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Filthy: A Dark Romance (A Damaged Romance Duet Book 2)

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by Michelle Horst



  Michelle Horst

  Copyright © 2017 by Author Michelle Horst.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to:

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Cover Design: RBA Designs

  Formatter: Allusion Graphics


  I thank my God for miracles, dragonflies and butterflies.

  Ronald and Sheldon, thank you for your support.

  To my beta readers, Morgan, Kelly, Kristine, Laura, and Leeann - thank you for being the godparents of my paperbaby.

  A special thank you to every blogger and reader that took the time to take part in the cover reveal and release day.

  Love ya all tons ;)

  Please note that Filthy was previously published as Saved By Him. It has been rebranded with a HOT new cover and SIZZLING new scenes.

  Ask yourself,

  Will this person be in my life a year from now?

  Will my life be of less value if this person left?

  Will this person wipe my ass if I'm in an accident?

  Don't judge your self-worth by the people in your life. Don't give them the power to break you.

  Don't measure yourself by the expectations you have of other people, and how they will never meet them. People are different, think differently, behave differently. They will never do something they way you want them to. They will never say the words you need to hear. But that doesn't mean you don't matter. It just means that people are going to act differently to the way you picture it.

  Learn to be your own best friend. Learn to love yourself. Learn to crave being alone with yourself. At the end of the day, only you know exactly who you are, what you need, and what your dreams are.

  Give yourself the love you expect and the love you would give to another.

  If you have something to say, listen to yourself.

  If you need to be seen, look in the mirror.

  If you have a dream, make it come true.

  Put yourself first.

  Only you have the power to make yourself happy.



  (Nineteen years old…)

  You become the life you’re given to live.

  Your surroundings consume you until it seeps deep into your bones. It’s in the blood pumping through your veins. It’s in the air you breathe.

  You can’t long for something you’ve never had. You can’t crave something you know nothing of. They remain just words you’ve heard someone say.

  Empty words. Freedom. Hope. Love. Happiness. All empty words with no meaning.

  My mother died giving birth to me. I don’t know what she looked like, if I even resemble her in any way. I was raised by the other slaves until I was old enough to start working.

  The other slaves will turn on you in a heartbeat. You’re not allowed to talk to any of the staff, or to a Master or Mistress.

  I can only whisper to the darkness. It’s the only thing that listens. I’m only seen by the walls around me. It’s the only witness to what happens in this house.

  This life is all I know.

  This life is the only thing that knows me. Without it, I cease to exist.

  People come and go, but life? It’s there every single day. It’s relentless and cruel. Life doesn’t stop when you’re in pain, or pushed to the point of breaking. No, it’s when you’re consumed by fear that life dances to the sound of your pleas. It’s when you’re drowning in despair that life relishes in your fight for one final breath. It’s the only time life has true worth - when you fear you’re going to lose it. Life bears witness to your existence and because of it, life exists. Without life, and without anyone being there to say that you ever existed, there’s only death.

  Death. It’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. You can’t ignore it if you’re surrounded by it. There’s always someone dying, another slave beaten to death. Every day is a battle between life and death. I just don’t know which is worse. What’s on the other side of this life? Is it the same as here?

  There’s no one I can ask.

  Standing by a window in one of the many rooms of the mansion, I dust the bars while staring outside. The garden is beautiful. Jack keeps it neat.

  He’s the only slave that’s allowed to spend time outside. The rest of us have to stay inside. We’re only allowed to move around the house when we’re cleaning, or being taken to satisfy a Master or Mistress. Otherwise, we’re to stay in the outer building, where we sleep.

  The only time we get to be outside is when we’re coming to the house, or returning to our sleeping quarters.

  “Sophia!” Rosa suddenly shrieks behind me.

  Before I can turn around to see what’s wrong, something smacks hard against the side of my head. The impact of the blow causes me to lose my balance, and I slam into the bars. My chin hits the cold iron, making pain vibrate through my face. The wall stops my fall as my shoulder knocks into it, causing an ache to spread down my arm.

  “Grab that one,” Tiffany hisses.

  My head snaps up at the sound of her voice. She’s worse than any Master or Mistress I’ve ever had. She’s jealous, and if she feels you’ve cheated her out of a Master or Mistress, then she’ll kill you. I’ve seen it happen before.

  She’s the oldest of all the slaves. The only reason she’s still alive, is because she gives the best blowjobs. I’ve heard Master Sven say so.

  She towers over me, her face all scrunched up with anger.

  “I haven’t done anything,” I plead with her.

  I should know by now that pleading with her doesn’t help. She’s vicious.

  No one stops her. They say it’s survival of the fittest. If you can survive her, then you’re strong enough to be a slave.

  Tiffany leans forward and sneers at me, “You’re such a fucking bitch. Everyone knows that Master David is mine. I hear you were with him last night.”

  I frown, not understanding.

  “I was taken to him. I was just doing my duties.”

  Her face contorts, and her lips pull down. “I won’t let you replace me.”

  My whole body goes cold. I haven’t felt this kind of fear in a long while. I used to feel mind-numbing fear right at the beginning, when they started training me. I remember fearing that I wouldn’t be able to satisfy a Master or Mistress, and that I would be disposed of.

  After a while, the fear disappeared, and it started to get easier. I had value as long as someone wanted me. I live to make people happy. Being wanted gives me purpose.

  But, if I die? What then? What purpose will I have then?

  I can’t die until I know what’s waiting on the other side.

  Just thinking about what she did to Lydia makes fear claw at my chest. She’ll do the same to me. She’ll kill me.

  Quickly, I duck to the side, trying to dart past Tiffany so I can run away. She grabs hold of my hair and yanks me back. There’s a hard blow to my jaw and it
makes the world go black for a moment. A sharp ache spreads up the side of my face, until I can hear my heart thumping loudly in my ear.

  I can’t keep my balance and fall flat on my ass. The second I hit the floor, panic surges through me. I try to scramble to my feet but Tiffany’s body slams into mine, pinning me down. I see her arm pull back and it tears a scream from me.

  “Fucking slaves!” Master Sven shouts.

  He grabs hold of the back of her neck, and yanks her from me, before shoving her down at his feet. She cowers next to his leg, but glares at me, her breaths coming fast.

  Quickly, I get to my knees and crawl to the other side of Master Sven, making sure that he’s between Tiffany and me.

  I try my best to stop the trembling, and to keep perfectly still.

  Master Sven’s fingers dig into my aching jaw and he shoves my head back. His dark eyes are sharp as he inspects my face.

  “Fuck, he’s gonna be pissed. You had to go for the face. Stupid bitch.”

  He shoves me back and I fight to keep from falling over.

  His fingers dig into Tiffany’s hair and he hauls her to her feet.

  “What’s going on here?” Master Cameron snaps as he walks into the room.

  Oh no! This is bad. This is really bad. Master Cameron will punish us both. He doesn’t tolerate any kind of disobedience from us.

  “She bruised Sophia’s face. Master Lowery booked Sophia for the evening. This will upset him.”

  A hand rests on my head. “Look at me,” Master Cameron hisses.

  I quickly lift my face, but keep my lashes lowered. I don’t dare look him in the eyes. That will displease him.

  Softly, his thumb brushes over my tender jaw.

  “What a pity. That’s going to leave an ugly bruise.”

  Master Cameron comes to stand right next to me and he drags his fingers through my hair.

  “What are we going to do with you?”

  My heart starts to pound heavily again. If they think I’m too ugly to satisfy Master Lowery, then they’ll kill me. I don’t want to die.

  I scoot closer to Master Cameron’s leg, hoping he’ll accept my submission. He keeps brushing his fingers through my hair, and for a moment, the room is quiet.

  Suddenly, his fingers tighten in my hair, and he yanks me painfully to my feet. A loud whimper escapes my mouth and I immediately bite down on my bottom lip to keep another from slipping out.

  Master Cameron holds me close to him and I can feel his eyes burning over my skin.

  “We can’t disappoint a Master,” he says softly.

  Quickly, I nod.

  “He favors you,” he whispers again.

  I know this and it makes the fierce grip of fear loosen a little. Master Lowery is kind and he loves to play games. He always asks for me.

  Master Cameron glares darkly at Tiffany, and shaking his head, he holds his hand out to Master Sven.

  “Give me the gun.”

  My throat dries right up, and a desperate whimper lodges in my throat. My tongue feels thick and my thoughts are all jumbled.

  Master Cameron takes the gun from Master Sven. The sight of the heavy weapon makes my breaths explode over my dry lips.

  Master Cameron lets go of my hair and takes my right hand. He brings it to the gun, and keeping his hand on mine, he forces my fingers to curl around the cold metal.

  “Make her kneel,” he barks at Master Sven.

  Master Sven shoves Tiffany to the floor, and Master Cameron yanks me forward, pressing the gun hard against Tiffany’s head.

  “Pull the trigger and you will be forgiven for getting your face bruised.”

  I take a sharp breath. I don’t want to kill anyone.

  Master Cameron moves closer to me until I can feel his hot breath on the side of my head.

  “If you don’t kill her, I’ll have her kill you. There’s no place for the weak in this house. You know she will kill you,” he hisses. “Do it!” I jump as his voice suddenly thunders through the room.

  I don’t want to die.

  I close my eyes, too scared to face what’s happening right now. I turn my face away from Tiffany.

  Master Cameron’s hand closes around mine. A loud bang explodes in the room. The gun jerks in my hand, and I shriek with fright.

  There’s a hissing sound in my ears.

  Snapping my eyes open, I look down at the weapon that’s rattling in my trembling hand. Then I see the red pool at my feet. There’s blood, more blood than I’ve ever seen.

  I killed her.

  The thought is a whisper in the back of my mind. As the shock of what just happened burns through me, the whispers get louder, until it’s nothing but screams bouncing around in my head.

  I killed her. I killed another person.

  Someone takes hold of my arm, their fingers digging into my skin. As I’m pulled away from Master Cameron, I glance up and see that it’s Master David. He must have come to see what the problem is.

  He shoves down to the floor by his feet and says, “I’ll take care of this one.”

  Still stunned at what happened, I let habit take over. I scoot closer to his feet, knowing how much he loves it when we beg at his feet.

  It feels as if a cloud of darkness is weighing down on me. I’ve seen people die, lots of times, but never by my hand. I’ve never taken part in the beating of another slave.

  “She has a guest to see to at seven. Don’t let her be late,” Master Cameron snaps. “And for God’s sake, stop walking around where he can see you.”

  Master Cameron turns around and stalks from the room, as if nothing happened. It feels like I’ve been shaken to my very core, as if I’ve crossed a line I won’t be able to come back from.

  “Clean this mess and burn the body,” Master Sven barks at Rosa and Claire. They both jump with fright, scrambling over to where Tiffany is lying.

  I’m yanked up again, and Master David pulls me from the room. I can’t help but glance over my shoulder to where Tiffany is. Her face is pale with blood splattered everywhere.

  Where did she go when she died? Will she wait there for me so she can make me pay for what I did?


  As we walk down the passage, my eyes burn. There’s no place for tears around here, and it’s not like I cared about Tiffany. I feel a weird sense of loss.

  We take the stairs to the third floor. I’m only allowed up here when I come to please Master David. It’s quiet up here. I can hear our muted steps on the soft carpet.

  When we walk into Master David’s room, he lets go of my arm. He closes the door and turns towards me.

  Keeping my face lowered, I can feel his eyes on me.

  He takes a step closer to me, lifting his hand to my face. He cups my cheek, his thumb lightly brushing over the tender spot.

  “Tsk … tsk … tsk.” His touch turns harsh as his fingers dig into my skin. He tilts my face to the side. “You let her mark my property,” he hisses. His voice is dripping with disappointment and it makes me feel uneasy.

  I clear my dry throat and whisper remorsefully, “I’m sorry, Master.”

  He shoves me back and I don’t try to stop myself from falling. He wants me on the ground. If I do anything that he doesn’t want, then I’ll only be in more trouble.

  He towers over me, shaking his head. A tendril of fear creeps through me. Why is he shaking his head? What did I say wrong?

  “Not Master, little whore. To you, I am a god.” I almost frown but stop just in time. I don’t understand what he’s saying. “Do you know why I am a god?”

  He crouches down in front of me. Reaching out to me, he brushes my hair from my face.

  “I’m a god to you because your life belongs to me. If I want you dead, you’ll be dead. If I want you alive, then you’ll live.”

  It’s as if he read my mind. I don’t want to die. I’ll do anything to please him if he’ll keep me.

  He moves closer to me, and with his knee, he pushes my legs open.

  “Do y
ou understand?” he asks as he crawls over my body. I lie back, giving him access to all of me.

  I nod, but again he grabs my face and he stops me from moving.

  “You will not allow a filthy whore to touch my property,” he suddenly shouts.

  My eyes start to burn again and it makes me blink fast.

  His touch softens and he presses a kiss to my bruised jaw.

  “Do you have any questions, my little whore? I’d hate for a misunderstanding to end what we have. You know you’re special to me, that no other whore can satisfy me like you do.”

  I clear my throat and my lips part. Do I dare ask him? Will he be angry?

  “Go ahead, ask,” he encourages me.

  “Master,” I start softly, not wanting to anger him, “what happens if I die?”

  I pinch my eyes shut, scared that I might have angered him with my question.

  I feel his breath on my cheek and then it’s hot on my ear.

  “When you die you become nothing but your worst fear. The thing you’re most scared of will torture you forever. What is your worst fear?”

  Cold chills spread over my skin, and I can’t stop from trembling. My worst fear?

  “Master,” I whisper, with a quivering voice, “I fear not pleasing you.”

  He chuckles darkly. “Good little whore. Now beg me to spare your life and I’ll forgive you for today.”

  “Please, spare my life,” I beg just like he asked.

  A smile forms around his lips. Master David is young. I think he’s as old as I am. He’s very attractive and I know a lot of the girls are happy when he calls for them. He hasn’t been my master for long, so I’m still learning how to please him.

  “Show me how thankful you are, little whore. Suck my cock,” Master David commands.

  I scramble to my knees and make quick work of loosening his belt. I’m relieved to find his cock hard and take him into my mouth.


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