Wolf Nation
Page 34
Goodall, Jane, 96
gorilla orphans and play, 140
Graber, David, 71
Grandin, Temple, 218, 233–234
Great American Wolf, The (Hampton), 6
Great Lakes region and wolves: antiwolf bigotry and, 118, 180, 193, 258; killing wolves, 118; protection and, 118, 147; ranges of wolves and, 81
Great Pyrenees, 201–202
green world hypothesis, 71
Greenpeace, 32
Griggs, Anne/Douglas, 90
Grimaud, Hélène: childhood, 170–171; Wolf Conservation Center, New Salem, New York and, 165, 166, 168, 173, 174, 175; on wolves/howling and music, 165, 166–167, 168, 169–170, 171, 172, 173–175
Guardians of Our Ancestors Legacy (GOAL), 251
gun numbers in America, 160
gun violence in America: language/wildlife and, 159, 160; Orlando massacre, 159; public lands/lethal management of wolves and, 159; states high in gun-related suicides/killing wolves and, 160; states most resistant to gun control/hunting wildlife and, 160
Haber, Gordon: death, 48; description, 35, 37; Wolf Summit (1993), 35, 36–37, 38–39; wolves/research and, 35–37, 38–39, 45, 46, 48, 164, 187
Halfpenny, James C., 141
Hampton, Bruce, 6
Haverstick, Brett, 257–258
Hickel, Walter, 29, 30
Hidden Life of Deer (Thompson), 41
High Country News, 132, 135
HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 98, 100–104
Hogan, Linda, 4
Hoh Forest/Mount Olympus National Monument, 69–70
Howell, Beryl, 118
Howell, Maggie, 166
howling by wolves: culture and, 164, 168; descriptions, 163, 164, 167, 172, 227, 231; dialects/accents, 163; humans and, 166, 167, 167–168, 175; international research on, 163–165; purposes, 163, 164, 165, 166; resonance and, 175; social life and, 163, 164–165, 166, 227. See also Grimaud, Hélène
“Howling for Justice” blog, 192
Hoyt, Bill, 185–186
Huffington Post, The, 49, 128
Humane Society (US), 43, 194–195, 207, 211, 239–240
hunters (human): author’s background and, ix, 7–8, 33; bias in state agency names, 8; ecosystem effects, 75, 77; funding wildlife commissions and, 191; pro-wolf recovery and, 12–13
Idaho and wolves: antiwolf state policies/bigotry, 11–12, 199; killing wolves, 11, 112, 204; Pioneer pack, 204; spending on education vs. killing wolves, 112. See also wolf recovery Yellowstone National Park; Wood River Wolf Project; specific individuals/groups
In the Temple of the Wolves (Lamplugh), 88–89
Inhofe, Jim, 118, 149
International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 30
Iowa State’s symposium on Wildness, Wilderness, and the Creative Imagination, 71–72
Jans, Nick, 151
Jewell, Sally, 111
Jiang Rong (Lu Jiamin), 155, 156, 157–158
Johnson, Bill, 125, 126
Johnson, Mark, 232–233
Journey: Based on the True Story of OR7, the Most Famous Wolf in the West (Smith), 189
Journey. See Wolf OR7/Journey
Julie of the Wolves (George), 151, 154–155
Jungle Book, The (Kipling, Rudyard), 151, 152–154, 155
Kayser, Sam, 125, 126, 136
Kayyem, Juliette, 131
Kehne, Jay, 125
Kelleyhouse, David, 32–33
Kennedy, Jarvis, 130–131
Kershenbaum, Arik, 164
keystone species, 71, 77, 80, 206. See also trophic cascades theory; specific species
Kids4Wolves, 107, 108–109, 110–114
killing wolves: aerial hunting/Alaska, 29, 30, 33, 38, 40, 45–46, 219; agencies focus on wolf numbers and, 36, 145–146; biologists being “objective” and, 39; bounties, 3, 4, 7, 17, 20, 41, 46, 118, 154, 182, 195; condemnation in Wolf Totem, 157; decreased protection and, 91–94, 98–99, 104–105, 106–107, 108–109, 147–148, 190, 194–195; Denali Park and, 46–47, 48, 147; “denning,” 6–7; extinction in eastern US (by 1856), 16; Frost’s illegal killing, 38, 45; game prey populations and, 30, 32–33, 38, 41–42, 46; government agencies/history and, 3–4, 5–7, 8, 16–17, 20–23, 117, 250; Judas wolves and, 110–111, 169; Leopold and, 20–23; mange introduction and, 245–246; poachers and, 94, 108, 109, 126, 147–148, 161, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 190, 194–195, 225, 240; possible reasons, 5; radio collars on wolves and, 30, 32, 34, 47, 48, 92–93, 110–111, 208; remaining family members/effects and, 94, 95–96, 106–107, 188, 208, 239; Seton’s stories/Lobo and Blanca, 16–19; states resistant to gun control and, 160; as unscientific, 36, 145–146, 258; well-known individuals and, 196, 197; Yellowstone wolves/just beyond boundaries, 59–61, 64, 92–94, 108–109, 147. See also livestock/ranchers and wolves; specific individuals/groups; specific places
Kipling, Rudyard/father, 151, 152
Klavins, Rob, 180, 189, 192
Knowles, Tony, 37, 45, 49
Koch brothers, 133, 134–135
Ladder Ranch, Ted Turner’s, 228, 229, 230, 231
Lamplugh, Rick, 88
Landis, Bob, 141
Lava Lake Institute for Science, 205–206
Lava Lake sheep ranch, 221
Laverty, Suzanne, 54, 58
Legacy of Conquest, The: The Unbroken Past of the American West (Limerick), 50
LeGuin, Ursula, 111
Leopold, Aldo; background, 20–23, 24, 72, 241; conservation and, 23, 24, 72
LightHawk, 205
Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 50
Lindner, Lorin, 139
Lindskold, Jane, 152
livestock/ranchers: cattle rustlers and, 181; coyotes and, 123, 124; federal land grazing and, 129, 181, 188; at tipping point in West, 181. See also public lands/states vs. federal control
livestock/ranchers and wolves: appeasing ranchers and, 188; coexistence and, 185–186, 188, 206, 209, 212–213, 218, 219–220, 222; compensation for losses, 72, 122, 126, 138, 222; early European settlers, 4, 6; grazing allotments selection/loss and, 211, 215, 217–218; grazing on public land/accepting risk, 188, 218–219; Kayser/Johnson in Washington, 125–126; killing wolves and, 106–107, 181, 188; killing wolves as not effective, 106–107, 188, 215–216, 239; livestock guardian dogs (LGDs), 201–203; losses facts/causes, 12, 71, 181, 190, 199–200, 213; Mexican gray wolves and, 228, 239; night corrals and, 201; nonlethal techniques, 110, 125–126, 150, 191, 195, 200–201, 203, 211, 221; opinions on, 121, 123–124; Oregon delisting and, 190–193; in Pacific Northwest (summary), 124–126; pro-wolf recovery/advocates and, 12–13, 124–126, 197, 219; ranchers changing ways and, 210–211; range riders, 110, 125, 126, 191, 203, 207–208, 211, 216, 219; Story Warren on, 109–110; Sweden’s model/compensating for reproduction of carnivores, 222; unscientific policies and, 188, 191–192, 212; WAG agreement on conditions before lethal removal, 149–150; wolf deterrent summary, 125–126; wolves as scapegoats, 181. See also killing wolves; specific individuals/groups; specific places
Living with Wolves (documentary/website), 104, 106
Lobo/Blanca story, 17–20
Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC), 139
“lone wolf” vs. “lone actor” terms, 159, 160
Lopez, Barry, 151
Los Angeles Times, 185, 186, 195
Lu Jiamin (Jiang Rong), 155, 156, 157–158
Lucan (television series), 152
Luna pack, 238
Lyman, Laurie, 63, 83, 95
Lynch, Katie, 244
McDermott, Michael, 71
McGuire, Sean, 33
McIntyre, Rick: alpha female wolves and, 57; ancestors, 56, 250; description, 56, 246, 253; presentation/writings on wolves, 253; reputation/as “Wolf Man,” 246, 254; wolf genealogies and, 246, 255; wolf skin/education and, 67–68; on wolf watchers, 248; Yellowstone wolves/wolves and, 4, 5–6, 53–54, 56, 57–59, 62, 63, 67–68, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 243, 246, 253–257
McIrvin, Len: criticism of his livest
ock practices, 212–213, 216; grazing permit and, 213; livestock loss/Profanity Peak pack, 207–208; livestock loss/Wedge pack, 207–208
McKenna, Doug, 9
McKittrick, Chad Kirch, 59–61
McNamee, Thomas, 60
Madden, Francine, 148, 210, 217
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation: Bundy family and, 130, 134, 135; description, 130, 131–135; Koch Brothers and, 133, 134; occupiers’ views/inability to change and, 132; Paiute tribe and, 130–131; refuge origins/bird conservation and, 133; wildlife advocates/birders and, 131
mange introduction/effects, 245–246
Mao, Chairman, 156
Marbut, Gary, 96
Marshall-Pescini, Sarah, 140
Martin, George R.R., 63–64
Marvel, Jon, 181
Maycumber, Ray, 215
Mech, David, 57, 94–95
Meeker, Joseph, 172
Meier, Tom, 74
Men’s Journal, 192
Mexico and Mexican gray wolves: births in wild, 230, 240; National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, 240; wolf introduction program, 230. See also wolves, Mexican gray
Middleton, Arthur, 75
Millennials and environment, 127–129
Minnesota’s Endangered Wolf Center, 229
Monaghan, Patricia, 71
Monbiot, George, 250
Montana and gun violence, 160
Montana and wolves: antiwolf bigotry, 3, 96; delisting and, 91; Eisenberg and, 73–75; killing wolves, 59–61, 91, 93–94, 98, 99, 104–105, 118, 211; mange introduction, 245–246; Native Americans and, 210; research, 57, 167; tourism and, 146–147; wolf advocates, 146–147, 258. See also wolf recovery Yellowstone National Park
Montana Wolf Project, 74
Morgan, Russ, 191
Mortarello, Donny, 210, 213, 220
Mossotti, Regina, 239
Mount Olympus National Monument/Hoh Forest, 69–70
mourning by animals, 94, 107
Mowat, Farley, 151
“Mowgli’s Brothers,” 152–154. See also Jungle Book, The
Muir, John, 23
music: examples of animals responding to, 168–169; humans and, 166–167. See also howling by wolves
Musselman, Annie Marie, 231–232, 235
Najera, Fernando, 222
naming wolves in Yellowstone, 243
National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, Mexico, 240
National Geographic, 119
National Institute for Play, 141
Native Americans: First Nations/bison and, 78–79; Malheur National Wildlife Refuge land, 130–131
Native Americans and wolves: Battle of Little Big Horn story, 252; creation stories and, 14; education and, 198; Guardians of Our Ancestors Legacy (GOAL), 251; Nez Perce tribe, 198; Oneida story, 15–16; Profanity Peak pack and, 212; relationships, 5–6, 14–16, 23, 212, 251–252; sanctuary for wolves, 198; Speak for Wolves conference and, 251; traditional Skin-walker necklace and, 24–26, 42–43; tribe examples, 14, 15; Wolf Advisory Group (WAG), 212; Wolf Education and Research Center (WERC), Oregon, 198
Natural Resources Conservation Service, 205
Nature, 75–76
Nature Conservancy, The, 205
Nava, Alexander, 171–172
Never Cry Wolf (Mowat), 97, 151
New Mexico and Mexican gray wolves: current politics/denying reintroduction, 224, 228, 229–230, 238–239; delaying tactics/strategy, 238, 239; livestock industry and, 228, 239; public support, 229–230; removing Guardian (wolf) and, 238–239; Ted Turner’s Ladder Ranch and, 228, 229, 230, 231; USFWS releasing wolves despite objections, 229–230; Wolf Management Center, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, 225
New Scientist, 145–146
New York Times, 8, 32, 37, 54, 63, 66, 92, 117, 133, 154, 157, 158, 159, 173
New Yorker, 24, 168
Niemeyer, Carter, 11–12, 187, 215
Northeast Wolf Advisory Council, 165
Northern Rockies’ Wolf Program, USFW, 199
NPR, 4, 87, 134
Obama administration, 46
Of Wolves and Men (Lopez), 151
Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle, 214
OR7: The Journey (quasi-documentary film), 187–188. See also Wolf OR7/Journey; Wolf 06
Oregon and wolves: beginnings of wolves returning, 98, 180; Inmaha family/pack, 179; Nez Perce tribe and, 198; Oregon welcoming, 185–186; poaching of wolves, 194–195; protection loss (starting 2015), 189–193, 194. See also specific individuals/groups
Oregon Wild, 180, 181, 184, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194
Otter, Butch, 91, 105, 118
Outside magazine, 56, 60, 93
Owyhee pack, 198
Pacific Wolf Coalition, 125, 225
Paine, Robert T., 71
Palin, Sarah, 46
Park Service hundred-year anniversary, 243
Parrish, Li, 182–183
parvo, 227
Peavey, John, 203–204
Pedery, Steve, 184
Peterson, Brenda: 1970s and, 24–26; career/writings, 24, 30, 31; childhood, ix, 7–8, 33; climbing Douglas fir, 101–103; on howling and tragedy, 172; traditional Skin-walker necklace and, 24–26, 42–43; Wolf Haven International and, 223, 224, 226–227. See also specific events/individuals
Peterson, Rolf, 57, 248–249
Phillips, Mike, 57, 230
Physics of Beauty, The (Russell), 240
Pinchot, Gifford, 23–24
play: brain and, 141; evolution and, 140; fun and, 140–141; laughter and, 142; preparation for future activities and, 140; rewards/animal examples, 141; risk-taking wolves vs. dogs, 140; traumatized animals/orphans and, 140; veterans/wolves eco-therapy program, 139; wolves and, 35, 53, 54, 58, 62–63, 67, 84, 85, 139, 140–142, 194, 223, 224, 226, 232, 254–255
Plumas National Forest, California, ix, 185
Pope, Alexander, 97
Portland Zoo wolves and girl observer, 57
Predator Defense, 216
Predator Paradox: Ending the War with Wolves, Bears, Cougars, and Coyotes (Shivik), 10–11
predators: government control and, 8–11; Guardians of Our Ancestors Legacy (GOAL), 251; human deaths statistics by predators/hunters, 105; Native Americans and, 251; Sweden’s model/compensating for reproduction of carnivores, 222. See also specific species
Profanity Peak pack: calling off more killing and, 220; Colville National Forest, 206–207, 220; McIrvin and, 207–208, 212–213; Native Americans and, 212; public support for wolves, 207, 208–209, 210, 212, 215, 216–217; range/grazing allotments and, 217–218; remaining members after killings, 208, 220–221; state vs. federal rights and, 215, 220–221; WAG/lethal removal protocol and, 207–208, 209, 213–214; Washington state killing members and, 206–208, 210; Washington State University and, 213; wolf advocates rally (Olympia), 215
Protect the Wolves, 212
Provine, Robert, 142
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), 47
public lands/states vs. federal control: COWS (Coalition of Western States), 134; history of free land and, 132; Koch brothers and, 133, 134–135; land grab movement/“Free the Lands,” 133; lobby groups and, 134–135; poaching wildlife and, 131; Profanity Peak pack and, 215, 220–221; Sagebrush Insurgency, 133, 135; summary, 135, 136; symbols and, 135; wildlife advocates and, 131. See also Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation
Qin, Amy, 157
Rachmaninoff/music, 169–170
Rain Bear Stands Last, 251, 252
ranchers. See livestock/ranchers; livestock/ranchers and wolves
Red Wolf Coalition, 249
Red Wolf Revival (documentary), 249–250
Return to the Wild: A Modern Tale of Wolf & Man (documentary film), 206
rewilding; in Europe, 250. See also wolf recovery
Ripple, William, 69
Robertson, Aaran, 191
Rocky Mountain Magazine, 24
Romulus and Remus legend, 152
velt, Theodore, 23–24, 69, 133–134
Root-Gutteridge, Holly, 163–164
Russell, Sharman Apt, 240
Rutledge, Linda, 145–146, 249
Safina, Carl, 56
Sagebrush Insurgency, 133, 135
Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 20, 21
Santa Fe New Mexican, 229–230
Saunders, Linda, 224
Sawtooth Legacy, The (newsletter/WERC), 198
Sawtooth wolf pack, 104, 105–107, 198
Schenk, Clemens, 187
Science Daily, 140
Scientific American, 4–5
sea lion (Ronan) and music, 169
Seattle Times, 30, 57, 99, 180, 209, 213
Seattle Weekly, 132–133
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 17–19, 24, 72, 240
Shaddox, Rex, 9–10
Shadow Mountain: A Memoir of Wolves, Wilderness, and a Woman (Askins), 34
Shakespeare, 151–152
Shasta of the Wolves, 152
She-Wolf (documentary), 84
Sheldon, John, 151
Shivik, John A., 10–11
Shumaker, Peggy, 44
Sierra Club, 23
Simmons, Matthew, 139
Simpson, Jay, 189
Sinclair, R. E., 250
Skin-walker necklace, 24–26, 42–43
Smith, Douglas: wolf 06 and, 87–88, 92; on wolves and livestock, 222; Yellowstone wolves/wolves and, 54, 61, 64, 65, 67, 87–88, 92, 94, 141, 245, 248, 250–251, 257
Smith, Emma Bland, 189
Smith, Randy, 32
Smuts, Barbara, 143
Soriano, Nancy, 214–215
Speak for Wolves conference (2016), 243, 251
Species Survival Plan/Program, 165, 223, 225, 228, 229, 236
Spencer, Wendy: wolf handling and, 225, 232, 234; Wolf Haven International/wolves and, 223, 224, 225, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 240
Starr, Oliver; grandfather of, 187; as wolf advocate, 187–188
Statesman Journal (Oregon), 182
Steiner, Richard, 46–47
Steinmasel, Dusty, 59–61
Stevens, Mike, 206
Stevens, William K., 63
Stevenson, Justin, 205
Stgoggard, Jimmy, 210, 251
stochastic effects, 77
Stone, Suzanne: chasing away wolves, 205; coexistence and, 220; grazing allotments and, 217; livestock/wolves and, 205, 207, 208, 217, 220, 221; Profanity Peak pack and, 208; WAG/lethal removal protocol, 207; Wood River Wolf Project, 199–200, 205
stories with animals: Battle of Little Big Horn, 252; characters/individuals in stories and, 196–197; children raised by wolves and, 151, 152–155, 158–159, 160; personalizing wolves and, 96, 97, 197; Yellowstone wolves, 90, 97. See also specific books/films