Book Read Free

Outside the Box

Page 8

by H. M. Montes

  “Okay I think.” I told her with a small laugh.

  “Follow me.” She led me down a dimly lit hallway and into an office. “I need you to type in all of your information, did you bring proof of birth control?”

  I fumbled through my purse for the paper with my doctor’s name on it, “I’m on the shot so they told me to just bring this, that you would have it confirmed.”

  “Great! While you’re filling that info out I’ll give them a call, after you are finished we’ll go back to the exam room.”

  “Exam room?” I asked with a shocked tone.

  Peaches laughed, “We have to draw your blood and there is a doctor to check and make sure you’re indeed a virgin. I know … I know, it’s just standard procedure.” She held her hands up in defense like she already knew I was going to argue that I was indeed a virgin.

  “Okay.” I blew out a breath and turned to the computer screen, my eyes had to adjust a little bit before I could see clearly. Peaches left the room and returned just as I finished putting my information into the document.

  “Everything checks out, so now we can move along. Just press send at the end of the document.”

  I hovered over the send button with the little mouse arrow, took a deep breath and pressed send. I followed her out of the office and walked beside her as we made our way to the back of the building. The room that we went to looked just like an exam room at the clinic, everything was in sterile packets, there was an exam table in the center of the room, and a small rolling stool that the doctor would sit on. “Put this gown on like usual, Doctor Q will be in here shortly. Do you have any questions?” she asked and leaned against the wall.

  “Will I be meeting Jasper today?”

  She shook her head ‘No’, “Not until tomorrow night, he’s, how should I put this…Less than thrilled to being paired up with a virgin. He’s a really REALLY nice guy though.”

  Not that she could see me but my eyes got big behind my blindfold, “He’s not going to be…really, you know, rough with me is he?”

  “Oh heavens no, YOU decide how far things go in the box. If you tell him to stop he will stop. The guest’s know that if there isn’t a full show, they get a refund. We’ve had people get in to arguments and one or the other storms out of the Box.”

  “How long has he been doing this job?” I asked.

  She thought for a few seconds, “Maybe two years, he’s only been in the box a hand full of times. Bliss and Cally were always given the first chance to put on the show since they were hired here first. We only use Jasper as a replacement. I really think you and Jasper will get along excellent.”

  There was a tap at the door then it was slowly pushed open. A gentlemen spoke from the crack in the door, “I’m guessing she isn’t ready yet?”

  “No, I’m sorry Doctor. I’ll leave so she can get changed. There will be a nurse that will come in and take your vitals and get the blue sheet hung up in front of you. She will have a blindfold on but the doctor, for obvious reason can’t. I’ll be waiting for you just outside the door.” With that she turned and left the room. I stripped out of my clothes and put the gown on then sat down on the exam table. A nurse came in and introduced herself as Jazzy, after she took my vitals she had me lay down on the table then put a blue divider up so that the doctor couldn’t see my top half. She hummed an upbeat song as she did it.

  “Can you tell me why the blind folds are so important?” I finally asked.

  “It’s so that, should a guest ask any of us employees who you are we can honestly tell them ‘No.’ Your security guards are the only people that will know.” She told me and smiled. “I know you’re super nervous about everything, you probably think that this makes you out to be a whore, but just so you know it’s not even close to that. Just think of it as the guy you’ll be in the box is a booty call, but you get paid each time he shows up.”

  I started laughing, “I guess that’s one way to look at it.” We were interrupted by the doctor tapping on the door again.

  “Ready!” the nurse called out.

  “Hi Ember how are you today?” The doctor asked me. I heard the small stool roll across the tile floor.

  “I’m okay, how are you?”

  “I’m doing good, I’m going to touch you now…That’s just sounds so perverted! I’m going to touch you now” He repeated in a deeper laughing voice. The nurse and I both laughed she was seated above my head so the doctor couldn’t see her. “The hymen is still intact.” He told us.

  I laughed, “I could have told you that!” I said.

  He laughed, “They insist that I check, now I’ll have the nurse move the curtain again so I can check your breasts. I will have nurse Jazzy draw blood after I’m finished.” I heard the small stool roll away . “My back is turned nurse.” He told her. After she had the sheet covering my face the doctor came over and examined my breasts and throat, pushed on my abdomen, and checked my arms and hips. “All done! We look forward to you joining the club.” The soft click of the door let me know he had left the room.

  “He doesn’t even get to see who you are?” I asked as she helped me sit up, then led me over to another part of the room where I sat down so she could draw blood. She pulled a partition across, “Nope, I’ve always thought that was a little extreme but it’s the rules. Little stick.” She said and the needled punctured my skin. After a couple of minutes she told me I could pull my arm back through the divider. “The partition was so we couldn’t see each other.” She told me and pointed at the blind fold. “Any questions?” she asked me.

  “Can you tell me anything about Jasper?” I knew she probably couldn’t or wouldn’t but I figured I would ask.

  “Well, he works out A LOT, so he’s got muscles everywhere. His voice, is so sexy, so is his laugh. That’s really all I can tell you.”

  I blew out a breath, “Okay.”

  She patted my knee, “You’ll REALLY enjoy him if you know what I mean.” She whispered then we both stood and left the room.

  Peaches was waiting for me, “We’ll go to my office so I can get you your cell phone, by the time I’m done explaining a few more things you’re blood results will be in.”

  “Cell phone? How will my results be in THAT fast?” I asked as I walked beside her.

  She sat down at her desk, “Okay, this is your work phone. You and Jasper will communicate through it, as well as any of the employees from here like myself and the security guards. And to answer the other question, our lab is VERY high tech.”

  “Ooohkay.” I said as I took the Blackberry from her. I leaned back in the chair and scrolled through the few contacts that were in the phone. “Can you tell me anymore about Jasper?”

  “He’s married with three point five kids, drives a minivan…” she laughed at my facial expression. “I’m kidding! Really there’s nothing I can tell you, you’ll get FULLY acquainted tomorrow night.” Just as she finished telling me that her desk phone rang, “Okay…mmhmm…Okay! You to!” She put the phone back on the cradle. “Welcome to our family Ember everything is perfect. Be here tomorrow night at six thirty so we can get you some sexy clothes picked out. Your body guards will be waiting outside the building for you.” She stood from her desk and shook my hand.

  “Wow, this is really happening.” I said and shook her hand.

  “See you tomorrow night.” She said and smiled at me.

  I turned and walked out of her office, through the lobby of the building and out the front door. I handed the man working my blind fold and exited the building. There was a sleek black four door car with tinted windows parked with the passenger side back door open. A large muscular man in a pair of dark blue jeans and a button up black shirt was leaning against the car then walked over to me. “I don’t know if you want me to call you Ember or Alexia. I’m Shawn, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled big at me.

  “Call me Lexi, it’s nice to meet you too.” I smiled back.

  “Your ride awaits you, beautiful Lexi.” He sai
d and swung his arm towards the open door, I climbed in the backseat of the car, he shut the door behind me and sauntered around the front of the car to the driver side. Once he got in he pulled away from the building, “Do you have any errands we need to run today?”

  “Nope, I think I’ll just go back to the apartment.” I told him.

  “So Lexi, are you excited about the new job?”

  I laughed and shook my head, “Honestly? I think I’m more nervous than I should be. It’s like I have the angel on one shoulder wrinkling her nose up at me, then the devil on the other shoulder giving me a big grin and a thumbs up.”

  He laughed a deep rumbly laugh, “If it makes you feel better, I wouldn’t have a problem with my wife or girlfriend doing your job.”

  “What if it was your daughter?” I asked.

  He was silent for a few seconds, “I think as long as she wasn’t in any kind of danger and was being taken care of it wouldn’t bother me too much.”

  I blew out a breath and leaned my head against the headrest of the soft leather seat, “My parents died and I’m afraid that I would be disappointing them.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that. Look at it this way, it doesn’t have to be a permanent job. When you are ready to move on you can just tell them. Who knows maybe you’ll fall in love with somebody outside the box and live happily ever after.”

  I laughed again, “I guess that’s another way to look at it.”

  The rest of the ride to the apartment was silent except for the soft music coming from the speakers. When we arrived at the apartment building Shawn exited the car then hurried around to open the door for me. He smiled big at me and put one arm around my shoulders, “I’ll be here at five forty five tomorrow night to get you.”

  “See you then.” I stepped out of his hug and walked into the building.

  When I got back to the apartment I put my purse on the table and went to the kitchen and made a sandwich. Just as I took a bite my cell phone rang from inside my purse, I walked over and fumbled through it. Destiney had text me to let me know that she would be back after five. I grabbed the other cell phone out of my purse then went back over to the breakfast bar to finish my sandwich.

  I scrolled through the contacts and stopped at Jasper’s name. I wanted to text him but decided I would just wait until the next day when I met him to have my first conversation. Once I was done eating I went and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt so I could go down to the fitness center of the building and get a good workout it since Destiney and I had been slacking.

  There were a few people running on the treadmills, through the glass wall I could see that a few others were swimming laps in the pool. I went back over to the treadmill and started walking then set a good pace for jogging. I wasn’t paying attention to the person that started the treadmill next to me, “Well…well, well, if it isn’t Lexi.” A man said.

  I whipped my head to the right to find Josh on the treadmill, “Hey there!” I said and slowed my treadmill down as he stopped his. I wiped my forehead with my hand, “What are you up to today?” I asked.

  “Not much, I just came by to get some of my stuff from Derricks place. Let’s take a little walk.”

  “Sure!” I said and followed him as he led us to the small running track around the outer part of all the workout equipment.

  “I just want to say something, please don’t hurt Derrick he really likes you.” He told me.

  “What? We aren’t dating, we are just friends.”

  Josh stopped and put his hands on his hips, “Lexi he really likes you, I know it’s just a matter of time before you two do more stuff together. All I’m saying is don’t burn him.”

  “Okay I guess.” I replied. This conversation was more than I was expecting since he hadn’t spoken more than a few words to me when we had all went out together.

  He blew out a breath, “It’s just a matter of time, it’ll happen mark my word.”

  “Matter of time until what exactly?” I placed my hands on my hips.

  “Until you rip his heart out!” he practically yelled at me then shook his head. “Just a matter of time.” He finished then turned and walked away from me. I shook my head and walked back through the fitness center, my motivation for the workout had been replaced by confusion as to why Josh was talking like that about me. I walked through the apartment to my bedroom, got some clean clothes and took a shower. When I got out there was a new text message on my personal cell phone, from Derrick.

  D: What are you up to?

  L: Just got done showering, what are you up to?

  D: Headed to the hotel, how has your day been?

  L: Not too bad, just talked to Josh down at the fitness center…he warned me not to hurt you. I don’t think he understands that we are just friends.

  D: He had to get a few things from my place, I hope he didn’t piss you off. I hope that someday we will be more than friends Lexi ;)

  L: Just struck me as odd that he would say that, he was very persistent!

  D: I’m sorry, IDK why he said anything to you. I’ll have a talk w/ him. I miss you 

  L: It’s okay, he just caught me off guard is all. I miss you too!

  D: I will try to call you later gotta go check in then head to the field TTYL.

  L: Later

  After that I pulled up the planner on my phone, I would be working at the ‘Box” on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights from seven in the evening until midnight or later. Cosmetology school would be Monday through Friday from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon and would last for another five months. I shook my head at how busy I was going to be starting the following day.

  When Destiney got home we decided to order Indian take-out so we could visit and get caught up on each other’s schedules. Destiney’s was pretty simple, if she wasn’t in school she would be at her dad’s law firm helping him. My schedule had Destiney concerned.

  “Lexi, that doesn’t give you any free time hardly at all! What are you going to do if the school calls in a month and tells you that there is an opening in the Accounting program?” She asked then took a drink of her wine.

  I swallowed the fried rice, “I’ll obviously have to quit the box and only go to cosmetology school on nights and weekends.”

  “Just promise me…PROMISE me that you won’t exhaust yourself.” She gave me a pointed glare.

  “I promise.” I told her.

  “Okay good, now you asked what kind of stuff William and I are in to…”

  “Yes!” I interrupted her and leaned forward.

  She laughed and shook her head, “You can NOT let what I’m going to tell you change your opinion of me.”

  “I would never do that.”

  She blew out a breath, “We like to tie each other up, whip each other, bite each other. I love love LOVE when he chokes me. I don’t know why but OH.MY.GOD, there is absolutely no holding back an orgasm when he does that to me.” She was blushing then looked down at her plate.

  “Seriously?!” I asked in complete shock.

  “YEP! At first I was pretty much like “Hell No!” but after I let him show me and teach me a few things. We went to some of the sex clubs around here, I was hooked.”

  I had a million questions running through my mind, “Aren’t you afraid he’s going to hurt you? What if he DOES hurt you? Do you do threesomes too?” I was asking her question after question until she finally interrupted me.

  “He CAN’T hurt me, we use a safe word with each other. He’s never even come close to hurting me I trust him one hundred percent. No, no three sums, I would get too jealous of another woman doing that to him and he would get jealous of another man touching me.” She sighed, “It’s so amazing when we are together. I can’t describe it right.”

  “WOW!” I breathed out. “I’m pretty sure I’ll stay, as you put it, Vanilla for a while.”

  She laughed, “Hey, don’t dis it until you try it. Just make sure it’s with somebody that knows what
in the hell they are doing. I can’t imagine having a nipple clamp put on or being whipped with a flogger by somebody that is drunk and stupid. Okay I told you about my sex life, tell me about today. Did you get to meet the guy you’ll be paired up with?”

  “No, I’ll get to tomorrow night.”

  “Jeez, did they even give you any info about him?”

  “He goes by Jasper, he’s muscular and the nurse said I’ll enjoy him VERY much. That’s all they would tell me. They also gave me my own cell phone with just a few contacts in it, including his. I thought about texting him but I’m going to just wait and talk to him in person.”

  “Don’t rule out fiftyish, balding, and hairy just yet then.” She winked at me. “Well you can’t ask him to send you a picture, when you get home tomorrow night I want full details!

  “Oh my god, if he is, I’m leaving! I’m NOT losing my virginity to somebody my dad’s age! It’ll be late when I get home though.”

  “I don’t care woman! I want details!”

  We both laughed and finished our supper. Then Destiney retreated to her room to do school work and I watched TV until I was dozing off on the couch. Before I went to bed I set my alarm clock for six in the morning, washed my face, and changed into my pajamas.

  At five fifty nine the following morning Frank was head butting my cheek and purring, I pushed her away then my alarm clock started blaring. “I really could have used that extra minute of sleep you know.” I said to Frank then dragged myself out of bed and followed Frank to the kitchen so I could feed her. Finally I was able to start my day with a nice long hot shower, since I would be on my feet most of the day I wore a pair of shorts, tennis shoes and a t-shirt then pulled my hair up into a pony tail. Destiney came out of her bedroom just as I walked out of mine, we met in the kitchen, she yawned and smiled at me.

  “Are you ready for your busy day?”

  “Not until I get some coffee in me.”

  We both laughed, grabbed our bags and walked out of the apartment. When we got outside Destiney looked at the black sedan then at me. “I take it that’s your ride?”


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