Our Darkest Maze

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Our Darkest Maze Page 11

by Sarah Bailey

  “But, Mum, Logan kissed me when I was sixteen after Dad banned me from seeing him.”

  Mum’s eyebrows shot up.

  “He did?”

  I almost slapped my hand over my mouth.

  “Crap, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”

  “Well, you’ve said it now so you might as well tell me how it happened.”

  “Uh, okay. Colleen wanted to go to Bensons with the girls and obviously, Logan works there. He wanted to talk to me after what happened at the hotel so he took me into his office and well… he ended up kissing me. I was annoyed he stole my first kiss and he said some pretty shitty things to me afterwards and I slapped him. That was the last time I saw him until a week ago when Colleen and I were in Cabana. And I saw him last night. I still hate him, but… I’m attracted to him. Why do I want him? What kind of girl wants a guy she hates?”

  It was a question I’d asked myself far too many times. Wanting someone who’d admitted he only wanted to fuck me was messed up, wasn’t it? I would not tell my mum about Logan wanting to make me into his toy. She wouldn’t approve of it. Hell, I didn’t approve of it and yet it tempted me anyway.

  “Sometimes we want things we know are bad for us. It’s called being human. Now, I’m not going to tell you whether or not you should get involved with him. It’s entirely up to you, but I want you to be careful, okay? I would hate for you to get hurt.”

  I had a feeling Logan would hurt me no matter what I did. Not physically, but emotionally. He already had by saying such heartless things to me. And yet… and fucking yet, he’d crawled his way under my skin. Made me want to follow him into the dark.

  “I’m being careful.”

  “Okay, good.” She stroked my hair again and gave me a smile. “I know you won’t let anyone walk all over you. I shouldn’t worry, but I do. You’re my baby girl.”

  Mum had every reason to worry about me getting involved with Logan. If she knew how he’d treated me, she would’ve told me to stay away. Hell, I knew I should. Only now he’d kissed me again and I’d been up half the night tormented by it, I couldn’t.

  You want to experience it, even if it’s just once. You want him to drown you.

  I didn’t understand myself but I no longer had the energy to question it. All I wanted was for my mind to stop whirling. If I let myself do this one reckless thing, maybe I could move on from Logan. Maybe I could get him out of my head.

  “I’ll leave you to your breakfast now and don’t fret too much about Dad. He’s only worried about you.”

  “Worried about me? More like trying to control my life.”

  “Quinn is just particular about things, sweetheart. You know that.”

  I gave her a look. He was stubborn and unrelenting. I shared those traits with him which is why we butted heads a lot.

  “Yeah, okay, Mum. I know.”

  I didn’t feel like arguing with her about my dad. It wouldn’t end well.

  She gave me one last smile before she got up and left the room. I stared down at my breakfast tray, hating the fact I was in for a lecture. I was going to finish eating and then go face the music. Might as well get it over and done with. No point delaying the inevitable. Dad would have a go at me. I’d give it right back. Then we’d reach an impasse. It’s how all of our arguments went.

  At least he had no idea about Logan. It would be worse if he did.


  My heart thundered against my ribcage. I had two options now. Try to forget everything between us had ever happened or go to his place. And I had a feeling I knew exactly which one I would end up choosing.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Seeing Aurora at Cabana again last night had only made everything worse for me. I lay awake trying to get thoughts of her body out of my head. I’d been playing with fire when I kissed her, but no part of me regretted it.

  I wanted more.

  I wanted all of her.

  It was a fucking mess because the girl did my head in. Her damn mouth ran away with her and her constant denials only made me want to gag her. Our chemistry was obvious to me. It had been when I’d met her a year and a half ago. Who gave a shit if we couldn’t stand the sight of each other. You didn’t have to like someone to fuck them. Once you were both naked, it was about physical need, not some emotional connection.

  I wanted Aurora in my bed so I could ravage her body. I’d make her stop talking because she’d be too busy crying out my name. And yes, I was fucking well looking forward to being the only man to have her. I didn’t care what kind of sick fuck it made me. I didn’t have a virgin fetish. No, I had an Aurora Knox fetish. And one way or another, I’d have her.

  I’d not bothered getting dressed properly as it was my day off. Sometimes I worked weekends at Bensons, but not this one. Something I was fucking glad of. Having not slept properly in a while, I wanted to veg out on the sofa and do fuck all.

  When my door buzzer went, I groaned and hauled myself up. At least I was semi-presentable in shorts and a t-shirt. I wandered over to the intercom and pressed down.



  I swear my stomach dropped from underneath me.


  “Yes. You going to let me up?”

  My body responded on instinct, pressing down to unlock the front door.

  Holy fuck. She’s here. She’s actually fucking well here.

  I stood by the intercom, not knowing what the hell to do with myself. Whilst I’d given her my address and had taunted her about coming home with me last night, I hadn’t expected her to turn up today.

  Why was she here? Did she want me to take her to bed like I kept telling her I’d do? Why was I feeling conflicted all of a sudden? Why did the whole thing make me nervous?

  I’d never been fucking nervous about a girl in my life. Aurora wasn’t just a girl. She was someone I’d coveted since the day I’d met her, even if she pissed me off. Aurora was the girl I should not want. And it made her even more alluring for some fucking reason.

  Get your shit together, Logan. You’re going to take what you’ve wanted this whole time. Her.

  When my doorbell went, I walked over to the front door and pulled it open. I had an open plan flat with a couple of bedrooms. My parents had offered to get me somewhere bigger, but I didn’t need it. Maybe in the future, but right now, I was happy enough here.

  Aurora stood there, her dark eyes roaming over me, but her expression was completely neutral. Before she could say anything, I reached out, snagged her wrist and pulled her inside. I pushed the door closed and looked down at her. She wore a short black dress under her coat. It had me thinking about what it would look like on my bedroom floor.

  “Do I need to ask what you’re doing here?”

  She swallowed.

  “I needed to see you.”

  “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

  It was taking everything not to shove her up against my front door and devour her smart mouth. First, I had to find out for sure why she’d turned up at my door.

  “My dad had a huge go at me because I went out last night and I want to forget about everything. I figured you could help me with that.”

  I stepped closer.

  “You want me to help you, do you? Huh… see now, I thought you hated me.”

  Her eyes narrowed. I probably shouldn’t taunt her. She’d come to me willingly, but I couldn’t help myself. Aurora asking me for help was fucking absurd even if I knew exactly what kind she was angling for.

  “What did you say to me a week ago? You don’t have to like me to want to fuck me? Well, the same applies here.”

  My eyebrow rose slowly. I hadn’t been expecting her to admit it.

  “Let’s be very clear, Aurora, shall we? You’re here because you want me to fuck you.”

  Her face flushed and fuck, the fact she was getting embarrassed over it did something to me.


/>   Well, I wasn’t going to waste further time on pleasantries. My hands went to her shoulders and I pushed her coat off them. She stared at my hands like she wasn’t expecting me to touch her. I hung her coat up on the hooks next to my front door. Then I crowded her space, forcing her to step back until she was up against the wall. She stared up at me, her expression growing fierce. The girl wanted to tell me off for what I was doing but she’d come here for sex and sex she was going to get. But the sex we were going to have? Well, it was going to be my way and on my fucking terms.

  Reaching up, I brushed my fingers along her jaw.

  “Let’s get a few things straight before we start. You asked for this. I don’t want to hear any fucking complaints unless I’m actually hurting you. You’re going to do what I say when I say it. I’m the one in charge here. There are no ifs, buts or ands. You’re either in this all the way or not at all. Are we clear?”

  The moment the words left my mouth, I could see they’d pissed her off. Aurora hated being told what to do. That much was clear. But she would bend to me. I’d make her do what I wanted.

  “Oh, we’re crystal clear. You think I came here to agree to your fucked-up mind games. Let me make something clear to you. I am not your toy nor will I submit to you because you said so. Me being here willingly doesn’t mean this is all going to go your way.”

  I should have known this would continue to be a battle between us.

  “I can send you on your way if you’re going to be like that.”

  The sly smile which appeared on her face at my statement had me feeling like I’d given her some ammunition I shouldn’t have.

  “Oh really now?” Her hand fell between us and ran over the front of my shorts. “You sure about that?”

  I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from letting out a groan at her touch. Fuck me, the girl was audacious. Then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised at all. Aurora was as blunt as they came.

  “I think this negates that, don’t you?”

  I didn’t like to admit it, but she had me at a loss for what to say. The damn girl had noticed how hard I’d gotten thinking about fucking her and now she was using it against me.

  “I might be a virgin, Logan, but I’m not stupid or blind. You going to give this to me or what?”

  We stared at each other for a long moment. I hadn’t expected her to be this forward with what she wanted, given how much she’d kept denying there was something between us. A potent lust that needed sating.

  Well, fuck.

  I moved first, grabbing her hand and pressing it against the wall as my mouth came down on hers. Aurora’s body arched into me. All of her curves against my body made me even more eager to have her. I no longer cared about fighting with this girl or who was winning. All I cared about was her naked and me deep inside her.

  I dropped my hand from hers and instead, gripped her thighs, picking her up and pressing her into the wall. Aurora’s arms wrapped around my neck, holding me closer as I ground into her. Her moan in my mouth had me doing it again.

  No more wasting time. Take her to bed, strip her off and fuck her.

  I tugged her away from the wall and carried her towards my bedroom, still kissing her because I couldn’t stop. Every part of me was very aware she’d not had sex before and whilst I wanted to take everything from her, I also wanted her to like it so she’d come back. To make sure she’d want more. Even though I’d not got inside her yet, I knew once wouldn’t be enough. I’d need her deliciously sinful body again and again.

  I threw her down on my bed when we reached it. Aurora stared up at me, her eyes dark and her dress sitting at the top of her thighs. My eyes were drawn to where her black lacy knickers had been exposed. Any other thoughts left my head. I needed to see what lay beneath them.

  I knelt on the bed between her legs and my fingers tucked into her knickers. Before she could protest, I pulled them down her legs, stopping to take off her shoes and chuck them away. My hand went to her chest, shoving her down on the bed whilst the other tugged her dress up further. Then my hands were at her thighs, opening her legs wider.


  Her pussy had me mesmerised. I leant closer, unable to help myself.

  “What are you—”

  The gasp leaving her lips as I stroked my fingers down her slit had me smiling.

  “If you want me to make sure you’re ready to take my cock, then I suggest you shut up and let me touch you.”

  She gave me a dark look.

  “Have you had sex with a virgin before?”

  I cocked my head to the side, continuing to explore her pussy with my fingers.

  “No. I’m not going to hurt you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  A pant left her lips. I’d found my way to her clit and started stroking it. I’m sure she wasn’t expecting me to go straight for her pussy the moment I got her on my bed.

  “I… wasn’t.”

  I leant forward and replaced my fingers with my tongue, keeping my eyes on her face. Aurora’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened. I had to taste her. Knowing I was the only one had me harder than I’d ever been before.

  “Logan,” she whimpered.

  Right there was the moment I knew she’d given in. Aurora was going to let me have my way with her in the way I wanted. But I didn’t want to give her a hard time over it. No, I wanted to be in her. Listening to her moan and pant my name. Feeling her clench around me over and over.

  “Take your dress off,” I told her before sliding my fingers down towards her entrance and circling it.

  She had to sit up to reach the zipper, but she did as I said, pulling it off. Her bra came next, allowing me to see her ample breasts for the first time. I was not fucking disappointed. Aurora’s body had me swallowing hard as my cock throbbed.

  I raised myself up and took one of those dusky nipples in my mouth. Her harsh breath had me continuing to circle her entrance with my fingers. Aurora was growing wetter by the minute which is exactly what I wanted. With my free hand, I pushed her back down on the bed and leant over her body. She blinked as I pressed a finger inside her. I choked back a groan because fuck me, her pussy was hot and tight. I worked her with one finger whilst kissing my way up her collarbone.

  “I meant what I said about not hurting you,” I murmured against her skin, “You have to tell me if I am.”

  I might not be the world’s most considerate guy, but I wanted the women I fucked to actually enjoy themselves.

  “You’re not,” she whispered, her voice all breathy.

  Her hands curled around my back, making me aware I was still clothed. I wanted her fingertips on my bare skin. Instead of stripping off, I slid another finger inside her as my thumb landed on her clit.

  “I think I might have found the best way to shut you up.”


  “Well, you seem to like my fingers in your pussy or you’d be complaining about it.”

  She let out a little noise of indignation which I found amusing. Then Aurora turned the tables on me by sliding her hand beneath my t-shirt between us. I let out a hiss as her fingers dusted along my stomach.

  “Take your clothes off, Logan.”

  The demand in her voice made my cock twitch.

  “Are you trying to order me around?”

  “I’m telling you to take them off because I want you to fuck me.”

  Her words were like all my fantasies come true. I wanted Aurora to want me. And here she was, telling me exactly that.

  I pulled my fingers from her and sat up.

  “Is that the only reason or do you want to see what I’m packing?”

  Her eyebrow curled upwards. The way she lay there so unashamed in her own skin was the hottest sight in the world. I couldn’t deny Aurora’s confidence turned me on.

  “If I say yes, will you show me?”

  I grinned, unable to help myself.

  “If you admit to find
ing me attractive, I will.”

  “I’m not going to stroke your ego.”

  I teased the edge of my t-shirt with my fingers, showing her a sliver of skin.

  “No? Not even if I tell you how seeing you naked makes me want to pin you down and fuck you with no mercy?”

  “That’s not exactly a compliment when I already know all you’re interested in me for is sex.”

  I stroked my fingers along her inner thigh.

  “No, not just sex, Aurora. You challenge me… and I like it even if you drive me up the wall.”

  She eyed me for a long moment.

  “I didn’t come here to discuss what we think of each other, but if it’s what will get you to take your clothes off then fine. You, for god knows what reason, turn me on. In fact, you’re the only man I’ve ever wanted in this way, full stop. I’m giving you my virginity for fuck’s sake. I think that should tell you how attractive I find you, even if your personality sucks.”

  It took a minute for me to take in her words and the enormity of what she’d admitted. Aurora had opened up and let one of her walls down. The vulnerability in her eyes had me regretting pushing her to tell me what she thought of me. My urge to deny her what she wanted disappeared.

  My fingers curled around the bottom of my t-shirt and I pulled it off. My shorts and boxers came next. I knelt there in front of her, allowing Aurora to look at me. Her golden-flecked eyes were dark and her pupils fully dilated.

  “Can I touch it?”

  “What? My dick?”

  She reached out, her fingers hovering over it.


  I took her hand and curled her fingers around it. The softness of her skin had me almost biting my tongue. I moved her hand up and down, showing her how to stroke my cock.

  I didn’t think I’d be so turned on by teaching her this shit, but I was. My preference was for girls who knew what the fuck they were doing. But she was different. Aurora was equal parts innocent and seductive. She knew what she wanted. Knew how to ask for it. But she’d never done this before.


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