with a laugh had me fisting my hands while I listened to his drunken banter. “Cho, a’ight, man, don’t sit here being lame, dog, handle you then get back at us, rookie.”

  The temptation to slam my fists in his face eased away as he left me alone. I abruptly stood, peeled off my shirt, throwing it in my locker then grabbed my gym bag, my cell, and headed out of the locker room.


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