Our Darkest Maze

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Our Darkest Maze Page 9

by Sarah Bailey

  I released him and walked away out of the toilets, resisting the urge to look back. It felt good to turn the tables on him. The feeling lasted less than a minute. I felt him behind me as I walked down the corridor back to the club. I was stopped in my tracks when he wrapped an arm around my chest and pressed me against his. His mouth brushed along my ear, making me shiver.

  “Bold words,” he murmured as he tucked something into my dress, right next to my breast, “If you change your mind, come find me.”

  He let go and walked by me down the hallway back to the club. I couldn’t help staring after him. My hand went to my breast, pulling out the little piece of paper he’d tucked there. I looked at it, finding an address and nothing else. My hand shook. There could only be one explanation. This was where Logan lived. He wanted me to come to him. And I had to fight against every instinct I had to follow him into the maze. The one I knew would end in ruin.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I couldn’t deny being surprised by Aurora’s appearance in Cabana a week ago. It was clear she hadn’t known I’d be there. And I hadn’t been expecting to see the damn girl who made my blood pound. It’s not as if I hadn’t been with anyone since the fateful day in my office when I’d told her I’d make her my toy, but when she appeared across the room from me at the club, all I could see was her. A fucking vision in a tight red dress which did little to conceal her curves. It was far too short and made it difficult for me to think straight. Aurora had her dark hair loose. It flowed down her bare shoulders in soft waves. She was simply stunning.

  I hated the fact she had the ability to drive me insane even a year and a half later. Insane with lust and need. I had to have her no matter the cost. It was fucked up, but I’d stopped caring about having a moral compass a long time ago. At least, when it came to the girl I should not want under any circumstances. Now I was aware of who her parents truly were after doing a little digging, I had a feeling if I messed with their daughter it wouldn’t end well. Nor would my family want me with her either.

  My family might have had a fucked up past themselves, what with all the shit their father put them through, but it didn’t mean they wanted the association with hers. I’d never met Zachary Benson. By the time I was old enough to understand the true implications of his actions, he’d passed away. None of my family had gone to the funeral. Dad hadn’t once visited his father in prison, although all his siblings had, and didn’t mourn his death either. I didn’t blame him for it. Not after what his father did to them all.

  I had a feeling Aurora’s dark family history was worse than mine. And yet, even knowing I’d be risking everything, I wanted her anyway. I wanted to have her to satisfy the damn urges coursing through my veins. My hate for the way she made me feel only fuelled my need to make her mine… if only for a little while. If only to prove to myself I could.

  “You look like shit,” Ant said to me after I’d walked into my parent’s living room and came to a standstill next to him.

  “I feel like shit.”

  “You go out last night?”

  I had been hauled up in my fucking flat every night wondering if she would turn up. Sleep had eluded me at every turn. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. About what she’d said to me.

  She’s still innocent and you want to take it all from her.

  I’d never cared so much about who a girl had been with before. For some reason, I needed her not to have been touched by anyone else. It had to be me who showed her everything. I’d been messed up as fuck over Aurora when she was sixteen, and it hadn’t changed now she was an adult.

  Aurora Knox had swept into my life like a hurricane and destroyed my rationality. I wanted to punish her for it by taking everything from her. And I meant everything. I wanted her to need me so fucking bad, she couldn’t function without me.

  She is right. You are a heartless bastard.

  “No,” I muttered to Ant, “Just haven’t been sleeping.”

  Since I’d left work late, I’d got to my parents just as dinner was starting. I hadn’t had a chance to talk to my happily married best friend. Ant wasn’t about to fuck things up with Maia, anyway. He told me once she was the love of his life. I didn’t believe in shit like that, even though I’d been surrounded by it my whole life. My parents, my aunts and uncles all said they’d found their ones.

  I shouldn’t be so cynical, but being the eldest of my cousins, the weight of everything fell on my shoulders. I was inheriting a legacy I didn’t want. My parents passing the mantle to me was expected. Owning Bensons had never been a prospect I relished. They’d be better off giving it to the twins. Maia and Callie were far more interested in the day-to-day workings than me. I preferred working in the flagship store. It was less pressured. Less… everything that came with being the son of Dante and Liora Benson.

  “Why? What’s got you all worked up?”

  “Who said I’m worked up?”

  “Come on, Logan, you look tense as fuck.”

  I shrugged, trying to relax my shoulders but finding it impossible. Blaming Aurora for my state of agitation seemed childish, but I couldn’t help it. Seeing her again had done a number on me.

  “Just… stuff.”

  Ant gave me a look. We didn’t do heart to hearts. I certainly wasn’t about to tell him a girl I shouldn’t want had fucked with my head.

  “What’s with the long face, Logie Bear?”

  My cousin, Callie, arrived next to me, putting her hand on my arm. I glanced down at her as she smiled at me. The only people I ever allowed to call me Logie Bear were Maia and Callie. We’d essentially lived together in this house until I was twelve, when the house next door went up for sale and their parents had bought it. The twins were like the sisters I’d never had. Mum said Dad got too stressed out during her pregnancy with me. She didn’t want to put him through it again by having another child. Knowing my father, it hardly surprised me. Mum did everything in her power to help keep his demons at bay.

  “Is everyone going to comment on my appearance today or something?”

  Ant snorted and Callie frowned.

  “Is it so bad we’re worried about you?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Then don’t be so grumpy.”

  I almost wished I hadn’t bothered coming to dinner tonight. My parents would have questioned me if I made an excuse. It wasn’t worth the hassle. Still, having Ant and Callie on my case irritated me. I didn’t need it.

  “Can we talk about something other than me?”

  “Like how Maia is trying to get this one to agree to knock her up?” Callie asked, waving at Ant.

  His eyebrows shot up. I stared at him. He hadn’t mentioned it to me. Then again, he had no reason to.

  “I would ask how you know, but you and Maia don’t keep secrets,” Ant huffed.

  He only had himself to blame here. He married a twin. Those two were inseparable.

  “What’s your excuse for denying your wife a baby?” I asked, knowing full well what his answer would be.

  Ant glared at me.

  “I’m not ready for kids.”

  I couldn’t fault him for it. No way I’d be ready for them either. I didn’t know if I wanted them at this point, not to mention the prospect of marriage. When Ant and Maia were getting married, I’d thought about it a lot. Then I decided against it and hadn’t bothered attempting to find a serious girlfriend. What would be the point when I’d only end up disappointing them. I wasn’t the marrying kind. I rarely even committed to anything. The only thing I did consistently was my job and I was fucking good at it. Charming customers was my wheelhouse.

  “Then Maia should respect it.”

  “I told her that as well,” Callie put in, “But you know my sister. When she wants something, she stops at nothing to get it.”

  Maia had inherited that trait from her mother.

  “I already give her everything she asks for, but this is different. She keeps going on and on, i
t’s exhausting,” Ant said, “I’m beginning to wonder what made her so fucking baby mad.”

  “Oh well, Alison at work had a baby. She brought him in and Maia got all gooey over the little man,” Callie said with a shrug, “Me, on the other hand, I’m not into squalling creatures.”

  Callie and Maia couldn’t be more different from each other. The only thing they shared in common was their looks. Whilst Maia wanted a husband and a big family, Callie focused on work. Maybe she’d find a girlfriend one day, but Callie hadn’t brought anyone serious home yet. Didn’t stop them from being close as fuck, as evidenced by Maia complaining about Ant’s reluctance to start a family.

  “I’m glad I don’t have to work in head office with all that going on,” I mused.

  “Don’t you get bored with dealing with the public and those vapid girls who work for us?”

  I shrugged. It wasn’t that bad. Most of them had a crush on me. I wasn’t being arrogant. A couple of them had made a move on me. I’d respectfully declined. You don’t shit where you eat. Besides, I was sure Dad would hit the roof if I dated one of our employees. Before he met Ellie, Uncle James had dated an employee and it hadn’t ended very well. When I started working at the flagship store, Dad had given me a lecture on the whole thing. It would not be worth the bollocking I’d get off him if I dabbled with our staff.

  “No, I enjoy it. Better than dealing with uppity designers arguing over colour schemes for the next collection.”

  I was the only one apart from Leo who had no interest in the fashion side of the business. It wasn’t my thing. Whilst I might take pride in my appearance, I didn’t give a shit what the latest trends were.

  “God, don’t remind me. Two of them had a shouting match last week. I was on the design floor at the time, it was an utter shitshow.”

  “I’ll take snooty customers any day over that mess.”

  “I am so glad I do not work at Bensons,” Ant said, giving us both a wink.

  Ant worked in renewable energy, which he was more suited to. You wouldn’t think it to look at him, but the guy was all into saving the planet. Ant might come from money, but he wasn’t like his idiot cousins or his family. They all looked down their noses at anyone who wasn’t from their world. Probably why they approved of Maia. And why Ant got on with my mother so well since they both shared a love of animals. Ant used his trust fund money to donate to animal welfare charities regularly. Something I also did, since growing up with a zookeeper mother and a house full of cats had made me into somewhat of an animal lover.

  “You would hate every second. Besides, if you worked with Maia, you’d end up killing each other,” Callie said with a smirk.

  “No fucking doubt. I love your sister but working with her would be an absolute nightmare.”

  I looked down at my watch, noting the time. Leo had recently turned eighteen and kept pestering me to take him out. It’s why I’d even been at Cabana last Friday. I wasn’t particularly in the mood to go out again tonight, but a promise was a promise.

  I glanced over at Leo who was sitting with his parents, Uncle Jensen and Aunt Fi, on one of the sofas. When he looked up, I indicated the door with my head. He gave me a grin and turned to his parents.

  “Well, I’m out,” I said.

  “What? Where are you off too?” Ant asked, looking at me with a frown.

  “Leo wants to go clubbing.”

  “And you didn’t ask me?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “You are an old married man now, Ant,” I slapped him on the back, “Can’t come out with us young folk.”

  “Fuck off.”

  I walked away to say goodbye to my parents before Leo and I left. Family get-togethers weren’t compulsory, but you better have a good excuse if you weren’t attending. I’d made my appearance for dinner and now I could get out of here. I didn’t want to get stuck talking to my parents about the future. Dad wanted me to take on more responsibility as the eldest of my cousins. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I wanted to stay where I was. Disappointing my family was the very last thing I ever wanted, but I had a feeling if I didn’t start stepping up, I’d end up doing it anyway.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Why I was back at this club again on a Friday night with Colleen was a question I’d stopped trying to answer. I’d been unsettled for an entire week after encountering Logan. Especially since he clearly thought I’d be stupid enough to take him up on his offer. I was not interested in being his plaything nor losing my virginity to him. It’s not like I had any notions of romance or it being special, but it had to be with someone I trusted not to be a dick.

  And Logan? Well, he was at the top of the biggest dickhead I knew list.

  Why are you still considering going to his place then?

  I told my brain to shove it as I downed the shots we’d bought at the bar.

  “Let’s dance,” I said to Colleen as she dumped her shot glass.

  The two of us pushed our way onto the dancefloor. I wanted to let go for a while. I needed to stop thinking about Logan and how much shit I’d be in with my parents if they knew I was out again. It’s not like they could stop me, but the lecture regarding me and Colleen still being in school wouldn’t be worth it.

  “Don’t you think we should slow down a bit?” Colleen shouted at me over the music as we danced together.

  I’d probably had too much to drink already, but I didn’t give a shit. The buzz I felt drowned out all of my wayward thoughts.


  I gripped her waist and we shimmied to the music, getting lost in the beat and the pumping bass. The lights flashed above us. I closed my eyes and allowed it all to wash over me. We kept getting bumped into by other sweaty bodies, which was irritating, but I tried not to think about it. Not like I wanted to start on some random fucker in a club. I might be known as a bitch at school, but I wasn’t deliberately confrontational with people. Only if they wound me up the wrong way. Most people knew to give me a wide berth.

  Colleen kept dancing with me until this guy approached her. He was young-looking but handsome with green eyes and messy brown hair. She grinned at him as he slid behind her. I rolled my eyes but let my friend dance with the guy. I watched him in case he was inappropriate with her. He kept a reasonable distance. He leant down and shouted in her ear. Colleen shouted back. The noise of the club made it impossible for me to hear what they were saying.

  I was bumped into from behind by some people, which sent me careening forward. Two hands steadied me. When I looked up to thank the person, I completely lost the ability for speech. Standing there with those fucking ice-blue eyes was the one person I didn’t want to see.


  He had to be the one to catch me. I swear my luck was the absolute worst. When he didn’t let go, I shoved his hands off me, glaring. I should be gracious and thank him for catching me, but he didn’t deserve it. The bastard smiled at me maliciously which had me wanting to slap his damn face.

  The music was far too loud. I didn’t bother saying a word to him. Logan stepped closer, wrapping a hand around my waist and encouraging me to dance with him. I could either make a scene in the club or I could go with it. My body decided for me by swaying with him. The heat of his palm had my pulse spiking and my body tensing.

  Logan leant down, his lips brushing against my ear, “You didn’t come over.”

  He said it loud enough to allow me to make out his words over the bass pumping. I shifted closer to make sure he could hear me too.

  “And I’m not going to.”

  I felt him smile against my ear.

  “We both know you are so there’s no point in continuing to deny it. In fact, I think we should skip the arguing and get straight to what you and I both want. Come back to mine.”

  Logan literally had no shame. The audacity of his statement had me wanting to shove him away. His other hand curled around my back, tugging me right up against his chest to avoid a coupl
e of people crashing into us.


  “I didn’t think coy was your style.”

  “I’m not being fucking coy, Logan. I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  My statement sounded hollow to my ears as we were close together and my body was moving with his to the music. I hadn’t pushed him away. In fact, my actions were completely at odds with my words.

  Why the hell does he do this to me? I hate the fact I want him. I hate it so much.

  Being at war with myself over this man pissed me off. One side of me wanted to give in. To let him take me back to his place. The other side knew it would only lead to trouble. Logan wasn’t a nice guy who would treat me right. He would only use my body in ways I couldn’t imagine then leave me in the dust when he’d had his fill of me.

  “Liar,” he all but hissed in my ear.

  I didn’t know why he’d changed his tune about wanting me. We’d hated each other from the word go. The hate between us might remain but it had morphed into lust.

  How could I want someone I despised?

  “You’re all grown up now, Aurora,” he continued, “You can admit the truth. I’m not hiding the fact I want you in my bed. Why don’t you come clean? Or are you still a little coward?”

  “This is all a fucked up game to you, isn’t it?”

  “So what if it is?”

  I let out a gasp when his hand drifted lower, curling around my behind. My hands didn’t move from where they’d found their way around his waist. They didn’t pry his wandering fingers away despite my warring thoughts about whether or not I wanted this with him.

  “I don’t want to play your games, Logan. I’m not a toy.”

  “Yes, you are… you’re my toy.”

  I shuddered at the way he said it with such conviction. His words did something to me. Hell, somehow Logan had stripped away my defences and had me scrambling to rebuke his statement. Perhaps it was all the alcohol I’d consumed making me do things I wouldn’t usually, but I pulled back and stared up at him. Those blue eyes glinted in the flashing lights of the club. The heady mix of lust and arrogance in them had my heart hammering against my ribcage.


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