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Filthy: A Dark Romance (A Damaged Romance Duet Book 2)

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by Michelle Horst

  His hands fist in my hair, and he starts to force my head up and down. He slams into the back of my throat, making me gag. When he hears me choking on his cock, he groans with satisfaction and starts to thrust even harder against my face.

  Every blow to my nose stabs into the back of my skull. Every thrust into my mouth feels like he’s trying to cut through my throat.

  Through the tears and pain, I keep my focus on pleasing him. If I can’t please my master then I am not worth anything.

  I’ll be nothing.



  (Twenty two years old …)

  After I killed Tiffany, Master Sven moved me from the sleeping quarters I shared with all the girls, to the house. I got my own room. I’m not sure why, but I’m thankful for it. I was also placed in charge of the other slaves. They didn’t like it at first, but no one dared to argue.

  Years have passed since that day, but I still see her bloody face, like it happened just a second ago.

  There’s a party tonight and the guests have slowly been arriving. There’s never been a party here before. Since I can remember, there have only been private sessions. Not knowing what will be expected of me tonight makes me feel anxious.

  I walk to the room where I told the other slaves to wait for me. Master Sven said he will come tell us when the guests are ready for us. When I enter the room, I quickly glance over the faces, making sure everyone is here. Everyone but Jack. He doesn’t fall under me, for which I’m thankful. I would never be able to control him. He’s not like the girls. He’s wild and it’s only a matter of time before he fights back, and then they’ll kill him.

  None of the girls talk to each other. They just stare blankly at the floor. They’re all wearing the same metal collars. At least I don’t have to wear a metal one anymore. I now get to wear a leather one that doesn’t chafe my skin until it’s raw.

  Suddenly, the door is slammed open. I notice how some of the new girls flinch with fright.

  “Get your asses in there and form a circle around the stage in the middle of the room,” Master Sven barks.

  I wait until every girl has filed out of the room, before following them into the entertainment area.

  I dare a quick glance up, just to make sure the girls are doing as they’re told. I notice a stage in the middle of the room, with men seated in front of the stage. I’m surprised to see that there are only five men and one woman. For some reason, I thought there would be more people.

  On the stage is some sort of contraption in the shape of a upside down number seven. I haven’t seen it before. Jack’s tied to it, being forced to kneel as his legs and arms are tied to the poles. His body is stretched out and on full display to everyone.

  The girls form a circle and I take the last spot, which places me right in front of Jack.

  Movement to my right catches my eye. One of the girls is trying to cover herself. She starts to sob out loud. I don’t know what her name is. She hasn’t been here long, only a few days.

  Master Sven growls as he races past me and when he reaches the crying girl, he punches her so hard, she falls backwards, and onto the stage.

  Master Eduardo joins Master Sven and they start to kick the girl. I try to force my eyes down, but I can’t. The same uneasy feeling wells up inside of me that I had the day Tiffany died.

  Master Sven’s boot hits the side of her head, and blood sprays over the stage. My eyes meet hers, and it takes me a few seconds to realize her stare is blank. When they realize she’s dead, they leave her right there and start to hook chains to every girl’s collar.

  I can hear the guests whispering amongst themselves. They sound happy with the punishment the girl got.

  When Master Sven gets to me, he barks, “Get on stage and go stand next to the male.”

  I do as I’m told and quickly climb on the stage. I go to where Jack is and wait for further instructions to come.

  The dead girl is on his other side. I can’t keep my eyes from going to her every few seconds.

  Two girls are taken to the other side of the room, and it’s only then that I see the two tables. One girl is tied down to a round table and the other to a square table. Where the girl on the round table is just strapped down, the other girl’s legs are forced wide open, and her legs strapped to the legs of the table. Her arms are left untied and she lets them rest at her sides.

  I’m still not sure what I have to do. An uneasy feeling crawls down my back.

  “Dump the body in the corner. We don’t want to see shit like that,” Master Eduardo barks at the girls to my right.

  They rush to pick up the girl, and then carry her to the far corner where they leave her.

  There’s an uncertain feeling in the air, as if no one really knows what they’re doing. Even the guards and guests seem to look out of place.

  The main door swings open, and Master Cameron comes in.

  “Gentlemen and Lady,” he addresses the guests, not looking at us at all. “Thank you for agreeing to attend my first party. If tonight is successful then we’ll be able to have the parties on a monthly basis. We just need to fine tune everything tonight. See what works and what doesn’t. Feel free to give your opinions and to test your ideas.”

  Master Cameron snaps his fingers and the doors open again. This time two guards enter, carrying whips, paddles, and floggers. They leave the room only to come back with more stuff. Large bottles of water are placed near the stage.

  Master Sven and Master Eduardo climb onto the stage. I’m not sure if I should remain standing or kneel, so I freeze and wait for their instruction.

  Master Eduardo pins Jack’s head down and Master Sven shoves something in his mouth. Jack growls and spits a pill out. It lands by my feet and I fight the urge to step away from it.

  “Bring it here!” Master Sven snaps.

  Quickly, I pick up the pill and take it to him. Master Sven doesn’t take it from me.

  “Take the fucking pill or he dies. I swear I’ll slit his throat,” Master Sven hisses at Jack.

  I don’t know who the he is, but the threat instantly calms Jack down. His face goes blank and he parts his lips. I drop the pill into his mouth and step back.

  “You will do whatever our guests ask of you. Disobey and join the trash in the corner,” Master Sven warns.

  The guests start to move between the girls, giving them instructions. Some are told to flog each other, where others are being fondled and inspected by two of the guests.

  One guest walks over to the two girls that are tied to the tables. I watch the man as he slowly moves around each of the tables, clearly deep in thought.

  He stops by the girl that’s tied down to the square table. His hand trembles as he reaches out to her, brushing the back of his knuckles over her stomach. Her muscles clench under his touch and it makes him smile for some reason.

  I’m so fixated on the man that everything else around me fades to background noise.

  I’m surprised when he moves over to the round table. He seemed to show more interest in the other girl. I’m even more surprised when he unties the girl from the round table. I can’t hear what he’s saying, but the girl quickly gets off and goes to stand by the head of the other girl.

  The man removes his belt and ties it around the neck of the girl that’s still tied down. He gives the other girl an instruction. She listens and takes hold of the belt.

  The man returns to the other side, removes his cock from his pants and thrusts into the girl. I can see the muscles in her legs tensing from the force he’s using.

  He pumps into her a couple of times and then barks something at the girl who’s holding the belt. When she tightens the belt around the other girl’s neck, I realize what he’s doing. He’s having the girl suffocated while he’s fucking her.

  I’ve only heard of it being done. Many slaves die that way, but I’ve never seen it happen before.

  “Mistress Westbrook,” Master Sven says next to me, yanking my attention back to
the rest of the room. “The slave is hard and ready for you.”

  I didn’t even notice when the two chairs were placed on the other side of Jack. A man and woman sit down, facing us.

  “Cameron says she’s the most skilled slave he has. I’d like to see just how skilled she is,” Mistress Westbrook says to the man next to her.

  “Fuck him, slave. If you’re so good then make him come.”

  I go to stand at Jack’s side and glance at his face. His features are tight with anger. He growls at me, and I quickly look back to his cock.

  With his body at this angle the only way I can fuck Jack is by dropping to my knees, with my ass facing him. I shuffle back until I feel his cock pressing against my pussy, and then I push back, taking him inside me.

  I move slowly at first, waiting to see if I’ll receive further instructions.

  “This is so fucking boring!” Mistress Westbrook snaps. She gets up and walks to somewhere behind us. “Let her suck you,” she says to someone.

  I’m not sure what’s happening behind me, so I dare a quick glance over my shoulder.

  My lips part on a harsh breath when I see Mistress Westbrook holding a belt. She walks toward me and I quickly look back down. She wraps the belt around my neck just as the man comes to stand in front of me.

  “Suck,” the man barks, shoving his cock in my face.

  I quickly take him into my mouth and try to suck him while fucking Jack. My knees start to ache, but I quickly forget about that when the man takes hold of the belt, tightening it some more.

  I start to feel the pressure on my neck, and try to breathe faster through my nose.

  When the man tightens the belt even more, I start to gag and it seems to turn him on. I can’t breathe fast enough through my nose anymore. Fear and panic start to ripple through me as the man yanks at the belt.

  He shoves harder into my mouth. The belt tightens again, and it makes my vision go black.

  I try to force myself to move so I can obey them, but the darkness becomes thicker as my air becomes less.

  As the man starts to come, my arms and legs give way under me.

  I try to gasp for air but it’s too late as everything fades to nothing.

  Chapter One


  “Fuck,” I curse as I zip up the leather pants. I hate wearing leather. No man with a healthy size dick can walk in them without having his balls crushed.

  I need a drink. I’ve seen some fucked up shit in my life, but these parties are disturbing. It’s my job and there’s just no way in hell I’ll let anyone else accompany River. It’s my responsibility to keep her safe, to keep the people back at the sanctuary safe. One wrong move from either of us can jeopardize it all.

  We pretend to be a married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ryland. People feel less threatened if they think you’re just a couple who loves the depraved side of life.

  Over the years, River has become my best friend. I admire her strength and courage. She’s paying a debt that isn’t hers to pay in the first place.

  I owe my life to River. She saved me and because of that, I’ll forever be in her dept.

  She found me on the streets. After I retired from the Marines, I couldn’t keep a job.

  I’m too unstable. I’m not employment material. I can’t sit between people and listen to them talking shit the whole day long. After the things I’ve seen out there, there’s no fucking way I can pretend to be normal.

  People get so caught up in their shitty little lives. They don’t have a fucking clue about the horrors out there. I always lose my temper when some dickhead complains about something trivial, and I always end up getting fired.

  The last job I had was at a McDonalds. Some shithead complained that he didn’t get enough fries. He thought he could boss me around and ended up flying out the door.

  That was the last time I tried to fit in with society. I wouldn’t beg either, and I couldn’t go home to Nanna. I was failing at life and I didn’t want to see the disappointment on her face.

  River found me walking the streets. She’s got an eye for people. She saw right through me. She offered me the job of putting together a security team for her, and she threatened to cut off my balls in my sleep if I so much as looked at her funny.

  We are one of a kind, River and I. Fucked by life and paying for the sins of others. I brought Nanna to the sanctuary soon after we got the place up and running. I’ve never seen Nanna so proud of anything I’ve done before.

  This job is brutal. Especially when going to parties. It’s even harder when we only get to save one person.

  I’ve held a dying man in my arms. Half his body was blown away. Up until the first party, that image lived in my nightmares. Then I saw people being raped. The image that now keeps me awake is seeing kids being raped and beaten. I feel torn to shreds. I can only help save one or two, but not all of them.

  I’ve fantasized so many times about walking into a room and killing all those fuckers. Deep down, I know that’s all it will ever be, just a fantasy. Once I cross the line, our cover as Mr. and Mrs. Ryland will be blown.

  We do give anonymous leads to the FBI. Because it’s all done incognito, we hardly ever hear if a sex ring has been taken down. I just hope the tips do work and that those fuckers are shut down and thrown into a deep, dark hole.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I go stand in front of River. We never take chances while we’re rescuing a slave. We know there’s always someone watching.

  I let my eyes go over her, making sure she’s ready to go out there.

  She’s a beautiful woman. I hate when we split up to spend a night with the slave, or slaves, we’ve decided on. I hate leaving her side for one second. I know that’s all it will take, just one fucking second, and she could be gone.

  Few people dare to make eye contact with me. River once told me it feels like I’m looking into the heart of her. I guess it makes people uncomfortable around me.

  It’s true, though. I’m always on guard and trying to get a read on the person in front of me. It’s how you survive. Never let your guard down. Know your enemy.

  “I’m ready,” she whispers.

  She smiles and it makes me feel slightly better. She takes a breath and then starts with the act.

  “I like the male slave,” she purrs.

  She’s good at this. In the beginning she used to confuse the shit out of me. I never knew if she was acting or being sincere. I quickly got the hang of it. Now she can’t get anything past me.

  “I’m sure you do,” I smile back, taking on my own role as Mr. Ryland. “Who will you choose as his partner?”

  She’s come up with a brilliant idea to use as a reason why she buys slaves. She claims they are for her collection, that she likes to watch people fuck. It’s a good enough excuse for them and she gets away with it.

  I, on the other hand, am fucked.

  I can’t use the collection as my excuse and that always puts me in a tight spot. I’ve done some fucked up shit in my life, but I’ve never had sex with a slave. That’s one line I’ll never cross. They’ll have to fucking kill me before I’ll rape someone.

  My attention returns to River when she trails a finger down my chest.

  “How about…” she leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth, “…you choose. You always let me have the pick of the litter. You can choose who you think will be a great addition to my collection.”

  I smile lovingly at her. “Anything for you, Darling.”

  I take her hand and keep her close as we go to join the party.

  As the night progresses, I fight to stay focused on my job. I feel like a caged animal. What I wouldn’t give to tear these fuckers to shreds.

  The doors open and Jack comes in. I was shocked when we met him earlier. He’s a huge man, and I can’t wrap my mind around him being a slave. I’d fucking fight until they’re forced to kill me, before I submit to anyone.

  There’s a blonde next to him. She’s naked, just like the others. She w
alks to the other side of the room, so I only see her from behind. Her skin is creamy white, and she has a serene look. I’m sure that makes her a huge hit with these fuckers.

  She kneels on the floor on the opposite side of the room. Arching her back, she pushes her ass into the air. When she stretches her arms out in front of her, she looks like a work of art.

  My eyes go back to Jack where he’s taken his position on a podium. Only Jack is wearing jeans which I find odd.

  I can feel his rage all the way from where I’m sitting. Every muscle in his body is wound tight, as if he’s going to fucking snap any second. How the fuck do they manage to control him?

  I look over to the blonde. If these fuckers can subdue a wild man like Jack, what kind of damage does that type of control do to the women?

  River leans in close to me and whispers, “What do you think of the woman? The one who just came in.”

  River wouldn’t ask unless she’s decided to save her. So it will be Jack and the blonde then. I don’t know how she decides on who we save and who we leave.

  I’m glad that’s not my decision to make. I admire her for being able to make those hard choices. I always leave it to her. She grew up around slaves. She knows which ones are too far gone.

  “She is stunning. I’ll go take a closer look.”

  When I get close to the woman, I notice that she’s not marked like the others.

  An elderly man is staring at her ass, a clear look of lust on his face. “I can see why he asks so much for her.”

  Another man nods in agreement. “Yes, her ass looks quite fuckable.”

  I just keep standing next to the podium she’s on, watching the fuckers while they’re watching her.

  Every muscle in my body is wound tightly. Anger coils in my chest, ready to be unleashed on these monsters.

  A guard comes to stand next to me, and I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

  “The last stake for her was seventy thousand dollars. Would you like to bid for a night with this slave?” he asks, as if he’s about to take my pizza order down.


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