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Casanova In Training

Page 24

by Aliyah Burke

  Jaydee. What was he going to do with her? He couldn’t explain the possessiveness he experienced when he thought of her. Was it wrong to want to lock someone up and keep them from everyone else? Well, yes, and he knew that, yet it didn’t seem to stop him from wanting to do that very thing.

  Tilting his head, he stared down at the woman he held. There were two times when he’d been allowed to see the real Jaydee. Not the one who could blow his mind with her memory, flying ability, or the way she seemed uninterested in anything but her job. One was now, when she was sleeping, and the other was when they were having sex. Correction—making love.

  Now she looked soft, tender—a woman he wanted to protect more than anything in the world. When she was awake there was this cold wall around her which made her seem almost untouchable, even unapproachable. Not that it had stopped him but…he could see it with others.

  She was a loner. And, for all intents and purposes, she didn’t seem to mind or even acknowledge that she came across that way. She just had other, more important things to focus on.

  All that aside, he knew he would have to force her to talk to him about the two of them. He wasn’t about to let her delete the memory she had of their time together. Nor was he going to let her marry that Ivan guy. Oh, hell no!

  He stroked a hand down the side of her face and brushed his thumb along her lips. They were still slightly swollen from the kisses they’d shared earlier. His heart lurched when she burrowed closer to him and spoke his name on a whisper of a sigh. He loved her. So much it scared him.

  He carefully disengaged himself from her and slid from the double bed. Normally he preferred a larger one but he had to admit, smaller made them sleep even closer together, and that was something he liked immensely.

  Tugging on his jeans, he ran a hand through his short hair then walked out of the bedroom. This place was nice and, like her place before, there was zero in the way of personal touches. He made his way through the quaint two-bedroom place and, peering in the second bedroom, he noticed it was set up like an office.

  The living room boasted a sofa and a single recliner. There were a few tiny tables along the wall but he saw no sign of a television. Once in the kitchen, he picked up the scattered articles of clothing and carried them back to the bedroom where Jaydee still lay, dead to the world. She’d rolled over and he stared hungrily at her naked body.

  Christ, he wanted her again. And again. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her. The sun had begun to set and sent golden rays through the windows and onto her exposed skin. Her tattoo teased him and he longed to lean over and press his lips to it, maybe give her a slight bite.

  He left her there—reluctantly, but he did. He walked into her bathroom then took care of business. A box on the corner of the sink’s counter caught his eye and he frowned while he dried his hands.

  Sneaking a peek back into the bedroom, he assured himself she was still out then he approached the box, slowly, as if it may jump up and bite him. What the fuck is she doing with this? Why would she need a pregnancy test unless…

  He spun around and strode back into the bedroom. His blood pumped and he tried to calm down. Surely there was a logical explanation as to why she had this. Wasn’t there? Unfortunately, all that flashed in his head was Ivan telling him he’d asked Jaydee to marry him.

  “What the fuck is this?” he demanded.

  Jaydee stirred and rolled over. Her tortoiseshell gaze was sleepy but in a second it sharpened as it focused on the box he held in his hand. She sat up and jerked the sheet up around her breasts.

  “What are you doing with that?” she snapped.

  “What are you doing with it?” he countered.

  “Nothing. Which is why it was in the bathroom, unopened.”

  He tossed the rectangular box on the bed and followed it down. Hands on either side of her legs, he leaned closer to her. “Are you pregnant?”

  For the first time since he had met her, she looked completely petrified. It didn’t last more than a few hundredths of a second, but damn if he didn’t spot it. Then came the icy demeanour he was used to seeing when she wasn’t about to let anyone in. The woman she was at work.

  “Get out of my way.”

  “Not a chance.”

  She grumbled something he didn’t understand and scooted around his arms before getting off the bed. He kept his eye on her, ensuring she didn’t bolt for the door but otherwise remained sitting as she covered up her body with clothing. More’s the pity, he’d rather enjoyed looking at her nakedness.

  Once she’d pulled on a shirt and shoved into a pair of shorts, she ran her hand through her hair and crossed her arms. Even so, he noticed how her gaze continued to drift towards the box by his left hand.


  She shook her head and put her hair up in a ponytail. “No. There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “The fuck there isn’t.”

  He shoved to his feet and prowled towards her. Damn it all, he’d never had to pursue a woman like this before. But here he was, refusing to give up and let her go.

  “We had a fling,” she said, her voice higher than usual. After a deep breath, she continued her tone, calmer now. “That’s all it was. A fling.”

  He clenched his jaw and crowded her against the wall of her bedroom. “Are. You. Pregnant?”

  There was another flash of fear. “How would I know? The box is closed.”

  “Don’t push me, Jaydee.”

  “Then leave.”


  She tried to duck by him but he restricted her movements, capturing her wrists in one hand and pinning them against the wall over her head. This time the flare in her eyes was lust, but, like the fear, it was swiftly masked.

  “What we had was more than a fling, Jaydee Amos, and you know it.”

  Hell, like this her breasts pushed up against the thin material of her shirt and his mouth watered. He wanted to dip his head and suck one breast into his mouth, roll the tight nipple, and hear her moans of pleasure. Focus!

  “Are you pregnant with my child?”

  “How would I know? I just told you the box isn’t opened yet.”


  He forced himself to calm down as she seemed to be getting more agitated. Hell, even he knew it was possible. Even this most recent time they’d not used protection, but damn if he’d wanted to feel a barrier between them. He loved how she gripped him, the heat, the snugness, the slickness. And, to be honest, he didn’t even think about being unprotected until after, something that only happened with her.

  “Of course. You know full well there was no condom on the B-2, or just now.” Her tone had a slight edge to it.

  It had been almost four weeks since the bomber. A child. And not just any child but a child with Jaydee.

  “Take the test.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Now. Take the test.” She shook her head and he used his other hand to hold her chin still. “I have a right to know if I’m going to be a father, Jaydee.”

  “Why? Worried it will get in the way of the great Casanova and all his conquests?”

  He wanted to crow. The door had been opened, now it was time to get her to admit there were feelings there. “Is that what you’re telling yourself?” he asked, even as his body rebelled at the mere thought of being with another. “That it will be easier to forget all about what we’ve shared by thinking I’ll be mad if you’re pregnant because it will mess up my time with women? Other women?”

  “I don’t care if you fuck every woman you meet.”

  “Liar,” he murmured, leaning in close to swipe a kiss. “It’s burning you up inside. Just like you were jealous of Michelle.” Another kiss. “Know this, Jaydee. There is no other woman for me but you.” He pulled back and stared in her eyes. “I love you.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t say that.”

  He frowned. “Why not?” It bothered him greatly that she didn’t immediately say it back to hi

  “You can’t…can’t love me.”

  “So now you’re telling me how I can feel?”

  She struggled and he released her hands but refused to let her go. “It’s just…just that, well, look at you.”

  He was not at all pleased with that statement. “What about me?”

  “I’m not your type.”

  “Sweets, you are exactly my type. Passionate, brilliant, and all-around amazing. More beautiful to me than anything.”

  “Don’t say things like that.” She pushed against his chest and he pushed back, repudiating her silent command. “What happens when you want your old life back and you decide you were wrong and don’t love me?”

  “You don’t believe I love you.”

  “I think you’re reacting to the slight probability I may be pregnant.” She licked her lips. “If, and I mean if, it turns out that I am, I don’t want anything from you. I won’t ask for anything from you. Nevertheless, if you want to be a part of your child’s life, I won’t deny you, either. But, please, don’t assume I’m going to fall into your arms because you say ‘I love you’.”

  He just stared at her, unbelieving what he’d just heard. Then the rage pushed through. “So what, you planning on marrying Ivan Vinokourov instead?” Her eyes widened. “Yes,” he snarled. “I know all about him asking you and you won’t be marrying him.”

  “You can’t—”

  “The hell I can’t, Jaydee. I’m not going to stand here and let you marry a man I know you don’t love.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes, I do,” he said assuredly. “You love someone else, Jaydee. And you need to recognise that.”

  The tip of her tongue sneaked out and swiped along her lower lip, sending him right back into another, lower level of his own private hell.

  “Maybe I don’t love him, but…but we are compatible.”

  He scoffed, less than thrilled that she was trying to pull this shit. “Is that what you want? Someone who is ‘compatible’ only? Because I don’t think you do want that. You need passion, raw and explosive passion. Not compatible. You want that and you go get a pet.”

  Her jaw clenched. “It would work.”

  “Sure. Maybe.” He tucked some hair behind her ear. “But what about passion?”

  “An emotion.”

  “Yes. A very important one. Are you truly willing to give it all up? Heated touches? Intimate caresses? Sex so intense you see stars?” He gave a negative shake of his head. “You can try to deny it all you want, sweets, but you know you want those things. Crave them.”

  Her breathing increased in speed and grew shallower as she stood there. He pressed his advantage, shoving his hand down the front of her nylon shorts to find her panties soaked.

  “Does he make you this hot? Burn this much?” He slid his fingers under the edge of her panties and over the damp curls. “You are mine, Jaydee. From the very beginning, you’ve been mine.”

  Her hips gyrated and he knew she sought the fingers tantalising her pussy but he refused to enter her, keeping up his teasing strokes. She stared at him with desire-darkened orbs and he could read her want.

  She began to make small, erotic moans as she melted back into the wall. He slipped two fingers into her molten heat and had to swallow a groan of his own. She gripped his fingers like a warm glove. His cock throbbed painfully in his jeans. He pumped his fingers in her, revelling in how responsive she was to his every touch.

  He watched her face and held still right when the familiar expression of her impending orgasm lit her features. Her frustration at his denying her overflowed from narrowed eyes and he bit back a smile. No matter how adamantly she tried to refuse to accept what existed between them, her body continually responded to him.

  “Gio,” she panted. “Please.”

  “So close aren’t you, sweets. So close. Look at me.”

  Glazed eyes met his. He moved his fingers and used his thumb on her clit, aware it would give her what she so desperately sought. Her eyelids fluttered as her body trembled. Lips pursed as her moans grew louder. One hand snagged his wrist, encouraging his fingers deeper. He complied and watched as she came by his touch.

  “I love you, Jaydee,” he whispered before capturing her cry of pleasure with his mouth.

  She sagged into him and he made short work of her clothes. And his. He sank deep inside her—heat and slick cream covered his cock as he carried her back to the bed. After another mind-blowing release followed by a nap, he woke to her trying to slide from the bed.

  He rolled towards her, pressing her to him. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to get up.”


  “Because I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten since my early lunch.”

  He brushed a kiss along her lips. The clock read eight, so he knew she must really be hungry. “Let’s go to dinner.”

  She stared at him. He could see her assessing him. He held her gaze, allowing her to find whatever she sought.

  After a bit, she blinked. “I don’t need to go out, I have food here.”

  “Let me take you out.”

  “I don’t have a car.”

  “I saw the bike. Is it yours? Did you sell your Ninja?”

  He stroked her bare skin, unable to refrain from touching her. She didn’t pull back. In fact, she placed a hand on his chest and caressed him. He’d learned Jaydee was very tactile with him. Something he didn’t mind at all.

  “It belongs to Eugene.”

  “Who’s Eugene?” he asked as politely as he could.

  “One of Lexy’s brothers.”

  He recalled the two large men who’d been with the women that night at the bar. A grunt left him—he didn’t trust himself to speak just yet. Jaydee wasn’t even looking at him—her focus was on the abstract pattern she was drawing on his chest.

  “A good friend?” He winced after the question had slipped free. Could he sound any more pathetic? Whining about people she knew?

  She shrugged. “I suppose. I’ve known him as long as I have Lexy. They’ve always been nice to me.”

  “But you don’t consider him and his brother good friends?”

  Jaydee tipped her head so their gazes could meet. “I consider Lexy and Ivan good friends. Eugene is Lexy’s brother. He’s sort of like mine as well.”

  It gnawed at his gut to hear her say such a thing about Ivan but he nodded. There were times he forgot that Jaydee saw things differently from most people. But there was one thing he couldn’t ignore.

  “You need to take the test, Jaydee.”

  Reality. Jaydee stiffened slightly in Gio’s arms as he reiterated what she’d been trying to get up the courage to do. Hell, she’d taken the first step in actually purchasing the item. But that was as far as she’d got. Part of her wanted to fight with him about this, yet she kept her argument to herself. She wasn’t a fool and knew if it turned out that she was pregnant, then she needed to be seeing a doctor to ensure the best for the baby.

  His callused fingers gripped her chin and held her there. “Don’t ignore me, Jaydee.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then you’ll take the test.” She didn’t think he’d made it a question.

  Dread welled up inside her all over again. A baby? Was she ready? The logical part of her brain told her there was no point in freaking out until all the facts were in evidence. That was what she latched on to and held close.


  Gio nodded and released her. She watched him roll away and vacate the bed. His expression was serious and, if she dared think on it a lot, possibly a bit nervous. There was nothing left to keep her from peeing on the stick and finding out what her future held. She reached for the robe she kept at the foot of her bed and slipped it on before she stood.

  Her hands shook slightly as she tied the knot and picked up her scattered clothing from earlier. On silent feet, she made her way to the bedroom door only to pause when he called her name.

; “What?”

  She faced him and noticed he held the rectangular box out towards her. Another clench of her stomach muscles and she reached for it. She could read his need to say something in his expression, but she didn’t think she could handle it, so she pivoted and left.

  She closed the bathroom door and almost locked it behind her. Shaking, she rested her hands on the counter supporting the sink. She stood up tall after several deep breaths later and stared at her reflection.

  “Just do it,” she told herself.

  She took an expedited shower and dressed in her clothing, ignoring her bladder. She put her hair up in a ponytail, picked up the box, and stared at it. This was it. All she had to do was pee on the stick and wait three minutes for the results to show in the little window. Easy. Right?

  Apparently not, since she continued to stand there and stare at it. Hell, she hadn’t even opened the box yet. Setting it back down, she whirled for the door and opened it to find Gio leaning in the doorway to her bedroom, watching the bathroom.

  “Well?” he asked, one brow lifted towards the top of his head.

  She swallowed. “It says it’s best to do it in the morning.” One hand waved. “You know, first thing and all that.”

  “Is that so?”


  “Okay. Then let’s go to dinner.”

  That was it? He wasn’t going to argue with her? He raked his gaze up and down her before pushing away and striding towards her. Her breath caught as she watched him move. Predatory. Powerful. He’d dressed in his jeans and T-shirt, no socks or shoes on but it in no way detracted from the image he presented.

  “You thought I was going to argue.” Another statement.


  “If they say morning is the best, then morning it will be. Come on, we need to get some food in you.”

  Not much later, they were out by the bike, fully dressed, and she took the helmet he handed her and buckled it on under her chin. Eugene had the turtleshell-style head protection. She sat on the seat and looked up at the man standing beside her, fastening his own helmet.


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