Our Darkest Maze

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Our Darkest Maze Page 10

by Sarah Bailey

  I forgot everyone around us as Logan and I stared at each other like we were having a silent battle. A moment later, he snagged my wrist and pulled me off the dancefloor. I almost stumbled on my heels trying to follow him. Arguing and trying to get away would be futile. His grip was far too tight and he wasn’t letting up in his pace. He had a habit of dragging me around when I was sixteen and it clearly hadn’t changed.

  Logan stopped in a dark corner by the DJ booth and shoved me up against the wall, pressing his body against me. All my protests about his behaviour died when his mouth descended on mine. Rationality flew out the window. My hands curled into his hair, gripping the strands as his tongue delved into my mouth. He tasted of mint and sin. I hated and loved it.

  The music continued to blast out of the speakers, but I could no longer hear it. All I could feel, hear and see was Logan and his solid, hard body. His fingers dusted along the hemline of my dress. The pads brushed across my bare skin, making me shiver and gasp in his mouth. It only spurred him on. He kissed me harder, devouring me like I was his air and he was starving for me.

  Logan kissed his way down my jaw, leaving me panting and undone.

  “Come home with me.”

  His fingers danced along my inner thigh.

  “No,” I hissed.

  In response to my denial of his demand, he kissed me again. If he kept doing it, I wouldn’t be able to do anything but give into him. I must have lost the plot. I couldn’t completely blame the alcohol, since the last time I’d let Logan kiss me, I’d been sober.

  I was a liar like he said. My whole body cried out to be taken by him. An ache deep inside me started and it craved what Logan would give me. I hadn’t experienced these things before. The mechanics of sex weren’t a mystery to me. I’d explored my own body when I was alone, but being with a man intimately would be different. You couldn’t learn it from a book or from someone telling you.

  “I know you want it, little masochist,” he murmured in my ear after he released my mouth, “Stop denying me.”

  I held onto his neck to prevent myself from drowning. His voice was seductive and tempting. However, I wouldn’t be led astray by Logan Benson. I would not fall into his maze and get myself lost in the abyss.

  “I need to get back to my friend.”

  “You don’t need to worry about her. My cousin is keeping her company.”

  I stiffened. What the fuck? I shoved Logan off me and looked out across the dancefloor. Colleen was quite happily dancing with the guy who’d approached her.

  “That’s your cousin?”

  “Mmm, Leo seems quite taken with your little blonde-haired friend there.”

  Colleen didn’t need to get involved with Logan’s family. Especially not when I was already trying to fend off Logan and his sinful designs on me.

  “Oh no, no, no, no, that’s not happening.”

  Before Logan could stop me, I rushed back onto the dancefloor and pulled Colleen away from his cousin. Leo, as Logan had called him, looked a little startled, but I didn’t care.

  “We’re leaving,” I told Colleen whilst dragging her away towards the entrance of the club.

  “What? Why?”

  “You are not getting involved with that guy.”

  Colleen said nothing as I got our coats and we stumbled out into the cool night air. She turned on me then with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “What the fuck, babe? What’s got you worked up?”

  “He’s bad news.”

  Colleen frowned, eyeing me with confusion.

  “How would you know that? You didn’t even talk to him.”

  I shut my mouth knowing if I argued with her further I might have to tell her about Logan. Then again, had she seen me go off with him?

  “You’re acting really weird, babe. Where did you even go? I was dancing with Leo one moment and then you were gone.”

  I searched for a plausible explanation where I didn’t have to explain what really happened.

  “I had to get off the dancefloor. It was stuffy.”

  She looked as though she didn’t believe me, but said no more, merely uncrossing her arms and taking my hand.

  “Let’s go home, okay?”

  I nodded. Since we didn’t live too far from each other, we took the night bus together. Colleen got off at her stop first, giving me a hug. I felt stupid when the bus pulled away. This evening had turned into a nightmare.

  How could I have let Logan kiss me?

  You are an idiot.

  I berated myself until I got off the bus and unlocked my front door. Shutting it behind me, I slipped my heels off and held them so I wouldn’t make too much noise. Turns out, I needn’t have bothered since I only managed two steps before my dad walked out of the living room and levelled me with a stare that had my back stiffening.

  “Where have you been?”

  His voice dripped with repressed anger.

  Well, this is just great. I’m freaking out over Logan kissing me and now here’s Dad getting on my case.



  “I went out with Colleen.”

  Technically it was the truth.


  “Dad, please can we not do this now? I’m tired.”

  I wanted to go curl up under the covers and try to forget about stupid Logan.

  “Where did you go?”

  I waved at him, irritated as hell with his ridiculous overprotectiveness.

  “I’m eighteen. You’re not my keeper and I certainly don’t have to tell you every time I go out.”

  The moment the words were out of my mouth, I knew I should not have said them.

  “You are still in school, Aurora, and whilst you live under this roof, you do answer to me.”

  The undercurrent of anger in his voice was still there and his dark gaze pierced through me like a fucking arrow.

  “Fine, I was at a club. And before you ask, yes, I had a few drinks and danced with some boys. I did not go home with any of them nor do you have to worry about your daughter’s precious fucking innocence since it’s still very much intact.”

  Dad’s mouth thinned. He did not appreciate the way I spoke to him, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

  “Now, can I go to bed or does the lord and master of the house need to give me a bollocking before I do so?”

  “What’s going on here?” came another voice.

  Eric poked his head out of the kitchen, spying me and Dad.

  “What’s going on?” Dad said, “Well, our daughter has been out clubbing with Colleen and is now acting out since she got caught.”

  Eric’s eyebrow shot up as he came out of the kitchen and stood next to Dad.

  “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have said that, but seriously, I want to go to bed.”

  I shifted on my bare feet, hating the fact two of my dads now knew where I’d been. No doubt they’d all find out soon enough.

  “What did she say?” Eric asked Dad.

  “Called me the lord and master of the house.”

  Eric snorted, putting his hand over his mouth which only earnt him a glare from Dad.

  “Don’t you start. She needs to learn some fucking respect.”

  I took a few steps towards my dad, feeling bad about making him angry with me. He eyed me with no small amount of irritation. My bottom lip trembled. I wasn’t scared of my dad by any means, but the way he was looking at me had my stomach sinking.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I whispered, “I really am. I know I shouldn’t have gone out. It was wrong of me.”

  “Are you really going to fall for this?” Eric said, waving at me.

  “No,” Dad ground out, “Your apology is not accepted, Aurora, and if you dare try this shit again with me, there will be consequences, do you hear me? We’ll discuss this further in the morning. Go to bed.”

  My face fell and I pouted, hating they’d see
n right through me.

  “You are the worst, you know that? I’m not a child any longer.”

  I didn’t stop to see what he had to say about it, storming away to my room. By the time I’d shut myself in, I realised I had been acting like a child. No wonder they’d treated me like one. I resolved to do better. They kept telling me if I wanted them to treat me like an adult, I had to show them I could be one.

  I slumped on my bed, hating everything about this evening. Not only had fucking Logan Benson kissed me senseless but I’d got in trouble with my dad. This was officially complete and utter shit. The lecture I’d have to endure tomorrow was not worth a few nights out clubbing. In fact, nothing was worth it.

  No more of this playing up. Especially not when it means I keep running into Logan fucking Benson.

  I got up to take my makeup off and get ready for bed. Crawling under my covers after I turned out the light, I lay there staring up at the ceiling. My body vibrated with the memory of him and his kisses. I was beginning to think maybe I should have given into him. Maybe I had to stop fighting it. But being around Logan had only brought more trouble down on my head.

  The conflict I felt wasn’t doing me any favours. My body was at war with my mind over him. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I had a feeling I was in for a long night of tossing and turning. The man was a menace and yet… I couldn’t help but wonder how fucked up it would be if I decided to take Logan up on his offer. If I went to his place and discovered what he could do to me. And it was just about the most stupid thought I’d had all night.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The moment I regained consciousness, my head pounded like someone was banging a drum in it. Groaning, I rolled over and dug my hands into my eyes. Who knew what time I’d fallen asleep last night. My body ached and I was groggy as hell. Why did I drink so much?

  The door to my bedroom opened. I poked my head out of the covers, spying my mother entering the room with a tray in her hands.

  “Morning, sweetheart.”

  I merely groaned in response, pulling the covers back over my head. Dealing with any of my parents felt like too much effort. The bed shifted as she sat down and placed the tray next to me. Her hand landed on my shoulder and she rubbed it.

  “Rora, Quinn told me what happened last night.”

  Thinking about the fact I’d pissed off my dad? Not top of my priorities.

  “If you’re here to lecture me, please save it for later. My head hurts.”

  Getting it in the neck from my mum and dad would make today the worst ever. Well, no. Last night had been worse because I let Logan kiss me again.

  “I wasn’t. I brought you breakfast and painkillers.”

  I tugged down the covers and looked at her. She didn’t seem pissed off at me. There was only worry in her eyes.

  “Is Dad really angry with me?”

  “He was last night. Not sure about this morning. He’s in his office with Ror, but I do suggest you stay in here until you’re feeling human again before speaking to him.”

  There would be no way in hell I’d go searching for him right now. Not when I had a hangover. I would never suggest getting shots to Colleen again.

  Mum picked up two pills and a glass of juice, gesturing to me to take them. I pulled myself up and gratefully took the painkillers. She placed the tray in my lap so I could eat. My stomach felt a little ropey, but I stuffed some toast in my mouth.

  “Sweetheart, I’m not angry with you for going out with Colleen, okay? The only concern I have about you drinking and clubbing is how it will affect your studies.”


  “This isn’t a lecture, Rora. I want you to promise me if you’re going to go out, you won’t let it get in the way of school. If you can do that, then I’ll be content.”

  I stared at her. Whilst I was close to my mum and told her a lot of things, I hadn’t expected her to be okay with me clubbing with Colleen.

  “Dad doesn’t want me doing it.”

  “Your father needs time to adjust to the fact you’re eighteen. He wasn’t a saint at your age from what the others tell me, so he can’t say a word. But don’t tell him I told you.”

  I snorted. Mum would get in as much trouble with him as I did.

  “My lips are sealed.”

  I stuffed more toast in my mouth and thought about what she’d said. My schoolwork hadn’t been affected by my going out with Colleen. I wasn’t going wild or anything. We were having some fun. Neither of us planned to be out every night of the week getting wasted or anything.

  “I promise I won’t let anything get in the way of school,” I said after washing my toast down with the tea she’d made.

  She reached over and stroked my hair back from my face.

  “Good. Then I won’t object to you going out and living your life.”

  “I’m surprised you’re okay with this.”

  She gave me a sad smile.

  “When I was your age, I wasn’t allowed to go out and do as I pleased. I promised myself when I had children, I would raise them differently. I’ve not always been very good at it, especially not with your brothers, but I’m trying. You’re a grown woman now, Rora. I want you to make your own choices and if it means you make mistakes along the way, that’s okay. I’ll be here to catch you when you fall.”

  Mum’s words made me a little emotional.

  “Thanks, Mum, that means a lot.”

  My parents had never had to worry about me, nor Cole for that matter, in the same way they had Duke and Raphi. I might have got up to mischief, but the only time I’d got into actual trouble was the last time Logan had been in my life.

  The reminder of Logan had my pulse spiking. I’d spend most of the night tossing and turning with thoughts of him running through my mind. Why had someone I hated made such an impression on me? Why did my skin thrum at the memory of his body against mine and his lips devouring me?


  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “Is it normal to be attracted to someone you hate?”

  She blinked as if not expecting me to change the subject.

  “Well… I wouldn’t say it’s exactly normal, but I have experienced it myself.”

  My eyebrows raised.

  “Wait, what? You have?”

  She nodded and fiddled with my blanket.

  “Your father and I didn’t like each other when we first met, but we were still attracted to one another.”

  It’s not as if I was unaware of how my parents had come together, but I had no idea Mum and Dad didn’t like each other. I supposed it made sense since they’d kidnapped her. Most people would think the beginning of their relationship was all kinds of fucked up. I did, but after they explained everything, I understood. It’s not as if they intended to form an attachment to each other in the way they had. Nothing in life ever happens the way you envision it. At least, not in my experience. I wouldn’t be attracted to Logan if that was the case.

  “You had every reason to hate him though.”

  “That’s true. I did, but it didn’t change the fact I felt drawn to him too. People say there’s a fine line between love and hate for a reason.”

  She canted her head whilst I sipped at my tea.

  “Why do you ask? Have you met someone?”

  I almost groaned. Mum had already got the wrong end of the stick about Logan last time. Then again, had she? I’d kissed him when I was sixteen. I’d been attracted to him then even though it was layered with hate for the way he was too. It was the same now. I hated him and yet I wanted him.

  “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”

  “Then what would you say?”

  Should I tell her? It’s not like I can talk to Colleen about it.

  I didn’t know why I felt like I couldn’t confide in my best friend. Maybe since she wouldn’t understand why I didn’t just give in to the way I felt about Logan. She’d tell me to go for it. Logan was ric
h and famous in her eyes, so she would think I’d scored big time. His money or the company he stood to inherit didn’t make me more attracted to him. I honestly didn’t give a shit about those things. The man himself was the only thing which had my blood pounding every time I was near him.

  “We haven’t only just met.”

  “So, there is someone.”

  I groaned this time and rub my eyes with the heels of my palms.


  “And you dislike him?”

  I nodded, not dropping my hands from my eyes.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “The problem is I want him, Mum, and I shouldn’t because he’s a dick. He drives me crazy and not in a good way.”

  Admitting it out loud made me queasy. I wanted Logan Benson. How fucked up was I?

  “Are you going to tell me who it is?”

  I hung my head, dropping my hands.

  “Only if you promise me you won’t tell Dad or anyone else.”

  Considering my dad had banned me from seeing Logan when I was sixteen, I was pretty sure he’d hit the fucking roof if he found out about this. Not that he could stop me. I was eighteen now, but it didn’t matter. Dad was still massively overprotective. He hadn’t let go of my apron strings at all.

  “I promise, sweetheart.”

  “I mean it, Mum. I haven’t told anyone about this, not even Colleen.”

  The truth was I felt ashamed for my attraction to Logan. To hate a person and yet still want them with the same intensity didn’t sit right with me.

  Mum tucked her fingers under my chin and forced me to meet her eyes.

  “I’m going to take a wild guess here. Are you referring to a certain man who you got mixed up with when you were sixteen?”

  The fact she’d guessed made me aware Mum could see right through me. And I wasn’t sure I liked it.

  “Dad is going to kill me… and him.”

  She smiled.

  “Aurora, Quinn isn’t going to kill anyone. You might be his daughter, but even he’s aware you’re going to find a man you want to be with.”


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