Wolf Nation
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Strycker, Noah, 131
suicide: frontier days in American West, 132; states high in gun-related suicides/killing wolves and, 160
Swander, Mary, 71
Sweden’s model/compensating for reproduction of carnivores, 222
Tea Party, 112
Ted Turner’s Ladder Ranch, 228, 229, 230, 231
Thompson, Elizabeth Marshall, 41
Through the Wolf’s Eyes Firekeeper series (Lindskold), 152
trees/grasses and trophic cascades, 69, 70, 76, 77, 78
Treves, Adrian, 147–148, 190
trophic cascades theory: complexities/factors affecting, 75–80; possible future/wolves, 80–81; predator/top-down and plant/bottom-up processes, 78; wilderness areas without wolves, 69–70; wilderness reclaimed by wolves, 70–71, 73–80
Trump, Donald, 135
Turner Endangered Species Fund, 230
Underwood, Paula, 15
Unsworth, Jim, 220
urkraft, 170, 171
Urness, Zach, 180
Walker, Bill, 49
Waller, Sara, 167
War Against the Wolf: America’s Campaign to Exterminate the Wolf (McIntyre), 4, 56
Warren, Story: background/wolves and, 108–110; Kids4Wolves and, 108–109, 110–112; President’s Environmental Youth Award (2016), 108
Washington Post, 48
Washington (state) and wolves: antiwolf bigotry, 3, 105; increase in nonlethal prevention techniques and, 211; killing Huckleberry pack members, 207; killing Wedge pack members, 203, 207; ranchers and, 124–126, 211; Stevens/Okanogan counties antiwolf politics, 214–215, 220–221; support for wolves, 124–126, 207; Teanaway pack, 125, 126. See also Profanity Peak pack; specific individuals/groups
WCC. See Wolf Conservation Center, New Salem, New York
webcams and animals, 166
Weil, Simone, 171–172
Weiss, Amaroq: background/description, 137, 138, 142; Captain Miranda video, 149; grazing allotments and, 217; name meaning, 137; on Oregon delisting wolves, 193; Profanity Peak pack and, 207, 215; on wildlife commissions representatives, 146; wolf-mask-making video, 148–149; Wolf OR7/OR4 and, 183; wolves/play and, 139, 140–141, 146, 148–150
Western Watersheds Project, 181
Whitehead, Hal, 164
Wielgus, Robert, 213
Wiese, Chris, 237
Wild Animals I Have Known (Seton), 17–19
Wild Harmonies: A Life of Music and Wolves (Grimaud), 165
Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals (Bekoff), 174
Wilderness Act (US/1964), 115
Wildlife: illegal traffic in, 157; nonconsumptive values and, 9, 41–42, 43, 131, 147, 191, 258
wildlife commissions; funding and, 191, 239–240; Weiss on, 146
Wildlife Services: killings by, 8–11, 216; killings of dogs, 10; poisons and, 9–10; taxpayers and, 9; whistle blowers and, 9–10, 22
Williams, Ted, 240
Winds of Winter (Martin), 63–64
“Winter Wolf” (song), 151
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare), 151–152
wolf 06: Cinderella and, 83, 90, 256; description/character, 82, 83, 84, 97, 244; fame, 84, 92; family after death, 94, 95–96; heritage/ancestors, 82–83; hunting style, 85; mates/family, 83, 84–87, 88–89; memorials/legacy, 95–96; Mollies and, 86; outside Yellowstone/death, 92–93; radio collar and, 87–88; She-Wolf (documentary), 84
Wolf Advisory Council, 165–166
Wolf Advisory Group (WAG): building trust between groups, 210–212, 213–214; Gallegos and, 225; lethal removal protocol and, 207–208, 209, 213–214; mediators, 148, 210; meeting (January 2017), 221; meeting (September 2016), 210–213, 216–217; meeting (spring 2016), 138, 142, 146, 149–150; Native Americans and, 212; Warren on, 112
Wolf Called Romeo, A (Jans), 151
Wolf Conservation Center, New Salem, New York: Alawa and Zephyr, 173; description/purpose, 165–166; Grimaud and, 165, 166, 168, 173, 174, 175; howling and, 166
Wolf Education and Research Center, Ketchum, Idaho, 54
Wolf Education and Research Center (WERC), Oregon, 198
Wolf Fund, 34
Wolf Haven International: description, 223; family groups released into wild (Arizona), 224, 229; family/pups playing, 223, 224; gray wolves and, 228; Hispanic Outreach, 225; Mexican gray wolves and, 223–227, 228, 229, 230–233, 234–237, 240–241; parvo deaths, 227; Profanity Peak pack and, 207; purpose/location, 223; reintroductions and, 224, 227; wolves howling, 227, 231; wolves medical exams, 227. See also wolves, Mexican gray/Hopa, Brother, pups
wolf-mask-making video, 148–149
Wolf Moon, 44
“Wolf Moonlight Sonata” (Grimaud), 168
Wolf OR4; description/as Wolf OR7’s father, 179–180; killing OR4/family, 191, 192
Wolf OR7: Expedition (film), 188–189
Wolf OR7/Journey: in California/record, ix, 179, 183–184, 185; description, 181–182; dispersal/travels, 181–184; family in ranching area, 180–181; as icon/hero, 179, 182–185, 186–187, 188–189, 197; Inmaha family and, 179, 180–181, 195; mate/pups, 185, 186, 194; in Oregon/record, 182, 185, 186–187, 193; parents/siblings, 179, 181; radio collar and, 182, 185, 187, 194; risks/life expectancy in being alone, 174, 182, 183, 184; Rogue River pack, 187, 194, 195; sightings/tracks, 182–183
wolf recovery: coexistence with humans and, 79, 80–81; hope and, 111–112; increasing public support/public land, 117, 127–129, 147, 206; prejudice/persecution of wolves and, 11–12; Speak for Wolves conference (2016) and, 243, 251; trend forward, 258; US changing demographics and, 127–129. See also wolves, Mexican gray; wolves, red
Wolf Recovery Foundation, 244
wolf recovery opinions; Elizabeth, 122–124, 136, 221; Mike, 119–122, 136
wolf recovery Yellowstone National Park: Agate pack, 82, 83, 90; Askins and, 34; bison and, 57, 58; Black Tail pack, 243; Cinderella/Number 21 and, 66; Cinderella/Number 42 and sibling rivalry, 64–66; Crystal Creek/Bench pack, 53–54, 66–67, 246; delisting wolves/effects, 91–94; Druid pack, 64–67, 90, 245, 252, 255; Druids/Crystal Creeks battle, 66–67; elk statistics, 77; first litter, 60, 61–62; founder wolves/activities, 53–56; Hoodoo pack, 252; howling and, 67, 167; hunting/prey, 55–56, 57–58; Junction Butte family, 243–244, 245, 246, 250; killing wolves just beyond boundaries, 59–61, 64, 92–94, 108–109, 147; Lamar Canyon family, 82, 84, 85–86, 88–89, 90, 91–93, 94, 95–96, 246; Mollies (formerly Crystal Creek family), 66, 86, 87, 88, 95, 243, 246, 247; Number 9/10 and pups, 59–62; playing, 53, 54, 62–63, 84, 85; population statistics, 245; research/knowledge from (overview), 247–249, 255, 257; Rose Creek pack, 59; Soda Butte pack, 59; trophic cascades and, 70–71, 75–78; wolf 8 and, 61–62; wolf F5 and, 54, 55, 62–63; wolf statistics, 77; wolf watchers/confusing, 53–55, 56, 57–59, 62–64, 67, 83–84, 86–87, 92, 93, 103–104, 146–147, 243, 244–245, 246–250, 252–257. See also specific individuals
Wolf Science Center, Ernsbrunn, Austria, 140
Wolf Summit, Alaska (1993): aerial shooting of wolves and, 29, 30, 40, 219; description, 29, 30, 31–35, 37, 38–39, 43; evening/conversations in bar, 40–42, 43, 117; field trip/caribou and, 44–45; Peterson/Peterson’s father and, 29, 30, 31–32, 40, 43, 44; woman working for state/clippings and, 33–34
Wolf Summit, Washington (1997), 180
Wolf Totem (book/Jiang), 155–157
Wolf Totem (film), 151, 157–158
Wolf Tracks, 228
Wolfe, Gary, 258
Wolfer (Niemeyer), 11–12
Wolfland (Niemeyer), 193
Wolf’s Tooth, The: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity (Eisenberg), 71, 72
wolves: ability to follow human gaze, 99–100; alpha breeding pair and, 143–144; alpha females and, 57; babysitter wolf/puppies and, 144–145; biologists objectivity/passion and, 39, 57; biologists studying in past, 57; culture of, 187–188; delisting attempts (2016), 118–119; delisting in areas (2011/2012) and effects, 91–94, 98–99, 119; dispe
rsal reasons, 179, 180; evolution, 5, 248; finding mate and, 83; gestation period, 225; gray/red wolves and coyotes, 249; human acquaintance/cohabitation and, 173–174; human connections and, ix–x, 171, 175; human language bias and, 38, 41, 96–97, 159, 160; human worship/lack of protection and, 31; as hunters, 13, 38, 55–56, 85, 247–248; judges overturning attempts to delist, 118; lifespan, 171, 180; mating/self-regulating their population, 13, 58, 144, 179; older wolves/role, 256; pack size determinants, 94–95; play and, 35, 53, 54, 58, 62–63, 67, 84, 85, 139, 140–142, 194, 223, 224, 226, 232, 254–255; prime-age wolves definition/role, 245; pups description, 226; restoration to Endangered Species List (2015), 118; risk-taking and, 140, 252–253; risks/life expectancy with being alone, 179, 182, 183, 184; social life/families and, 35–36, 62–63, 94–96, 106–107, 143–144, 145–146, 163, 164–165, 166, 244, 245, 252–253, 255, 256, 257; traditional Mongolian ritual/offering dead to feed wolves, 157; wolf as symbol, 135; wolf-on-wolf aggression, 86, 88, 89–90; wolf swag, 91. See also specific individuals; specific places
wolves, Mexican gray: background/description, 227–228; background of those in wild, 224; conservation status, 223, 227; cross-fostering and, 228–229, 238; El Lobo, 227; federal protection and, 117; locations, 26, 117; population statistics, 224, 228; Skin-walker wolf necklace and, 26, 42–43; Species Survival Plan (SSP), 223, 225, 228, 229, 236; state vs. federal struggle and, 228, 229–230, 238–239; US Fish and Wildlife Services and, 228, 229–230, 238; WCC and, 165. See also Mexico and Mexican gray wolves; Wolf Haven International
wolves, Mexican gray/Hopa, Brother, pups: backgrounds/pups birth, 225–226; family behavior, 226–227; Gila National Forest/Wilderness, 231; Hopa’s pregnancy/births, New Mexico, 240; howling, 227; at Ladder Ranch, New Mexico, 237, 240, 241; planned move to/release in Mexico, 240; preparation for transport/capturing, 231–233, 234–235; Ted Turner’s Ladder Ranch, New Mexico, 230, 231; transport to New Mexico, 235–237
wolves, red: coyotes and, 164, 249; gray wolves/coyotes and, 249; howling and, 164; recovery, North Carolina, 79, 129; Red Wolf Revival (documentary), 249–250; WCC and, 165
Women Who Run with the Wolves (Estes), 30–31
Wood River Wolf Project/Valley: Defenders expenses, 204; description/purpose, 200; education/coexistence and, 205, 206, 222; increasing public support, 206; Lava Lake Institute for Science and, 205–206; livestock guardian dogs (LGDs), 201–203; location, 199; prevention of losses/nonlethal techniques, 200–203, 204, 206; ranchers not preventing losses, 203–204; sheep losses (2005), 206; sheep losses from coyotes/dogs, 199–200; sheep losses/wolves killed (2007), 199; Sheep Super Highway of, 199, 200; US Fish and Wildlife Services and, 205; volunteers/requirements, 205
Woodruff, Fred, 14
Wuerthner, George, 188
Wyoming and wolves, 9–10, 98–99, 105, 112, 118, 119, 146–147, 160, 211, 258. See also wolf recovery Yellowstone National Park
Yarnold, David, 133–134
Yellowstone National Park. See wolf recovery Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone Reports, 63
Yellowstone Wolf Project, 53, 89, 93, 94, 222, 248, 252. See also wolf recovery Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone Wolves in the Wild (Halfpenny), 141–142
Yukon-Charley Rivers National Park, 47