Book Read Free

Outside the Box

Page 9

by H. M. Montes

  “I guess so.” A tall dark man got out of the driver side then walked over to me.

  “Good morning ladies, I’m Joe. Alexia I’ll be the driver today.” He told me then shook my hand. I introduced him to Destiney then hugged her before she climbed in to the black SUV that was waiting for her.

  “I would like to make a quick stop and get a coffee at Starbucks please.”

  “Not a problem.” Joe replied.

  After I had my coffee and muffin in hand I returned to the car and gave Joe the address to where I needed to go.

  He smiled, “I already knew that but thank you for refreshing my memory.” He winked at me in the rearview mirror. We arrived at the cosmetology school, Joe hurried out of the car and opened my door for me, “You can text me when you have your lunch break and I’ll come get you or I can bring you a sandwich from this awesome Italian deli not far from here.”

  “Okay, I’ll just plan on you bringing me something. Not to sound bad but I don’t know how I’m going to get used to having a driver everywhere I go.”

  He patted my shoulder, “It’s the security that’ll make you feel better about having us take you where you need to go.” Then he waved, got in the car and drove away.

  I walked up the steps to the building and into the classroom, I breathed out a sigh of relief and said to myself. “THIS is what you know how to do.”



  There was a tap on my office door, I grabbed my blindfold and quickly put it on, “Yeah!” I called out. Cally and Bliss both walked in and sat down across from me.

  “What’s up?” I asked and leaned back in my chair.

  Cally cleared her throat, took a deep breath and blew it out, “I’m turning in my two weeks’ notice.”

  I looked at Bliss, “You too?” I asked.

  He nodded his head, “I’ve been dating a lady, things are starting to get serious between us. She told me that either I quit or she leaves.” He said and shrugged a shoulder.

  “Cally did you meet someone too? Or are you and Bliss seeing each other?”

  She laughed and shook her head no, “God no, we’d kill each other if we tried to have an actual relationship. To answer the first question, yes I met someone, we’ve been seeing each other for about six months now. He proposed to me and I said Yes.”

  I smiled back at her, “Well then, Congratulations and best of luck to you both.” I stood and so did they, we shook hands then they left the office. When the door shut I pulled my blindfold off and ran my hands down my face. The rule in my sex club was if you worked here and left for any reason you couldn’t get your job back. This was the second set of people that had quit in the last year because they had fallen in “Love” with somebody. I snorted to myself, “Love, fuck that!” I grumbled.

  The one and only person I had ever loved had ripped my heart out the day that I caught her in bed with one of our drivers. I fired him and kicked her out, the divorce was like pouring salt into an open wound for me. She got to keep her Lexus and I gave her one million dollars. She moved to another state and I haven’t heard from her since the day the moving trucks left our driveway.

  “Peaches!” I yelled into the intercom of the phone, knowing damn good and well I’d probably just scared her and made her spill her coffee.

  “Seriously BOSS, if you use a nice tone it’s less likely to make me…”

  “You spilled your drink didn’t you?” I cut her off while laughing.

  “Have I ever told you how big of an asshole you are? I think you might be sexy that’s the ONLY thing that keeps me coming back every day.”

  I laughed again, “Liar the paycheck is what keeps you coming back. Anyways, Cally and Bliss just turned in their two week notices. SO, you need to find two more replacements or see what we have on file for backup…Please.”

  “Oh my god you said PLEASE! Say it again so I can record it, nobody is going to believe me.”


  “Okay okay, give me a little bit to look through the files. Then I’ll get back to you.”

  “Thank You.”

  “Are you feeling okay? You’ve been nice twi…”

  I picked the handset up then put it back down hanging up on her.

  My cell phone chimed with a new text message, I picked it up off my desk and read the message from Josh.

  J: New VERY HOT VERY FINE piece of ass just moved to town.

  S: So

  Josh was one of my scouts for the business, he knew that I was looking for beautiful REAL women and men. Not some woman that had more plastic surgery than Barbie and no guys that were hyped up on steroids. He also knew that I wasn’t looking for a woman, that all I did was hook up then send them on their way.

  J: Wouldn’t hurt to have her come at least check the place out. I overheard her conversation with her friend while we were all out for a jog. She’s still a virgin!

  S: You know what to do, don’t waste my fucking time either. Cally and Bliss both just turned in their 2wks.

  J: Perfect timing then. TTYL.

  I had met Josh through my brother, Derrick wasn’t allowed to have any part of the business, the couple of times I assigned him to find people I ended up with two drunk women that had blood tests that tested positive for drugs and the guy tested positive for meth. That’s when I recruited Josh, the task was simple, if he thought they were good enough. He paid a homeless person to hand the postcard to the people, sometimes they would get tossed away like garbage but once people actually looked at the card their curiosity brought them to the Box.

  “BOSS!” Peaches tried yelling into the intercom but failed to scare me.


  “Did I scare you?”

  “Have you ever?” I replied.

  “Ugggg! No…anyways, you’re not going to like this but the file for THAT box is empty as in NO back-ups at all.”

  “Are you fucking serious? How is that even possible?”

  “Well they are either failing the blood tests or quit after only one session. I think YOU should be the one to fill the position until we find somebody.”

  I laughed, “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to go in it…give it a couple of days maybe one of the recruits will bring somebody in.”

  “Do I have to pay this time? Do I get to watch the show free?”

  “Nope!” I told her.

  “You made me ruin my new skirt asshole.”

  I laughed harder this time, “Five minutes free for you that’s it, then go to the boutique and charge a new skirt and probably a few pairs of panties that’ll need replaced if I have to get in the box.”

  She sighed, but remained silent.

  “Did you hang up?”

  “No…I’m just remembering the last peek I got when you were in there. I could go in the box with you.” She said in a dreamy voice.

  “I’m not paying you to try and get me naked, hell no that’s against company policy. Now find me some replacements.” I hung up before she could say anything else.


  J: She was given the postcard.

  S: Thanks

  J: I’d say give her a couple of days and she’ll be in to see what it’s about.

  S: Sounds good, found any guys yet?

  J: Nope, going out Friday night though. As long as my bitch ex isn’t there I’ll be able to scout some out.

  S: Okay, make sure Derrick doesn’t find out or he’ll send skank this way.

  J: LOL gotcha. Later.

  I pressed the intercom button and waited a few seconds then I whispered, “Peaches.”

  “What?” she whispered back.

  “Did I scare you?” I whispered while trying not to laugh.

  “Fuck you!” she said not whispering.

  “Well you’re in a grand mood today, not getting laid at home I take it? We have people on hand that can help you with that you know.”

  She huffed, “No way, my sex life is just fine thank you. What’s up?”

  “There’s going to be a lady coming in probably within a couple of days that Josh recruited. Show her around, see if she’s up for the job.”

  “Okay boss.”

  “Any guys yet?”

  “Nope none! I think your recruiters are slacking. I could always take that job you know.”

  “Sorry not gonna happen you make an excellent assistant. Text the recruits and threaten their jobs if they don’t find us some people.”

  “Aww you DO like me! I’ll text them now.”

  “Thanks. Have a great day.”

  “You too. Oh, don’t forget you’re flight leaves at six tonight.” She said then hung up.

  I glanced at the clock and decided to call it a day so I could go pack for the business trip to Los Angeles. The meeting was for me to meet with another guy about buying out the sex club he was currently running and turning it into one like mine. I had built this business from the ground up two years ago. It took about a year, then it was thriving. I text Peaches to let her know that I was leaving for the weekend, put my blindfold on and walked out of my office. I always did a walk through in the lobby and the “rooms” area before I left. After my walk through I walked back through to the back, slid my blindfold off and handed to Mike.

  Once I had everything packed, blueprints in my briefcase and other business associated things my driver took me to the airport. Derrick called just as I stepped out of the vehicle.

  “What’s up little brother?”

  “Not much, getting ready to go out for the evening. What are you up to?”

  “Headed to Los Angeles for a business meeting.”

  “Cool cool, so you should see this chic that moved into the building …”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Fucking smoking hot brother.” He said with a laugh.

  I boarded my private jet, “Sounds awesome, be sure to tap it. I gotta go, you have a game coming up anytime soon?”

  “HA, she is too shy but I’ll get her to warm up to me. Yeah we are headed to Houston on Sunday for a big tournament. When are you going to come watch again?”

  “I’ll see if I can make it down there this week. Take care little man.” I laughed knowing he hated when I called him that. He wasn’t as tall as me since I stood six foot four and he at six foot two, we both worked out religiously and maintained a very good physique.

  He laughed, “Later! Be careful.”

  We hung up, and I settled into the soft tan leather seat then reclined it back. The flight would only take about five hours, but knowing Stan he’d be ready to hit the clubs once we landed on the runway.

  With one hour of flight time left I pulled out the business proposal and blue prints to look over them again. The stewardess walked up and informed me that we would be landing soon so I put everything away, went and used the bathroom to freshen up, and returned to my seat.

  “You know I could have helped you pass the time better than sleeping it away.” Lacy the stewardess told me and ran her finger up my tie.

  I smiled up at her, “Oh yeah? How much longer until we land?” I slid my hand up her thigh and cupped her bare ass under her skirt.

  “About twenty five minutes.” She whispered into my ear as she slid her hand down the front of my shirt past the waist band of my pants and started rubbing my cock through my suit pants.

  “You’re wasting time.” I told her as I slid the tiny strap of her thong to the side and found her pussy to be wet and ready. With my other hand I reached into the pocket of my suit jacket that was lying in the seat next to me, pulled a condom out of my wallet and handed it to her. She hurriedly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, pulled my boxers down freeing my cock. I pushed a second finger inside of her as she rolled the condom on to me. She hiked her skirt up so I removed my fingers and waited as she rushed to push her thong down her legs.

  I pushed my pants down before she climbed onto my lap and eased herself down my length. “Oh god Spencer, I forgot how you feel.” She whispered. She was one of the only employees allowed to use my real first name besides Josh and my drivers.

  “Mmmm, sorry it’s not enough.” I said and grinned at her.

  Her eyes got big, and she sank down until she couldn’t take anymore of me inside of her. “You are such an arrogant ass you know that.” She breathed out while unbuttoning her blouse and freeing her breasts from her bra. “Now give it to me rough before we land.” She demanded then bit my bottom lip. I ran my hands up her ribs, then around the front to her breasts and massaged them before pinching her nipples with my fingers. Her pussy muscles tightened so I thrust my dick hard and deep inside of her I leaned forward and licked each nipple then pinched one between my teeth. “Oh god Spencer, yes…” she said in a sexy tone, she leaned forward and grabbed the headrest of my seat and started raising and lowering herself faster. Each time she pushed down I punched my hips up, I licked between her breasts up to her jaw line then cupped her face in my hands and brought our lips a breath away from each other.

  “Cum for me!” I said then licked her lip and bit on her bottom lip, her pussy muscles clamped down and she started moving her hips back and forth giving her clit the friction it needed. My balls tightened and my climax hit the same time she slammed down on me, both of us sat there out of breath. Once she had regained her composure she slowly climbed off of me and sucked in a breath through her teeth as my cock slid out of her.

  “Maybe on the flight back we can utilize that bedroom…”

  “Lacy!” I warned. I pulled the condom off and tied it, stood up and pulled my pants up. The captain came over the intercom to let us know we would be landing in ten minutes.

  “I know…I know…you won’t take me back there.” She smiled as she pulled her thong back up then lowered her skirt and fixed the buttons on her blouse.

  “You know, then why even ask? You don’t like what I just did?” I asked as I walked past her to the bathroom. I tossed the condom in the trash can, wet some paper towels down and cleaned myself off before putting my suit back together.

  She was leaning against the door watching me, “I just want to see what kind of moves you’ve got. With that massive thing I’m sure you could make any woman scream your name for hours.”

  I shook my head, “I’ve been known to do that from time to time.” I winked at her as I walked past her and back to my seat. She buckled herself into the small seat at the front as we both stared at each other. I gathered my stuff as the plane came to a stop, when I walked past Lacy she stopped me. “One of these days you’ll let me back there with you.”

  “You keep hounding me and I’ll fire you.” I told her causing her to step back with a shocked look on her face. Stan was waiting outside the limousine when I exited the plane, I laughed at his board shorts, tank top, and flip flops.

  “Tell me you don’t wear that at the club.” I said and shook his hand.

  “Hell no, I wear a monkey suit just like you have on.” He looked past my shoulder, “I don’t have a sexy flight attendant like that though. Please tell me you nailed that once or twice?” He said then opened the door so we could both get in.

  “I’ll never tell.” I responded with a grin.

  “Lucky fucker…Anyways,” he rubbed his hands together, “We are going to be a guest at my own club so I can get your input on what needs changed. I thought we could go out later.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  We arrived at his club almost an hour later, this club was completely different than mine. This club was a mansion house where mine was a warehouse that I custom built for the rooms that people were paid to perform in. Stan walked me through the entire club, room by room, then we went to the bar area and sat in a booth in the darkened corner.

  “Well, break the news to me, what’s it gonna take to make this the next “Box”” he asked using air quotes.

  I pulled the blue prints out and laid them out across the table, the entire inside would need to be gutted to put in plexi glass rooms, his privacy for the employees woul
d have to be changed, and the business name would become “Box2”. He listened intently and asked very few questions. The waitress came by and refilled our drinks while we were still going over the prints.

  “Fuck man, do you think it’ll take off as fast as yours did? That’s a lot of work.”

  “Yeah I really do, the clients love it.” I pulled the blindfold out and handed it to him.

  “Sorry but I don’t do that shit man.” He said.

  “Just put the fucker on, it’s the UCSS1.”

  He slipped it around his head and fastened the Velcro at the back so it was tight, “Whoa, what the hell. What does the UCSS1 stand for?”

  I laughed “It means You Can Still See, In MY club, you put this on before you even enter the main part of the building, AND the employees where them as well, including the people in the box.”

  “So you don’t have a clue what anybody actually looks like in there?”

  “Nope, the security guards for the employees are the only ones that do. Should something happen to one of them they will release a photo of the person.”

  He slid the blindfold off, “Let’s do this then, let me give the clients and my employees this week then we’ll shut down so the renovations can start. I agree to the seventy-thirty split, where do I sign?”

  I pulled the contract out of my briefcase and slid it across the table to him, “It took a year for the Box to become a hit but with this location I’d say nine months max then you’ll have a waiting list of people wanting in. I’ve enclosed a copy of the requirements to be a member, follow them EXACTLY and things will go smooth.”

  He signed on the dotted line and snapped his fingers, the same waitress walked over to the table. He told her to get his checkbook, she quickly left and came back a few minutes later, he wrote me a check for seven hundred thousand dollars. “I’ll have the rest to you when the demolition crew shows up. Now let’s get out of here so we can get some drinks.”

  “By the way, another rule is, I don’t fuck my employees no matter how good they look. If they work at the warehouse they are off limits. The ONLY time I fuck one of them is if I have to go in the Box.”


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