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Casanova In Training

Page 25

by Aliyah Burke

  Without a word, she slid back so he could drive. He straddled the sleek black machine and she wrapped her arms around him, balancing her feet on the bike. Eyes closed, she allowed the masculine scent of Gio to flow over her. The motorcycle started with an easy rumble and she opened her eyes as he got them on the road.

  Soon, they were out on the interstate, the warm wind blowing over her as they wove in and out of the traffic. Gio handled the bike like a pro and she found herself enjoying the ride. The throb of the powerful machine beneath her, Gio’s hard body before her, heck, what else could a woman want?

  He drove for a while until he eventually pulled off on an exit and took them to a restaurant. After he parked, she released him and removed the helmet before swinging a leg over as she dismounted.

  Gio didn’t say anything, just held his helmet in one hand as his other splayed along the small of her back while he guided her to the door. They were seated at a cosy booth in the back of the establishment. The sounds of classic rock filtered around them. She’d never been here before but, if the smells, which made her tummy rumble, were any indication of how the food was, she would be in good hands.

  A chipper waitress came over to take their drink orders. After she’d left, Gio reached over the table and captured her hand in his. Instinctively, she began to pull back only to have him tighten his hold and shake his head slightly.

  “Let me hold your hand, Jaydee.”

  She felt a bit out of her element here. Public displays of affection were uncommon to her, aside from a Lexy hug. But she couldn’t deny it was extremely nice touching him. She’d spent numerous hours just allowing her fingers to explore his body—granted all of that was in private…but still. So, she relaxed and was rewarded with a warm smile.

  They kept the chatter light and neutral as they ate their meals. She was right, the food was excellent. Gio waved off her refusal of dessert and ordered a piece of seven-layer chocolate cake for the two of them. It came with a coffee for him and hot water with lemon for her.

  “Here.” Gio offered her a bite as she stirred the lemon into the steaming mug of water.

  She shook her head in polite refusal. Gio sighed and scooted around the table to settle beside her on the brown vinyl booth seat.

  “Open for me, Jaydee,” he whispered seductively.

  He held a forkful of the cake before her mouth. Staring into his hazel eyes, she did as he’d ordered. A deep-throated groan slid from her as the cake melted against her tongue. Oh dear Lord that was good.

  “Oh my,” she murmured after swallowing the bite. The cake had felt like silk in her mouth, smooth, satiny, and oh so moist.

  Gio’s eyes darkened before he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her until her toes curled. “You said it,” he stated. “That is some damn good cake. Chocolate tastes good from your lips, sweets.”

  He offered her another piece and she shook her head, this time holding up the mug of tea in an attempt to dissuade him from feeding it to her. She watched him eat it and smile in contentment.

  “Why don’t you eat dessert?” he asked, reaching across the table for his coffee and indulging in some.

  “It wasn’t anything I had growing up. And I don’t eat a lot of sugar anyway. I prefer fresh fruit.” She gave a wry smile. “But that…that is some damn good cake.”

  “And that’s why you drink water all the time as well?”

  “I drink tea, too,” she mumbled a bit defensively.

  His smile was accompanied by another forkful of cake poised at her lips. Automatically she opened and he slid in the bite.

  “I know you do. Loose tea.”

  She ducked her head and swallowed. That was how dessert went. He alternated forkfuls between them both. His large body remained on her side and one powerful thigh pressed intimately along hers. He asked her questions in between his forkfuls. They ate slowly, not in any rush to leave.

  He slipped his credit card in the bill before she could say anything and, while they waited for the waitress to return for his signature, he laid an arm along the back of the seat and stared down at her. With his free hand, he caressed the side of her face.

  “I love you, Jaydee,” he said.

  That familiar bout of panic erupted in her and she shook her head. His gaze narrowed and she picked up on the tic in his jaw.

  “Why does it bother you so much to hear me say that?”

  “Can we talk about this later?”

  He glanced around and shook his head. “No one is paying us any attention.”

  Just then, the waitress reappeared and set down the black folder. “Have a nice night, y’all.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” he replied. The moment she’d walked off, he put his attention totally back upon her. “Now, answer me.”

  She worried her lower lip as he opened the folder, signed, and returned his focus to her. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to say such a thing to me. And…it scares me to hear.” The admission took a lot from her but she refused to back down.

  “One,” he said in a low timbre, “you should never think I’m obligated. And two, why does it scare you to hear me say I love you?”

  His deep voice gave her goose bumps. He created such immense feelings within her. “I could grow used to hearing it and when you leave…” She trailed off, unable to actually finish the statement.

  He swiped his thumb along her lower lip. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  Gio slid from the booth and held out his hand to her. She hesitated before she accepted his assistance, feeling this somehow was an offer for more than just help getting out of the booth. Like it symbolised something about their future. Could she take his help? Better question, would she?

  With a deep breath, she placed her hand in his. He drew her smoothly to her feet and helped her on with the leather jacket she wore. Then they headed for the exit holding hands.

  She held him tight around the waist on the ride back to her place. Gio made love to her and they eventually fell asleep, naked bodies entangled. When she woke, she was alone. The heavy curtains had been opened and the sunlight streamed in through the sheers, bathing the room in morning’s light. The bedroom door sat partially propped open and she could hear him singing off-key.

  She swung her feet to the floor, then grabbed her robe, tied it, and padded up the hallway to the main part of her apartment. Gio stood in the kitchen dicing up fruit, clad in loose dark blue jeans and a grey sleeveless T-shirt. She could see his hair was a bit damp and she knew he’d showered.

  “Mornin’, sweets.” He lifted his head and pinned her with that hazel gaze that never failed to make her belly clench with desire and need. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Did you take the test?”

  Test. Test. Test. Cripes, did he sleep only to wake and immediately think about the test? It wasn’t as if a positive reading would change his life any. Don’t be like that, she reprimanded herself. His would change as well. Just not to the same extent as hers would.

  Again with the downer attitude. Hell, she didn’t even know if she was or not. She didn’t feel any different. Perhaps she was just a bit late. He cleared his throat and she silently shook her head, pivoted around, and made her way back to the bedroom where she grabbed some clothes for the day.

  She showered quickly, lotioned her body, and dressed in lounge pants and an old, comfy T-shirt. Then she brushed her teeth and put her hair up so it would be off her neck. Today was working at home day, no need to get overly dressed up. At the very last moment, she did what she had to and left the test to sit on the toilet tank before escaping to the front after washing her hands.

  Gio never asked and she figured her expression gave enough away that he knew she’d gone through with it and actually peed on the stick. All he did was glance at his watch, briefly, and wave her towards the table.

  She sat and he brought her a bowl of fruit and yogurt. “Eat.”

  After picking up the spoon, she stared down at the grape, apple, and banana mixt
ure that was covered by plain yogurt. “Thank you.” She continued counting down the one hundred-eighty seconds until she could go discover how altered her life would be.

  Gio occupied a chair across from her. He had a bowl as well and two plates, each with half a bagel covered in cream cheese on it. He had just slid one plate over to her side when the doorbell rang.

  She frowned. There shouldn’t be anyone coming to visit her. Lexy would just walk right on in, so it couldn’t be her. Setting her spoon down in the bowl, she got to her feet.

  “Excuse me.” At the door, she drew it open. “Yes?” she asked only to freeze. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Everything moved in über-slow motion.

  Words wouldn’t come. Some things didn’t matter in situations like this. Yes, it had been some time, but, in recognising the woman who’d been oh so eager to get rid of her, time didn’t matter. She’d not seen her in person since she was seven, and only a photograph until the age of ten. It didn’t matter, none of it did. Jaydee knew the woman standing before her just as sure as she knew her own name.

  “Hello, darling,” a syrupy-sweet voice said. “It’s been a while. Don’t you have a hug for your dear, loving mother?”

  Dear, loving mother? The impression would be laughable if she didn’t feel so damn sick to her stomach. She blinked, slowly, giving herself time to recuperate. The woman looked just about the same. Thin and wearing tight clothing to show off her body.


  “Vivian? Dear, please. Call me Mother.”

  She would do no such thing. “What are you doing here?”

  Vivian Amos brushed back some of her short black bob. “I came to see you, sweetie. I mean, we haven’t seen each other in a while.”

  About twenty-five years. Nine thousand and ninety days. But, hell, who was counting. The urge to vomit filled her and she swallowed, trying to keep it all back.

  “You showed no interest in me when I was seven, I hardly believe you’ve stopped by now to attempt to play the nice mother. So I’ll ask again, what do you want?”

  A flash of anger appeared in Vivian’s brown eyes but vanished so quickly that Jaydee wondered if she’d just imagined such a thing. The hand slipping around her waist told her nope, she was just preening for a handsome man. Like she’d always done.

  “Can’t a mother just visit her baby? And who are you, handsome?” Vivian swayed closer, her hips doing things most people’s didn’t unless they were in bed or swinging around a pole. She held out her hand. “I’m Jaydee’s mo—”

  “This is Vivian,” Jaydee interrupted, noticing the tell-tale signs of her having already been drinking this early.

  Gio took the offered hand and gave it a polite shake, ignoring the way she held it for a kiss upon the back. “Giovanni Cassano, ma’am.”

  “Ohh, are you Italian? You look absolutely divine. Are you dating my daughter?”

  Jaydee stiffened, only to relax a bit under the gentle caresses of Gio’s fingers along her side.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ma’am,” she cooed. “Aren’t you just so polite.” She waved a finger between them. “Now, how’d you two meet?”

  “None of your business,” Jaydee interrupted before Gio could respond.

  Brown eyes slashed back to her and Jaydee received a perfect flashback of the woman who’d never wanted her to open her mouth at all. Disapproval simmered there. However, she wasn’t the child who’d wanted a mother’s approval. She hadn’t been for a long time now.

  “No need to be disagreeable, Jaydee. I was just wondering about the man in your life.”

  “My life is of no concern to you. You would do better to worry about why you are drunk at this early hour.” Condemnation dripped from her tone, her nausea had receded but anger had come forth full bore.

  “Mind your tone, you ungrateful little—”


  Jaydee started and stared past the woman at her porch who’d also turned around. So intent had she been on the unexpected and unpleasant visitor that the arrival of a dark SUV had totally escaped her notice. She blinked, only to do it rapidly three more times until she realised that this, too, wasn’t a cruel trick her mind played but reality.

  Her father strode up the walk. In a light grey suit and impeccable as was his norm, he moved as if he had every right to be there. She snorted lightly—a family reunion. One she could definitely have done without.

  “Reginald.” Vivian’s tone was laden with scorn.

  “I thought I saw you trying to be granted access at the lab this morning. Why are you here?” His own voice was colder than Jaydee had ever heard it.

  “I’ve come to see my daughter, Reggie. Is there a law against that?”

  Her father stood beside her mother, both of them glaring at one another. “There could be. Don’t think I don’t know about your association with Captain Fentress.”

  Jaydee could have been knocked over with a feather by that news. Fentress…really? She’d had dinner with his wife before—to know now that her own mother was sleeping with him. Would she ever not feel dirty?

  She glared at the woman who had given birth to her. “Is that why you’re here? To try to plead for your lover?”

  “You… You know, you always made snap judgements about men. You’re wrong. He is an honourable man and you…with your accusations—”

  “He was a married man with three children. And you…” She trailed off, unable to credibly voice her disgust without losing the final bit of her composure.

  “Leave, Vivian. You have no reason to be here.” Dr Thompson spoke in his typical authoritative manner.

  Vivian’s face morphed into an ugly mask. “Neither do you. I remember you didn’t want her either.”

  Gio’s arms tightened protectively around her as he stood behind her. For the life of her, she just wanted to run inside and curl up into a ball, allowing the hot tears to fall. But she didn’t. She stood there, like the topic of which parent didn’t want her more had no bearing on her whatsoever. It was all a big lie and it hurt more than she’d ever dreamed.

  “Shut up, Vivian. If you are going to talk, please do try to keep your drunken facts straight. I wasn’t sure she was my daughter. You’d been so promiscuous I wanted to be certain she was mine before I agreed. You were a drunken whore then, and you’re one still.”

  Her father looked at her. “While it’s true I didn’t want a child at that time, my feelings are not like that anymore. She is my pride and joy. I’ve never been more proud of anyone than I am of her.” He looked back at the woman who’d carried her for nine months and apparently had zero maternal love. “And I’ll be damned before I let you come in here and try to ruin her life, like you’ve ruined your own.”

  “Oh, go stuff it, Reggie,” she sneered. “This is between my daughter and myself.”

  “She’s not yours any longer, Vivian Amos. Jaydee is my daughter, not yours. She’s not been yours since six months after you left her with me. I took care of that.”

  “I don’t remember that.”

  “Of course not. You were wasted like usual, in bed with one of your men.” He shook his head at her. “I’ve always kept tabs on you, Vivian. I will not let you interfere in my daughter’s life. So turn your intoxicated ass around and get lost. You approach her again and I’ll have you arrested.”

  “You can’t do that!” she sputtered. “She’s my child, too.”

  “We just went through that and no, she’s not. But let’s be honest here, Vivian. Why are you here? How much money do you need?”

  Jaydee’s heart twisted in agony inside her chest. After all these years, this woman sought her out for money? Surely her father was overreacting. Not something he does often, though.

  Vivian turned beseeching eyes to her. “Jaydee, you see how he is. This is why I had to leave him. Let me come in and we can talk. I’ve missed you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re lying.”

  “What? No, sweetie. I’m not. He was i
mpossible to live with. You wouldn’t remember that, you were so young.”

  She snorted and shook her head. Stepping away from Gio’s touch, she moved to the edge of the top step. “You’re lying. I remember everything. Your drinking, the men, all of it.” She began to tremble and her father grabbed Vivian by the arm and propelled her down the drive.

  “Let go of me, Reggie!” Vivian screeched.

  Whatever he said to her, they couldn’t hear from the porch, but Vivian stiffened and stomped to the SUV before she was unceremoniously shoved into the back. Dr Thompson slammed the door and the vehicle left with him still at the edge of her drive.

  He turned and strode slowly up the walk. For the first time he looked a bit older. Lines drawn tight around his mouth. He paused at the bottom and glanced up at them both.

  “They’ll be back to pick me up. I know I’m not who you want to see right now, but do you think I could come in until they return?”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  They went inside and she shut the door behind her, staring at the two men in her small rental. Her nerves felt shot and she just wanted to hide from everyone.

  Gio broke the silence. “We were just about to eat, would you care to join us?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.” He wiped his hands down the sides of his pants as she moved through to the kitchen to begin preparing a bowl for him.

  She glanced up when Gio walked in and brushed his lips along her cheek. “Are you okay, sweets?”

  “Where’s Dr Thompson?” she asked instead of answering him.

  “Bathroom. Answer me. Are you okay?”

  Her lower lip quivered a bit but, before she could answer, her father stuck his head in the doorway to the kitchen. “You’re pregnant?” he asked. His facial expression conveyed his shock.

  The floor fell out from under her and it was just too much. She tore away from Gio and shoved past her father before bolting to the bedroom. She slammed the door behind her then stumbled to the bed and gave in to the furious and scared tears which streamed from her eyes.

  Pregnant. She was pregnant.


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