Our Darkest Maze

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Our Darkest Maze Page 12

by Sarah Bailey

  I leant over her, releasing her hand and reaching out for my bedside drawer. Pulling it open, I grabbed a condom, stashing it on the covers next to us. Then I kissed Aurora whilst I fit myself between her legs, dislodging her hand from my dick. Instead, her hands curled around my back again. Feeling her skin against mine was a fucking high I never thought I’d experience.

  “This first time I’ll be gentle,” I murmured against her lips.

  My hand fell between her legs, stroking her clit again as the other kept me steady above her. She shifted under me, pressing against me harder like she was desperate for more.

  Why the fuck is this girl so intoxicating?

  It wasn’t like me to be this accommodating of another person’s needs, only I wanted to give Aurora an experience she wouldn’t forget.

  “Logan,” she panted as I slid my fingers inside her, “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  “I want more. Please fuck me.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Did I think for a second I’d end up naked in Logan’s bed asking him to fuck me?

  Well, sort of.

  After my discussion with my mum earlier, I’d marched into my dad’s office, ready to take a bollocking off him. Only it had been nothing like I’d expected. Instead of getting angry, Dad expressed his disappointment in my behaviour. If he’d been pissed off, I’d have given it right back, but having him speak to me in such a calm manner made it the very worst experience I’d ever had with him. He told me he’d raised me to be a strong and powerful woman like my mother, only all I’d done recently was act like a spoilt, over-privileged teenage girl. His words cut me. I’d been trying so hard to be the daughter he could be proud of. The one he would give the Syndicate to when my parents retired. Now, I felt like I didn’t deserve it.

  When I’d left his office, I’d gone to my room and cried silent tears of shame. He’d told me it wasn’t because I’d gone out partying. It was my dishonesty and bad attitude towards him and the rest of my parents. It’s one thing they always instilled in us. The need for honesty and openness. It’s the only reason their relationship had ever worked.

  I was upset with myself and all I could think about was stemming my bleeding heart. My mind had landed on Logan and how I felt when I was with him. He made all my other thoughts leave my head. I hated the man, but he somehow managed to be all I saw when he was close to me. He pulled me into his sphere and kept me there.

  It’s why I’d ended up on his doorstep. Why I was naked in his bed letting him kiss me. Allowing him to touch me intimately. All I could see and feel was him. And fuck, when Logan had taken his clothes off, I struggled not to tell him how handsome he was. How the sight of his solid, lean body had me practically drooling. I’d already admitted he was the only man I’d ever wanted to sleep with. I wasn’t about to stroke his ego any further. Strangely, Logan had stopped giving me a hard time after I said it. He’d told me he’d be gentle. I didn’t realise a man like him could be gentle, but the way he touched me was proof of it.

  “Patience,” he told me, “You might think I’m a heartless bastard, but I’m trying to make this good for you.”

  I should be embarrassed about how wet I was for him, but Logan hadn’t batted an eyelid. In fact, when he’d eyed my pussy for the first time, his pupils looked like they’d blown. He didn’t need to tell me what he thought about my body. I could feel it in the way he touched me and how his eyes fixed on me.

  “Look, I appreciate you going slow with me and all, but I’m not expecting fireworks and it to be some monumental occasion, okay?”

  Logan pulled back and eyed me warily. His fingers were still inside me, stretching me out for him. At least, it’s what I assumed he was doing. It felt good. Probably why I was eager to get to the main event.

  “Aurora, I realise you like being in control of everything around you, but please shut the fuck up. I have no intention of letting you out of my bed without fucking you… multiple times. I’m going to wring every ounce of pleasure from your body. You’re testing the limits of my patience and trust me, you do not want to push me over the edge.”

  I clenched my jaw shut at the seriousness of his tone. He was right. I needed to let him do his thing. I wasn’t the one with the experience here.

  When he realised I wasn’t going to respond, he leant down and kissed me. His fingers inside me and his thumb on my clit had me letting go of all my warring thoughts.

  “That’s it,” he whispered, as he felt my body relax into his, “I want you ready to take my cock in your little pussy, you hear me?”

  I moaned in his mouth as his fingers thrust harder inside me. His words had my fingers tightening on his back. He kissed his way down my jaw and neck. His tongue trailed along my collarbone and lower, circling a nipple. I moaned again, losing myself in his touch.

  “You’re so tight, it’s making me crazy. Going to feel amazing. Fuck.”

  My only response was to press my hips up into him, asking him to give it to me. The pressure inside my body was building. My nails dug into his skin. I wanted more. I needed it.

  “Logan, please.”

  “You want my cock, little masochist?”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I whimpered, not even caring about what he’d called me.

  Logan pulled his fingers from me and sat up on his knees. The instant his body heat left mine, I let out a noise of protest. The smirk on his face should have annoyed me, but I let it slide because he was ripping open a condom wrapper and rolling it on. His hands were at my thighs, spreading my legs wider before he leant over me again.

  When I felt him line his cock up, my breath stuttered. This was it. I was letting Logan Benson inside me. I don’t know what crazy, fucked up madness had possessed me but there was something about this man. He wanted to make me into his toy. To use me. And yet, I no longer cared about his intentions. All my thoughts were focused on his cock nudging against my pussy. His body was about to plunge into mine in the most intimate of ways. I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want this experience with.

  I’ve entered the maze and I’m lost.

  It was my final thought before feeling the pressure of him pressing inside me. A gasp left my lips when the head of his cock slid into my pussy.

  “Fuck,” he grunted.

  He gave me a minute to get used to the new sensation before his cock went deeper. It didn’t hurt but it was slightly uncomfortable. Given I’d never had a cock inside me before, I’d been expecting it to be strange at first.

  I met his eyes as he held himself above me. Those ice-blue depths had me captivated. Logan’s eyes had always made me want to drown in them. It didn’t matter how cold and heartless he was. Something in them spoke to me. Logan was hiding things behind a façade and I couldn’t help wondering what they were.

  After he’d given me enough time to adjust, he gave me shallow thrusts, keeping his gaze fixed on mine. My hands curled around his waist, holding him to me because I didn’t want him going anywhere. His body felt good against mine. His warm skin. And his cock in me? Well, it was feeling less uncomfortable and more… enjoyable.

  Perhaps Logan would allow me to explore his body after this. I had the urge to touch him all over. To run my fingers down his chest and stomach. To curl them around his cock and bring him off that way. I wanted to press kisses to his skin and watch him shiver.

  Is it normal to want to touch a man this much?

  Not just any man, but Logan. No one else gave me these sorts of urges. For some reason, I wanted to please him. I wanted to drive him crazy for a reason other than the fact he found me annoying. I wanted Logan to… like me.

  Where the hell did that thought come from?

  “Fuck,” I gasped as he pressed even deeper inside me.

  Logan reached up and cupped my face, stroking his fingers along my cheek. I don’t know why the gesture made my heart ache.

  “Tell me you’re not in pain.”

I shook my head before pressing my face into his palm.

  “No, it’s okay.”

  He leant closer.

  “Only okay?”

  It wasn’t a taunt. The genuine concern in his voice had me aware he might actually care about the fact he was my first. I decided to be honest with him.

  “I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels weird and good at the same time.”

  The slight smile he graced me with had my heart thumping against my ribcage. And he thrust a little harder. I got lost in the moment. In letting him set the pace. Logan was gentle. He only gave me as much as he thought I could handle each time. He waited for me to open up to him. I didn’t even realise he was fully seated inside me until I felt his hips pressed up against mine.

  He dropped his face into my neck and kissed my skin.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, stroking a hand down my thigh before gripping it, “You feel so good.”

  I squirmed at his words, making him grunt. Then he pulled back and thrust in again. I moaned despite the initial discomfort. There was pleasure there too. It kept building as he set a steady rhythm, making me hot all over.

  “Don’t stop,” I cried out despite myself, “Fuck, Logan, please, don’t stop.”

  He didn’t let up, merely pushing me higher as his pace increased. I didn’t know what to do with myself, other than hold on to him. To move back against him and show him how much I needed this.

  “So tight,” he grunted into my skin, “Fuck.”

  My nails were digging into him, but I don’t think Logan cared. His thrusts were growing erratic and his body moved with mine like it was made to. We fit together in a way I hadn’t been expecting.

  “Shit, I can’t… fuck.”

  He shuddered and I could feel him pulsing inside me. I didn’t think he meant to come this soon, but I couldn’t even bring myself to care. It had felt unlike anything else I’d imagined. I wanted more of it. I wanted Logan.

  You can’t want him. He’s only interested in playing games with you.

  Rationally, I knew that, but my body and heart didn’t want to listen. They wanted him to show them all the ways he could bring me pleasure.

  Logan shifted off me after a moment. He looked a little troubled when he sat up on his knees. His hands were busy disposing of the condom. I didn’t know whether to ask him if something was wrong. I watched him get up and throw it away in the bin. He walked back over to the bed, frowning down at me.

  “Have you touched yourself before?”

  I wasn’t expecting him to ask me that.

  “Are you asking if I masturbate?”


  I gave him a look.

  “Yeah, I do. Why?”

  He knelt on the bed between my legs. I watched him lower his mouth towards me, his eyes catching mine.

  “Just making sure.”

  Before I could respond, his tongue was on my clit with his fingers sliding inside me. I choked on my words. The way his tongue flicked over me had my back arching off the bed and my fists curling around his covers.

  “Oh… my… fuck.”

  “Can’t leave my little masochist unsatisfied.”

  I didn’t know what the fuck to think of his statement, but I didn’t care. The man was sending me spiralling. I had a hard time controlling my breathing and my heart was hammering so hard against my chest. Whilst I’d made myself come on numerous occasions, having his tongue on my clit felt entirely different. The intensity of it had me rushing towards the edge. Perhaps it was down to him working me up as he fucked me, but my orgasm hit me hard and fast.


  I shook and trembled. My body bowed again and I was completely undone. Nothing could prepare me for it. Nothing at all.

  When I floated back down, Logan was lying next to me on his side with his head propped up on his fist, stroking his fingers down my stomach.


  I nodded, biting down on my bottom lip.

  “Was that distraction enough for you?”

  I didn’t want to think about my dad after I’d given myself up to Logan.

  “Well, it was until you brought it up.”

  He leant closer and kissed my forehead.

  “What happened?”

  I let out a pant as he kissed down my face. His touch made me a little crazy.

  “He said he was disappointed in me.”


  His lips traced a line down my jaw.

  “He doesn’t like me sneaking out or giving him and the rest of my parents attitude. I don’t mean to… but my dad is overbearing. I hate the way he tries to control my life.”

  Logan’s fingers were on my breast, stroking my nipple. I didn’t know why I was admitting these things to him. My walls were down after he’d fucked me. It was the most intimate I’d been with anyone in my life.

  “I know the feeling,” he murmured before kissing my lips.

  I didn’t know whether to ask him what he meant by that or not. Logan’s mouth was rather distracting. I let him keep kissing me, his tongue delving between my lips and curling around mine. I could taste myself on him and it only made me want him more. My fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer.

  “I want you again,” he whispered, “I can’t help it, you feel so fucking good. I want to be in you and not just today, Aurora. Be my little toy then I can fuck you whenever I want. Say yes.”

  I don’t know what possessed me to even consider it. Perhaps it’s the way I felt no pressure with him. Logan wasn’t asking to be my boyfriend or for us to even like each other. The only thing between us would be sex. And after following him into his fucked up maze, I couldn’t bring myself to say no.

  “Okay, but you’re not going to treat me like crap because I’ve agreed to a sex thing with you, Logan.”

  He pulled back and looked down at me.

  “How do you want me to treat you?”

  “When we’re in bed, you can do what you want, but outside of it, I’m not playing any fucked-up mind games with you.”

  He dragged his fingers down my stomach.

  “I can agree to that.”


  “Turn over on your side.”

  I did as he said but it didn’t stop me from looking at him in question. He shifted behind me, pressing his front to my back. His hand drifted between my legs, stroking along my pussy.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to fuck you again unless you want to object.”

  I shut my mouth. There were no objections on my end. I’d come here to find a distraction from the shit in my life and well, I wasn’t going to complain if he wanted a repeat. I had a feeling sex with him would only get better.

  His breath dusted over my ear, “I like your compliance almost as much as you giving me shit.”

  “Don’t get used to it.”

  His fingers slid inside me. I pressed back against him, feeling his hard cock digging into my back.

  “I won’t.”

  I let Logan give it to me again, not caring how wrong it was to do this with him. How I was really screwed up for entering into a sex only relationship with a man I could barely stand. But perhaps… deep down… I didn’t hate Logan Reid Benson as much as I thought I did.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I stared at her bare back, stroking my fingers down her spine as I wondered why she was still here, in my bed hours after she turned up on my doorstep. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact she’d fallen asleep. I had worn her out.

  A quiet calm washed over me. Aurora could run her mouth off. Although the only words she’d uttered for the past hour were oh god, Logan, fuck and don’t stop. Words I could hear from her lips over and over. Funny how I could find this girl so irritating but also need to hear her breathy moans whilst I buried my cock inside her over and over.

  Aurora Knox had agreed to be my little toy in the bedroo
m. Somehow it didn’t make me as happy as it should have done. No doubt, I wanted to fuck her sinful body as much as I could now I knew what it felt like under my palms. The issue didn’t lie there. No, it had more to do with what she’d admitted to me. When she’d said I was the only man she’d ever wanted to be intimate with, I had a hard time maintaining my composure. And when she told me why she’d even turned up today, it made me feel things… mostly understanding, because I had expectations from my parents too.

  I was beginning to unravel the enigma that was Aurora Knox and I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to relate to her in any way shape or form.

  Here I was, staring at the girl in my bed who, somehow along the way, I’d begun to crave in ways I hadn’t expected. Being with her made me feel alive. Taunting her. Giving her hell. And finally, physical intimacy. Sex. Fucking. Didn’t matter how I described it. It amounted to the same thing. She might drive me crazy, but I liked her.

  I think I liked her a little too much.

  And it was the worst fucking thing imaginable.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I didn’t do relationships. I certainly didn’t do commitment. Whilst I wouldn’t fuck anyone else, it didn’t mean I wanted to be her boyfriend. Aurora wasn’t a girl I could afford to be with. The girl wasn’t even out of school yet. And her parents? Well, fuck that. I wasn’t going anywhere near them. No doubt they would thoroughly disapprove of me defiling their daughter. She had asked me to but it wasn’t the point. Her father had looked as though he wanted to kill me when I’d met him. I doubted it would change now.

  My fingers found their way to her hair, stroking it back from her face. She looked at peace, her eyelids fluttering as she slept.

  “You’re beautiful,” I whispered, “Fucking beautiful.”

  I hadn’t wanted to say it to her face. Hadn’t wanted to admit how alluring I found her. I’d gone on about how much I wanted to fuck her instead. The truth was this girl was possibly the most stunning woman I’d ever seen in my life. Her golden-hued eyes were so expressive. The way they’d come alive when I’d been inside her was fucking magic.


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